With all WUaS's developments with structured data, machine learning and AI ahead, wiki World University and School holds and grows the space for peoples in knowledge generation as well as a very enjoyable (as "flow" and also flourishing) learning conversations. Thanks to the web, people can create their own courses or teaching resources and interact with people, thanks to wiki, people can edit pages and create digitally and contribute this, and thanks to Google + group video Hangouts and similar, people can, do and will connect in so many ways and face to face ...
Keeping the human teachers in the picture too, with all the abundant educational visions (e.g. Scratch, edX, these Course listing aggregates at WUaS - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Courses#Course_listings.27_aggregates) of students and learners learning via computers ...
... many to many education and with teachers and best STEM CC OCW (e.g. CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC)