Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Ischnura heterosticta dragonfly: News - Guidestar.org listing (affiliated with the IRS) for WUaS is now public, Free and open "Information Technology and the Network Society" course this autumn 2014, WUaS to focus on generating income, Please donate at http://worlduniversityandschool.org, WUaS business school and Harvard's, Admissions, Hindi, Raga, and the WUaS Music School


Dear Universitians, 


- I'm very glad to say that the Guidestar.org listing (affiliated with the IRS) for World University and School is now public: 

- Scott is planning to teach "Information Technology and the Network Society" (free and open) this autumn 2014 - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2014/08/sundews-drosera-prolifera-planning-to.html - on Harvard's virtual island and in Google + group video Hangouts. 

- WUaS to focus on generating income. What's keeping WUaS from accrediting, from matriculating our first undergraduate class in English in autumn 2014, and from growing free, C.C. MIT OCW-centric degrees is our lack of financial resources. Please click the donate button on the new WUaS's web site - http://worlduniversityandschool.org


Hi Jayn and Sach, 

Very nice to share a meal and talk with you.

I'll send you information about WUaS's monthly business meeting soon, as well, and am adding you, Sachi, to the monthly meeting email list. Would you like too to be on the sporadic Universitian list of possibly 5-20 per week, Sach?  

How could WUaS be helpful to you, Sach, as you head for Harvard Business School, and in planning for your career?

Here's the beginning "Business Management" wiki subject page (and eventually academic department) at WUaS plus links - 
http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Business_Management#World_University_and_School_Links - planned for many languages, and with many MIT OCW courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Eventually WUaS would like to offer online free CC Ph.D.s in this subject - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Admissions_at_World_University_and_School#World_University_and_School_Links.

And here's the beginning "Hindi language" university and school at WUaS plus links - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Hindi_language#World_University_and_School_Links - not yet in Hindi, but check out the 1 MIT OCW course here. 

WUaS would like to become the MIT / Harvard of the Internet, become a significant employer worldwide, and as a startup, we're in a bootstrapping time, so please put on your university as business thinking caps and let's keep our conversation generative. 

What are some of your favorite ragas on Youtube for example - "Raga" ...  with an invitation to add them here  - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Raga#World_University_and_School_Links - (and here's the related WUaS Music School ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Music_School). 

Friendly regards, 



Darter dragonfly: Your travels sound fun, very enjoyable ... Hmmm .... bliss through connecting with friends appeals in ongoing ways in a whole myriad of ways, quality-wise especially ... hiking with friends, traveling with friends ... making music with friends, Great drawing video: "Betty Edwards - Drawing On The Right Side Of The Brain.avi" which I've added to the Drawing wiki subject at WUaS


Hi Donald,

Your travels sound fun, very enjoyable ...
Hmmm .... bliss through connecting with friends appeals in ongoing ways in a whole myriad of ways, quality-wise especially ... hiking with friends, traveling with friends ... making music with friends ... :) ... Ongoing explorations ahead for varieties of intensity, aspects, lovingness, qualities of connecting- and understanding ... vis-a-vis your travels

Cuttyhunk was fun, and somehow nurturing and connecting community-wise in welcome and very beneficial ways, too.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.



Great drawing video:

"Betty Edwards - Drawing On The Right Side Of The Brain.avi"


which I've added to

the Drawing wiki subject at WUaS



Warblers - Protonotaria-citrea: FEATURE: "Governments Fulfil their Commitment: Access and Benefit-Sharing Treaty Receives Required Number of Ratifications to Enter into Force," FEATURE: Should international refugee law accommodate climate change?, WUaS, Nation States' page, Law School page, with law schools planned for all countries, Ocean and Climate Change plan page


FEATURE: Governments Fulfil their Commitment: Access and Benefit-Sharing Treaty Receives Required Number of Ratifications to Enter into Force http://htl.li/2Kat0F


Thanks Lance for this. I think all of the World University and School law schools -

http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Law_School#World_University_and_School_Links -

planned for all nation states -

http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Nation_States -

under one WUaS umbrella, and their law faculty members, will certainly focus on international treaty questions.


FEATURE: Should international refugee law accommodate climate change? http://ow.ly/2JxjJv


Thanks Lance for this. In terms of climate change/global warming, and planning to reverse it even -

http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Ocean_%26_Climate_Management_Plan -

I think all of the World University and School law schools -

http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Law_School#World_University_and_School_Links -

planned for all nation states -

http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Nation_States -

under one WUaS umbrella, and their law faculty members, will certainly focus on  international refugee law questions.



Leaf-cutter ant: "Institute-wide Task Force on the Future of MIT Education," WUaS differs from edX in that WUaS is Creative Commons licensed and a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit, plans to build in CC MediaWiki/qLabel/Wikidata/Wikibase as a wiki, and plans to be in all 7,106 languages and 242 countries with online accredited MIT OCW-centric degrees in large languages, Good video - ExtensionEngine, LLC - about edX, Admissions at WUaS, WUaS is also planning online law and medical schools potentially in all countries (see Admissions' above).


