Hi Markus and All,
Looking forward to when further parts of this Wikidata-Wikipedia bridging puzzle comes together - and re Wikipedia Info Boxes and Wikidata Items (https://www.wikidata.org/ wiki/Wikidata:WikiProject_ Infoboxes & https://meta.wikimedia.org/ wiki/Wikidata/Infoboxes). I wonder in what ways a templates' approach could FURTHER play a complementary role here (which might be something for a new different thread than this "info box proposal" Wikidata thread) and in terms of making easy using Wikidata ITEMS (SQL) in new ways in conjunction with ongoing ease of end-user editing (e..g. in wiki or Wikipedia).
While this templates' approach may find best form in MediaWiki (so visual editor et al), I have in mind this central World University and School SUBJECT TEMPLATE - http://worlduniversity.wikia. com/wiki/SUBJECT_TEMPLATE (and its related templates: Languages (all), Nation States (all, each a major university), Museums (all), Library Resoures (each all in all languages) etc., at bottom) - which inform almost all 720 pages of WUaS currently (which is mostly in English currently, except for the CC MIT OCW in 7 languages) but plans to be in all 358 Wikipedia languages (and eventually in all 8k languages) - for thinking further about this. WUaS donated itself to Wikidata last autumn.
Wikipedia info boxes may be the answer to this Templates' approach - by building in differentially developing Wikipedia info boxes for their relative ease of use with structured data/Items into Templates for use in new ways. I'm thinking here about what's ahead with voice for Wikidata, and how I might be able to say (in Android currently) to my phone "please add this link to "regional languages in Germany" to the Germany Wikipedia information box with its links to Wikidata items here - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Germany (e.g.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Languages_of_Germany) - like one sees in India Wikipedia information box here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ India (e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Languages_of_India). Would using voice with info boxes into Wikidata facilitate new kinds of ease of use in Wikidata? Could we dedicate a specific kind of Wikipedia info box to voice developments (... and later use brain wave headsets for adding information in a kind of drag and drop a link approach ... and then even later develop this voice approach - voice is so easy! - (and beyond that brainwave headsets) with SQL ad SQID, for example.
I'm wondering further, thinking ahead, re info boxes and the WUaS SUBJECT TEMPLATE +, whether it might be possible to turn each "subsection" in WUaS into a kind of dedicated Wikipedia info box <> Wikidata items ... and anticipate both voice, head sets and SQL. Are these some logical next steps in this puzzle coming together, Markus and All?
As the pieces of the puzzle come further together, the beauty of a "templates approach" offering specialization of info boxes (re accessing https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/
Thank you for these great Wikidata and Wikipedia projects - now in all 358 languages of Wikipedia.
Cheers, Scott
| 3:06 PM (22 hours ago) ![]() | ![]() ![]() | ||
I just endorsed this proposal (and CC World University and School did too) - https://meta.wikimedia.org/ wiki/Grants:Project/Putnik/ Wikidata_module.
Thank you,
- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President
- http:// worlduniversityandschool.org
- 415 480 4577
- PO Box 442, (86 Ridgecrest Road), Canyon, CA 94516
- World University and School - like Wikipedia with best STEM-centric OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
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- 415 480 4577
- PO Box 442, (86 Ridgecrest Road), Canyon, CA 94516
- World University and School - like Wikipedia with best STEM-centric OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
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| 8:48 AM (5 hours ago) ![]() | ![]() ![]() | ||
If an easy-to-use Citation Reference Toolbar form emerges as you'd like in a Wikipedia infobox proposal, Erika (and Wikidatans), I wonder, and am asking how, in general, it could code for all 358 languages in Wikipedia/Wikidata with translation (and anticipate all 8k languages with unicode eventually)? Also how could folks write apps on this to create referencing programs for a academic papers (e.g. in the Chicago Manual of Style style, or the American Chemical Engineering citation style - or in similar styles in Japanese or Swedish? - there are possibly 10s of thousands of these citation styles in many languages in many academic disciplines).
Dario shared this 2 days ago - http://allourideas.org/wikid ata/results - and it's good to see that a "Wizard-style dialog for entering references" in 9 out of 10 on a list of "What's the one thing you wish Wikidata had or would do but doesn't yet?"
