Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Linnea: WUaS plans to create its own Media Lab at WUaS, building on MIT's creativity but planned today in 8k Langs from home, Looks like the MIT Media Lab isn't heading in a multi-lingual direction too, even though MIT OCW is in 7 languages, WUaS has a non-violent river in it, in a way perhaps MIT doesn't, Re the Pittsburgh Symphony's financial chaos and strike, I hope WUaS on the for-profit side can establish a sound financial footing for the long term, - a very steady 11% a year before inflation would be really really great, so 8% per year after inflation, and which isn't easy for companies or mutual funds to do, let alone plan for, say, over 100 years, {Hope WUaS can create great online symphonies too, with all of us playing in them and learning from our homes}, Enjoyed live "The Inauguration of Stanford University’s Eleventh President Marc Tessier-Lavigne," Enjoying too this "A Conversation with Stanford President John Hennessy" July 14, 2016 - How Hennessy made Stanford one of the greatest universities in the US

Next: Impatiens: As current publisher for the Academic Press for WUaS, how could we publish this upcoming tourism studies'"tourism governance" book focusing on about 20 countries in all ~200 countries' main languages, such that it was also easy for people involved in key tourism discourses/cultures in each of these countries (academics, intellectuals, highest achieving students, tourism ministry officials, planners, information technology professionals, etc.) to a) want to read this, b) read this book when it's published and c) increase highest quality foreign tourism to their countries by d) 1-10% and their countries' benefit from the related revenues?, Many people in the room - many of whom were graduate students - would also make excellent editors in their many languages, If WUaS seeks on its For-Profit side to grow its stock price by 11% per year, how many copies and in which countries would the Academic Press at WUaS have to sell every year for the next decade or so, so that this book contributed to the hypothetical WUaS.com's stock price?, Skills in analysis and writing

WUaS plans to create its own Media Lab at WUaS -
http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Media_Lab_at_World_University_and_School  building on MIT's creativity but planned today in 8k Langs from home

WUaS plans to create -
http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Media_Lab_at_World_University_and_School building on MIT's creativity but planned in a realistic virtual earth too in 8k Langs from home


Hi M,

Thanks so much for your (longish) email and sympathy re my MIT Media Lab faculty application. Except for the lack of salary money soon-ish (Aug 2017?), not getting the position may open positive far-reaching opportunities re multi-lingual media creativity with WUaS   Glad MIT Media Lab director Joi Ito posted this to Twitter in Japanese about nonviolence and civil disobedience soon after I received MIT's email - https://twitter.com/Joi/status/789164125523968000. Looks like the MIT Media Lab isn't heading in a multi-lingual direction too, even though MIT OCW is in 7 languages. WUaS has a non-violent river in it, in a way perhaps MIT doesn't. 

Re the Pittsburgh Symphony's financial chaos and strike, I hope WUaS on the for-profit side can establish a sound financial footing for the long term, - a very steady 11% a year before inflation would be really really great, so 8% per year after inflation, slightly more than the US stock market's average since the '30s and which isn't easy for companies or mutual funds to do, let alone plan for, say, over 100 years, let alone 300 years. 

{Hope WUaS can create great online symphonies too, with all of us playing in them and learning from our homes}.


Enjoyed live
The Inauguration of Stanford University’s
Eleventh President Marc Tessier-Lavigne


Enjoying too this

A Conversation with Stanford President John Hennessy

July 14, 2016
John Hennessy discusses his tenure as president of Stanford University and how he helped make it into an elite school: encouraging technological innovation on campus, working on ideas that push humankind forward and maintain academic excellence, and having one of the best athletic programs in the country. Hennessy notes that one key to Stanford’s success is building quality infrastructure around interdisciplinary themes in a cross-disciplinary space, making it possible to fire up smart people and challenge them with colleagues from varied backgrounds to develop innovative ideas and solutions to some of the world’s most complex problems.



Impatiens: As current publisher for the Academic Press for WUaS, how could we publish this upcoming tourism studies'"tourism governance" book focusing on about 20 countries in all ~200 countries' main languages, such that it was also easy for people involved in key tourism discourses/cultures in each of these countries (academics, intellectuals, highest achieving students, tourism ministry officials, planners, information technology professionals, etc.) to a) want to read this, b) read this book when it's published and c) increase highest quality foreign tourism to their countries by d) 1-10% and their countries' benefit from the related revenues?, Many people in the room - many of whom were graduate students - would also make excellent editors in their many languages, If WUaS seeks on its For-Profit side to grow its stock price by 11% per year, how many copies and in which countries would the Academic Press at WUaS have to sell every year for the next decade or so, so that this book contributed to the hypothetical WUaS.com's stock price?, Skills in analysis and writing

Previous: Linnea: WUaS plans to create its own Media Lab at WUaS, building on MIT's creativity but planned today in 8k Langs from home, Looks like the MIT Media Lab isn't heading in a multi-lingual direction too, even though MIT OCW is in 7 languages, WUaS has a non-violent river in it, in a way perhaps MIT doesn't, Re the Pittsburgh Symphony's financial chaos and strike, I hope WUaS on the for-profit side can establish a sound financial footing for the long term, - a very steady 11% a year before inflation would be really really great, so 8% per year after inflation, and which isn't easy for companies or mutual funds to do, let alone plan for, say, over 100 years, {Hope WUaS can create great online symphonies too, with all of us playing in them and learning from our homes}, Enjoyed live "The Inauguration of Stanford University’s Eleventh President Marc Tessier-Lavigne," Enjoying too this "A Conversation with Stanford President John Hennessy" July 14, 2016 - How Hennessy made Stanford one of the greatest universities in the US

As current publisher for the Academic Press for WUaS, how could we publish this upcoming tourism studies' book focusing on about 20 countries in all ~200 countries' main languages, such that it was also easy for people involved in key tourism discourses/cultures (academics, intellectuals, highest achieving students, tourism ministry officials, planners, information technology professionals, etc.) in each of these countries to a) want to read this, b) read this book when it's published and c) increase highest quality foreign tourism to their countries by d) 1-10% and their countries' benefit from the related revenues?