ExtensionEngine's insight: Report includes 16 specific recommendations

Great, Furqan! ...

Institute-wide Task Force on the Future of MIT Education


To the MIT wiki subject page -

http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Massachusetts_Institute_of_Technology_-_MIT -

at CC World University and School, which is like Wikipedia with MIT OCW, I just added the related article -

Bradt, Steve. 2014. The future of MIT education looks more global, modular, and flexible: Final report of Institute-wide Task Force offers 16 recommendations to help MIT evolve for a new world. August 4. MIT News Office. Cambridge, MA: newsoffice.mit.edu/2014/future-of-mit-education-0804 -

Check out the MIT OCW courses on this, including the translated MIT OCW courses.

Admissions at WUaS for plans to offer free CC university degrees in large languages -
http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Admissions_at_World_University_and_School#World_University_and_School_Links ...

Let's communicate further about these developments!

Furqan, World University and School differs from edX in that WUaS is CC MIT OCW-centric ...

http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/translated-courses/ ...

and WUaS is also planning to be in all

7,106 languages -

http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Languages - and

242 countries -

http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Nation_States -

each a CC university or a school, with degrees in larger languages,

and online law and medical schools potentially in all countries (see Admissions' above).


Open edX


Good video - ExtensionEngine, LLC - about edX

WUaS is Creative Commons licensed and a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit, plans to build in CC MediaWiki/aLabel/Wikidata/Wikibase as a wiki, and plans to be in all 7,106 languages and 242 countries, with online accredited MIT-centric degrees in large languages.



oceans: WUaS's listing at Creative Commons, Creative Commons' Law wiki subject page at WUaS, WUaS's OPEN monthly business meeting is tomorrow, Although Creative Commons 4 may be better for education in some cases, WUaS is still CC3 and free, as is MIT OCW and Wikipedia and its related projects


World University and School's listing at Creative Commons -
http://wiki.creativecommons.org/World_University_and_School ...

and the Creative Commons' Law wiki subject page at WUaS -
http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Creative_Commons_Law ...

WUaS's open monthly business meeting is tomorrow -
http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2014/08/august-9-2014-monthly-business-meeting.html -
email WUaS at - worlduniversityandschool@gmail.com - if you'd like to participate.

Although Creative Commons 4 may be better for education in some cases -
http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2014/03/creative-commons-license-version-4-for.html?view=sidebar ...

WUaS is still CC3 and free, as is MIT OCW and Wikipedia and its related projects.



Magnificent Frigatebird: Personalized University - The WIKI side of accrediting MIT OCW-centric WUaS facilitates this where YOU can teach about what you want, YOU can learn or YOU can develop expertise as a matriculated student by developing a new wiki subject page when in a degree course, for example, Create your own personalized, MIT OCW-centric World University and School in any language or country


Personalized University ...

The WIKI side of accrediting MIT OCW-centric World University and School planned for all languages and countries facilitates for personalized university - where YOU can teach about what you want, YOU can learn or YOU can develop expertise as a matriculated student by developing a new wiki subject page when in a degree course, for example.


Create your own personalized, MIT OCW-centric World University and School in any language or country ....

Languages -

Nation States -

... and potentially interactively ...



Striped grass mouse: A friend seeking to register at WUaS, Language Practice Hangouts, Languages (all 7,106+) at WUaS ... with learning planned for all possible combinations ... for example, in Google + group video Hangouts ...


A Ghanaian friend, who's been living in Boston since about 1993, called two days ago about registering at WUaS:

Hi Stephen, 

Nice to speak with you just now. 

Click on this link to see a Google + Hangout that might be a good starting place for learning English grammar ...  https://plus.google.com/communities/117021348126795052161/stream/33fe2eb7-5d50-4892-81b7-a4ed5134183d ...

You'll also find this Hangout here at the English language wiki page at WUaS ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/English_language . 

There are many other learning opportunities in Google + Hangouts in all kinds of areas online these days too. 

Here is the Ghana - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Ghana#World_University_and_School_Links - wiki school / page at WUaS with some main links where you may be able to teach and learn at some point. 



Stephen also told me he needs a web camera for his computer in order to be able to join a group video Hangout for learning English further.


See, too:

Language Practice Hangouts. 2014. [https://plus.google.com/communities/117021348126795052161  Language Practice Hangouts]. plus.google.com/communities/117021348126795052161 .

Languages (all 7,106+) at WUaS ...

... with learning planned for all possible combinations ... for example, in Google + group video Hangouts ...



