Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Pollination: A new online California School of Psychoanalysis, Lacan (post Freud) and subsequent great psychoanalytic theorists don't take into account Pairbonding + per John Money's 5 "Concepts of Determinism" for example - http://scottmacleod.com/anthropology/determinism.htm, Samsung Galaxy Note Pro - eventually for REAL, REAL time music making {and in the WUaS Music School?}, Getting the analyst-analysand communication process "correct" and theoretically and actually therapeutically helpful, A.I. seems to offer the possibility of speeding up the traditional 3-5 year course of psychoanalysis, World University joins with MIT in wishing you a wonders-of-discovery filled New Year

Next: Yellow tang: Realistic, VIRTUAL earth with Lego for designing, creating and making with Lego in the physical world? Like Google Streetview/Maps/Earth with Time Slider with OpenSim/SL, at cellular and atomic levels too, From virtual/digital to actual/real/physical-Designing, making, creating sea, terra & avian avatar bots from Streetview to Lego-For learning, @LEGOIdeas Yellow Submarine, From virtual/digital to actual/real-In the new Academic Press at WUaS which will lead too to new forms of publishing http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html, You can get ~ Naked Harbin Ethnography ~ (in the Academic Press at WUaS) http://bit.ly/HarbinBook http://amazon.com/author/scottmacleodworlduniversity … Read on ANY device, And especially for ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy and in all 8k languages - for STEM research and as a classroom

Hi M,

Apropos your wonderful hospitality and our sharing Christmas together, I'm curious how our mother-son Pairbonding might inform my connecting with a partner for family. Sharing with you these past few days gave me a sense of confidence that was kind of transformative. As the soul music song goes "I want to testify what your love has done for me." And as an anthropologist, I'm familiar with, and appreciate too, the caring, thoughtful, understanding culture/milieu/discourse you generate - and re your beautiful home too. Appreciating too the significance of awareness/consciousness in thinking about this. Bringing this all to consciousness through writing and re language has merit for further developing understandings. 

But I'm also interested in ways theoretically to build on this generally and re a potential online California School of Psychoanalysis at WUaS (for job generation too). What could analysts do in these regards online in group video with analysands - and in multiple languages and re studying outcomes vis a vis language use - in all 7,097 living languages potentially?


I think both Lacan (post Freud) and subsequent great psychoanalytic theorists don't take into account Pairbonding + per John Money's 5 "Concepts of Determinism" for example - http://scottmacleod.com/anthropology/determinism.htm - which I've written to you about before (and which is also in my blog here) as well as much, much recent brain science, so there's much potential for a new online California School of Psychoanalysis ... And that this would rewrite analysis-analysand language interactions and understandings and connecting (re Pairbonding +) ... and brain as information technology ... and the therapeutic encounter, - and eventually with AI - is fascinating,  and also re affection for robots' studies such as by MIT researcher Kate Darling - https://twitter.com/grok_.

(I'm getting my MacBook repaired. I've put in hard drives before, but getting it repaired professionally will probably be better, - and also cheaper than Apple doing it. I also went into a T-Mobile store and "test drove" a new Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro/S2 for $700 there and was impressed (this is at the top of Consumer Reports tablets' list, above the iPad). The stylus is what's different with the similar Samsung Galaxy Note Pro (their store had very fast internet). So I think I'm interested in a refurbished/used 12.2 Note Pro for possibly $475-ish  ...
https://www.amazon.com/Samsung-Galaxy-inches-processo-Android/dp/B00HWMPSK6 ...
since it also first came out in Jan 2014 so it's had time to improve).



Curious too how such an online California School of Psychoanalysis at WUaS would engage meditation and even entheogens re Romain Rollands'"oceanic feeling" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oceanic_feeling) for example, all as brain information technologies, and especially neurophysiologies (http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Neurophysiology and re too http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Loving_Bliss_(eliciting_this_neurophysiology) and http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Neurobiology) - and re languages (and getting the analyst-analysand communication process "correct" and theoretically and actually therapeutically helpful).

A.I. (http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Artificial_Intelligence) seems to offer the possibility of speeding up the traditional 3-5 year course of psychoanalysis where the analyst-analysand meet 4-5 times per week, but in light of new brain science construed here in terms of biological brain information technology, and great psychoanalysis with very smart analysts (who have read, for example, the psychoanalytic, evolutionary biological, primatological, brain science and philosophical literature, and understood and synthesized it; and who also may understand culture/identity/discourse, whether this be hippie culture in the 2010s in northern California (e.g. http://amazon.com/author/scottmacleodworlduniversity~), or any of the cultures in the 6 other non-English languages in MIT OCW - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/translated-courses/), WUaS research will have to further discover in many languages what helpful duration of psychoanalytic meetings online would be.


World University joins with MIT in wishing you a wonders-of-discovery filled New Year .... http://worlduniversityandschool.org ... We hope your year is filled with wonder and discovery. #HappyNewYear2017 ... https://plus.google.com/u/0/+mit/posts/8GCDadukN9z ...



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