After attending a Tourism Studies' Working Group meeting at UC Berkeley yesterday evening in the Anthropology department about an upcoming book on Tourism Governance - http://www.tourismstudies.org/news_archive/TSWGCall2016_Gohar.htm and http://www.tourismstudies.org/news_archive/TourismGovernanceMtg2_2016.htm - edited by a doctoral candidate in the department of Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning, Amir Gohar, I wondered how as current publisher for the Academic Press for World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html - could publish this.

As I asked at the end of the session to everyone there, and having just published "Naked Harbin Ethnography" in the Academic Press at WUaS via CreateSpace (http://bit.ly/HarbinBook and https://www.createspace.com/6072369), a subsidiary, like Kindle, of Amazon.com, which makes books available in 3 prosperous countries' currencies (dollars, pounds and euros), and to the developing world countries in a few other currencies, how could WUaS, using machine translation into all countries' main languages, make this available easily in terms of currencies as well?

I asked furthermore given WUaS's a) all languages with machine translation, and b) WUaS's planned "for-profit" side foci, how WUaS could help China (or people in each country that read the chapter on their countries) improve tourism by 1% with this book to gain the monetary benefits of this increase in travelers (which would be an enormous financial gain for China), and b) how WUaS could get this book into all countries' languages for easy access and purchase (by libraries and academics, etc.) perhaps in a different way than CreateSpace/Amazon with it's somewhat limited markets/currencies (and which don't have machine translation services that I've seen).

Having heard a number of presentations earlier in the evening, one by the amazing Dean MacCannell via Skype, a number of TSWG people then suggested focusing this upcoming book on Tourism Governance on "best practices."

I mentioned how I think Dean MacCannell's "The Tourist" (1976) has been translated into something like 18, 20 or 22 languages, and just because people wanted to translate it into their languages, not because one of its Academic Presses orchestrated this. I also suggested that Amir have a one-to-one conversation with Dean about his ideas for this book.

Nelson Graburn, who had his 1976 "Ethnic Arts" book there, said he thinks Dean's book has sold more than 500,000 copies, far more than any other author in the room.

Many people in the room - many of whom were graduate students - would also make excellent editors in their many languages (as jobs at WUaS, for example), I also added.


If WUaS seeks on its For-Profit side to grow its stock price by 11% per year, how many copies and in which countries would the Academic Press at WUaS have to sell every year for the next decade or so, so that this book contributed to WUaS's stock price to sustain such regular growth?

I think Dean's smarts and skill in writing and knowledge of tourism (with Nelson) would both potentially make such a book realizable and very attractively readable, due to their skills in analysis and writing.


On Sat, Oct 22, 2016 at 2:25 PM, Matilde Córdoba Azcárate <mcazcarate@ucsd.edu> wrote:
Hi Scott, thanks for your note, it was nice seeing you again!! and thanks for the link in your post, I think  it would be so important and much needed to go for a format that is accesible to tourism policy planners and technicians that are  most of the times hired for short term and don’t have the time for learning about planning in general. Making a sort of document accessible to them is a different project though than an academic book on the topic, nor sure where the majority of people want to go, but ai am up for any of those, really thinking on a combination of both translated in many languages and available for educators!
did you present your work?
best, m. 

Matilde Córdoba Azcárate
Assistant Professor
Department of Communication
University of California, San Diego


Hi Mathilde and All!

Thanks again for your edifying presentation. I'm passing your email here below on to Amir (and Nelson, Dean, Kathy and Mar), since it might inform what Amir writes up in the near future. 

I'm planning to give a reading/talk on my new actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs' book with a tourism studies' focus (and photos!) in the Gifford Room at UC Berkeley on F November 11th, per what Nelson and I talked about a few weeks ago. (How best to get this up on the TSWG schedule please, Nelson?) 

My Cal reading will also be a virtual book release party partly, since I'll be streaming it in a Google + Hangout probably like you and Dean were on Skype yesterday evening. (The developing book release schedule for "Naked Harbin Ethnography" is here -http://bit.ly/HarbinBook - as are 2 resources from 2 previous talks about my Harbin project I've given in the Gifford Room in 2012 and 2015). Not only is this my first book, for which Nelson writes the introduction (thank you!), but it's also the very first book in the Academic Press at World University (planned in all 7,943 languages with machine translation!)

Best, Scott

Hi Nelson, Dean, Mar, Kathy and Mathilde, 

I just shared this with Amir, for which you might have good ideas as well: 

Hi Amir,

I hope you can team up with a native English speaking editor in these early phases of book planning. 

Developing World University and School's "forking," and writing my second Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic book with planning the realistic virtual Harbin/earth as field site/classroom is making my plate very full. 

WUaS is also basically penniless (very problematically), so if the Academic Press at WUaS and "Tourism Governance" decide to proceed together, WUaS will need financial resources to help develop your great book project.

Sincerely, Scott

Best, Scott



Canna: Thank you for the photos in my Harbin book!, Just held a little Quaker Meeting on my own at Stanford among the white and pink camelias :), Heading monentarily to the Founder's Day celebration in the museum, What hath the Stanfords wrought?, How can one explore trace the ethos/culture/milieu/discourse of Stanford University from the three Stanfords to the excellence and California laid-backness of today?, Finding two new Boards out of the faculty of Berkeley Law (not students), and then further engaging University of California 10 campus's infrastructure+, including pay scales

Previous: Impatiens: As current publisher for the Academic Press for WUaS, how could we publish this upcoming tourism studies'"tourism governance" book focusing on about 20 countries in all ~200 countries' main languages, such that it was also easy for people involved in key tourism discourses/cultures in each of these countries (academics, intellectuals, highest achieving students, tourism ministry officials, planners, information technology professionals, etc.) to a) want to read this, b) read this book when it's published and c) increase highest quality foreign tourism to their countries by d) 1-10% and their countries' benefit from the related revenues?, Many people in the room - many of whom were graduate students - would also make excellent editors in their many languages, If WUaS seeks on its For-Profit side to grow its stock price by 11% per year, how many copies and in which countries would the Academic Press at WUaS have to sell every year for the next decade or so, so that this book contributed to the hypothetical WUaS.com's stock price?, Skills in analysis and writing

Jaima, S!