Green riverbank butterflies - Lepidoptera: How to focus my next Harbin book, and building a 3D, interactive, film realistic virtual Harbin as field site?, Helpful NYT's overview of current digital goggles and augmented reality - "Real-Life Illness in a Virtual World,""Virtual Worlds" at WUaS, See, too, "Watsu - water shiatsu" at WUaS


How to focus my next Harbin book, and building a 3D, interactive, film realistic virtual Harbin as field site, when these information technologies develop as part of a virtual earth and which don’t quite exist yet. 

Since at least 2 films have been shown daily for decades at Harbin, how further to add the an interactive, film realism in the Oculus Rift of both these films – can we enter into them visually, and eventually with a brain wave headset built in even, as well as enter into virtual Harbin from our bathtubs for a warm water relaxation response meditation? 

If this interactive, film realistic virtual Harbin were already built and done well, what would be my first foci in fieldwork/pool play? 

Pool play that works in the Oculus Rift, and meditation and bliss and hanging out and exploring vis-a-vis talking and language between people and avatars in these devices will be fascinating. 

How to make it possible to wiki build virtual Harbin in an ongoing way – so multiple voices and people might shape it … 

... for ‘ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy,’ an idea I’ve explored most fully in my blog –
http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphyand how also to make this flourishing?

Helpful overview of current digital goggles and augmented reality:

Markoff, John. 2014. [http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/15/science/taking-real-life-sickness-out-of-virtual-reality.html Real-Life Illness in a Virtual World]. July 14. New York, NY: The New York Times.

... added this article to

Virtual Worlds at WUaS ...


See, too ...

Watsu - water shiatsu -



Spelunking / cave entrances: WUaS becoming a NACAC National Association for College Admission Counseling - provisional member, Admissions at WUaS, Common Application online to student applicants around the world, BPPE, WASC senior, WUaS at Guidestar


Dear Yan,

It was very nice to talk with you today on the phone from the San Francisco Bay Area about World University and School becoming a NACAC - http://www.nacacnet.org/ ... National Association for College Admission Counseling - provisional member in good standing so that WUaS can then, for example, offer the Common Application online to student applicants around the world.

Admissions at WUaS - 

I found the membership criteria listing for accrediting institutions here - http://www.nacacnet.org/Membership/Documents/InstitutionalMbr.pdf (from here -
http://www.nacacnet.org/Membership/NACAC-Membership/Pages/Membership-Categories.aspx ). I'm writing to ask if there are there any other costs than the $455 for this year
for universities annually that WUaS should know about?

From our conversation, I understood that WUaS would need to have begun accrediting with both BPPE (Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education in the state of California) and, for example, WASC senior (Western Association of Schools and Colleges), since WUaS's physical address is in California - and be able to prove both of these, - to become a provisional member of NACAC? I just want to double check and inquire whether WUaS could have just begun the BPPE process and show proof of this, or will we need to have begun both BPPE and for example WASC senior and show proof of both of these?

As I mentioned on the phone, WUaS is a 501 c 3 tax exempt charity - https://www.guidestar.org/organizations/27-3105368/world-university-school.aspx - meeting another of the NACAC criteria.

Also, are there any other criteria WUaS should know of, or other information?

Please extend greetings from World University and School to President Katy Murphy if you could.

World University and School is planning to offer free (since Creative Commons' licensed) online MIT OCW-centric university and IB degrees in large languages, and first in English in the U.S.

Thank you.





Partridge pea: Just reading ... "Institute-wide Task Force on the Future of MIT Education: Final Report," There's only one reference to MIT OCW and use of it by the 5 schools at MIT, MIT's main schools, WUaS's related wiki subject pages in English so far, As I read through the 16 recommendations, WUaS dovetails with, and can build upon, each and everyone richly, and especially in planning for all languages ...


Hi Universitians, 

Just reading ...

"Institute-wide Task Force on the Future of MIT Education: Final Report"

There's only one reference to MIT OCW and use of it by the 5 schools at MIT: 

School of Science

School of Architecture and Planning

MIT School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

MIT Sloan School of Management

MIT School of Engineering: Home


Here are related WUaS subjects, which may turn into academic departments (and not necessarily schools):


Urban Studies and Planning

Social Science

Business Management



As I read through the report's 16 recommendations, WUaS dovetails with, and can build upon, each and everyone richly, and especially in planning for all languages ... (more later about this, but read the report and check out the resources above)


Letter to MIT about this report and WUaS possibly ahead ...



Buff-breasted Sandpiper: Nice to meet you in Bhodgaya, India, Beginning CC MIT OCW-centric Norway World University and School, and Sweden WUaS, too ... WUaS Fundraising, Association for Ethical Fundraising "Code of Ethical Principles and Standards,""Fundraising" wiki subject page at WUaS


Hello Aa from Norway,

I've unsubscribed you from (free, C.C., online) World University and School's monthly business meeting (conducted in the manner of Ffriends/Quakers) email list.

Very nice to meet you in Bhodgaya, India, this January (in the Thai Temple, if I remember correctly), and it would be great to keep in touch in a variety of ways digitally if at all possible. What social media do you visit a lot and enjoy? Most of my social networking sites are here - http://scottmacleod.com.

