Wikidata office hour just now in IRC
[08:41] == Scott_WUaS [d04c1d1a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikimedia-office
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[08:56] == tfinc [~tfinc@wikipedia/Tfinc] has joined #wikimedia-office
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[09:00] <Lydia_WMDE> Hey everyone :)
[09:00] <Lydia_WMDE> who's here for the Wikidata office hour?
[09:00] <Ricordisamoa> o/
[09:00] <Lydia_WMDE> \o/
[09:00] <Tpt> me!
[09:00] <dennyvrandecic> I am
[09:01] <YairRand> o/
[09:01] <Lydia_WMDE> excellent!
[09:01] <dennyvrandecic> looks like the usual suspects :D
[09:01] <Lydia_WMDE> :D
[09:01] * Lydia_WMDE likes the usual suspects
[09:01] <dennyvrandecic> great movie
[09:01] <Lydia_WMDE> haha
[09:01] <Lydia_WMDE> alright let's get started then
[09:01] <Scott_WUaS> G'Day :)
[09:02] == KatyLove [~KatyLove@wikimedia/KLove-WMF] has joined #wikimedia-office
[09:02] <Lydia_WMDE> I'll start with an overview of what happened since the last office hour in january
[09:02] == heatherw [~administr@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has quit [Quit: heatherw]
[09:02] <Lydia_WMDE> then outlook of what is up next and then discussion/questions/etc
[09:02] <Tpt> seems like the usual plot ;-)
[09:02] == pizzzacat [] has joined #wikimedia-office
[09:02] <Lydia_WMDE> At the beginning of the month it has been 4 years since we started coding on Wikidata. I can't really believe it has been that long already.
[09:03] <Lydia_WMDE> But it really is 4 years now.
[09:03] <Reedy> Not starting a meeting etc?
[09:03] <Scott_WUaS> congratulations!
[09:03] <Lydia_WMDE> Reedy: please do if you know how to operate it
[09:04] <Lydia_WMDE> Over the last weeks we've put most of our time into pushing Commons support forward and we're getting close to something viewable.
[09:04] <Reedy> #startmeeting Wikidata Office Hour
[09:04] <wm-labs-meetbot> Meeting started Tue Apr 12 16:04:26 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Reedy. Information about MeetBot at
[09:04] <wm-labs-meetbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
[09:04] == wm-labs-meetbot changed the topic of #wikimedia-office to: (Meeting topic: Wikidata Office Hour)
[09:04] <wm-labs-meetbot> The meeting name has been set to 'wikidata_office_hour'
[09:04] <Lydia_WMDE> I hope we have something to show you in the next 2 or 3 weeks.
[09:05] <Lydia_WMDE> It'll not be pretty yet just to warn you.
[09:05] <Tpt> great \o/
[09:05] <Lydia_WMDE> also not very functional
[09:05] == frimelle [Lucie@nat/wmf/x-jmywtyupjdhtvwbl] has joined #wikimedia-office
[09:05] <Lydia_WMDE> but we're getting there
[09:05] <Lydia_WMDE> We've gotten the Article Placeholder ready for the first deployment and Lucie defended her thesis.
[09:05] <Lydia_WMDE> \o/
[09:05] <frimelle> \o/
[09:05] <Ricordisamoa> congrats
[09:06] <Lydia_WMDE> You can find it at
[09:06] <Lydia_WMDE> Charlie has also finished her thesis on investigating editing of Wikidata from Wikipedia and other clients. She'll upload it in the coming weeks as well.
[09:06] <Lydia_WMDE> We took the in other projects sidebar that Tpt initially developed out of beta features. This was a wish from 2004! I hope with this we help build more connections between all the sister projects.
[09:07] <Lydia_WMDE> People seem to enjoy it.
[09:07] <Paucabot> sorry to interrupt
[09:07] <Paucabot> what is ''Commons support''?
[09:07] <Lydia_WMDE> ah
[09:07] == dbrant|brb has changed nick to dbrant
[09:08] <Paucabot> I'm new here
[09:08] <Scott_WUaS> Magnus's tweet re wikidata from Apr 5 is exciting and a great example of Wikidata's success -
[09:08] <Lydia_WMDE> it is adding new features to Commons so it can store structured data about multimedia files
[09:08] <Lydia_WMDE> Similar to how Wikidata currently stores data.
