Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Wildlife of Zanzibar: [NTF-talk] Translating Theist Words, One Quaker word on both sides of theism-nontheism understandings I enjoy is "tenderizing" but rather "to become tender" and re "loving and caring," Quaker terminology that was already "out of the box " non theistic thanks to Quaker history, U.S. Congress Discusses AI, Automation, Robotics and Basic Income - Singularity Lectures, In thinking about the gavel (which we NtFs can now potentially 3D print) that Judge Thomas Fell (he was the husband of Margaret Askew Fell, considered the mother of Quakerism; Thomas Fell died in 1658 - and Quakerism can be said to begin around 1652 - was interested in Quakerism and helped to provide a first main "place" of Quakerism as well as home in Swarthmoor Hall) possibly used (gavel) in the 1630s,1640s and '50s, Margaret Fell's use of the word "God" in a sentence, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, I think there's a possibility too to create further Friendly lawyers and judges - with or without gavels - and in many countries' main languages with the online law school at Friendly-Informed WUaS

I am scheduled for a one hour discussion at the FGC Gathering
on Quaker terms and practices  that are suited, or could be suited, to both
theists and non-theists.   As I am not familiar with the word
"tenderizing"  which, as Scott says, is "on both sides of
theism/nontheism understandings", I thought I better ask
what other words would readers of this listserv think would
fit the description?  I have thought of "centering,""proceed
as way opens,"  "testing the depth of the waters"  (which I
think is Biblical),  and, yes, "holding in the light," and
"walking in the light."
          Margaret Conrow

Hi All,

Doesn’t ‘tenderizing’ mean bashing meat with one of these to make it more tender? Not wildly Quakerly, though very cathartic.



One Quaker word on both sides of theism-nontheism understandings I enjoy is "tenderizing" but rather "to become tender" and re "loving and caring" ...

Hi Tim, Claire and NtFs, 

:) Yes, and polysemy makes translation into a NtF lexicon even more interesting. 

My Apple dictionary suggests that "delicate" is an etymological root of "tender" -
ORIGIN Middle English: from Old French tendre, from Latin tener ‘tender, delicate.’

Looks like Woolman uses the word "tender" this way - http://www.quakercenter.org/quaker-quote-archive/

And that Penington uses the word "tender" this way - https://arewefriends.wordpress.com/2014/04/21/my-favorite-quaker-quotes/

Claire, I like the Friendly phrases you wrote about which you may lead a workshop on at FGC, and here, Claire, Tim, and NtFs, are some further Friendly language, including "to be made tender" and "to become tender-hearted" - http://www.quakerjane.com/spirit.friends/spirituality-glossary.html - with much worth parsing here, as I see it, re a Friendly theistic-non theistic understandings. 

{For me, becoming tender relates to a kind of meditative "relaxation response" easing ... and is facilitated further by the Harbin Hot Springs' warm pool in terms of a further kind of connectedness/biological oneness ...  with parallels with sitting in Quaker Meeting - and a little bit different from becoming "tenderized" :) ... see my blog - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com - for "Nontheist Friend,""relaxation response,""oneness,""connectedness,""Quakers" labels}.

Glad here to be exploring NtF language that's salutary.  

Margaret, I should say (rather than Claire) - sorry!

And here are some further possible resources for the FGC workshop you'll facilitate - https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Quakers - which as a wiki page may well grow with resources and in multiple languages, Friendly-wise. 

The Woolman quote re "tender," with the URL reference link to his online Journal (since this quote isn't permanent on the Ben Lomond Quaker Center page - which is in the Santa Cruz mountains of the wider SF Bay Area) is ... 

Thus He whose tender mercies are over all His works hath placed a principle in the human mind, which incites to exercise goodness towards every living creature; and this being singly attended to, people become tender-hearted and sympathizing; but when frequently and totally rejected, the mind becomes shut up in a contrary disposition.
~ John Woolman, 1720-1772

I like your sense of humor, and the picture too. 


Re the picture of the "tenderizer" :), Claire, Tim and NtFs, 

check out the video here re 3D printing of 3 gavels in a US government hearing - 
https://plus.google.com/+ScottMacLeodYogaMacFlower/posts/RAgzGLHKPMp - and since this video is long, someone has put in some highlight markers. (NtFriendly-informed World University and School has a 3D printer wiki subject page for open teaching and learning - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Additive_manufacturing_or_3D_printing - and which is planned in at least all countries' main languages).