Here's the beginning CC MIT OCW-centric Norway World University and School - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Norway#World_University_and_School_Links - and the beginning Sweden World University and School - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Sweden - (accessible from the nation states wiki page at WUaS - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Nation_States) - and eventually planned in all the languages in Norway and Sweden as schools or universities. Please check out the MIT OCW courses at the top with an invitation to add resources.

How are you? Greetings from sunny northern California, and I hope this finds you well.

Best wishes,


Hi Paul,

Thanks for the helpful Association for Ethical Fundraising "Code of Ethical Principles and Standards" guidelines - http://www.afpnet.org/files/ContentDocuments/CodeofEthics.pdf - and the video interview about the far-reaching importance of face-to-face fundraising meetings ...

One on one meetings short Tim 


... in your free occasional fundraising e-newsletter (http://www.jumpstartgrowth.com/), which I'm recommending to my friends.

I've added both of these to the "Fundraising" wiki subject page at World University and School - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Fundraising.

Hope to talk with you in your monthly conference call this Monday, which very first one I found helpful last month.

Thank you!

Friendly regards,

- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President
- 415 480 4577
- http://worlduniversityandschool.org
- World University and School - like Wikipedia with MIT OpenCourseWare (not endorsed by MIT OCW) - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization, both effective April 2010.



Arctic foxes: Harvard Extension's professional and well done web site, WUaS's developing accreditation plan is here, Opportunities for WUaS collaboration with Harvard Extension or HarvardX, HarvardX to partner more and more with the Harvard Extension school (Division of Continuing Education (DCE)), WUaS seeks to become the MIT / Harvard of the Internet in all 7,106 languages and 242 countries, Just followed Harvard Extension on Twitter, WUaS's Twitter feed


Hi John, 

Thanks for sending this web site - http://www.extension.harvard.edu/. I'll look through Harvard Extension's professional and well done web site further, especially with both WUaS accreditation and WUaS's wiki web site development in mind. Lots of good examples for World University and School. I don't see many opportunities for WUaS collaboration with Harvard Extension or HarvardX. Do you?

It looks as if HarvardX is going to partner more and more with the Harvard Extension school (Division of Continuing Education (DCE)) - http://harvardmagazine.com/2013/01/huntington-d-lambert-named-continuing-education-dean.

WUaS seeks to become the MIT / Harvard of the Internet in all 7,106 languages and 242 countries, and as wiki (editable web pages), accrediting in large languages; MIT OCW is in at least 8 non-English languages - http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/translated-courses/ - and Wikipedia is in at least 287 languages - https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/List_of_Wikipedias - by way of comparison. 

Thanks again for sending Harvard Extensions' website, 

Hi Johnny,

Just followed Harvard Extension on Twitter -

https://twitter.com/HarvardEXT -

from - https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch -

and tweeted personally to them through Twitter too -

"Harvard Extension, WUaS's accreditation, HarvardX to partner w Harvard Extension, Web's MIT / Harvard in 7,106 langs http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2014/08/arctic-foxes-harvard-extensions.html" (from this my blog post today), 

and perhaps collaboration possibilities will emerge there.

Are you on the Twitter social networking site? My personal Twitter is - https://twitter.com/scottmacleod.

Thank you again!



Bobbit: Volunteer Inquiry to WUaS from a Native Speaker of Greek Reed College Student, Email to this Reedie Volunteer, Reed College Switchboard social network site, Bagpiping, Bagpiping with the Scots Guard in the Edinburgh Castle VIRTUALLY?, WUaS's wiki pages are proving (for me) to be a great way to personalize (my own) learning :) Feel wiki-free to engage them for this as well


To whom it may concern,

I am a student at Reed College and I ran across a listing for the World University. I am a native speaker of Greek and I have studied German for six years. I also have work experience in Germany, and though not fluent, I speak the language quite well conversationally. I am beginning studies in math, and I have some knowledge and a lot of interest in the fields of political theory and writing. I am very passionate about education, as I find it critical to personal cultivation and political freedom, and as such I would be very happy to offer my skills pro-bono, in any way that you may need them. If you could provide me with additional information regarding the organization and the application process, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you for your time,

Aristophanes Spiros


Dear Aristophanes, 

Thanks for your email and for your offer to volunteer for World University and School (WUaS), which is like Wikipedia, with its large volunteer community in at least 287 languages, with MIT OpenCourseWare with its Creative Commons' licensed 2,150+ courses online.

For more information about World University and School, visit http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ and/or http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/ - presently.  

Please email WUaS the following: 

–       CV or resume
–       Links to online presence (e.g., blog, homepage, Twitter, Wikipedia profile, etc.)

As a start, to get familiar with the WUaS wiki, please try adding some of the links on the Volunteers page from the "Volunteers Get Started Here Now" section ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Volunteers#World_University_and_School_Volunteers_Get_Started_Here_Now (and then removing them from this page after you've added them) - to their appropriate Subjects - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Subjects. If you find other interesting web resources and links along the way, please add them; this is a creative and learning-oriented process.  

