Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Springs (hydrology): Humphrey Chadbourne (1615-1667) in Maine, and King Edward 1 (1272-1307) - Longshanks - in Wales/England, Was searching for Chadbourne family line connections to King Edward I, and found this sentence in the following web site, My grandfather Alexander Chadbourne Brown, Chadbourne/Brown/Macleod family genealogy, Online great bagpiping instruction


Hi M,

Bagpiping lesson online with Lorne MacDougal yesterday was good ... On to Skype lessons with Stuart Liddell this autumn!!! :)

I was searching for Chadbourne family line connections to King Edward I, and found this sentence in the following web site:

“The Tudor symbolism of the horse harness certainly would not have been missed by Lt. Chadbourne’s wife, Sarah Bolles Chadbourne, who was a descendant of King Edward I (1272-1307).”

Humphrey Chadbourne (1615-1667), Pioneer of Old Berwick

Me: (will update these sites soon)

Scott MacLeod Family History

>Scott< Gordon Kenneth MacLeod III, Canyon, California
(with much about my father's side of my family - Gordon K MacLeod MD)

Some related references I found at the same time:

Humphrey Chadbourne - Birthdate: 1653

Humphrey Chadbourne (abt. 1615 - 1667)

Sarah Nason (Bolles) Also Known As: "Shuah", "Bowles" Birthdate: January 20, 1657

Poscataqua Pioneers - We begin with William and Humphrey Chadbourne

Genealogy of Patty Rose - Lt Humphrey Chadbourne

Genealogy Report: Ancestors of Stanley Elmer Allen

The Chadbourne Family Association 2003-2009 - A-B Names

I also hope to post to my own family genealogy pages a New York Times' article from February 17, 1918 about mining engineer Alden H. Brown, my great grandfather "Germany's Agents Busy in Colombia: Propaganda Still Thrives among Latin Americans: American Traveler Still Recommends an Effort to Counteract Falsehoods." - which I'll attach in an email to family.

Still looking for the years that Grandpa, your father - Alexander Chadbourne Brown aka Sandy - went to PA Exeter (think it was in the mid to late 1910s) and MIT (think it was in the early 1920s). Do you know?

Now that the Chadbourne place in Berwick, Maine, (also near Kittery, Maine) has been extensively excavated, from 1995-2007 over 13 seasons, it would be interesting to go and visit the museum there in the Old Berwick Historical Society called the Counting House Museum - http://oldberwick.org/oldberwick/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=39&Itemid=85


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Hi M,

It was in the 1980s, I think, at a Brown family reunion, that Granny Brown (Rachel Gilbert Brown) helped orchestrate inviting Thomas Eschweiler to talk about this Chadbourne history with all of us. In addition Grandpa (Sandy Brown), Ted Brown, John and Alden Briscoe and Denny Titus and you (Jane MacLeod), all first cousins and descendants of the Chadbourne line, were all there. I'll like to write down further recollections of Granny and Grandpa, as well as Martha and Jack Briscoe, for posterities' sake.


Hi M,

I'm following up here in California on taking online lessons with the most inspiring and virtuoso piper I know of - Stuart  Liddell (who's possible ancestor may have been mentioned in the Xmas newspaper article we read outloud about Oxford in December 2015) - http://www.stuartliddell.com/online-lessons - per our communication last year and his openness to this. I'll use up my last College of Piping lessons with Lorne MacDougall (also great) also before this in the next months with a lesson on Saturday. "The Worlds" pipe band competition in Glasgow are August 12/13 and Stuart's Inverarary and District pipe band will be competing in grade 1 (and while Stuart has won every single top solo piping prize there is, I think, and his music is more lyrical than all the rest of the best, to my ear, his pipe band has more room for improvement) so it's a busy time for him now. Just got a pair of long needed kilt shoes - at Nordstrom Rack which fit and are a decent value - to replace the ones that now have a rip in the leather and which I got brown at a Good Will in Pittsburgh in 2006/07 very very used, and died black. This is a great and funny video about Stuart and Inverarary's development -

The Ascension of Inveraray & District Pipe Band - 2004-2013

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbikiMAjhDM - and it will take you to further great Youtube etc. videos of him.



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