[09:08] <Paucabot> ok
[09:08] == fariz [8d1edbe8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikimedia-office
[09:08] <Paucabot> thanks
[09:08] <Lydia_WMDE> It is using the same underlying software (Wikibase)
[09:08] <YairRand> like, author data and such?
[09:08] <Lydia_WMDE> yes
[09:08] <Lydia_WMDE> licensing information
[09:08] <Scott_WUaS> It has begun: Russian Wikipedia article created entirely from @wikidata,_%D0%9F%D0%B0%D1%83%D0%BB%D1%8C … Sales of tin foil in Germany about to peak
[09:08] <Lydia_WMDE> what is shown in a picture
[09:09] <Lydia_WMDE> and so on
[09:09] <YairRand> eeeeexcellent
[09:09] <Lydia_WMDE> ;-) I hope so!
[09:09] <Lydia_WMDE> We added new datatypes. One for mathematical expressions and one for external identifiers
[09:10] <Lydia_WMDE> The migration of existing properties to external identifier is still ongoing but we've done most of them now.
[09:11] <Lydia_WMDE> We've also made it possible to see labels/descriptions/aliases in all languages that are stored in an item. There is now a little "more languages" link below the box on item pages.
[09:11] <Lydia_WMDE> This way it'll be easier to see if an item is completely empty for example or what it is about if it doesn't have a label in your language.
[09:12] <Lydia_WMDE> We've also spend quite some time on improving the query service at
[09:12] <Lydia_WMDE> One of the major ones is the addition of visualizations like maps.
[09:12] <Lydia_WMDE> If you have not seen it yet go to and try out one of the examples.
[09:13] <YairRand> any plans to have a button for a dummy query or something? it gets annoying pulling up one of the examples and then removing the extra stuff.
[09:13] <Lydia_WMDE> YairRand: not yet but that is useful feedback.
[09:13] <Lydia_WMDE> I'll tell Jonas
[09:14] == MaxSem [~max@wikimedia/MaxSem] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
[09:14] <Lydia_WMDE> Wikiversity was one of the few remaining projects without Wikidata support. They now get their language links from Wikidata as well.
[09:14] <Jonas_WMDE> @YairRand have you tried auto completion?
[09:14] <YairRand> Jonas_WMDE: sure
[09:15] == PPena_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[09:15] <Jonas_WMDE> @YairRand we have a lot of templates there
[09:15] <fariz> Quick question about sample queries at : so anyone can add her sample query?
[09:15] <Lydia_WMDE> fariz: yes
[09:15] <fariz> interesting
[09:15] <fariz> i might try to add one :)
[09:15] <Lydia_WMDE> because we can't even imagine some of the crazy but good ones ;-)
[09:16] == PPena_ [] has joined #wikimedia-office
[09:16] <YairRand> Jonas_WMDE: maybe consider adding SELECT ?x WHERE {\n\n} to the list?
[09:16] == tfinc [~tfinc@wikipedia/Tfinc] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[09:16] <Jonas_WMDE> @YairRand sure
[09:17] <nikki> select * might make more sense than select ?x
[09:17] <YairRand> nikki: +1
[09:18] == pigsonthewing [0550703e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikimedia-office
[09:18] <Lydia_WMDE> We've also made search work on mobile so using Wikidata on mobile should be nicer. Biggest missing piece is editing of statements.
[09:18] <Lydia_WMDE> And last but not least we've made huge performance improvements:
[09:18] <Lydia_WMDE> That should make editing via the UI less painful.
[09:19] <Lydia_WMDE> Here's some other random really nice things:
[09:19] <Lydia_WMDE> * Family tree of King Halo, race horse
[09:19] <Lydia_WMDE> The PersonData templates on English Wikipedia are being removed now in favor of Wikidata.
[09:20] <Lydia_WMDE> Hay made a nice new browser for our properties:
[09:20] <Scott_WUaS> Lydia_WMDE: It's great that Wikiversity connected with Wikidata not too long ago.
