Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Blue Mountains (New South Wales): http://bit.ly/HarbinBook ~ Leaving Harbin behind now and for good as field site, and as place to visit ... an act of renunciation of a kind - a Harbin renunciation story, and even as a nontheist F/friend/Quaker, Nonharming ethos, New hippy hot springs' ethnographic field sites, (Here's a list of Google Expeditions Virtual Reality locations: http://mrcaffrey.com/google-expeditions-world-map, {I'd like to visit Breitenbush in Oregon in the 60s and 70s, and Ten Thousand Waves Spa New Mexico? ... and Esalen then too, especially if there were film from these times, which was then converted into realistic avatars in a realistic virtual earth with a time slider for example - and ethnographically ... for participant observation}, Next book will be explicitlty not Harbin-centric (but could include some Harbin poetry possibly)


New hippy hot springs' ethnographic field sites

Hi E,

The weather looked nicely clear yesterday evening in Chicago, E - but with snow on the ground and 35 degrees outside! How are you?

I think you're right about leaving Harbin behind now and for good as field site, and as place to visit (re: http://bit.ly/HarbinBook) ... an act of renunciation of a kind - a Harbin renunciation story, and even as a nontheist F/friend/Quaker (... or until I learn remotely that a significant non-harming ethos has emerged there and then to wait a further 3-8 years), ... 

and Re realistic virtual world generation with hot springs for comparative ethnographic field work (and for soaking at home in bath tub for its warm water inner releasing meditation possibilities), I think I might explore a number of other hot springs and as virtual field sites for actual-virtual comparisons, and as both virtual and actual places to visit too, especially in other languages (India, Japan and German speaking ones perhaps? ...) {... and for studying great brain chemistry happiness}. Wonder what already exists re this in Google Expeditions (potentially with its Street View & Maps & Earth too), and which might develop further STEM- and wiki-wise, and as "classrooms" as well.

(Here's a list of Google Expeditions Virtual Reality locations: http://mrcaffrey.com/google-expeditions-world-map/ and http://mrcaffrey.com/google-expeditions/).

Re hippie informed ones - hot springs in the Pacific Northwest or Southwest? 

Re this and social, clothing optional ones? Same ... 

Re enjoyment of travel to and fro virtually ... Long walks beforehand ? 
(And visit actual ones within a few hours' drive of where I'm living ... possibly for example Wilbur, Orr etc). 

What are some great hot springs near Santa Cruz?

{I'd like to visit Breitenbush in Oregon - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breitenbush_Hot_Springs - in the 60s and 70s, and Ten Thousand Waves Spa New Mexico? ... and Esalen then too, especially if there were film from these times, which was then converted into realistic avatars in a realistic virtual earth with a time slider for example - and ethnographically ... for participant observation. }

Here's a plan or vision for this ...
Get off the plane in Pgh (with my friend/wife and 3 kids, for example), find my way to the home I lived in in high school, get into a bath tub, and visit whatever hot springs in the world I might like, which would be an actual/virtual amalgam (to protect identities STEM wise too) and soak and visit with people and make new friends too.

Some of the above could mean that my next book will be explicitlty not Harbin-centric (but could include some Harbin poetry possibly) ... and perhaps as smaller volumes via the Academic Press at WUaS  .... or a new World University Poetry Press ... How best writing-wise to make slim volumes "rock"? How too to take a photo, and then find an application which allows me to digitally "pencil draw" some art from this?

Looking forward to seeing ma mere, but more so to connecting eventually & naturally with a great partner-friend-wife-mom to be for family, kids and deep caring, affection and understanding - and even a co-thinking conversation over decades...

Have a great holiday season, E!

Fond regards,


Hi E,

Traveling observations ...

Not seeing anyone in Google Cardboard viewing virtual reality, for example, but a few people are wearing earphones, and it seems like everyone has a smartphone or occasionally a  larger computer ...

All kinds of people ... Information age holiday airport passengers ...

Fondly, Scott



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