Just gave "Naked Harbin Ethnography" in book form - http://bit.ly/HarbinBook - for you to the kind person at the entrance to Sweet's Ballroom who said he'd give it to you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for permission to use the photos of you in my Harbin book!

Namaste and happy Yoga, Harbin and ecstatic dance!

Hi Donald and Mari,

How are you? Greetings from the little acoustic stone circle at the side of Stanford Memorial Church. Just held a little Quaker Meeting on my own here among the white and pink camelias. :)

Heading monentarily to the Founder's Day celebration in the museum.

Happy meetings of friends!,

Do you both sit everyday as if in Meeting? 

I'm a daily sitter as such, and meditator, at home, with much appreciation of the inner attunement, releasing and centering.

Great, Mari, and Donald,

Thanks for your email Mari.

As I sit tomorrow morning, I'll tune in further to humility and gratitude, but for me, like in Quaker Meeting, sitting in half lotus (both sides) in the morning involves a kind of inner releasing action, a centering down, an easing which leads to a harmonizing and sometimes a kind of inner "clearing."

Sometimes joy and even bliss bubble up in this process. I also, having taught yoga (Angela & Victor and Iyengar-informed) for a few decades, come into Yoga mudrasana (closing or sealing, involving bending forward fully) at the close of sitting on each side.

In my evolutionary biologically informed Nontheistic Quakerism, too, the inner soup of my inner body (sounding rather New Agey here:) opens. Friendly SPICES (simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality and stewardship) come up for me as well at times in this sitting process (with parallels to sitting in Quaker Silent Meeting).

Thank you.

Friendly regards, Scott


How can one explore trace the ethos/culture/milieu/discourse of Stanford University from the three Stanfords to the excellence and California laid-backness of today?

Dear Bill, 

It occurred to me over night that finding two new Boards out of the faculty of Berkeley Law (not students), and then further engaging University of California 10 campus's infrastructure+, including pay scales (on both WUaS's non-profit and for-profit sides) to create new online CC universities in about ~200 countries' main languages would make a lot of sense - if this were at all possible and worth exploring. It would spread the work for you, - and Berkeley Law faculty and UC staff and faculty are already getting paid. And Berkeley and UC have the infrastructure, the knowledge and the public mission, and would benefit too in a variety of ways from such an arrangement. 

Open WUaS monthly business meeting could continue to meet for an hour, and could develop communications with the each Board's presidents (Berkeley Law faculty?) of both WUaS's non-profit and for-profit sides. 

What do you think about these ideas? 

Thank you again. 




Pt. Lobos: Moments of animated people at Stanford yesterday in the new Anderson museum, and early this morning, A realistic virtual earth in 8k langs eg for brain & STEM research will allow philosophers to address qs abt Qualia http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Consciousness …


Hi Mari and Donald,

How are you both?

Some moments of animated people at Stanford yesterday in the new Anderson museum (also re http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2015/07/music-play-electric-harley-in-musrum.html) and already this morning coming to a conference here. Yesterday, a couple, possibly in their late 50s, dressed quite trippily were also acting somewhat animatedly in watching the Nick Cave "Soundscape" videos. Don't think they were doing anything except being kinds of characters, - and, I hypothesize, possibly simulating what they had learned trippily 30 years ago as students at Stanford, kind of as actors now - amusing and interestingly. 

Then this morning as I walked in from parking (getting up at 5am), this group of probably first year young women students came around the corner dressed in sweats/almost pajamas and one was wearing a crown, and she was animatedly talking to the others. Were they all in an acting class together? Had someone where they live suggested they all enact this animated scene at this time of day, saying something loudly referring to Stanford, as they passed by. Were they all in a Stanford 1st year marketing class, even? I know not ... but Stanford is interesting and smart and somehow very alive, California-wise (differently I'm sure from the '70s) ... but Stanford remembers and it's somehow soft and excellent and very well organized as well - and beautiful and caring.

Just some early morning Stanford (ethnographic?) thoughts ... :)

The Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School's LAW, BORDERS, AND SPEECH day-long conference (with potentially much relevance from World University ... looking for ways in which to combine a Stanford ethos and WUaS together in all countries' main languages in flourishing f/Friendly ways) begins soon.
Hope you both a good day.

Friendly greetings, Scott

A realistic virtual earth in 8k langs eg for brain & STEM research will allows philosophers to address qs abt Qualia http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Consciousness …





American Bison: Enjoyed "The Transcontinental Railroad" (AMAZING AMERICAN HISTORY DOCUMENTARY), {see "Impatiens: As current publisher for the Academic Press for WUaS" below too!}, Makes me want to create WUaS with great attention to paying a million people in all 8k Langs well (800,000 as students?), and bring together smartest folks, who are also high achieving and reasonable from great universities!, What a hard life back then!, Peace and Social Justice Wiki Subject at WUaS http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Peace_and_Social_Justice_Studies & re f/Friends, WUaS will become a significant publisher in all 8k languages, with machine translation too - and also IN/from a Virtual Earth - building on our planned libraries and museums in all 8 languages.


World University and School will become a significant publisher in all 8k languages, with machine translation too - and also IN/from a Virtual Earth - building on our planned libraries and museums in all 8k languages.

Academic Press at WUaS {see "Impatiens: As current publisher for the Academic Press for WUaS" below too!} ...

All in all 8k languages and in a STEM virtual earth with TIME SLIDER

Library Resources -

Museums -

Virtual Worlds -

Peace and Social Justice Wiki Subject at WUaS http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Peace_and_Social_Justice_Studies& re f/Friends (Quakers)

> HI Bill,
> Have you seen "The Transcontinental Railroad" (AMAZING AMERICAN HISTORY DOCUMENTARY) by any chance? Just came across this in looking for further information about Stanford's history. Enjoying it - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kq1r27S5DU - as an interpretation.

Hi, Scott

Thank you for the link!

I was not aware of that documentary.


History Scholar 

I enjoyed it. Makes me want to create WUaS with great attention to paying a million people in all 8k Langs well (800,000 as students?), and bring together smartest folks, who are also high achieving and reasonable from great universities!