Then, if you would like to add MIT OCW course links from here - http://us7.campaign-archive2.com/?u=8e59dcfcecf8036039ece3f6f&id=760849ee4d&e=3429b54db0 (some of these are already on WUaS) - as an orientation to MIT OCW-centric WUaS, please do so as well. 

Then, as one possible project, please dip into MIT OCW - http://ocw.mit.edu - and consider designing some WUaS subject majors based on the MIT OCW Audio Video courses - http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/audio-video-courses/ - upon which WUaS is planning to base its majors as WUaS begins the accreditation process both with the state of California (BPPE) and accrediting agencies (WASC senior) here in CA, for free, CC. MIT OCW-centric online degrees - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Admissions_at_World_University_and_School#World_University_and_School_Links. Consider designing these majors - in English at present - based on the academic interests you describe in your email. 

And please edit what you would like, as well. Basically you have free reign to start anything you want - e.g. a new wiki Subject page - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Subjects - or teach to your web camera about something you love, and/or be creative in adding / curating / teaching in other ways, - and in any language. 

Please keep track of your hours and the dollar value of the time you volunteered (at the rate of $10/hour in a sharable Google Docs file, for example). While WUaS isn't in a position to pay you, we would be able to give you letter of commendation for what you do, including the time you spend and dollar value of this.  

Let me know if I can answer any further questions you might have, and thank you. 



Eventually, if WUaS is able to pay, we'll request that applicants send the following: 

–       One-page, single-spaced personal statement, including a description of research experience, interests, and professional goals
–       CV or resume
–       Writing sample (preferably a literature review or a scholarly-styled article)
–       Links to online presence (e.g., blog, homepage, Twitter, Wikipedia profile, etc.)
–       The names and email addresses of two recommenders
–       A cover letter that includes citizenship/legal residency status, number of hours available to work per week, current city of residence, available start date, current student status, and any other practical consideration that may be important for us to know
-        A possible application, and some related forms 


To the Reed College Switchboard social network site:

Hi Aria, 


I added the Reedies reply and my reply to Aristo here - 

"Volunteer Inquiry to WUaS from a Native Speaker of Greek Reed College Student, Email to this Reedie Volunteer, Bagpiping, Bagpiping with the Scots Guard in the Edinburgh Castle VIRTUALLY?, WUaS's wiki pages are proving (for me) to be a great way to personalize (my own) learning :) Feel wiki-free to engage them for this as well" ...


Thank you Aria, Aristo, and Reed Switchboard, with an invitation to Reedies to teach and learn at WUaS!



Hi R,

Just emailing you sheet music of a good setting for the lovely "Londonderry Air" (Danny Boy) ... 

Are you interested in a lesson on Sunday or Monday, pre Scottish Games? ... 

I'm piping with the WUaS Great Highland Bagpipe wiki page videos just now, and in harmony using the book "Seconds from the Edge." 

(I was just playing 'in' the Edinburgh Castle esplanade ... where I played as a 17 year old while attending Fettes College in Edinburgh in 1976-'77, playing in the Fettes' band :) ... 

Can you imagine doing this in the Oculus Rift (digital goggles), or similar, as they becomes more and more interactive, movie realistic, and for learning purposes? :)

Try playing "Green Hills of Tyrol" and "When the Battle is Over" in the Edinburgh Tattoo here -

Fanfare & March in


(Green Hills of Tyrol. 2010. Fanfare & March in - Diamond Jubilee. (at about 1:30 minutes, followed by "After The Battle" / "When the Battle Is Over") Edinburgh, Scotland: Edinburgh Castle Esplanade.
http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Great_Highland_Bagpipe#Select_Video_and_Audio ... :)

WUaS's wiki pages are proving (for me) to be a great way to personalize (my own) learning :) Feel wiki-free to engage them for this as well. 

Happy piping,




Flying fishes: Piping Live ... "The Worlds" ... in Glasgow ... "Inveraray and District - MSR" set with PM Stuart Liddell ... sweet ... Field Marshall Montgomery Wins with their, and Inveraray's, winning videos, Plus Grade 1 "March, Strathspey and Reel" videos, WUaS's wiki Great Highland Bagpipe page, How to enhance this for VIRTUAL learning by piping with top bands in "The Worlds?"


Piping Live ... "The Worlds" ... 

in Glasgow ... 

"Inveraray and District - MSR" set with PM Stuart Liddell ... 


... sweet ... (brought tears to my eyes actually) ...

Here are all of the Grade 1 bans'"March, Strathspey and Reel" videos ... 

http://www.bbc.co.uk/events/ewjg9r/videos/p024xfs5#p024xg41 .

( Hear "The Worlds" Live today here ... http://www.bbc.co.uk/events/ewjg9r ) ... 