[09:21] <Lydia_WMDE> The paper by Tpt, dennyvrandecic, Sebastian, Thomas and me about the migration from Freebase to Wikidata has been publsihed:
[09:21] <Paucabot> The family tree is awesome!
[09:21] <sjoerddebruin> hey everyone
[09:21] <dennyvrandecic> the paper will be presented this week at the WWW conference in Montreal
[09:21] <Lydia_WMDE> <- :d="" a="" created="" div="" internets="" lot="" noise="" of="" on="" the="" this="">->
[09:22] <Lydia_WMDE> I love their logo
[09:22] <halfak> Lydia_WMDE, \o/
[09:22] <halfak> & dennyvrandecic :)
[09:22] <Lydia_WMDE> and Tpt!
[09:22] <Lydia_WMDE> ;-)
[09:22] * halfak is not sure who is here.
[09:22] <halfak> congrats to all involved :)
[09:22] <Tpt> halfak: thank you!
[09:22] <Scott_WUaS> Congratulations Tpt, dennyvrandecic, Sebastian, Thomas and Lydia on your paper and its upcoming presentation in Montreal!
[09:22] <Lydia_WMDE> <- a="" about="" also="" biggest="" coverage.="" div="" e="" for="" german="" happy="" helping="" i="" is="" lot="" newspapers="" of="" one="" oscar="" really="" spent="" the="" their="" them.="" this.="" this="" time="" using="" was="" wikidata="">->
[09:23] <Lydia_WMDE> We're mainstream mow basically :P
[09:23] <Lydia_WMDE> *now
[09:24] <dennyvrandecic> hehe, yay!
[09:24] <Tpt> \o/
[09:24] <Lydia_WMDE> I also thought this was pretty cool: It is a project to help assess the completeness of Wikidata
[09:24] <fariz> the name indeed is cool :D
[09:24] <sjoerddebruin> What happened to the constraint stuff, I thought more was coming up?
[09:25] == DanielK_WMDE [~daniel@wikipedia/duesentrieb] has joined #wikimedia-office
[09:25] <Lydia_WMDE> sjoerddebruin: yeah still on my list of important things and I have someone interested in doing the remaining work soon hopefully.
[09:25] <Lydia_WMDE> Missing piece is still the integration in the user interface
[09:25] <sjoerddebruin> true
[09:26] <Lydia_WMDE> Currently talking to someone who is interested in doing this as a bachelor project
[09:26] <Lydia_WMDE> Let's see if it works out. If not I'll have to find another way
[09:26] <sjoerddebruin> Great!
[09:26] <sjoerddebruin> And I thought search improvements were coming up?
[09:26] == K4-713 [~k4@wikimedia/katiehorn] has joined #wikimedia-office
[09:27] <Lydia_WMDE> got quite a few new catalogs. If you're interested in matching up museum catalogs and other things with Wikidata this is the right thing to look at.
[09:27] <Lydia_WMDE> sjoerddebruin: those aude is still working on
[09:27] <Lydia_WMDE> Oh and 4 new games have been added to the Wikidata Game for persondata migration:
[09:28] <Lydia_WMDE> And we have a shiny new page for data donations: so people are less confused about how to get data into Wikidata
[09:28] == nuria_ [uid41877@gateway/web/] has joined #wikimedia-office
[09:28] <Lydia_WMDE> And Wikimedia Sweden got a big grant to get cultural heritage data into Wikidata:
[09:28] == melderick [] has joined #wikimedia-office
[09:29] == pizzzacat [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[09:29] <Lydia_WMDE> And the last thing: I am currently looking for an intern to work with me on Wikidata product management. If you're interested or know someone please see
[09:30] <pigsonthewing> I'm still finding that the sugegsted values for a property are not ordered wth the most likely first...
[09:30] <pigsonthewing> ...for instance, I added a family name to an item today and the family-name-item was 9th in the list.
[09:30] <Lydia_WMDE> We have made some improvements in the ranking there but it isn't always perfect. My feeling is that other things right now are more important though.
