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Passiflora incense: New Format for WUaS business meeting as HBR Debriefing, World University and School's open online hour-long Monthly Business Meeting 14 Nov 2015


World University and School's open online hour-long Monthly Business Meeting 14 Nov 2015 - http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2015/11/november-14-2015-monthly-business.html

World University and School Monthly Business Meeting 14 Nov 2015




November 14, 2015 Monthly Business Meeting Agenda for World University and School

World University and School
{Open} Business Meeting – Agenda (hour-long meeting)
November 14, 2015
9 a.m., Pacific Time

Email - worlduniversityandschool@gmail.com - if you'd like to participate.

In preparation for World University and School's open monthly business meeting on Sat. November 14th at 9 am Pacific Time in a G+ group video Hangout from this related G+ Profile page - https://plus.google.com/u/0/+ScottMacLeodWUaS/posts (from which you should be able to click "JOIN HANGOUT") - I think everyone should use a gmail address, - and have added each other to their circles. 

1. Welcome and Greetings



NEWS about World University and School: 

1 WUaS's OPEN monthly business meeting meets this Saturday November 14th at 9 am PT. Email worlduniversityandschool@gmail.com if interested in participating, and see WUaS's blog below for further WUaS business meeting information, as well as the developing agenda here - 

2 WUaS needs your help. You can make 501 (c) (3), U.S., federal, tax-deductible contributions directly to World University and School, P.O. Box 442, (86 Ridgecrest Road), Canyon, California, 94516. Alternately, you can give by credit card or PayPal account here at http://worlduniversityandschool.org.  

3 CC WUaS seeks undergraduate applicants to apply next autumn 2016 and matriculate online in the autumn of 2017 for free CC degrees, first in English; WUaS is open now as a wiki (editable web pages) for you to teach at, learn from and create with.  

4 WUaS is looking forward to being a "real entrepreneurial client" in UC Berkeley course ""New Business Counseling Practicum and Seminar" with Boalt Law Professor Will Kell in the new year. 

5 WUaS gave away CC World University and School (WUaS to CC Wikidata last week ... yup ... the whole thing ... Creative Commons' licensing is curious however ... http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2015/10/donation-of-cc-world-university-school.html and http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2015/10/wild-bactrian-camel-wikidata-donation.html ... and WUaS still plans to develop online courses in many languages (e.g. CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC) toward free CC degrees, accredit, and help to build WUaS, planned in all 7938+ languages in the great inter-lingual Wikidata database (written for Wikipedia's 300 languages) and with machine learning. In seeking to become the Harvard of the Internet in all countries' main languages, WUaS doesn't know of any other Universities developing around machine learning. 

6 Harvard Business Review - Debriefings
Debriefings can help you accelerate projects, innovate new approaches to problems, and hit difficult objectives. More than a casual conversation about what did and didn’t work, a debriefing digs into why things happened. It should review four key questions:
  1. What were we trying to accomplish? Start by restating the objectives you were trying to hit.
  2. Where did we hit (or miss) our objectives? Review your results, and ensure the group is aligned.
  3. What caused our results? This should go deeper than obvious, first-level answers.
  4. What should we start, stop, or continue doing? Given the root causes uncovered, what should we do next, now that we know what we know?


The agenda for the upcoming November 14th, 2015 WUaS, monthly, business meeting is here - 

1.2 Minutes

2. Committees

2.1 Planning committee

see Master plan and Business plan below


2.2 Finance

Treasurer's report for October 2015


WUaS has the Guidestar (affiliated with the IRS) Gold Label -

2.3 Information Technology


Donation of CC World University & School (WUaS) to CC Wikidata to celebrate its 3rd birthday!, Wikidata:Third_Birthday/Presents 





2.4 WUaS Outreach



2.5 Hiring planning


2.6 Fundraising

2.7 Nominating committee

Seeking committee members, facilitators and recorders

2.8 Languages' and Countries’ committee

plan for students who's English is marginal - please attend these Language Google Hangouts

bilingual degrees? 

2.9 Accreditation committee


WASC and BPPE accreditation agency incubation and enabling developments, In addition to Ph.D. Bachelor degrees, first in English and then in MIT OCW and large languages, WUaS would like to accredit online law and medical schools in all countries' main languages, beginning in California




WASC senior

Common Application / NACAC - how to get on their list of schools? Costs?

