Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Prehistory of West Virginia: "Teaching" the WUaS Universal Translator in Italian, Italy WUaS, a major research university, in Italian, and to offer online accrediting BA/BS, Ph.D., Law and M.D. degrees, as well as IB High School diplomas, An Italian department for BA/BS and Ph.D. degrees in English but with full knowledge of Italian, Stanford's entrepreneurial LBAN and its focus on improving Latino businesses in the US, and thanks for talking so much re Spanish language WUaS, 67 Sueños, Stanford Center for Latin America talks, WUaS Bookstore in the Spanish and Zapotec languages, Magnus Manske: It has begun: Russian Wikipedia article created entirely from @wikidata


Hi Diletta,

Thank you again.

Concerning Italian language instruction, Italian language CC World University and School (WUaS) is planning to develop an

- Italy WUaS, a major research university, in Italian, based on CC MIT OpenCourseWare, for which we are seeking Italian speakers, and to offer online accrediting BA/BS, Ph.D., Law and M.D. degrees, as well as IB High School diplomas;

- World University and School in English is seeking to develop an Italian department for BA/BS and Ph.D. degrees in English but with full knowledge of Italian, and perhaps in conjunction with MIT.
In terms of written material, here are some "templates," planned also in Italian - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Italy - and -  http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Italian_language - for much of this, and which will develop in the new WUaS MediaWiki/Wikidata (leaving behind WUaS Wikia), in both languages.

In addition, WUaS, as we move into MediaWiki (from Wikia) and in the CC Wikidata database with AI, will seek to find Italian speakers to help "teach" the planned universal translator - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/WUaS_Universal_Translator - for example.

So all of this involves planning for Italian schools, much in Italian, and thus WUaS would be very grateful if you could take a look at this from your perspective as the Executive Director of your Italian School Institute as well as in terms of discussing online Italian classes.

Thank you,

Hi Remy, Linda (and Tiq), 

It was great to meet with you yesterday for more than an hour in Palo Alto re Stanford's entrepreneurial LBAN and its focus on improving Latino businesses in the US, and thanks for talking so much re Spanish language World University and School, the new and old of which you'll find here - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/WUaS_En_Wiki/index.php?title=Nation_States (and not yet in Spanish, although some MIT OCW courses are) - and much more. I appreciate Stanford's excellence and California laid backness a lot. 

I'm writing to introduce you both to one another. Remy is dynamic and the Executive Director of Stanford's LBAN - https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/faculty-research/centers-initiatives/ces/research/slei and http://latinoei.org/about-us/ - and Linda is a head of 67 Sueños - http://www.67suenos.org/ and https://twitter.com/67Suenos - with offices at AFSC in SF, (where WUaS also holds a twice a week hive meeting space above the Quaker Meetingspace). Linda finished at UC Berkeley relatively recently, and speaks Zapotec (her first language I think) - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Zapotec_languages - Spanish, and English. Linda is a very smart and skillful manager. 

Remy, do you ever attend these Stanford Center for Latin America talks - http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=a740ba999e1dd83e0e560ced4&id=5101e6fb12&e=94f78f5eea ? I've attended some and they're great, and good for networking as well. I don't think Linda has attended one of these yet. 

You might both have very much to collaborate or talk about.

Here's a recent blog post of mine about 67 Sueños event - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2016/03/egg-67-suenos-migrant-justice-showcase.html - which I attended in Oakland, and which Linda organized I think, which was great. Still haven't seen any pictures of you from this event, Linda! :) 

Remy and Linda, perhaps as WUaS begins to move into WUaS MediaWiki, we can talk further about developing the WUaS Bookstore in the Spanish language as well as in Zapotec - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Zapotec_languages - see this for planning purposes - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Bookstore_/_Computer_Store_(New_%26_Used)_at_WUaS - probably in Quickbooks Multistore to begin. WUaS seeks to become a major online employer and in all 7097+ languages and as a way to develop both markets, opportunities, as well as linguistic growth and developments in all languages (and re free CC accrediting degrees in nation states' where Spanish is the official language).

Best regards, 

Magnus Manske:
It has begun: Russian Wikipedia article created entirely from

Tweet text


Posted this today too to: https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch



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