How best to integrate best translation approaches-Google, Wiktionary in voice /WUaS_Universal_Translator /Bookstore? https://t.co/vb8GnxS2Td— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) November 5, 2016
How best to integrate best translation approaches: MS, Google, Wikipedia, Baidu, Twitter+ in voice re /WUaS_Universal_Translator /Bookstore?— scottmacleod (@scottmacleod) November 5, 2016
*Stanford Law: U.S. Court Sets High Bar for Legal Translation; WUaS Law Schs in all Lands' Langs-Universal Translator https://t.co/7G4dErpDMT— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) November 4, 2016
Stanford Law: U.S. Court of Appeals Sets High Bar for Legal Translation; Seminars in Asia - http://enews.law.stanford.edu/t/ViewEmail/r/E8CD85D3A4EBB7AC2540EF23F30FEDED/F8BE111D325A1982DBC23BD704D2542D - WUaS hopes to create excellent Legal Translation (so importantly) in our WUaS Law Schools (e.g. http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Law_School and http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/China_Law_School_at_WUaS) in all countries' main & official languages and with our WUaS Universal Translator - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/WUaS_Universal_Translator
In what ways can WUaS develop this universal translation software probably in Wikidata's 358 languages for all 8k languages, anticipating legal translation, medical translation, an Academic Press at WUaS and a book store also in 7,943 languages for small language preservation and generation? How could graduate students best "teach" or encode this developing universal translation software?
Tu, November 8th, 2016
To Electric_and_Hybrid_Vehicles & WUaS_Universal_Translator https://t.co/RTBtjV4361https://t.co/VKtNf0ftkZ TechCrunch "Tesla to charge..."— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) November 8, 2016
Interesting challenges ahead for machine translation ... https://t.co/dTj5m3cxjf— scottmacleod (@scottmacleod) November 8, 2016