Just went to a Stanford Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders' Talk with Rebecca Lynn which was fascinating:
I asked her afterward about Creative Commons' licensing and venture capital, as oxymoronic, mentioning World University and School's plans to offer online best STEM CC OpenCourseWare-centric medical schools (http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Medical_School) and teaching hospitals online (http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Hospital), in most countries' main languages, since she's interested in health care as an investment. She's also a lawyer and went to UC Berkeley's law school.
Creative Commons may be a kind of moat in language she uses to describe businesses in which the firms where's she's a partner might invest.
Might she become a WUaS Board Member? I may explore asking her eventually.
After meeting her and asking her a question, I had the good fortune to meet and talk briefly with Stanford Professor of Business Tom Byers (https://profiles.stanford.edu/thomas-byers), who also went to UC Berkeley, who interviewed for example Laurene Powell Jobs some time ago:
Laurene Powell Jobs: Injecting Innovation into Intractable Systems [Entire Talk]
He asked me where I live and I said in the East Bay Hills, and I also mentioned that I was developing WUaS. He asked me why I was developing World University and School, and I said because it's fascinating and will help a lot of people, and that we'd like to become the Stanford of the Internet. He then asked how I came to develop WUaS, and I said it began in a course I was teaching on Harvard's virtual world, and I've just continued to develop it since then (2007) (as a kind of leading).
Noticed too that in this series last week, Scott Cook, founder of Intuit was the speaker - http://ecorner.stanford.edu/authorMaterialInfo.html?mid=3594 - whom Tom introduced in this Stanford Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders' series - http://etl.stanford.edu/. I wish I had come to this, since WUaS may seek to develop with such financial software.
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On this day in 1885, the Founding Grant to establish the university was signed: http://stanford.io/1lko3c6 #Stanford125
Happy 125th anniversary, Stanford: The Wind of Freedom Blows ~ and for World University and School as well!
Happy 125th anniversary Stanford: The Wind of Freedom Blows ~ and for World University and School as well!