Become member of NACAC for Common Application

3. WUaS Master Plan

4. WUaS Business Plan

5.  WUaS Board

- is looking for a new Board member to focus WUaS fundraising

6. New WUaS pages and updates

a. Updates:

b. New pages:

c. Blog entries:

November 14, 2015 Monthly Business Meeting Agenda for World University and School


DBpedia - World University & School - Lightning Demo


Donation of CC World University & School (WUaS) to CC Wikidata to celebrate its 3rd birthday!, Wikidata:Third_Birthday/Presents


WASC and BPPE accreditation agency incubation and enabling developments, In addition to Ph.D. Bachelor degrees, first in English and then in MIT OCW and large languages, WUaS would like to accredit online law and medical schools in all countries' main languages, beginning in California


Lagopus: Saturday, November 14, 2015 open online Monthly Business Meeting Agenda for World University and School at 9am PST, Want to help create online schools and GREAT universities in all languages? WUaS seeks to become the Harvard of the internet accrediting in all nation states' main languages ... http://worlduniversityandschool.org ...


Lark bunting: Presentation in downtown SF on Tuesday, November 24th at 11am on "Donation of CC WUaS to CC Wikidata update", Hope too to get WUaS MediaWiki up and running again and begin developing with it in machine learning, and especially SPARQL and OWL, Glad too to have given a Lightning Talk recently on November 5th at Stanford at 5th Annual DBpedia conference


Willow Ptarmigan: Just went to a Stanford Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders' Talk with Rebecca Lynn which was fascinating, Asked her afterward about Creative Commons' licensing and venture capital, as oxymoronic, mentioning World University and School's plans to offer online best STEM CC OpenCourseWare-centric medical schools, Had the good fortune also to meet Stanford Professor of Business Tom Byers who interviewed for example Laurene Powell Jobs some time ago, Developing WUaS because it's fascinating and will help a lot of people, Happy 125th anniversary, Stanford: The Wind of Freedom Blows ~ and for World University and School as well!


Flowering kudzu: Electric bicycles with an 100 mile range?, Liked the Juiced, Kalkhoff without an 100 mile range, Would like to see these electric bicycles rated in Consumer Reports or similar, Riding an electric bicycle from the east bay hills of the SF Bay area over Skyline Drive and into SF and back, Friendly/Quakerly concern about reversing climate change, To Electric_and_Hybrid_Vehicles at World University and School


Chukar partridge: Sa, Nov 14, 2015 OPEN ONLINE Monthly Business Meeting Agenda for World University and School


Lions in trees: ALL Libraries & ALL Museums in ALL 7,938 Languages in Real Virtual Earth from UNDERSTAND Google Street View, "Library Resources" and "Museums" at WUaS (in ALL Languages) ... and as "place" and "field sites" too, Open a book in any library in any language and read it then and there ... Visit a piece of art in storage in any museum in any language ... and with a WUaS universal translator including developing machine learning ...


Waters: 36 slides from UC Berkeley talk on F Nov 6 2015 - "Naked Harbin and Ethno-Wiki-Virtual-World-Graphy: Sharing a New Digital Methodology with Tourism Studies, Science & the Social Sciences ~ Methodologies for Ethnographically Studying Virtual Place: Virtual Harbin"


Garden: Robin Goodrin Nordli's Stanford show "Virgins to Villains" - Shakespeare's women's roles, My UC Berkeley talk this evening at 5pm on Naked Harbin and Ethno-Wiki-Virtual-World-Graphy as a new digital methodology, A recording should be here http://youtube.com/helianth afterward :-)


Blue-crowned lorikeet: Toward a film-realistic, interactive, 3D and group-buildable virtual earth / virtual universe in something like in Google Street View/Maps/Earth with OpenSim/Second Life ... "Aphilo Scott MacLeod The Making of Virtual Harbin" ~ "Explore the Ocean in Google Earth with Sylvia Earle" ~ "Bernhard Drax’s Luxembourg 1867" ~ Machinima URLS, About the 21st slide here for this TSWG presentation tomorrow at UC Berkeley, Machinima_Videos_(Making) wiki subject at WUaS


Purple-striped jellyfish: Naked Harbin and Ethno-Wiki-Virtual-World-Graphy: Sharing a New Digital Methodology with Tourism Studies, Science & the Social Sciences ~ Methodologies for Ethnographically Studying Virtual Place: Virtual Harbin


Rainbow Lorikeet: Wow ... "Computer, respond to this email" from Google, Re focusing on developing a possible Universal Translator, I see 4 possible structures/ontologies for an universal translator: 1) based on Wiktionary 2) something emerging out of Wikidata 3) something emerging out of Google Translate (with all of Google's infrastructure and commercialization possibilities) and 4) something emerging out of Watson/BlueMix, 5) Wikimedia "content translation," but this Google Email development just jumped to the top of my list, and inter-lingually especially, Greg Corrado, Senior Research Scientist, Google, Deep Learning Summit 2015