... all in a little info box bridge between wiki and wikidata ... 'tis a lot to ask of a little info box :)
Wikidata mailing list
- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President
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- World University and School- via PayPal, or credit card, here -
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- PO Box 442, (86 Ridgecrest Road), Canyon, CA 94516
- World University and School - like Wikipedia with best STEM-centric OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
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I think its important to make a distinction between what is easiest and what people are used to. Perhaps thinking about what new users would find easiest might be helpful.
Here is an example of a well developed infobox on English Wikipedia, I think that the knowledge needed to edit this is an unreasonable barrier for casual, new or even fairly experienced if less technical editors like myself.
{{about|the country|its largest island|Great Britain|other uses|United Kingdom (disambiguation)|and|UK (disambiguation)}}
{{Use British English|date=April 2012}}
{{Use dmy dates|date=July 2016}}
{{Infobox country
| name =
{{collapsible list
|titlestyle=background: transparent;font-size:9pt;
|title={{resize|11.5pt|{{ nowrap|United Kingdom of Great}} {{nowrap|Britain and Northern Ireland}}}}
|{{Infobox |subbox=yes |bodystyle=font-size:9pt;font- weight:normal;
|rowclass1=mergedrow |label1=[[Cornish language|Cornish]]: |data1={{lang|kw|Rywvaneth Unys Breten Veur ha Kledhbarth Iwerdhon}}
|rowclass2 =mergedrow |label2=[[Irish language|Irish]]: |data2={{lang|ga|Ríocht Aontaithe na Breataine Móire agus Thuaisceart Éireann}}
|rowclass3=mergedrow |label3=[[Scots language|Scots]]: |data3={{lang|sco|Unitit Kinrick o Great Breetain an Northren Ireland}}
|rowclass4=mergedrow |label4=[[Ulster Scots dialects|Ulster Scots]]:|data4={{lang|sco-UKN| Claught Kängrick o Docht Brätain an Norlin Airlann}}
|rowclass5=mergedrow |label5=[[Scottish Gaelic]]: |data5={{lang|gd|Rìoghachd Aonaichte Bhreatainn is Èireann a Tuath}}
|rowclass6=mergedrow |label6=[[Welsh language|Welsh]]: |data6={{lang|cy|Teyrnas Unedig Prydain Fawr a Gogledd Iwerddon}}
| common_name = United Kingdom
| linking_name = the United Kingdom
| image_flag = Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
| alt_flag = A flag featuring both cross and saltire in red, white and blue
| image_coat = Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom.svg
| alt_coat = Coat of arms containing shield and crown in centre, flanked by lion and unicorn
| symbol_type = {{nowrap|[[Royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom|Royal coat of arms]]{{#tag:ref |An alternative variant of the Royal coat of arms is used in Scotland: [[:File:Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom (Scotland).svg|[click to view image]]].|group="nb"}}}}
| symbol_width = 90px
| national_anthem = {{nowrap|1="[[God Save the Queen]]"{{#tag:ref |There is no authorised version of the national anthem as the words are a matter of tradition; only the first verse is usually sung.{{cite web|title=National Anthem|url=https://www.royal. uk/national-anthem|website= Official web site of the British Royal Family|accessdate=4 June 2016}} No law was passed making "God Save the Queen" the official anthem. In the English tradition, such laws are not necessary; proclamation and usage are sufficient to make it the national anthem. "God Save the Queen" also serves as the [[Honors music|Royal anthem]] for certain [[Commonwealth realms]]. |group="nb"}}
[[ File:United States Navy Band - God Save the Queen.ogg|center]]
}} | image_map = EU-United Kingdom.svg
| alt_map = Two islands to the north-west of continental Europe. Highlighted are the larger island and the north-eastern fifth of the smaller island to the west.
