Nice to see and talk with you again at Scottish Country Dancing in Berkeley.
Nice to see and talk with you again at Scottish Country Dancing in Berkeley.
It's so great you're studying for your Ph.D. in soil science in Freiburg.
Here above are all some of my long term emails, each with associated social media.
And here too are some CC MIT OCW soil courses that might interest you -
Soil Behavior
Advanced Soil Mechanics
While as wiki, you or anyone could create a new "Soils" wiki subject (planned in many languages), there isn't one new - http://worlduniversity.wikia. com/wiki/Subjects (before we move to a new wiki emerging from Wikidata). And we might also add these courses to an Engineering subject page or http://worlduniversity.wikia. com/wiki/Geology or http://worlduniversity.wikia. com/wiki/World_University_ Agriculture_School or http://worlduniversity.wikia. com/wiki/Earth,_Atmospheric,_ and_Planetary_Sciences - let's see how this plays out.
Here too in the beginning SCD wiki page at WUaS - http://worlduniversity.wikia. com/wiki/Scottish_Country_ Dancing. How to make all of these courses come alive in new ways in an interesting question WUaS would like to focus on too.
Here too in the beginning SCD wiki page at WUaS - http://worlduniversity.wikia.
I didn't realize you sailed, let alone skippered while at Cal -
http://scores.collegesailing.I'm finding Peter Bothe's GermanKlub - PeterBothe - interesting in Google Hangouts - if you might be interested. He lives in Bremen, and about every other Saturday at 10am PT, 7pm CET, is Willkommen in Deutschland, and on Thursdays at 11 am PT is German Conversation for learning. I'll introduce you if you're interested, although your German is excellent.
See you at the Scottish Country Dance holiday party in Kensington if not before.
- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President
- World University and School
- http://worlduniversityandschoo
- World University and School - like Wikipedia with best STEM-centric OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
Here's some text chat from the German Hangout today:

11:19 AM
In der DDR, koennte man nur Trabi auto kaufen fuer die die nicht in der Partei waren, and ein Mercedes fuer die in der Partei waren ... Wannsinn in Vergleich zu Deutschland Ost und West heute
Amerikaner hatte "Red Scare" Probleme geschichticheweise wurde ich sage
Admir, hier wird man Albania World University and School eventuel finden http://worlduniversity. ( in eine neue Wiki) ... Polen auch, Doro (

11:36 AM
Vieln Dank Scott;-)

Mohamed Fadail joined group chat.

11:45 AM
Danke Scott, das finde ich nteresant, ich habe nicht über world universitz gehört

11:45 AM
80 million Menschen dann in Deutschland
Identity und die gleiche Sprachen ...
Mohamed Fadail left group chat.

11:47 AM
Hallo Gina!
Potassium Iodide?
Bitte, Admir ...
Russia WUaS - http://worlduniversity. Federation
Germany WUaS http://worlduniversity.
Alle in ihre eigene Sprachen - CC MIT, free degrees, wiki
MIT OCW translated course courses/translated-courses/
Vereinigung "Sprache" ist auch deutlich for World University and School in all Sprachen irgendwie
Danke, Peter und Alle!!! Sehr interessant ... grossartig!
Glasnost - a kind of opening
(( Vereinigung "Reden" und Wikidata in Deutschland? (irgendwie) Gibt es ein Verhaeltnis? ))
Vielen Dank!
Eine sehr interessante und wichtige Geschichte
Perhaps we can launch the WUaS Music School - http://worlduniversity. University_Music_School - ALLE instrumenten in ALLE Sprachen geplannt
Eric Whitacre
Muse Score
Wikipedia Musik connections - suche ich ...

12:27 PM
Wer sucht der findet ![:-)]()

12:27 PM
Schaffen wir ein Gospel Chor in Hangout - um zusammen zu singen?

12:27 PM

12:28 PM
Danke, Doro!
Ich will Musik auf Internet zusammen schaffen!