Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Cattle egret: As a professor of Anthropology and Sociology at startup WUaS (e.g. accrediting on CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC) and exploring how I'd teach a course entitled "The Anthropology of Harbin Hot Springs, Tourism Studies and Virtual Reality: Students building their own ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy interpretations of Harbin," and having published recently my Actual / Virtual Harbin Hot Springs' ethnography - http://www.scottmacleod.com/ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html - which should be available in paper this summer, here's a beginning syllabus with readings based on the chapter titles in my book to be interspersed with readings from Tom Boellstorff's "Coming of Age in Second Life and building projects, Stanford Open Office Hours - Philip Zimbardo, Part 1, Keralan Egrets: Would like to create FREE CULTURE at World Univ & Sch, Hippies Feel Ambivalent About Modernity, Learning from my Father

Next: Egret: "The Anthropology of Virtual Reality: Building a Field Site for Ethno-Wiki-Virtual-World-Graphy" (and possibly as touristic destinations in Google Cardboard headset for example) ... in both Chinese and English?, In planning for teaching my course entitled - "The Anthropology of Harbin Hot Springs ...," I'd like to develop a variant of this course entitled - "The Anthropology of Field Sites and Virtual Reality: Making your own virtual STEM field site" where students would build with the following information technologies - 1) Create a subject you'd like to teach or facilitate, 2) Add a photo or video to Google Street View, 3) Develop a blog and write a paragraph daily about your discoveries, 4) Develop a beginning web site in html for your research and add your wiki subject page to this, 5) Install Open Sim (and merge this with Street View) 6) Create your own field site (e.g. virtual Harbin, a village in India, an research station in Antartica for modeling ice shelf melting 200 meters below, 5 decades of excavating Troy with video from each decade), 7) Create your avatar researcher in Google Street View / OpenSim, 8) Build something with Scratch Programming Language in Street View / OpenSim / SL with your avatar, 9) Meet with friends on your field site to grow community, 10) Develop your own ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy practices with the above, 11) a machine learning ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy project, 12) a machine ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy translation, 13-15) In the remaining weeks, write a 20 page academic paper (with a thesis) to be published in an academic journal in your discipline, for example at WUaS ... Postill's "Summary of Boellstorff (2008), Coming of Age in Second Life"

As a professor of Anthropology and Sociology at startup WUaS (e.g. accrediting on CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC) and exploring how I'd teach a course entitled "The Anthropology of Harbin Hot Springs, Tourism Studies and Virtual Reality: Students building their own ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy interpretations of Harbin," and having published recently my Actual / Virtual Harbin Hot Springs' ethnography - http://www.scottmacleod.com/ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html - which should be available in paper this summer, here's a beginning syllabus with readings based on the chapter titles in my book to be interspersed with readings from Tom Boellstorff's "Coming of Age in Second Life" and building projects:

"The Anthropology of Harbin Hot Springs re Tourism Studies and Virtual Reality: Students building their own virtual world interpretations of Harbin"

Each chapter corresponds to a week in a semester (and I'll later intersperse chapter by chapter reading from Tom's book, as well as building assignments):

Part I: Setting the Harbin Hot Springs' Stage

Chapter 1: The Subject and Scope of this Inquiry

Arrivals and departures – Everyday Harbin – Terms of discussion – The emergence of actual Harbin – The emergence of virtual Harbin – Harbin Residents – What this, a book, does.

Chapter 2: History

Prehistories of Harbin: From modernity to counterculture, from actual to virtual – Histories of Harbin – A personal Harbin history – Histories of Harbin research - Challenges of Developing a Virtual Harbin and Writing this Harbin ethnography - Harbin as dream, ethnographically, in actuality

Chapter 3: Method

Harbin on its own terms - Anthropology and ethnography – Participant observation – Interviews, Pool work and virtual developments – Ethics – Claims and reflexivity – Actual Harbin and virtual Harbin compared and contrasted

Part II: Harbin as Counterculture emerging from Modernity

Chapter 4: Place and Time

Visuality and Harbin – The Harbin Valley – Traveling to and from Harbin – Immersion - Presence

Chapter 5: Personhood

The self – Harbin's life course – Harbin personhood – The pools, the 1960s and clothing-optionalness as milieu – Gender and race – Agency

Chapter 6: Practices

Language – Friendship – Intimacy - Sexuality – Love – Family – Connectedness - Oneness

Chapter 7: Community

Events at Harbin – The group – Heart Consciousness Church and New Age Church of Being - Heart Consciousness and its Expressions - The Pool Area - Milieu of Openness

Chapter 8: Political Economy

A Business emerging out 1960's and early 70's counterculture – Northern California as Political Economy - Money and labor – Property – Governance – Inequality – Life in the Harbin Valley

Part III: Virtual Harbin

Chapter 9: Harbin as a Virtual World

Virtual Harbin residents – Harbin culture in virtual Harbin – Simulation – Fiction and design – Many Harbin residents in-world – Toward an anthropology of actual and virtual Harbin

Virtuality and Harbin – Harbin as unfolding hippie vision apart form history

(and re: http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/02/slender-loris-harbin-ethnography.html)

Glad to revisit this Stanford Open Office Hours by Stanford Professor Emeritus, Philip Zimbardo, partly on planned hedonism (re Stanford students) ...


and re this blog post from 2010 ...

Keralan Egrets: Would like to create FREE CULTURE at World Univ & Sch, Hippies Feel Ambivalent About Modernity, Learning from my Father




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