| map_caption = {{map_caption |countryprefix=the |country={{nobold|United Kingdom}} |location_color=dark green |region=Europe |region_color=dark grey |subregion=the [[European Union]] |subregion_color=green}}
| languages_type = Official language
{{nobold|and national language}}
{{nobold|and national language}}
| languages = [[English language|English]]
| languages2_type = Recognised regional
languages{{#tag:ref |Under the [[Council of Europe]]'s [[European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages]], Scots, Ulster Scots, Welsh, Cornish, Scottish Gaelic and Irish are officially recognised as [[Regional language|regional]] or [[Minority language|minority]] languages by the [[Government of the United Kingdom|British government]] for the purposes of the Charter.{{cite web |url= http://conventions.coe.int/ treaty/Commun/ ListeDeclarations.asp?CL=ENG& NT=148&VL=1 |title=List of declarations made with respect to treaty No. 148 |publisher=[[Council of Europe]] |accessdate=12 December 2013}} See also [[Languages of the United Kingdom]]. |group="nb"}}
languages{{#tag:ref |Under the [[Council of Europe]]'s [[European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages]], Scots, Ulster Scots, Welsh, Cornish, Scottish Gaelic and Irish are officially recognised as [[Regional language|regional]] or [[Minority language|minority]] languages by the [[Government of the United Kingdom|British government]] for the purposes of the Charter.{{cite web |url= http://conventions.coe.int/
| languages2 = {{hlist|list_style=line- height:1.3em;|item_style= white-space; |[[Scots language|Scots]]|[[Ulster Scots dialects|Ulster Scots]]|[ [Welsh language|Welsh]]|[[Cornish language|Cornish]]|[[Scottish& nbsp;Gaelic]]|[[Irish language|Irish]]}}
| ethnic_groups = {{ublist|list_style=line- height:1.3em; |class=nowrap |87.1% [[White people|White]] |7.0% [[British Asian|Asian]] |3.0% [[Black British|Black]] |2.0% [[Mixed (United Kingdom ethnicity category)|Mixed]] |0.9% others}}
| ethnic_groups_year = [[United Kingdom Census 2011|2011]]
| demonym = {{hlist|[[British people|British]] | Briton}}
| capital = [[London]]
| latd=51 |latm=30 |latNS=N |longd=0 |longm=7 |longEW=W
| largest_city = capital
| government_type = [[Unitary state|Unitary]] [[Parliamentary system|parliamentary]] [[constitutional monarchy]]
| leader_title1 = [[Monarchy of the United Kingdom|Monarch]]
| leader_name1 = {{nowrap|[[Elizabeth II]]}}
| leader_title2 = [[Prime Minister of the United Kingdom|Prime Minister]]
| leader_name2 = [[Theresa May]]
| legislature = [[Parliament of the United Kingdom|Parliament]]
| upper_house = {{nowrap|[[House of Lords]]}}
| lower_house = {{nowrap|[[House of Commons of the United Kingdom|House of Commons]]}}
| sovereignty_type = [[History of the formation of the United Kingdom|Formation]]
| established_event1 = [[Laws in Wales Acts 1535 and 1542|Laws in Wales Acts]]
| established_date1 = {{nowrap|1535 and 1542}}
| established_event2 = [[Union of the Crowns]] under [[James VI and I|James, King of Scots]]
| established_date2 = {{nowrap|24 March 1603}}
| established_event3 = [[Acts of Union of England and Scotland]]
| established_date3 = {{nowrap|1 May 1707}}
| established_event4 = [[Acts of Union of Great Britain and Ireland]]
| established_date4 = {{nowrap|1 January 1801}}
| established_event5 = [[Irish Free State Constitution Act 1922|Irish Free State Constitution Act]]
| established_date5 = {{nowrap|5 December 1922}}
| EUseats = 78
| area_rank = 78th
| area_magnitude = 1 E11
| area_km2 = 242495
| area_sq_mi = 93628
| area_footnote = {{Cite journal|url=http://unstats.un. org/unsd/demographic/products/ dyb/dyb2012/Table03.pdf| format=PDF|title=Demographic Yearbook – Table 3: Population by sex, rate of population increase, surface area and density|publisher=United Nations Statistics Division|year=2012|accessdate= 9 August 2015}}
| percent_water = 1.34
| population_estimate_rank = 22nd