What a hard life back then!


Impatiens: As current publisher for the Academic Press for WUaS, how could we publish this upcoming tourism studies'"tourism governance" book focusing on about 20 countries in all ~200 countries' main languages, such that it was also easy for people involved in key tourism discourses/cultures in each of these countries (academics, intellectuals, highest achieving students, tourism ministry officials, planners, information technology professionals, etc.) to a) want to read this, b) read this book when it's published and c) increase highest quality foreign tourism to their countries by d) 1-10% and their countries' benefit from the related revenues?, Many people in the room - many of whom were graduate students - would also make excellent editors in their many languages, If WUaS seeks on its For-Profit side to grow its stock price by 11% per year, how many copies and in which countries would the Academic Press at WUaS have to sell every year for the next decade or so, so that this book contributed to the hypothetical WUaS.com's stock price?, Skills in analysis and writing




Cocoa bean: Wikidata birthday party today in SF, and WUaS is bringing the cake, Invitation to join the celebration, Seems to be the cultures of employees that watch and curate their social media accounts, that further shapes them - identity warrior-itis-es or bonobo-itis-es could happen here too! Email too is probably not private, and can be probably curated. Hmmm ... email and social media are like post cards ... with an opportunity to get the word out - and by not knowing who you're getting the word out to! :)


Hi M,

You might enjoy this "American Intercontinental Railway" documentary from PBS > http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2016/10/american-bison-enjoyed-transcontinental.html.

Music space yesterday evening happened on my own, since Alain in NZ came down with something at the last minute and couldn't play, and Brewster in the Bay Area meets face to face with what sound like alternative/hippy friends (probably some in their 60s), and makes very interesting and time-consuming quadricycles among other hobbies, but is from San Rafael (just north of SF - where the Grateful Dead had their roots too - and Brewster's father was a MD). He went to the high-achieving Quaker college Haverford in Anthro in the 70s and to UC Berkeley for a degree in Architecture after that. Not sure about Reeves ... He may pop up sometime in group video!

Wikidata birthday party today in SF, and WUaS is the bringing the cake. Hope all goes well in getting it there (will try to pick up the cake at 8 am ... get to Hive Meeting Space at AFSC, then birthday party at 12:30 on 2nd street!).

"I'd like to invite you both (and all Wikidatans/Wikimedians in the SF Bay Area) to the Wikidata 4th birthday party on Wednesday, October 26 from 12:30-1:30 at Red Door Coffee SF on 111 Minna Street - https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Fourth_Birthday/Events

I'm also going to bring a birthday cake for everyone. 

Friendly Wikidata cheers, Scott"

It seems to be the cultures of employees that watch and curate their social media accounts, that further shapes them - identity warrior-itis-es or bonobo-itis-es could happen here too! Email too is probably not private, and can be probably curated. Hmmm ... email and social media are like post cards ... with an opportunity to get the word out - and by not knowing who you're getting the word out to! :)

L, Scott



Canna, Scotland: "Naked Harbin Ethnography" Presentation, Lake County Libraries’ New “Harbin Book” Readings and Signings, Sat., Nov 5, 2016, LAKE COUNTY LIBRARY-SPEAKER INFORMATION FORM, ~ http://scottmacleod.com ~ http://www.scottmacleod.com/ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html ~ ( http://bit.ly/HarbinBook ) ~ https://www.createspace.com/6072369 ~ http://twitter.com/HarbinBook ... And here's the Amazon author's page for Scott MacLeod World University with both versions of "Naked Harbin Ethnography" ~ http://amazon.com/author/scottmacleodworlduniversity ....





Scott MacLeod (author) ~ 


Affiliated Organization (if any):

Academic Press at World University and School

Contact Email:


Title of Event: 

"Naked Harbin Ethnography" Presentation

Lake County Libraries’ 

New “Harbin Book” Readings and Signings

Date of Event: 

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Intended Audience: 

Lake County residents and library patrons interested in the culture, history and poetry of Harbin Hot Springs Lake County (and undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, information technology social scientists, Internet studies' researchers, academics interested in the "virtual," and people with a fondness for the 1960s)

Description of Event: 

Scott MacLeod will read from his new book "Naked Harbin Ethnography: Hippies, Warm Pools, Counterculture, Clothing-Optionality & Virtual Harbin" (Academic Press at World University and School 2016). Q&A and book signing to follow reading.  

Is the event/speaker likely to attract media interest? If so why?

Scott MacLeod is the founder, president and CEO of World University and School (which is like Wikipedia with best STEM CC OpenCourseWare - http://worlduniversityandschool.org). World University and School seeks to offer free CC university degrees beginning for undergraduates in English in autumn 2017 (and eventually International Baccalaureate I.B. high school degrees), accrediting on CC MIT OpenCourseWare in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC to begin. High achieving students will be studying from home for these degrees. 

Myself, education and career and Naked Harbin

Scott MacLeod has a Bachelor's Degree in the social science of Religion (and German) from Reed College, and a MA in sociocultural Anthropology from the University of California, Santa Barbara, (and a Diploma of Research from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland). He has a certificate from the Iyengar Yoga Institute of San Francisco. 

Scott MacLeod's research focuses on the anthropology of information technology and counterculture. He's taught the open free "Information Technology, the Network Society and the Global University" course on Harvard's virtual island and in Google group video Hangouts for many years, where he also teaches anthropology and sociology. He also taught Yoga for many years (Angela Farmer and Victor van Kooten-informed, and Iyengar).

Scott began "Naked Harbin Ethnography: Hippies, Warm Pools, Counterculture, Clothing-Optionality & Virtual Harbin" around 2005 (with regular field work over the years since then) intending to make a virtual Harbin Hot Springs for ethnographic comparison. For a second Harbin ethnographic book, he plans to build a realistic virtual Harbin/earth, conceptually in something like Google Street View/Maps/Earth with time slider with OpenSimulator (for group building) but also at the nano (atomic) and cellular (neuronal) levels – for actual-virtual ethnographic comparison. 