Here are the Grade 1 finalists

Hi R, 

In Glasgow, The Worlds' top bands' piping competition occurred today as you may know. 

Field Marshall Montgomery won again, and Inverarary and District took second place. 

Here are the videos from the MSR and the Medley:

Field Marshal Montgomery - MSR

Inveraray and District - Medley

And my favorite: 
Inveraray and District - MSR

(And another favorite of mine)
Shotts and Dykehead Caledonia - Medley

If you listen to more of these top bands - http://www.bbc.co.uk/events/ewjg9r - what are some of your favorites? 

This is really stellar piping ... what is it about PM Stuart Liddell's musicality that's unique (I keep thinking and asking myself about)? 

Happy piping, :)

And here's Simon Fraser University pipe band from BC Canada, playing first the March "Miss Elspeth Campbell" (which I've been playing a lot these days, and will play with them for learning) of their MSR - 


Will add these to World University and School's wiki GHB page ... 

http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Great_Highland_Bagpipe ... 


It's already so easy to play with these Grade 1 bands on Internet video ... 

How to enhance this digitally for learning? 

From my blog post yesterday: 

"Hi R,


I'm piping with the WUaS Great Highland Bagpipe wiki page videos just now, and in harmony using the book "Seconds from the Edge." 

(I was just playing 'in' the Edinburgh Castle esplanade ... where I played as a 17 year old while attending Fettes College in Edinburgh in 1976-'77, playing in the Fettes' band :) ... 

Can you imagine doing this in the Oculus Rift (digital goggles), or similar, as they becomes more and more interactive, movie realistic, and for learning purposes? :)

Try playing "Green Hills of Tyrol" and "When the Battle is Over" in the Edinburgh Tattoo here -

Fanfare and March in


(Green Hills of Tyrol. 2010. Fanfare & March in - Diamond Jubilee. (at about 1:30 minutes, followed by "After The Battle" / "When the Battle Is Over") Edinburgh, Scotland: Edinburgh Castle Esplanade.
http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Great_Highland_Bagpipe#Select_Video_and_Audio ... :)

WUaS's wiki pages are proving (for me) to be a great way to personalize (my own) learning :) Feel wiki-free to engage them for this as well. 

Happy piping,



How to enhance this for learning by piping with top bands in "The Worlds?"



Pygmy Hippo: "Letter to RSWR Supporters regarding Ebola Virus in Sierra Leone" with specific health information about the deadly Ebola Virus in Sierra Leone and how the Quaker organization "Right Sharing of Resources" is helping, To the "Sierra Leone" World University and School, the "Quakers" WUaS, as well as the "Hospital" at WUaS (on which we and Sierra Leoneans could wiki-post a video accessible from mobile phones in key Sierra Leone languages about using chlorine and water), I've added the following resources so Ffriends who come to these pages might give financially


Hi A, Ffriends and SFFM

Thanks for sharing this letter - "Letter to RSWR Supporters regarding Ebola Virus in Sierra Leone" ... http://www.rswr.org/letter-to-rswr-supporters-regarding-ebola-virus-in-sierra-leone/ -  with specific health information about the deadly Ebola Virus in Sierra Leone and how the Quaker organization "Right Sharing of Resources" is helping all of us to help. 

To the "Sierra Leone" World University and School, to the "Quakers" WUaS, as well as to the "Hospital" at WUaS (on which we and Sierra Leoneans could wiki-post a video accessible from mobile phones in key Sierra Leone languages about using chlorine and water to mitigate some of the effects of the deadly Ebola virus) ... 

I've added the following resource you sent (I found the link online) ... 

Graves, Sylvia. 2014. [http://www.rswr.org/letter-to-rswr-supporters-regarding-ebola-virus-in-sierra-leone/ Letter to RSWR Supporters regarding Ebola Virus in Sierra Leone]. (Accessed online: August 16). Richmond, IN: rswr.org/letter-to-rswr-supporters-regarding-ebola-virus-in-sierra-leone/ ...

so Ffriends who come to these pages might give financially to help, for example, especially. 

I also added the great "Right Sharing of Resources" website - http://www.rswr.org/ - to the "Quakers" at WUaS wiki page  - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Quakers_-_Religious_Society_of_Friends#Select_Websites.

I'll probably post part of this email to my blog in the "Quakers" label tomorrow to further get out the word - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Quakers - about ways Ffriends,  and also WUaS, might help with such situations.

Thank you for sharing these ways we can all help. 




Pangolins: Edifying pro-information technological revolution Harvard conversation about a) teaching in virtual worlds, b) wikis and c) Harvard's openness and digital education, and by Harvard Law Professor Charles Nesson and his daughter, Rebecca, both of whom are Harvard trained lawyers, In a recent new Harbin chapter proposal of mine, I further propose to examine ... an "ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy" approach (collaborative building in OpenSim/Second Life, co-writing wikis, and developments from these), as a new methodology


Edifying pro-information technological revolution Harvard conversation about a) teaching in virtual worlds, b) wikis and c) Harvard's openness and digital education, and by Harvard Law Professor Charles Nesson and his daughter, Rebecca, both of whom are Harvard trained lawyers ...