Hermit crab: Very glad CC World University and School (WUaS)'s donation of CC WUaS to CC Wikidata made it into this weekly [Wikidata] weekly summary #182, Erik/Denny Wikidata Fireside Chat (mention of Wiktionary a little after the 10 minute mark, and Gerard Meijssen, and by implication a possible approach to an Universal Translator around 17:30; and being managed by the Wikimedia company is a kind of trustworthiness), I gave away CC World University and School last week! :), And since this is all unfolding organizationally and I have the vision for WUaS, I hope WUaS will continue to develop the "front end" while Wikidata develops WUaS's "back end"


Trichoglossus haematodus: Open Free English-speaking opportunities in a Google group video Hangout are beginning again next Sat. 11/7 at 11am PDT, Re: Poland World University and School, But if you’d like to participate I’d like to ask something in exchange, and that is for you to help develop World University and School in your language and country


Beech marten: Brilliant, Draxtor! ~ The Drax Files: World Makers [Episode 33: Luxembourg 1867], To "Machinima,""Museums" (all with free online content in all countries!), "The City,""Modernity,""Virtual Worlds" at WUaS plus potentially informing creating a film-realistic, interactive, 3D and group-buildable virtual earth / virtual universe in something like in Google Streetview/Maps/Earth with OpenSim/Second Life


Blue-and-yellow macaw: Glad to be giving this UC Berkeley talk on F Nov 6 at 5pm, NAKED HARBIN AND ETHNO-WIKI-VIRTUAL-WORLD-GRAPHY: Sharing a New Digital Methodology with Tourism Studies, Science & the Social Sciences, http://tourismstudies.org/news_archive/MacLeod2015.htm ... My 2012 Harbin talk at UC Berkeley TSWG plus:


Wild Bactrian camel: [Wikidata] Donation of CC World University & School (WUaS) to celebrate CC Wikidata's 3rd birthday!, Archive.org version of World University and School MediaWiki, Wikidata:Third_Birthday/Presents


Alagoas curassow: Interesting WASC senior and BPPE accreditation agency incubation and enabling developments, In addition to Ph.D. Bachelor degrees, first in English and then in MIT OCW and large languages, WUaS would like to accredit online law and medical schools in all countries' main languages, beginning in California


Moonfish - Opah: WUaS Universal Translator with this ancient Greek to English example, Fascinating to add to an Universal Translator a hypothetical 10 translations of "Electra," with all of their interpretations of multiple metaphors in this play, derive a set of rules and vocabulary from these translations, synthesize these rules into the Universal Translator (perhaps in CC Wikidata written for Wikipedia's ~300 languages), and then use these rules with developing machine learning to generate further Ancient Greek > English translations, and in all other 7,941+ language combinations as well, Hum 101 course World University and School would like to offer to all matriculating students online beginning in 2017, building on Reed College's required first year Hum 110 course (about the ancient Greek and Roman worlds and thinking), Also concerning conceiving of an universal translator in Wikidata, I wonder whether aliases (of an "entity,""item," or "property") could be used to add, for example, 1000 possible hypothetical translations of a sentence or a phrase (from any text), and then queried for the best translation.


Hibiscus: Great Google Classroom (which World University has) video ... for students studying at WUaS from their HIGH SCHOOL rooms around the world, first in English, then in UN and CC 7 MIT OCW Languages, and then in most countries' large languages (for Bachelor, Ph.D. Law, M.D. and I.B. degrees), Mission control for students and teachers ... Students as mission control!


Wild Rose: Group Video for Online Music-Making and with Smartphone too for Real, Real Time Playing ... just thinking about what makes playing/practicing fun ... Your playing-via-phone insight (for groups too) is brilliant for closer-to-real-real-time, Barbara ... I want to get the basic microphones and gear eventually for professional recording with this Google Hangout Phone setup :), Great, eventually, for the online Music School at WUaS planned for ALL musical instruments, each a wiki subject school to begin, in all 7,941+ languages


Naked Harbin, Ethno-Wiki-Virtual-World-Graphy: Sharing a New Digital Methodology with Tourism Studies and Sciences & the Social Sciences, Dancing Skin - Earthpeople Comedy Club, Berkeley, California, UC Berkeley TSWG colloquium announcement and actual video from 2012


Kowhai flowers: Free Open Financial Data in Wikidata and vis-a-vis World University and School in all Nation States' main languages?, English, Spanish, Chinese, Have you explored Q items in Wikidata in Spanish and Chinese to parallel the Q item for financial data you used in English for SimFin (or parallel inter-lingual processes, perhaps in languages you know)?, See, too, this recent blog post: White-tailed ptarmigan: In donating CC WUaS to CC Wikidata ...