| population_estimate = 65,110,000{{cite web|url=https://www.ons.gov. uk/ peoplepopulationandcommunity/ populationandmigration/ populationestimates|title= Population estimates - Office for National Statistics U.K.|work=www.ons.gov.uk}}</ ref>
| population_census = 63,181,775{{cite web |url=http://www.ons.gov.uk/ ons/guide-method/census/2011/ uk-census/index.html |title=2011 UK censuses |publisher=Office for National Statistics |accessdate=17 December 2012}}
| population_estimate_year = 2016
| population_census_year = 2011
| population_census_rank = 22nd
| population_density_km2 = 255.6
| population_density_sq_mi = 661.9
| population_density_rank = 51st
| GDP_PPP_year = 2015
| GDP_PPP = {{nowrap|$2.679 trillion}}
| GDP_PPP_rank = 9th
| GDP_PPP_per_capita = $41,159{{cite web|url=http://www.imf.org/ external/pubs/ft/weo/2016/01/ weodata/weorept.aspx?sy=2014& ey=2021&scsm=1&ssd=1&sort= country&ds=.&br=1&c=112&s= NGDP_R%2CNGDP_RPCH%2CNGDP% 2CNGDPD%2CNGDP_D%2CNGDPRPC% 2CNGDPPC%2CNGDPDPC%2CNGAP_ NPGDP%2CPPPGDP%2CPPPPC% 2CPPPSH%2CPPPEX&grp=0&a=&pr.x= 91&pr.y=9|title=Report for Selected Countries and Subjects|work=World Economic Outlook Database|date=April 2016|publisher=International Monetary Fund|accessdate=15 April 2016}}
| GDP_PPP_per_capita_rank = 25th
| GDP_nominal_year = 2015
| GDP_nominal_rank= 5th
| GDP_nominal_per_capita_rank = 13th
| GDP_nominal = {{nowrap|$2.849 trillion}}
| Gini_year = 2014
| Gini_change = decrease
| Gini = 31.6
| Gini_ref ={{cite web |title=Gini coefficient of equivalised disposable income (source: SILC) |url=http://appsso.eurostat. ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do? dataset=ilc_di12 |publisher=Eurostat Data Explorer |accessdate=11 November 2015}}
| Gini_rank = 33rd
| HDI_year = 2014
| HDI_change = increase
| HDI = 0.907
| HDI_ref ={{cite web |url=http://hdr.undp.org/ sites/default/files/hdr_2015_ statistical_annex.pdf |title=2015 Human Development Report |date=14 December 2015 |accessdate=14 December 2015 }}
| HDI_rank = 14th
| currency = [[Pound sterling]]Some of the devolved countries, Crown dependencies and British Overseas Territories issue their own sterling banknotes or currencies, or use another nation's currency. See [[List of British currencies]] for more information
| currency_code = GBP{{))!}}; {{!((}}Pound sign{{!}}£
| time_zone = [[Greenwich Mean Time|GMT]]This excludes some of the UK's dependencies. See [[Time in the United Kingdom#British territories]]
| utc_offset =
| time_zone_DST = [[British Summer Time|BST]]
| utc_offset_DST = +1
| date_format = dd/mm/yyyy ([[Anno Domini|AD]])
| drives_on = left
| calling_code = [[Telephone numbers in the United Kingdom|+44]][[Telephone numbers in the United Kingdom#Telephone numbers in Overseas Territories|Excludes most overseas territories]]
Here's the link to see the above
U.K. info box - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom
(and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_the_United_Kingdom)
- and compare it with the following, if interested -
Germany Wikipedia
(and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Germany)
India Wikipedia
(and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_India).
Thanks, J, E, and Wikidatans,
As an experiment with Android voice on my smartphone, I just said to the rectangular object in my hand: "Please add the languages of the United Kingdom Wikipedia page to the info box for the United Kingdom Wikipedia page" and at the top of the list on my smartphone arose this link - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_the_United_Kingdom - which is cool, but no further digital actions occurred after this.
I'm excited for the time when Wikipedia info boxes will do this with both voice and brain wave headsets, and wonder when this might occur (per this Stanford Engineering Tweet of Jeff Dean - https://twitter.com/StanfordEng/status/760571959402909697 - which I posted here - https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch - also on August 2nd).
Thank you.