[09:31] <Lydia_WMDE> Namely Commons
[09:31] <fariz> For the internship, where will the office be located?
[09:31] <Lydia_WMDE> fariz: in Berlin
[09:32] <Lydia_WMDE> Ok then let's have a quick look at what is coming.
[09:32] <matej_suchanek> ok
[09:32] <Lydia_WMDE> We're going to continue to spent most of the time on Commons
[09:33] <Lydia_WMDE> The next big thng there will be arbitrary access for Commons which will go live on the 26th of this month.
[09:33] <Ricordisamoa> ooooooooh
[09:33] <Lydia_WMDE> ;-)
[09:33] <Tpt> \o/
[09:34] == dapatrick [~dpatrick@wikimedia/DPatrick-WMF] has joined #wikimedia-office
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[09:34] <Lydia_WMDE> Then we will deploy ArticlePlaceholder to the first Wikipedias in May 11th and then do more work on it based on the feedback. You can see at how you can help out.
[09:35] <Lydia_WMDE> We're also experimenting with making it easier to enter sparql queries for people who don't know sparql. has a sneak peek.
[09:35] <Paucabot> That is a great idea
[09:35] <Lydia_WMDE> And here's another sneak peek: This shows simplified input of dates and geocoordinates that is coming soon.
[09:36] <fariz> +1 for easier SPARQL
[09:36] <Lydia_WMDE> We'll also look more into ordering of statements over the coming months.
[09:36] <Lydia_WMDE> And last but not least Amir and Aaron are working on getting ORES properly integrated in Wikidata.
[09:37] <Paucabot> the two tweets are swapped, I think
[09:37] <Lydia_WMDE> That will make finding bad edits quite a bit easier by marking revisions based on how likely they are bad.
[09:37] <Lydia_WMDE> Paucabot: you're right - copy paste fail :P
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[09:38] <Lydia_WMDE> And that is it for my look back and look ahead.
[09:38] <Lydia_WMDE> We have some time for more questions and discussion
[09:38] <Paucabot> good job!
[09:38] <Lydia_WMDE> :)
[09:39] <YairRand> what's the status on editing wikidata from the client wikis? I'm working on a userscript for doing some basic types of edits. is this likely to be redundant soon?
[09:40] <Lydia_WMDE> YairRand: No not likely to be redundant soon. Charlie has finished her thesis. This was about exploring concepts. We have that now but she'll work on it more. She'll publish it then for feedback. After that we'll look into when and how we can implement it.
[09:40] <Lydia_WMDE> But I assume there will be interesting points in it for your work.
[09:40] <Lydia_WMDE> If you send me a quick email I can ask her to send it to you.
[09:41] <Ricordisamoa> I'm looking for a page with ideas about converting current Commons file pages to statements etc.
[09:41] <Scott_WUaS> Thank you, Lydia! :)
[09:42] <Lydia_WMDE> Ricordisamoa: the general plan or specifically how specific things would be expressed in statements?
[09:42] <Ricordisamoa> Lydia_WMDE: specifically
[09:42] <Lydia_WMDE> I don't think we have much there yet but one sec
[09:43] <Lydia_WMDE> is what we have. I need to spend time and update this.
[09:43] == Jonas_WMDE [quassel@nat/wmf/x-whubtproblushbvs] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[09:43] == frimelle [Lucie@nat/wmf/x-jmywtyupjdhtvwbl] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[09:43] <Ricordisamoa> e.g. templates for artworks, licenses, sources
[09:44] == AndyRussG [] has joined #wikimedia-office
[09:44] <Lydia_WMDE> In general I don't want to force an ontology on Commons but instead let the editors sort this out just like for Wikidata/Wikipedia/etc
[09:44] == tfmorris [62d86e45@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikimedia-office
[09:44] <Lydia_WMDE> What I do want though is the use of Wikidata's properties and items be used as a vocabulary for it.
[09:45] <Ricordisamoa> yes, I'm looking for Commons editors
[09:45] <Ricordisamoa> to devise the ontology
[09:45] <Lydia_WMDE> Jheald and multichill might be good people to poke.