Charles and Rebecca Nesson discuss CyberOne




I was a student and an At-Large participant in their course (with Gene Koo, as well) in 2006, and have posted previously in this blog about this.


You'll meet Professor Charlie Nesson's avatar Eon, Dean of Cyberspace, in the next 2 videos ...

Second Life: Open Education and Virtual Worlds



IvyGate: Harvard Prof. Charles Nesson Is Insane



In a recent new Harbin chapter proposal of mine, I further propose to examine ...

"I'm writing to propose a chapter for your ”Alternate Reality Games and the Cusp of Digital Gameplay” book. I’m currently editing a 400 page draft manuscript of an actual / virtual Harbin Hot Springs ethnographic book tentatively entitled “Naked Harbin: Harbin Hot Springs' Actual/Virtual Ethnography ~ Hippies, Warm Pools, Counterculture & Clothing-Optional, Virtual Harbin." While my actual anthropological field site, Harbin Hot Springs, is in northern California – http://harbin.org - my ethnography examines both “actual” and “virtual” Harbin ethnographically as placeless in a variety of ways, including comparatively, digitally and conceptually.

In this chapter I plan to develop an "ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy" approach (collaborative building in OpenSim/Second Life, co-writing wikis, and developments from these), as a new methodology, in creating a multimedia virtual Harbin to study anthropologically the blurring of the real and the virtual, as well as the blurring articulations between a physical place and a corresponding multimedia game/world. ... "



African Harrier Hawk: Fundraising ideas, Guidestar, pacing WUaS, and even meeting space in San Francisco?


Hi Universitians, 

I just had, yesterday, the 2nd free good (monthly) 45 minute conference call yesterday with Paul Jolly, a professional fundraiser, and friend from the SF Bay Area living in Adelphi, MD. He has many good fundraising ideas (vis-a-vis his company called Jump Start Growth) which he shares occasionally in his newsletter ( http://www.jumpstartgrowth.com/ - and which I've mentioned before) ... 

And then he sent around this blog post today via Guidestar - http://trust.guidestar.org/2014/08/19/whoosh-doldrums-whoosh-the-power-of-an-ambitious-goal/ - which is also the information exchange for 501 (c) 3s tax exempt organizations affiliated with the IRS, where WUaS just got listed recently ... https://www.guidestar.org/organizations/27-3105368/world-university-school.aspx - and which new WUaS Board member, Jayni Shah and I are going to develop further .

WUaS will have to get focused with fundraising, pacing ourselves like swimming laps in a pool, is one idea I glean from this blog post, especially with an ambitious goal such as WUaS, (among many other good ideas in this blog post) to start generating monies ... On to pacing ourselves / myself with fundraising goals for WUaS ... 

May seek to begin to do this, as an exploration, at the Quaker Meeting in San Francisco on 9th Street, which is right across from Twitter's main offices and many other tech startups (for possible collaboration?), during business hours (I don't think the Friends' Meeting House is used during the week) ... and with other Universitians and fFriends who might find their ways there, especially for idea exchange and collaboration in person. 

Possibly as early as this Monday morning? ... will explore this possibility further with the House at San Francisco Friends Meeting.




Rainbow from a desert thunderstorm: Glancing, rainbow streamers Soared


Glancing, rainbow streamers
Soared air-wise from
Vineyards in full green
Summer leaf in Napa
while flying
on the road.



California tiger salamander: WUaS in MediaWiki / qLabel / Wikidata / Wikibase / SemanticWiki accessing Wikicommons in the process ... potentially in 3 or 4 languages to begin, British Friend Programmers, Guidestar Gold level, Erinn Andrews, Former Stanford Admissions Officer who is GuideStar’s "Senior Director of Nonprofit Strategy," Inspiring Stanford University's Guidestar profile


Juan, Sach, other developers among sporadic Universitians,

Great ideas for a course of yours, Juan ...

From across the Atlantic and the USA - from Spain to the SF Bay Area - would you like to co-develop WUaS in MediaWiki / qLabel / Wikidata / Wikibase / SemanticWiki accessing Wikicommons in the process ... potentially in 3 or 4 languages to begin ... possibly En / Es / De (which I speak some) and Hindi together?

The new World University and School website - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ - has database capabilities.

Have any of you installed MediaWiki before?

Might we get started this week?

Best regards,

Dear Ti, 

Greetings from the San Francisco Bay Area, and very nice to meet you at Quaker Meeting at SFFM some years ago. I'm writing to inquire whether you might be able please to help develop Friendly-informed MIT OCW-centric World University and School as we move from our current Wikia to MediaWiki / qLabel / Wikidata / Wikibase / SemanticWiki accessing Wikicommons in the process, perhaps in the role as lead, or as a facilitator, and perhaps by identifying Friendly British programmers and coders, in the Cambridge, England, area and beyond, who might be interested in WUaS as a service project. 