And here's the Amazon author's page for Scott MacLeod World University with both versions of "Naked Harbin Ethnography" ~



Precipitation: Canceling my "Naked Harbin Ethnography" UC Berkeley TSWG and Lake County libraries' readings/presentations

Nature traveling: Developing a realistic virtual earth STEM field site and classroom, Conceptually in something like Google Street View/Earth/Maps with TIME SLIDER with OpenSim in all 8k languages and at the atomic (nano) and cellular (neuronal) levels, Potentially its MASSIVE data streams from all over the world, Protect people in these scientific experiments and social science studies, Meeting Internal Review Board ethical and STEM standards for protection of subjects+ in the SOFTWARE itself, Collaborating with Stanford, and Google especially, networks, could make this real and happen, Such a realistic virtual earth would be WIKI, Data emerging out of CC Wikidata and via CC World University and School


I'd also like to open the possibilities for developing a realistic virtual earth STEM field site and classroom

(conceptually in something like Google Street View/Earth/Maps with TIME SLIDER with OpenSim in all 8k languages and at the atomic (nano) and cellular (neuronal) levels in addition to the street view level),

with potentially its massive data streams from all over the world,

some real time, much with artificial intelligence,

as well as protect people in scientific experiments and social science studies in ways that would meet Internal Review Board ethical and STEM standards for protection of subjects+ in the SOFTWARE itself,

 and collaborating with Stanford, and Google especially, networks, could make this real and happen.

Such a realistic virtual earth would be WIKI, so scientists, STEM researchers, and travelers, for example, as well, could add their data ( re ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy ) in any language, and hopefully much data emerging out of CC Wikidata and via CC World University and School.

(Google has much experience with this with its Google cars and earth and mapping projects).



Hippocampus: Glad to hear from and talk with a friend at Harbin, Job in a Make Work program cleaning up Harbin debris further and in conjunction with the State of California, I think, Gives me hope for a possible similar arrangement re World University and School, China World University and School (CC MIT OpenCourseWare-centric - in traditional Chinese - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/translated-courses/traditional-chinese/) seeks to extend your fascinating scientific study


Glad to hear from and talk with a friend at Harbin, a longest term resident there since ~1980 and a main informant in my Harbin book that he's a survivor of the devastating Valley and Harbin fire last September 2015, and especially that he's gotten a M-F job in a Make Work program cleaning up Harbin debris further, and in conjunction with the State of California, I think. It gives me hope for a possible similar arrangement re World University and School.


Dear Ming,

Thank you so much for presenting today.  Your talk was excellent! Your research is so important. I will have a recording of your presentation today on our web page http://cognitive-science.info/community/weekly-update/.    I'll also refer to your talk on our LinkedIn Group https://www.linkedin.com/grp/home?gid=6729452, where there may be more discussion and questions for you.  Thank you so much for sharing your expertise!

Here is one comment that came through on the chat from Scott MacLeod: China World University and School (CC MIT OpenCourseWare-centric - in traditional Chinese - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/translated-courses/traditional-chinese/) seeks to extend your fascinating scientific study (as an example) and STEM research in Chinese in many, many ways, and online - CC http://worlduniversityandschool.org. WUaS seeks to develop the "Harvard/MIT of the Web" in the Chinese, and in each of all countries' official languages. Thank you!

Thanks again for a fascinating presentation.
Dianne Fodell

IBM Global University Programs


Ming, Ji and Dian, 

Interesting medical anthropology comparative questions here - https://youtu.be/Q0_xQcs3UAI - in terms of the social construction of a medical / biological / physical condition (autism / ASD) - e.g. China compared with America ... and which would then have influences on how information technologies and scientific studies were designed (and re 2 languages here). 

Your observation, Ming LI, which I heard at 7:52am PT that people of the same race recognize these eye movements differentially than people of one race recognizing this movement in a different race, suggests something non-objective and socially constructed to me, for example. 

China World University and School (of which I'm the founder and which is CC MIT OpenCourseWare-centric - in traditional Chinese - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/translated-courses/traditional-chinese/) seeks to extend your fascinating scientific study (as an example) and STEM research in Chinese in many, many ways, and online at CC http://worlduniversityandschool.org. WUaS seeks to develop the "Harvard/MIT of the Web" in the Chinese language, and in each of all countries' official languages. World University and School also seeks to develop STEM research between languages and between STEM social construction of the physical & biological world, and primarily in online STEM studies. Thank you!

How could World University and School begin to create STEM research with your study as an example and take into consideration anthropological questions of "social constructionism" in study design? (e.g. how could people of any race recognize the same eye movements, or how could information technology be designed to recognize such movement regardless of race?)

Thank you, Ming Li! 

Best, Scott

Dear Scott,

Thank you very much for your information

Yes, we also collaborated with some  researchers at Taiwan and US to do some comparative experiments to validate the effectiveness on Chinese children.

Right now, we are focusing on using artificial intelligence methods to help doctors to do some early detection of ASD.

We will share our findings and results with IBM forks and the community.

Congratulations for your  success on China World University and School.

Thank you very much


Dear Ming,

Thanks very much for your email.

Here's the AI wiki subject at WUaS -
http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Artificial_Intelligence -
with some best STEM CC MIT OCW and other courses plus much more, which WUaS seeks to offer for credit toward free CC online accrediting University degrees in many languages. WUaS will emerge out of CC Wikidata into a new wiki hopefully beginning in January, and is planned in all 7943 languages as wiki schools.

How much AI is sprinkled through the courses here - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/translated-courses/traditional-chinese/ - Ming? WUaS seeks to facilitate translating much of MIT OCW AI into Chinese. How much Chinese OpenCourseWare exists created by Chinese in China?
WUaS also seeks to develop AI in a realistic virtual earth and for experimentation (with time) - e.g. http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2016/10/nature-traveling-developing-realistic.html.

Thanks again for your interesting IBM CSIG talk.