[09:45] <nikki> oh, I was just about to ask if it would reuse wikidata's properties :)
[09:46] <Ricordisamoa> also the category tree is huge and hard to use, certain categories will be mapped easily but what about others etc.
[09:46] <Scott_WUaS> Lydia_WMDE: I have a question of how best, after WUaS's donation of WUaS to Wikidata last autumn, to further develop WUaS in Wikidata, perhaps building on Magnus Manske example above and anticipating voice too. This is after an extensive email correspondence with MIT Dean of Online Learning Cecilia d'Oliveira and former Executive Director of MIT OCW, and CC WUaS sharing and adapting CC MIT OCW in 7 languages in CC Wikidata under Creative Commons' licensing.
[09:46] == bearloga [~bearloga@wikimedia/mpopov-wmf] has joined #wikimedia-office
[09:46] <Lydia_WMDE> Ricordisamoa: yeah
[09:47] <Ricordisamoa> bots may convert some pages but many of them will need manual intervention I think
[09:47] <Lydia_WMDE> Scott_WUaS: I think a good next step is to have a look at Wikidata's properties and see if any are missing that you need to express what you want.
[09:48] <Lydia_WMDE> Ricordisamoa: yeah I agree.
[09:48] <Lydia_WMDE> But I think things like the game can help there too.
[09:48] <Lydia_WMDE> We'll see when we get there :)
[09:48] <Ricordisamoa> Wikipedia experienced something similar but Commons will be different because whole pages will be converted, not only pieces of data
[09:48] == heatherw [~administr@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has joined #wikimedia-office
[09:49] <Lydia_WMDE> According to my current plan parts of a page can be converted.
[09:49] <Lydia_WMDE> But we'll have to see how well that actually works in practice.
[09:49] <Ricordisamoa> oh I didn't know that worked
[09:50] <Scott_WUaS> Thanks, Lydia. I don't think many or any of 2300 MIT OCW courses in English are there, and similarly neither are the 6 other languages (~50-100 courses) -
[09:51] <Lydia_WMDE> Ok. Any other questions? We have about 10 mins left.
[09:52] == KatyLove [~KatyLove@wikimedia/KLove-WMF] has quit []
[09:52] <Ricordisamoa> when will the new Wikidata be deployed?
[09:53] <Lydia_WMDE> new code? tomorrow.
[09:53] <YairRand> any chance of there being proper recentchanges/watchlist filtering options any time soon? (ie, show only changes from certain languages, or certain properties)
[09:53] <Ricordisamoa> I guess today on test, tomorrow on live?
[09:53] <tfmorris> Any update on how the Freebase "migration" is going? What percentage has been loaded so far?
[09:53] <Lydia_WMDE> Ricordisamoa: yes
[09:53] <Scott_WUaS> How best to add these MIT OCW to Wikidata, Lydia - in order to share and adapt them under the MIT OCW CC licensing?
[09:53] <Ricordisamoa> because DataValuesJavascript 0.8.2 :)
[09:53] <Lydia_WMDE> tfmorris: dennyvrandecic and Tpt can say more about that
[09:54] <Lydia_WMDE> YairRand: I fear I don't think we can work on it anytime soon with the limited developertime we have :(
[09:55] <Lydia_WMDE> Scott_WUaS: I can't say as I am not familiar enough with the data unfortunately.
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[09:56] == hweyl [~hweyl@wikidata/hweyl] has left #wikimedia-office ["Leaving"]
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[09:57] == mdholloway has changed nick to mdholloway|mtg
[09:57] <Lydia_WMDE> Alright. Anything else for today?
[09:57] <melderick> Hello, could it be possible to make deprecated statements more visible ?
[09:58] <Lydia_WMDE> melderick: more visible? I'm actually planning for less visible. Or do you mean the indicator?
[09:58] <Scott_WUaS> One important aspect of adding all of CC MIT OCW to Wikidata would be anticipating Wikipedia's remaining ~293 ish languages and further machine translation even of MIT OCW into these languages re WUaS ... I'm not familiar enough with this data either ... is there someone you might suggest I ask about this possibly please, Lydia_WMDE?
