Thanks, Prasanna!
Greetings on Thanksgiving day from Canyon, where we spent Thanksgiving 5 years ago, I think, in 2011. It was very nice to share Thanksgiving dinner with you and Kathrin here in Canyon in the San Francisco Bay Area then.
I'm attaching the 2 page letter you suggested I email you. Thank you. WUaS is planning to offer free online accrediting MIT education beginning in 2017, first in English.
Greetings too to Anand Parthasarathy, a Head of the Chennai Society of Auditors who also visited me in Canyon with his wife and son after your visit, and very enjoyably.
Greetings too to Ganesh, and your friend in mutual funds who has an office across the road from where you live, and in whose beautiful home I visited, meeting his wife and 2 children!
Happy Diwali and Thanksgiving!
With very best wishes,
Oct. 27, 2016
hi Scott, you are great doing greatwork!
keep it up! We are with you
Hoping we can invite you. forour Mega Conclave,
'Learn, learn, learn free ONLINE', in 2017.
Join us in our festival of lights Deepavali, to bring you, light in life, light at the end of the tunnel,to prosperity!![😂]()
All the best, to All, Always, Prasanna.
keep it up! We are with you
Hoping we can invite you. forour Mega Conclave,
'Learn, learn, learn free ONLINE', in 2017.
Join us in our festival of lights Deepavali, to bring you, light in life, light at the end of the tunnel,to prosperity!
All the best, to All, Always, Prasanna.
Sept. 14, 2016
Pl. Send me, addressed to me as India head, WUS, a short profile of 1-2 pages, about you and the work you do and the courses offered free by you.
I will try to get some grant and funding.
I will try to get some grant and funding.
World University and School
November 24, 2016
R. Prasanna Venkatesan,
Head of India World University and School
14/4 North Mada Street,
Srinigar, Chennai, India, 600015
Tel: +91-44-2235-1785
Mobile: +91-9383-777-665
Dear Prasanna,
Thank you for your email inviting me to send you, as Head of India World University and School, a short profile of World University and School, the work we do, and the free courses we offer. Thank you especially for your offer to try to get some grant monies and funding for WUaS. WUaS is planning to offer free online accrediting CC MIT OCW-centirc undergraduate education beginning in autumn 2017, first in English.
World University and School plans to create major universities in all ~206 countries' main languages, as well as wiki schools for open teaching and learning in all 7,097+ living languages, developing in Wikidata (CC Wikipedia's 4 year old database with AI, machine learning and machine translation in its 358 languages). CC WUaS seeks to accredit on CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC to begin, and to offer online CC Bachelor, Ph.D., law, and M.D. degrees, as well as I.B. high school diplomas, also in all countries' main languages, beginning with our first undergraduate class in the autumn of 2017 in English, and with matriculated students studying from their homes via the internet potentially in all countries in the world. Classes will take place interactively in videoconferences (e.g. Google Hangouts, MIT UnHangouts, +), with WUaS hiring graduate students from great universities in many languages who are learning to become faculty. WUaS plans to move into a new wiki emerging from Wikidata soon.
Here, for example, is India World University and School - - not yet in Hindi or any of its other 21 official languages (again before World University moves to a new wiki emerging from Wikidata). If sensible, WUaS will seek to create online major universities for many of these official languages in India as well.
Here are the Creative Commons’ licensed courses we will offer, accredit upon, and build on to become the online “MIT/Harvard/Stanfords of the Internet” again potentially in all official languages in India:
MIT OpenCourseWare (about 2300 courses, both undergraduate and graduate)
MIT OpenCourseWare Translated Courses (currently with courses in 6 languages, but which are licensed to develop further into other languages)
Yale OpenYale Courses
Not only are MIT”s SLOAN School of Management’s courses available at CC MIT OpenCourseWare, but WUaS plans to offer online undergraduate and Ph.D. degrees in business focusing on the country’s language (s) in which they are offered.
In addition, World University seeks to create a Music School with courses for online Indian music and instruments, which will be interactive via group video.
And lastly, on the Wiki side (like Wikipedia), people can add the open free courses they know of, or develop, such that apart from the matriculated side, there will be open learning, and teaching, opportunities with many potential related courses, in any subject.
Thank you for this opportunity, and I look forward to hearing from you about funding and grant monies and possibilities in these regards.