To NtFs becoming tender-hearted (and safely so:) because it's sweetly so, 

US Government, Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Robotics and Basic Income ... and what about re Yoga connectedness, too - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga? O, the information technology age (http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Information_Technology), the network society (http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Network_Society), modernity (http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Modernity) and poverty action ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Poverty_Action ... I appreciate Angela & Victor's Yoga ... http://www.angela-victor.com ... as both old hippies http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Hippies and as artists http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Art ... What about wiki teaching and learning about Caring and Loving http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Caring_and_Loving with all these Technology developments in relation to Government?

U.S. Congress Discusses AI, Automation, Robotics and Basic Income


Hi Anita and NtFs, 

One Quaker word on both sides of theism-nontheism understandings I enjoy is "tenderizing," which might emerge from the caring community of Friends' culture/Meetings ... and has to do with moving toward a neurophysiology of caring and love out of Quaker process, as I see and experience this. The ~350 year old culture of Friends has explored tenderizing - that is "becoming tender" - in various ways (perhaps in the legacy of Quaker journals for example - is this idea both in Fox and Woodman's writings?), I think, and context is important here. 

I was trying to find in my blog some emails I shared on this list about Quaker terminology that could be understood as already "out of the box" non-theistic thanks to Quaker history. While I haven't found the particular blog entry (or two) I have in mind for this yet, here are two very related blog entries "[NTF-talk] Translating Theist Words" and particularly re "Translating Quaker Theist Words" where this context would be important.  

"Bar-tailed Godwit: Nontheist Friends, Evolutionary biology, Culture, Loving bliss, Problems of religious words for non theists" - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2011/04/bar-tailed-godwit-nontheist-friends.html

"Oryx leucoryx: American Sign Language (ASL) sign for "Quakers" is 'thumb twiddling,' The ASL sign for "Atheist," Friendly-informed WUaS's plans to develop a universal translator - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/WUaS_Universal_Translator - building on Google Translate, Where would NtFs like to head with Nontheistic Friends' thinking and representation in the translation process into multiple languages of the words "Nontheistic Friends"" - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2014/06/oryx-leucoryx-american-sign-language.html

While a translation approach is interesting, World University and School seeks to create an actual Universal Translator (think of a kind of Wikipedia-ized Google Translate in 10 or 20 years with A.I., machine learning and machine translation), and context is a significant interesting challenge here as are images.  

But I'd like to find inspiring NtF correlates of the following words in a Quaker context:


as well as re the word 


Here again is my Dalton letter in this blog entry (which I've shared before with NtFs) with its exploration of many words for the word love: 

"Kenyan cheetahs: LOVE ... here is love in its best senses, as I've thought of it, in my Dalton Friends' letter, which is quite Friendly, as well as Nontheistically F/friendly, ' ... empathy; delight; sympathy; centered caring; tenderness; sensitivity; ineffable ecstasy ... '" - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2013/03/kenyan-cheetahs-love-here-is-love-in.html 

And what about ...

valley of love and delight? ... 

How would NtFriends translate the above words? 

Friendly cheers, 

In thinking about the gavel (which we NtFs can now potentially 3D print), that Judge Thomas Fell (he was the husband of Margaret Askew Fell, considered the mother of Quakerism; Thomas Fell died in 1658 - and Quakerism can be said to begin around 1652; he was also interested in Quakerism and helped to provide a first main "place" of Quakerism as well as home in Swarthmoor Hall) possibly used in the 1630s,1640s and '50s, I came across this sentence re the word "God" : 

"Margaret Fell writes that the first 20 years of her marriage was spent seeking of the best ways to serve God which included having traveling ministers stay at Swarthmoor"

Here too is a Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy on Margaret Fell and referring first to her 1666 pamphlet "Womens Speaking Justified" http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/margaret-fell/

Here are further resources about the early Quakers' Fells ... and NtF "word" translation possibilities ... 

Margaret Fell entry in Wikipedia

Margaret, Anita, and other NtF translators, where shall we head with early Quaker pamphlets in terms of NtF lexicon translation?

(I think there's a possibility too to create further Friendly lawyers and judges - with or without gavels - and in many countries' main languages with the online law school at Friendly-Informed WUaS - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Law_School - for example).




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