Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Coastal sage scrub: Amazing - Concerning my Harbin Hot Springs' Gate photo I added to Street View - "Thanks for sharing! People have seen your photos over 50,000 times SEE YOUR PHOTOS ON MAPS" Google just emailed me, I think it also means people want to check out Harbin Hot Springs itself (but can't get in the gate, so these visitors may walk down to Middletown instead), Available please to complete the index of "NAKED HARBIN ETHNOGRAPHY" and help with the final "press the button to publish to paper process"?, [Wikidata] SQID: the new "Wikidata classes and properties browser," WUaS MediaWiki is still accessible in the web archive, Google Translate Machine Translation of the above WUaS MediaWiki

Previous: Animal architecture: Virtual earth out of 4 main softwares conceptually, Adding Architecture software (like AutoCAD - computer assisted design) to Google Street View/Maps/Earth/Hangouts ... and OpenSim/SL and Illustris ... to create a film realistic, build-able, interactive virtual world/universe and for STEM researchers in all 7,097 languages ... "Computer Aided Design (CAD): Mechanical Softwares,""Google Street View Hyperlapse,""Introduction to building in OpenSim,""Information Technology and the Network Society, Introductions" .... 3D with Avatars from the 10 people in Google group video Hangouts INTO Google Street View?, "Music Playing Space,""Illustris Universe Simulation - HD Astronomers at Harvard's Smithsonian Center for Astrpphysics," Then once integrated, how to make these incredibly easy to use and with voice and brainwave headsets eventually?, And both Creative Commons' licensed - so perhaps WUaS can explore orchestrating this - and for things as divergent as Architecture and Ethnography among other computer modeling projects, and in all languages
Amazing - Concerning my Harbin Hot Springs' Gate photo (2001) - "Thanks for sharing! People have seen your photos over 50,000 times SEE YOUR PHOTOS ON MAPS" Google just emailed me ...


I think it also means people want to check out Harbin Hot Springs itself (but can't get in the gate, so these visitors may walk down to Middletown instead), and have mainly been visiting this link in Google Street View ...

Visit the Harbin Gate here,
and 'walk' down the road to Middletown, California, in Google Street View:

... which you'll find here -


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Hi John (David, Charles and Rolene),

How are you?

I'm glad to say that I've edited my Harbin book added about 180 photos, gotten an Universal ISBN through CreateSpace/Amazon, added the manuscript to its template (as well as in a GDoc), and that my book will be about 550 pages long. I also indexed the 1st 4 chapters some months ago, but in the new template the pagination has all changed, yet the index entries are many and great.

I'm glad also to write UC Berkeley Professor Nelson Graburn has written the Foreword as well as a blurb for the back of my book - http://www.scottmacleod.com/ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html! I'm also glad that he announced that I had published my Harbin book about 2 weeks ago - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2016/04/salvia-hispanica-uc-berkeley-professor.html - the link to which you and a total of about 10 people have.

John, I'm writing to ask if you'd be available please to complete the index and help with the final "press the button to publish to paper process" in CreateSpace/Amazon?

This is the first book and publication at the new Academic Press at World university and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html - planned potentially in all 7,097+ languages with machine translation, so there's lots of creative editing and publishing potential ahead for Quakers and f/Friends if you could possibly be interested in editing and publishing work after this.

Thank you.

Friendly greetings,

[Wikidata] SQID: the new "Wikidata classes and properties browser"

Markus, Magnus, Michael, Markus, Georg, Ryan, Jan, Lydia and Wikidatans, 

SQID is really bioluminescently & fluidly great and seems like it would be very relevant for WUaS as well, and re WUaS's main SUBJECT TEMPLATE - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/SUBJECT_TEMPLATE - which is the basis for almost all of WUaS's ~720 current wiki pages. However, it will be difficult to test this because the WUaS MediaWiki in English - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/WUaS_En_Wiki - and in German - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/WUaS_De_Wiki/ - seemed to stop working about yesterday. 

(Major Creative Commons' licensed research universities (accrediting on CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC) in all countries' main languages will emerge, for example, from the WUaS Nation States' wiki page http://worlduniversityandschool.org/WUaS_En_Wiki/index.php?title=Nation_States(formerly - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Nation_States), and develop with AI and machine translation). 

After donating CC WUaS to CC Wikidata last autumn, two Wikimedians at the WikiDev conference from Jan 4-6 in SF helped install WUaS MediaWiki, but these WUaS MediaWiki pages again became inaccessible yesterday or recently. Thank you, Ryan Kaldari, Jan Zerebecki and the WikiDev 2016 conference! Any suggestions how I might test SQID with the old main WUaS Wikia SUBJECT TEMPLATE (http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/SUBJECT_TEMPLATE - and in Wikidata? (WUaS is planning a Music School with ALL musical instruments in ALL 7,943 languages+, each a wiki page for open teaching and learning to begin, e.g. from here - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Music_School).

WUaS seeks to become a growth story for the internet in all languages and countries, and WUaS was happy to have donated CC WUaS to CC Wikidata.

CC http://worlduniversityandschool.org/


WUaS MediaWiki in English - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/WUaS_En_Wiki - and still accessible in the web archive -

Main page -

Languages -

Nation States -

https://web.archive.org/web/20160108000038/http://worlduniversityandschool.org/WUaS_En_Wiki/index.php?title=Template:SUBJECT_TEMPLATE - NOT ARCHIVED.

WUaS MediaWiki in German - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/WUaS_De_Wiki/ - and still accessible in the web archive -

Main page -

Languages -

Nation States -


Will try to find the related blog post with the Google Translate Machine Translation of the above WUaS MediaWiki ...

Himalayas: Spanish WUaS, and Stanford Entrepreneurialism, How can we build such "Pig Latin" language innovation potential into a wiki UNIVERSAL TRANSLATOR, Thanks too to WMF's Rob Lanphier for beginning a new #WorldUnivandSch IRC channel in the Wikidata office hour last Wednesday!, Here's WUaS MediaWiki with about 7 pages only: And WUaS here is now in German (partly thanks to Google Translate - https://translate.google.com - a kind of machine translation), Can WUaS newly with a WMF MediaWiki/Wikidata development sub-team go from English to Wikipedia's 300 languages in Wikidata, like above, and as the beginning of a wiki universal translator for all 7,943 language entries in Glottolog and with WMF Wiktionary developments as well as WMF Content Translation developments ?


Liking the Squid as the Google Doodle yesterday and today as well ...



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