Heard a nice performance by the Danish String Quartet on Friday at UC Berkeley - identity (an anthropological/sociological concept too) comes through the musicians (they're good) and their musical choices, as well.
How to grow meditative musical "identity" which is also freeing (and loving and caring, among friends) is a question I'm wondering about?
Dear Friends Association for Higher Education,
Due to financial reasons, Friendly-informed World University and School won't be able to travel to, attend or present at the FAHE conference in June at Woodbrooke in England, I'm sorry to say.
Please let young Friends in the British Isles and at FAHE know of this online CC (free) MIT OCW-centric degree opportunity to apply this autumn 2016 to WUaS (as if applying to MIT, Haverford, Stanford, or Oxbridge, for example) and matriculate online in the autumn of 2017 for a 4 year accrediting undergraduate bachelor's degree (with subsequent Ph.D., law and M.D. degrees, as well as I.B. high school diplomas, planned), and eventually in countries' main languages. These subsequent degrees and languages, in particular, could benefit FAHE and Quakers worldwide.
Friendly greetings,