[09:58] <melderick> well by more visible I mean different looking from other statements
[09:58] <Lydia_WMDE> yeah that is planned
[09:58] <Ricordisamoa> deprecated rank or deprecated properties?
[09:58] <melderick> because it's just a little square on the left :)
[09:59] <Lydia_WMDE> Ricordisamoa: rank
[09:59] <melderick> deprecated rank, yes
[09:59] <Tpt> tfmorris: 137k statements have been approved and 30k marked as wrong
[09:59] <melderick> lydia : thx
[09:59] <tfmorris> Tpt: Thanks. What is that in percentage terms?
[09:59] <Tpt> tfmorris: we should definitely use a bot for direct addition of "fairly good" statements
[10:00] == ggellerman [uid113454@gateway/web/] has joined #wikimedia-office
[10:00] == heatherw [~administr@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has quit [Quit: heatherw]
[10:01] <Tpt> tfmorris: 0.7% are approved
[10:01] <Tpt> so it's sadly very low :-(
[10:01] <tfmorris> Thought that might be the case, but it's good to know. An important metric to track.
[10:01] <Lydia_WMDE> Time to think about making the primary sources tool enabled by default?
[10:02] <tfmorris> It's still got some significant UI issues that should probably be improved first
[10:02] <Tpt> +1
[10:02] <Lydia_WMDE> *nod*
[10:02] <Tpt> and we should take care of not overload the Tools Labs
[10:02] == alantz [] has joined #wikimedia-office
[10:02] <nikki> when I checked the primary sources tool recently, it still had all the same issues I had months ago :/
[10:03] <nikki> so I disabled it again
[10:03] <Tpt> yes, nobody have spent time on it recently :-(
[10:03] <Tpt> As it's no a free-time only project
[10:03] == heatherw [~administr@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has joined #wikimedia-office
[10:03] == Jyothis [~Jyothis@wikipedia/Jyothis] has joined #wikimedia-office
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[10:04] <Scott_WUaS> Thank you, Lydia+WMDE!
[10:04] <Ricordisamoa> Commons pages currently look very different from Wikidata items, how will things like assessments be shown? Will we need custom CSS/JS or will we get an extension for Commons custom renderings?
[10:04] <Scott_WUaS> DanielK_WMDE: How best to add these CC MIT OCW in 7 languages to Wikidata - in order to share and adapt them under the MIT OCW CC licensing and re WUaS accrediting?
[10:05] == alantz [] has joined #wikimedia-office
[10:05] <Lydia_WMDE> Ricordisamoa: we'll have some adaptions for multimedia data because the domain is much more constrained and we can do some things we can't do on items
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[10:05] == MndCtrl [~MndCtrl@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
[10:05] <Lydia_WMDE> Which adaptions those will be we'll have to figure ouot
[10:06] <Lydia_WMDE> *out
[10:06] == pizzzacat [] has joined #wikimedia-office
[10:06] <Lydia_WMDE> We'll start with something that looks similar to items.
[10:07] == tfinc [~tfinc@wikipedia/Tfinc] has joined #wikimedia-office
[10:07] <Ricordisamoa> Thanks. There are things that are specific to Commons only, not all file repos, so I will see if the MediaInfo will have anything hard-coded for Commons
[10:07] <Lydia_WMDE> *nod*
[10:07] == srrodlund [] has joined #wikimedia-office
[10:07] <Lydia_WMDE> Ricordisamoa: It'd be helpful to get an overview of these things if you have it.
[10:08] <Ricordisamoa> Lydia_WMDE: things?
[10:08] <Lydia_WMDE> things specific to commons but not all file repos
[10:09] == Jyothis [~Jyothis@wikipedia/Jyothis] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[10:09] == rfarrand [] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
[10:09] == pizzzacat [] has quit [Client Quit]
[10:10] <nikki> are there any plans to fix the date formats for other languages soon? it seems that there are a bunch of languages which don't display dates correctly both on wikidata and when you try to use the wikidata data in other projects
[10:10] <Lydia_WMDE> nikki: Thiemo has done some work on it but I'll look into it more
[10:10] <Lydia_WMDE> Ricordisamoa: thanks
[10:10] <Ricordisamoa> e.g.