Pumpkin: How can we access actual books and recordings in Google Street View (with time slider!) now?, "10 libraries to visit with Google Street View," MIT Future of Libraries, (Rainbow Gathering photos in slide show from my blog seem to be gone, which I had some warning about a few weeks ago, and can't find them by searching on "scott macleod's picasa pictures rainbow gathering wyoming 2008" but I still have the photos on my computer, O for a library archive and museum too for these photos which were on the web since 2008, I think ... and were interesting views into the Rainbow Gathering in Wyoming in 2008!


Arghh ... unfortunately my costume isn't that that scary ... kids are coming over anyway for cookies, wraithlike as I appear ... Happy Hallowe'en !

How can we access actual books and recordings in Google Street View (with time slider!) now?







Hi M,

Canyon is beautiful today. Heading out for a walk soon. (Rainbow Gathering photos in slide show from my blog seem to be gone, which I had some warning about a few weeks ago, as well as the end of Picasa many months ago - Google does closures of applications well - and can't find them by searching on "scott macleod's picasa pictures rainbow gathering wyoming 2008" but I still have the photos on my computer).

I found only references to  "scott macleod's picasa pictures rainbow gathering wyoming 2008"
But I didn't find the "scott macleod's picasa pictures rainbow gathering wyoming 2008"
in these search engines:

I may seek to add them to my Twitter profile, to Wikipedia and related ...
I'm wondering about a second opinion on B.K.'s email draft ... with all the extra considerations I've added ...

Contact Harvard Law Professor Charlie Nesson for this - since I think he knows how Harbin works and is alternative thinking?

L, Scott

O for a library archive and museum too for these photos which were on the web since 2008, I think ... and were interesting views into the Rainbow Gathering in Wyoming in 2008!



Cucurbita: Product at WUaS on WUaS's non-profit wing?, Wikidata in ~358 languages {since CC WUaS donated CC WUaS to CC Wikidata last October 2015}? Queries in Wikidata? Graduate students as instructors teaching academic creativity at WUaS in Wikidata in all languages? Eventual faculty working with WUaS's information technologies? ... and around these first 4 planned WUaS revenue streams as well ...

Product at WUaS, on WUaS's non-profit wing?


Product at WUaS

Wikidata in ~358 languages {since CC WUaS donated CC WUaS to CC Wikidata last October 2015}?

WUaS queries in Wikidata?

Graduate students as instructors teaching academic creativity at WUaS in Wikidata in all languages?

Eventual faculty working with WUaS's information technologies?


and around these first 4 planned WUaS revenue streams as well ...




Coastal California: Could WUaS become too one of the Silicon Valley 150 and as a Benefit Corporation?, WUaS Benefit corporation blog entry, WUaS donated to Wikidata and CC WUaS hopes to emerge from CC Wikidata, adding CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC to it and then developing from this into a new wiki beginning in January 2017, WUaS 14 planned revenue streams/business model blog entry emerging out of a UC Berkeley Law class for the 2nd semester this autumn in a forking process, WUaS hopes to develop a new separate Board for the forked new for-profit wing.



Great ideas, and thanks very much for sharing your thoughts about this. 

Thanks too for the interesting article on the first B corp IPO - http://www.triplepundit.com/2016/02/first-benefit-corporation-ipo-coming-thats-big-deal/. I'm curious whether WUaS could become too one of the Silicon Valley 150 and as a Benefit Corporation. 

WUaS donated to Wikidata (Wikipedia's 4 year old database, part of the Wikimedia Foundation) blog entry - http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2015/10/donation-of-cc-world-university-school.html - and CC WUaS hopes to emerge from CC Wikidata, adding CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC to it and then developing from this into a new wiki beginning in January 2017. 

WUaS 14 planned revenue streams/business model blog entry - http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2016/01/14-planned-wuas-revenue-streams.html - emerging out of a UC Berkeley Law class for the 2nd semester this autumn in a forking process. 

WUaS hopes to develop a new separate Board for the forked new for-profit wing. 

Thank you.

Best, Scott



Cephalanthera longifolia: How many languages (and the people in them) in India would you think would benefit from degree-granting universities (Bachelor, Ph.D., law and M.D. as well as I.B. high school, accrediting on CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC) - as the MITs/Harvards/Dukes of the internet? All 22 official languages (a few less or a few more) of its ~1700 languages?, By way of comparison, do you think Pakistan would benefit from an online CC MIT for free degrees in Urdu and Punjabi, or just in Urdu, or ...?, Wwiki schools for open teaching and learning in all languages in India (and in the world) - probably per http://glottolog.org/glottolog/language


Hi Ashi, 

Here, for example, is the beginning Surveillance - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Surveillance - wiki subject at World University and School (before we move to a new wiki emerging from Wikidata). 

And here's India World University and School - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/India - not yet in Hindi or any of the other 21 official languages there (again before World University moves to a new wiki emerging from Wikidata).  

Would you like to meet for a coffee at Stanford or in Palo Alto sometime to talk further about your talk and this? 

Best regards, Scott



Thanks for your note.

I’m about to leave for a two month trip in India.

Perhaps we can meet after that?

Thanks, Ashish.

Hi Ashi,

Thanks for your reply as well. Spending 2 months in India (in the cool season) sounds great. Where are you heading? 

How many languages (and the people in them) in India would you think would benefit from degree-granting universities (Bachelor, Ph.D., law and M.D. as well as I.B. high school, accrediting on CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC) - as the MITs/Harvards/Dukes of the internet? All 22 official languages (a few less or a few more) of its ~1700 languages?

By way of comparison, do you think Pakistan would benefit from an online CC MIT for free degrees in Urdu and Punjabi, or just in Urdu, or ...? 

WUaS is planning wiki schools for open teaching and learning in all languages in India (and in the world) - probably per http://glottolog.org/glottolog/language

Meeting after you return would be great - perhaps sometime in January? 

Happy travels!

Bon voyage, Scott


Hi Amn, 

Very nice to talk and meet with you at Stanford yesterday. 

How many languages (and the people in them) in Pakistan would benefit from an online CC MIT for free degrees - in Urdu and Punjabi, or just in Urdu, or ..., so, would benefit from degree-granting universities (Bachelor, Ph.D., law and M.D. as well as I.B. high school, accrediting on CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC) - as the MITs/Harvards/Dukes of the internet? Regional languages in Pakistan?

WUaS is also planning wiki schools for open teaching and learning in all languages in Pakistan (and in the world) - probably per http://glottolog.org/glottolog/language.

Would you like to meet sometime for coffee or similar, Amn?

Very nice to meet you.

Best regards, Scott



European bee-eater: Fascinating "What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been: Race, Social Movements, and the 2016 Presidential Race" talk on Presidential elections recently at Stanford, Here's the fascinating Stanford Sociologist Doug McAdams in an 8 minute video, Nice to zone in again on his thinking, An interview with him in Peninsula Peace and Justice Center ...


Dear Doug, 

Thanks for your fascinating "What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been: Race, Social Movements, and the 2016 Presidential Race" talk on Presidential elections recently at Stanford - http://events.stanford.edu/events/639/63909/. I was really inspired. Thanks too so much for your signature afterward.

I'm glad you didn't mention as part of your "What a long strange trip it's been ..." talk the firsts of Obama being the first black 2 term US President (with a Muslim middle name), and the somewhat popular unpopular Hillary Clinton potentially being the first 2 term woman US President. How best might one develop the question or thesis in a paper that this could partly be a consequence of the freedom-seeking student movements of the 1960s, thinking differently which emerges from this, and even especially widespread entheogen consumption in the 60s and 70, I wonder?

In addition to ...  you might also find CC World University and School interesting - and a possible job source for your graduate students in many languages. WUaS seeks to create the Stanfords/Harvards of the Internet in all ~ 200 nation states - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Nation_States - each of which will become a major online wiki university offering CC Bachelor, Ph.D., law, M.D., as well as I.B. high school diplomas (accrediting on CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC). WUaS is Creative Commons' licensed on our non-profit side, and very CC MIT OCW-centric & CC Yale OYC-centric. While MIT OCW doesn't have a sociology department, WUaS would like to develop best CC sociology open course ware, also in many languages. 

But on the wiki mind-expanding side, WUaS is a like CC Wikipedia (now in 358 languages) and planning online wiki schools for open teaching and learning in all 7,097 living languages. Anyone can teach to their web cameras or add computer coding in the way they'd like. And classes with happen in Google group video Hangouts and MIT UnHangouts, for face-to-face conversation (re Reed College's conference method approach). 

Here are four examples of wiki subjects (in English so far only) related to your talk last evening: 

(accessible here at the main wiki Subjects' page at WUaS - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Subjects).

Check out the MIT OCW and CC Yale OYC here - eventually for credit - as well as the open resources. 

Thank you, and for your fantastic talk. 

Best regards, Scott


Here's the fascinating Stanford Sociologist Doug McAdams in an 8 minute video -

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHOtz2T32Oo - great!

Nice to zone in again on his thinking after hearing him for an hour and an half yesterday on Wednesday. :) He's kind of simpatico ...

Doug's a great model, if and when I start to give Harbin launch talks and interviews - here's an interview with him in Peninsula Peace and Justice Center ...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dp5_vrZJJbg. Last night's talk at Stanford was also a (re) book launch ...



Indian Grey Hornbill: Taking a non-action approach to my right shoulder (ligament pull on the front?) getting better in a kind of Taoist sense (wu wei), so not Yoga asana (poses) and not western medicine thinking (e.g. PT), So in this non-action approach - a kind of way of life approach (which is what Tao the Ching means) - implicitly evolutionary biological approaches to healing are present (i.e. since the body/mind heals itself, in many situations / of many conditions), but partly the idea is to do less to not re-damage the injury, Ursula Le Guin's summer place in Napa Valley - just pulled her book "Always Coming Home" off shelf, "What's the address of Alfred Kroeber / Ursula Le Guin's summer place in Napa?" Couldn't find it, although it was called "Kishimish" ...


Hi M,
How are you?

I'm taking a non-action approach to my right shoulder (ligament pull on the front?) getting better in a kind of Taoist sense (wu wei), so not Yoga asana (poses) and not western medicine thinking (e.g. PT), although I'm really glad western medicine exists. So in this non-action approach - a kind of way of life approach (which is what Tao the Ching means) - implicitly evolutionary biological approaches to healing are present (i.e. since the body/mind heals itself, in many situations / of many conditions), but partly the idea is to do less to not re-damage the injury, - and my shoulder is getting better, and I also think this is the most rational and sensible way to go for the time being.
Am looking forward to seeing Heartsong  today (and perhaps to find Ursula Le Guin's summer place in Napa Valley - just pulled two copies of her book "Always Coming Home" off the shelf, a book I've enjoyed a lot - and which I see a tiny bit in some of Harbin's vision too).
When I just searched on the web on "What's the address of Alfred Kroeber / Ursula Le Guin's summer place in Napa?" I found

"Le Guin once recalled that their summer house was "an old, tumble-down ranch in the Napa Valley … [and] a gathering place for scientists, writers, students, and California Indians. Even though I didn't pay much attention, I heard a lot of interesting, grown-up conversation."" (http://www.encyclopedia.com/people/literature-and-arts/american-literature-biographies/ursula-kroeber-le-guin ... see too ...http://www.theparisreview.org/interviews/6253/the-art-of-fiction-no-221-ursula-k-le-guin and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ursula_K._Le_Guin).
Updated Ursula's Wikipedia page from my Scott_WorldUnivAndSch Wikimedia login. 

Since the address for Ursula's summer place isn't obvious, I may have to ask some old timers in the town of St. Helena in the Napa Valley. Le Guin explicitly explores Taoism and Taoist approaches in her "Always Coming Home" book (and other of her books) as well.

Hoping to learn a little more about Harbin from Heartsong as well too. He's an old timer there, and a main informant in my book.

Not sure how to write the sound you concluded our conversation with the other evening, but "Hmm" - how's that? Doesn't quite get the sound aspect, but Hmm. 


Hi M,

While there is a Robert Louis Stevenson museum in the Napa Valley - http://stevensonmuseum.org/ - there isn't a museum for Le Guin there yet, although it's interesting to find her blog - http://www.ursulakleguin.com/Blog2011.html - and that the tumble down ranch was called "Kishimish" ...
L, Scott


Although I asked some old timers in St. Helena, I didn't find Kroeber's / Le Guin's tumble-down ranch called "Kishimish" again.



