Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Cross River National Park, Nigeria: Stanford's "Africa Table - Engaging Africa," Great Stanford Medical Humanities' talk by Dr. Alvan Ikoku MD, Anyone can start a wiki subject (academic or creative) in any language, and WUaS would check if there is any related MIT OCW or Yale OYC, and people could teach to these subjects in a 4 minute Youtube for example, Here's WUaS's Creative Commons' licensed Nigeria World University and School - not yet in any Nigerian language (besides English if this is one)

Next: Mountain hare: "[NTF-talk] University of Miami Establishes Chair for Study of Atheism," A, besides your helpful response to the historical-translational NtF approach I posed in the previous email thread in conceiving of this potential endowed Nontheistic Quaker Professorship job description language, What 10 NtF books might such a Professor in a NtF/Quaker Professorship be lead to write in the course of their work in this endowed chair at online Friendly-informed WUaS might be another further related query, for example?, Haverford College Human Resources' page, I'd also like to encourage a cultivation of wiki editing in all 7,943 languages with highest quality, (Nt) Friendly-thinking contributions in addition to a focus on goodness ... in addition to care and non-harming (ahimsa) as an expression of the Quaker Peace Testimony ...

Hi Alvan, 

Thanks for your edifying panel presentation at Stanford's "Africa Table - Engaging Africa" - https://sgs.stanford.edu/events/africa-table-engaging-africa-broadening-perspectives-cas-anniversary-roundtable - on May 25. It was nice to talk with you afterward especially. Here's the post of you I mentioned - https://plus.google.com/+ScottMacLeodWorldUniversity/posts/BsVLV3f7vhD - with your recent Stanford talk "Defining the Humanities: Medical - Humanities" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0a5WYClw3dw - and with a few beginning related World University and School links to give you an idea of how WUaS works as a wiki. Anyone can start a wiki subject (academic or creative) in any language, and WUaS would check if there is any related MIT OCW or Yale OYC, and people could teach to these subjects in a 4 minute Youtube for example. 

Defining the Humanities: Medical Humanities

And here's WUaS's Creative Commons' licensed Nigeria World University and School - 
http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Nigeria - not yet in any Nigerian language (besides English if this is one). World University and School, which is like CC Wikipedia (in ~300 languages) with best STEM CC OpenCourseWare (accrediting on CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC) is developing free online accrediting major CC universities in all countries' main languages (offering free CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and Yale OYC-centric BA/BS, Ph.D., Law, M.D. and I.B. degrees), on the one hand, and wiki schools in all 7,943+ languages for open teaching and learning, on the other hand, and would like to develop one main platform and information technologies in CC Wikidata/Wikibase/Wikipedia with artificial intelligence, machine learning and machine translation. 

And, since you're a M.D., here's the beginning Medical School at World University and School - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Medical_School - which WUaS is also planning with online Hospital in all countries' main and official languages in Africa, by way of example.  

I just wanted to get in touch and connect via email. (And perhaps I'll loop in Jim Ferguson and Laura Hubbard and others at a later point about some of this as well).

Nice to meet you. 


Great Stanford Medical Humanities' talk by Dr. Alvan Ikoku MD ...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0a5WYClw3dw ... To http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Medicine & http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Literature & http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Humanities? Planned in many languages at World University and School ... To Yoga in Nigeria at Nigeria World University and School -http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Nigeria - further ...




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