White-tailed ptarmigan: In donating CC WUaS to CC Wikidata, Digital Learning Research around Wikidata, "Digital humanities, collaborative ontology development, and digital learning" - Co-develop approaches to studying learning, academically, rigorously and longitudinally, at WUaS for free CC degrees inter-lingually especially? "People’s participation processes (the social system), the employed software (the technical system) and the collectively created artefact (the knowledge system)," Would the Google Hangouts (and eventually a film realistic 3D build-able interactive virtual earth as classroom - e.g. Google Streetview/Maps/Earth with OpenSim and SL - and eventually with brainwave headsets for brain research) be the social system, the CC MIT OCW in 7 languages (and eventually in most countries' main languages) be the technical system and Wikidata be the developing collectively created artefact (the knowledge system)? This seems so on first glance


Foxtail pine: Help for Japanese related things (at Japan World University and School)! Philosophy or life book recommendations, "Tao te Ching" translated into English around 1972 by Gia-fu Feng, and by Jane English who took the beautiful photographs, Harvard's Willard Van Orman Quine "The Web of Belief" (focusing on science and reason), Thomas Nagel's "What Does It All Mean? A Very Short Introduction to Philosophy" and his seminal paper on consciousness "What is it like to be a bat?", Implicit philosophy of eliciting loving bliss neurophysiology in my blog here, you'll also find a kind of philosophy in my Friends' Dalton letter, Quaker Meeting in many ways allows one to listen to and share one's own philosophy with Friends in the context of a kind of meditation / sitting in silence, in the unprogrammed tradition, Nobel Peace Prize address to Quakers in 1947


Ecology of the Sierra Nevada: World University and Google Legal Agreements, WUaS's database of end users "You at World University" for Bookstore, Fundraising, Academic Press, Manpower/Language Power Jobs' site, etc. in all 7,941 languages and 259 countries, Larry Lessig and Yochai Benkler's Creative Commons' Global Summit keynotes from yesterday evening from Seoul, both Korea helpful as a conceptual framework for conceiving of how to divide WUaS's Creative Commons' core revenue streams (ie open, decentralized & non-market per "grid") ... from WUaS's planned commercial revenue streams (centralized & market oriented) as a start


Abies magnifica - red fir forest: Many students were around at UC Berkeley yesterday, University was in session but it's changed a lot since the 1960s and '70s!, The radicalism of Berkeley is only in the woodwork, Edited through p200 of 440 pp in my Harbin manuscript indexing process and drafted a proposal to University of Toronto Press all from the UC Berkeley Free Speech Movement cafe


Snowy owl: Creative Commons Global Summit - Celebration of Sharing, 20:30 Introduction in English begins, 52:00 Yochai Benkler "The idea of the commons and the future of capitalism", I think World University and School's Creative Commons' core will be decentralized and non-market (information commons and open), and WUaS's commercial side around this will be centralized and market-oriented and perhaps CC Commercial too, WUaS's Business Model, 1:35 Larry Lessig, {Sharing as caring here at World University and School, too ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Caring_and_Loving} ... "Importance of Creative Commons in the digital era"


Apis cerana: World University and School in MediaWiki, Great Wikidata tools, World University Realistic Detailed Proposal as a Set of Instructions


Pupa: Software Engineer to the Moon, I really like and find funny the shoes in this portrait of Margaret Hamilton - http://www.wired.com/2015/10/margaret-hamilton-nasa-apollo/ - who wrote the code that put a man on the moon, and her take-no-prisoners hippy look ... among the modern abstract art ... :)


Impatiens, busy lizzie or patience: Appreciating the theorizing of learning ... in this "This is Reed" video, World University and School will engage some of these Reed College approaches, especially through the planned first year online required Humanities' course at WUaS, To Theories of Learning, Academic online Jobs' creation - 1 million? - in all 7941 languages http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Languages - is a very compelling reason to grow World Univ


Cornus florida: October 10 2015 ANNUAL Business Meeting MINUTES and Agenda for World University and School, This is the FIFTH WUaS annual business meeting, a milestone


Banksia: Minutes for October 10, 2015 ANNUAL Business Meeting Agenda for World University and School


7. SF f/Friends/Quaker WUaS developments


Friendly-informed World University and School will submit a proposal to present about Friendly-informed WUaS at the Friends Association for Higher Education at the Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre in England in June 2016 (but WUaS still isn't financially operational to speak of, whatsoever, so isn't sure whether or not WUaS will be able to attend).


Ongoing conversation with SFFM and SF Bay Area Friends about WUaS.

8. Closure

9. Next WUaS Monthly Business Meeting - Saturday, December 12, 2015, 9 am Pacific Time

Scott MacLeod

President and Presiding Clerk
- http://worlduniversityandschool.org
- 415 480 4577
- PO Box 442, (86 Ridgecrest Road), Canyon, CA 94516

- World University and School - like Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization, both effective April 2010.



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