This could occur in potentially 3 or 4 languages to begin ... possibly En / Es / De (which I speak some) and Hindi together (some people on the sporadic Universitian list are from/in these countries)? 

The new World University and School website - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ - has database capabilities. 

Do you know Ffriends who have worked with MediaWiki / qLabel / Wikidata / Wikibase / SemanticWiki accessing Wikicommons or who might be involved in the Wikidata / Wikitech / Semantic Wiki email list communities? 

Three germane ones are: 



Semantic Wiki: 

WUaS would like to start growing as an organization from the SFFM Meeting House itself during weekdays (when it is mostly unoccupied) if at all possible. 

Thank you. 

Friendly regards,

Dear Universitians, 

New WUaS Board member Jayni and I began addressing the following questions last night toward getting the Guidestar Gold level ...

"The Gold level gets at qualitative programmatic data, specifically asked via the Charting Impact questions: What is your organization aiming to accomplish? What are your strategies for making this happen? What are your organization’s capabilities for doing this? How will your organization know if you are making progress? And what have and haven’t you accomplished so far?"

These questions are from a blog entry at Guidestar by Erinn Andrews, who went to Stanford, was an admissions' representative at Stanford -

Erinn Andrews, Former Stanford Admissions Officer, Video Case Study #2

and who is GuideStar’s "Senior Director of Nonprofit Strategy" - http://trust.guidestar.org/2014/06/30/guidestar-exchange-june-25-webinar-follow-up-questions/ - and who has responded to me in email directly. After obtaining our Gold level designation, Erinn might be able to highlight in one way or another specific foundations for WUaS to apply to. Maybe she could become head of Admissions at WUaS even and across languages eventually. I've added Erinn's video to the Admissions' page at WUaS - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Admissions_at_World_University_and_School#Select_Video_and_Audio.

Guidestar is an information exchange for philanthropies to learn about WUaS (e.g. such as the Gates' Foundation). 

Feel free to join this Guidestar conversation by responding to these questions via email. 


Here's inspiring Stanford University's Guidestar profile ... with an unusual Mission Statement - https://www.guidestar.org/organizations/94-1156365/stanford-university-board-trustees-leland-stanford-ju.aspx - and which is more a narrative than statement. 

And here again is World University and School's Guidestar profile -  https://www.guidestar.org/organizations/27-3105368/world-university-school.aspx - to which we added last night, especially vis-a-vis the key words of "free degrees." 




Plantago major: Is there a way with planting trees, broad leaf plants and other flora as well as with cultivating algae in the ocean to reverse global warming ... Plant these at strategic times of the year and in specific places of high CO2 generation to absorb and transform it temporally? What serious academic thought has gone into this? I'll add much of such research to the Ocean and Climate Management Plan at WUaS, Plant broad-leaved high CO2 absorbing living species, especially agriculturally? Soybeans? Related literary literature, Related science articles about this, Added these to the "Forestry" wiki subject page at WUaS


... Is there a way with planting trees, broad leaf plants and other flora as well as with cultivating algae in the ocean to reverse global warming ... Plant these at strategic times of the year and in specific places of high CO2 generation to absorb and transform it temporally?

What serious academic thought has gone into this?

I'll add much of such research to the Ocean and Climate Management Plan at WUaS, if it exists ...


Plant broad-leaved high CO2 absorbing living species, especially agriculturally?



Ursula Le Guin's "The Word for World is Forest"

Jean Giono's "The Man Who Planted Trees" as a metaphor for hope ...


To what extent could planting trees help solve climate change?
2012. [http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2012/nov/29/planting-trees-climate-change To what extent could planting trees help solve climate change? This Q&A is part of the Guardian's Ultimate climate change FAQ]. November 29. London, UK: www.theguardian.com/environment/2012/nov/29/planting-trees-climate-change .

NIEMELÄ, PEKKA, F. STUART CHAPIN, III, KJELL DANELL and JOHN P. BRYANT. 2001. [http://www.lter.uaf.edu/pdf/590_niemela_chapin_2001.pdf HERBIVORY-MEDIATED RESPONSES OF SELECTED BOREAL FORESTS TO CLIMATIC CHANGE]. Finland: www.lter.uaf.edu/pdf/590_niemela_chapin_2001.pdf .

Planting trees may not reverse climate change, but it will help locally. 2013. [http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/02/130201090616.htm Planting trees may not reverse climate change, but it will help locally]. February 1. (Afforestation, planting trees in an area where there have previously been no trees, can reduce the effect of climate change by cooling temperate regions, a new study finds). (BioMed Central Limited).  Rockville, MD: www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/02/130201090616.htm .


Added these to the "Forestry" wiki subject page at WUaS -



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