With very best wishes,
- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President
- 415 480 4577
- World University and School
- PO Box 442, (86 Ridgecrest Road), Canyon, CA 94516
- World University and School - like Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
MIT Dean Cecelia d'Oliveira asked this spring that WUaS add this to WUaS's web page -ttp:// - so I'm adding it here:
MIT Dean Cecelia d'Oliveira asked this spring that WUaS add this to WUaS's web page -ttp:// - so I'm adding it here:
(MIT OCW Creative Commons' licensing and endorsement clarifications:
a) MIT is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, World University and School b) MIT does not offer credit to WUaS students, and c) All MIT OpenCourseWare materials are available for free through
thanq Scott, keep up the good work!
can you pl. send me 10-12 courses offered free by universities there, to pass on to my buddies here.No links pl.
Let us see, whether 2017 can bring you here.All the best, to you All, Always, Prasanna.
Thanks, Prasanna,
Such good news that you and your friends may be able to help find funding and grant monies for the new year for World University and School, and thank you for your emails!
I'll send you 10 - 12 courses offered free by WUaS (with planning for accreditation for free CC degrees) soon.
Here, in the meantime, is a beginning course catalog with many of the beginning courses WUaS plans to offer - spreadsheets/d/1VRHhXYsk- V9lvSh5onaU2hnEhwoapSN7HyBK1P0 9LIk/edit?usp=sharing - and I've just added this link to http://; WUaS will add a new version of this catalog/link to WUaS's new wiki soon.
I also changed MIT'S SLOAN School of "Business" to SLOAN School of "Management" in this letter update I'm re-attaching from what I sent you yesterday.
Happy Thanksgiving / Diwali!
With very best wishes, Scott*
Hi Prasanna,
If one were taking a kind of science path for an accrediting CC MIT OpenCourseWare Bachelor degree in English beginning in 2017, I'd consider taking these 6 courses over 2 terms/semesters -
Chemistry OR Biology: 5.111, 5.112, or 3.091 OR 7.012, 7.015, or 7.016
Physics I: 8.01, 8.01L, or 8.012
Physics II: 8.02, 8.022
Calculus I: 18.01, 18.01A-18.02A, or 18.014
Calculus II: 18.02 or 18.022
HASS, or Communication Intensive subject (CI-H or CI-HW)
Elective: Mission 20189 (9 unit pilot subject) or Seminar XL (3-6 units). These two subjects are the only exceptions to the Fall credit limit.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION: PE points do not count toward the credit limit
And if one were taking a kind of humanities' path for an accrediting CC MIT OpenCourseWare Bachelor degree in English beginning in 2017, I'd consider taking these 6 courses over the academic year -
Teaching College-Level Science and Engineering
Creating Video Games
Game Design
Engineering Ethics
Making Science and Engineering Pictures
But WUaS would really like to grow out of MIT OCW's five schools, with related first year coursework -
School of Architecture and Planning
School of Engineering
School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
Sloan School of Management
School of Science
Here's what MIT itself says is typical for its incoming first year students - advisors/academics/typical. html & firstyear/ & undergraduate-education/ academic-programs/freshman- year/ (plus mit-curriculum-guide/and mit/undergraduate-education/ general-institute- requirements/)
(I'm including links as references only).
The more WUaS dovetails with MIT & MIT OCW themselves, the more that WUaS's accreditation can work with MIT faculty and graduate student instructors for a great undergraduate MIT OpenCourseWare-centric education.
Would you agree, Larry (who went to MIT in science as an undergraduate)?
As you may know, Prasanna, WUaS has a 10% for fundraising expenses' letter - Letter of Agreement - Facilitation Resources to Board + friends - document/d/1s_ GBHW0gC1LPSbKNgwZz0_F2WVec_ OgcWVK0WNtdkO0/edit?usp= sharing - which might interest you, and which I've attached. And WUaS is seeking to ask for donations along the lines of what it costs to go to MIT itself, so about $44,000 per year per student. Could various Indian governments and your friends help? Students will be studying from the comfort of their own homes, thus saving expenses for housing, travel, room and board +. (And it's expensive to live in Cambridge, MA, or Palo Alto for Stanford!)
Do you have specific students in mind who might be interested in these free WUaS CC MIT OCW online degrees?
With very best wishes,