Palisades (California Sierra): How best to integrate best translation approaches-Google, Wiktionary in voice /WUaS_Universal_Translator /Bookstore?, Stanford Law: U.S. Court Sets High Bar for Legal Translation; WUaS Law Schs in all Lands, "Stanford Law: U.S. Court of Appeals Sets High Bar for Legal Translation; Seminars in Asia," In what ways can WUaS develop this universal translation software probably in Wikidata's 358 languages for all 8k languages, anticipating legal translation, medical translation, an Academic Press at WUaS and a book store also in 7,943 languages for small language preservation and generation? How could graduate students best "teach" or encode this developing universal translation software?




Stanford Law: U.S. Court of Appeals Sets High Bar for Legal Translation; Seminars in Asia - http://enews.law.stanford.edu/t/ViewEmail/r/E8CD85D3A4EBB7AC2540EF23F30FEDED/F8BE111D325A1982DBC23BD704D2542D - WUaS hopes to create excellent Legal Translation (so importantly) in our WUaS Law Schools (e.g. http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Law_School and http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/China_Law_School_at_WUaS) in all countries' main & official languages and with our WUaS Universal Translator - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/WUaS_Universal_Translator

In what ways can WUaS develop this universal translation software probably in Wikidata's 358 languages for all 8k languages, anticipating legal translation, medical translation, an Academic Press at WUaS and a book store also in 7,943 languages for small language preservation and generation? How could graduate students best "teach" or encode this developing universal translation software?

Tu, November 8th, 2016




American Avocet: is Palo Alto still quite hippy?, The guitar player with shopping cart in front of Wells in Palo Alto, Michael Moore: "Just voted!! Woohoo!! HILLARY, dammit! A vote for kindness and compassion and AGAINST misogyny, racism & greed," Albert Camus' birthday, "Hippies,""1960s,""Counterculture,""Philosophy,""Literature,""Political Science,""Photography,""Guitar," wiki subject pages for open teaching and learning, planned in many languages at WUaS







Hippies ...

1960s ...

Counterculture ...

Philosophy ...

Literature ...

Political_Science ...

Photography ...

Guitar ...



Arastradero Preserve: Our wee hippy 60s' ethnographic project ... thoughts?, Know way it's opening! Arcata is great ... interesting folks in the woodwork too for 60s ethnography (but probably not for hippie to the hot springs' clothing optional soaking and hanfing out in prefectly warm water as inner releasing action meditation anthropology). We could grow a wee cottage industry of hippie ethnography Berkeley-wise too (and ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy, especially) ... a place I'd hazard you love in some ways


Scott (texting in June): Was so nice to meet you here again at Reed after a very long spell year or two after after Gary Snyder gave the keynote then, Kai!!! :) Love from Scott, from the SU where a good band is playing :) JUST standimg on a radiator in the SU as the band gets going again :) yep, just standing on a radiator 

Scott (on 10/31 - Hallowe'en): Arghh ... unfortunately my costume isn't that that scary ... kids are coming over anyway for cookies, wraithlike as I appear ... Happy Hallowe'en, Kai ! You were in my dream the other night I think! :)
Kai: Happy Halloween my friend! It's too rainy here for trick or treaters...so much candy... What to do....send it to Reedies for late night library moments. Good to hear from you💜

Scott: Likewise, Kai, in the north world!
What city are you in, Kai?
Had remembered Crescent City ... Arcata must be different rainy in winter than Portland OR! :)

Kai: Way!!!!! Better than CC. No comparison. A little Berkeley it is.

Scott: Know way it's opening! Arcata is great ... interesting folks in the woodwork too for 60s ethnography (but probably not for hippie to the hot springs' clothing optional soaking and hanfing out in prefectly warm water as inner releasing action meditation anthropology). We could grow a wee cottage industry of hippie ethnography Berkeley-wise too (and ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy, especially) ... a place I'd hazard you love in some ways 

Scott: Hi Kai from Stanford (for talks) ... looking to grow our wee hippy 60s' ethnographic project here too ... thoughts? :) (eventually in a realistic virtual earth with TIME SLIDER (eg Google Street View +) 



Wildflowers of Pakistan: Well, a deeply divided country chooses a different political landscape - institutionally and idea-wise, I think Obama knows how government works and so does Hillary, but Trump doesn't, (How could my big project help here - and re all 200 countries and in their languages?), In the information age of the last 8 years of Obama's presidency - a coming of age itself - Wikipedia and Google, for example, and US government itself, as well as US law, have become deeply encoded IT wise for progressivism, not entirely easily reversible, Thoughts? How did down-ballot votes play out positively re your thinking?, Knowing government means knowing the budgeting process both federally and re states too


Hi M from BART as I head to the hive meeting space for my big project,

How are you and what are your thoughts after this election?

... Well, a deeply divided country (http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2016/11/european-bee-eater-fascinating-what.html) chooses a different political landscape - institutionally and idea-wise. 

It's a move away from the politics of 1960s-79s. 

I wonder how California statism will shake out legally in the next 4 years in the context of right wing statism. 

I think it was a vote against feminism, for example, and other Hillary-isms. (I had read too that she's a multiple felon, but Trump also seems to have a possible criminal record). 

I think Obama knows how government works and so does Hillary, but Trump doesn't. (How could my big project help here - and re all 200 countries and in their languages?). In the information age of the last 8 years of Obama's presidency - a coming of age itself - Wikipedia and Google, for example, and US government itself, as well as US law,  have become deeply encoded IT wise for progressivism, not entirely easily reversible (compared with Russia for example). 

And US democracy itself seems to retain a robustness of dissent (historically) and free speech / constitutionalism.

Is the 1st UU church in mourning?

My 3 projects will likely bubble along ... (World University and School ... http://worlduniversityandschool.org ... Harbin projects, and music-making) but not yet with kids/family.

Thoughts? How did down-ballot votes play out positively re your thinking?

Have a great day!





Knowing government means knowing the budgeting process both federally and re states too -





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