[10:11] <Lydia_WMDE> Cool. I'll have a look.
[10:11] == DanielK_WMDE [~daniel@wikipedia/duesentrieb] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[10:11] == Jyothis [~Jyothis@wikipedia/Jyothis] has joined #wikimedia-office
[10:12] <Lydia_WMDE> Ok. Any remaining pressing topics? Or should we call it a day?
[10:12] <Paucabot> Lydia_WMDE: Thanks for your work!
[10:13] <tfmorris> Thanks Lydia et al
[10:13] <Lydia_WMDE> Paucabot: me and everyone else here ;-)
[10:13] <Lydia_WMDE> thank you!
[10:13] <Paucabot> of course!
[10:13] <Lydia_WMDE> Thanks everyone for coming!
[10:13] <Lydia_WMDE> I'll post the log.
[10:13] <YairRand> twelve bazillion points to the Wikidata team :)
[10:13] <Lydia_WMDE> :D
[10:13] <Lydia_WMDE> #endmeeting
[10:13] == wm-labs-meetbot changed the topic of #wikimedia-office to: Please note: Channel is logged and publicly posted (DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTE) | Due to the lease on this IRC channel soon being up from April 1 2017 it will be based in London, UK. Please ensure your computer has the necessary internet visa. For more information contact office IT |Logs:
[10:13] <wm-labs-meetbot> Meeting ended Tue Apr 12 17:13:43 2016 UTC. Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)
[10:13] <wm-labs-meetbot> Minutes:
[10:13] <wm-labs-meetbot> Minutes (text):
[10:13] <wm-labs-meetbot> Minutes (wiki):
[10:13] <wm-labs-meetbot> Log:
[10:14] == fariz [8d1edbe8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[10:14] == Paucabot [3e2b9418@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[10:14] <Ricordisamoa> April 1st is over, please change the topic
[10:14] == tfmorris [62d86e45@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[10:14] == halfak has changed nick to halfak|Lunch
[10:15] == Tpt [~Tpt@] has quit [Quit: Leaving...]
[10:15] == quiddity changed the topic of #wikimedia-office to: Wikimedia meetings channel | Please note: Channel is logged and publicly posted (DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTE) | Logs:
[10:16] <Ricordisamoa> quiddity: thanks
[10:16] <quiddity> :-)
[10:16] == Ricordisamoa [~Ricordisa@wikimedia/Ricordisamoa] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[10:17] <Scott_WUaS> Thank you again :)
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On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 4:43 PM Lydia Pintscher <> wrote:
On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 2:15 PM Lydia Pintscher <> wrote:Hey everyone :)We'll be doing another office hour on IRC for all things Wikidata on April 12th at 4PM UTC. hour=16&min=00&sec=0&day=12& month=04&year=2016 has your timezone. I'll give an overview of what's been happening over the past 3 months and give an update on what's coming up. We'll have time for questions as well. If you have any topics you'd like to bring up please let me know. As always there will be logs for people who can't attend.Hope to see many of you there.Cheers
LydiaHey :)Just a quick reminder that this is in about 1 hour. We'll meet in #wikimedia-office on freenode IRC.
The log is now available at bot/logs/%23wikimedia-office/ 20160412.txt for anyone who couldn't make it.
Lydia *
[Wikidata] arbitrary access for Wikimedia Commons is coming on the 26th of April
Inbox | x |
| 10:39 AM (15 minutes ago) ![]() | ![]() ![]() | ||
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Hey folks :)
A while ago we asked for testing of the arbitrary access feature on the Commons test system: pipermail/wikidata/2016-March/ 008447.html There we no major issues I am aware of so we're moving ahead and will enable it on the 26th of April.
Lydia Pintscher - pintscher
Product Manager for Wikidata
Wikimedia Deutschland e.V.
Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24
10963 Berlin
Wikimedia Deutschland - Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e. V.
Eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Berlin-Charlottenburg unter der Nummer 23855 Nz. Als gemeinnützig anerkannt durch das Finanzamt für Körperschaften I Berlin, Steuernummer 27/029/42207.
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