Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Chamois: Priorities for World University - with time line?, WUaS needs students for the autumn - and for this we need a better web site, Seek a group of WUaS 17 year old students through ... as if applying to, getting into and matriculating at MIT itself ... WUaS beginning Timelines here (before WUaS moves into a new wiki)

Previous: Yellow tang: Realistic, VIRTUAL earth with Lego for designing, creating and making with Lego in the physical world? Like Google Streetview/Maps/Earth with Time Slider with OpenSim/SL, at cellular and atomic levels too, From virtual/digital to actual/real/physical-Designing, making, creating sea, terra & avian avatar bots from Streetview to Lego-For learning, @LEGOIdeas Yellow Submarine, From virtual/digital to actual/real-In the new Academic Press at WUaS which will lead too to new forms of publishing http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html, You can get ~ Naked Harbin Ethnography ~ (in the Academic Press at WUaS) http://bit.ly/HarbinBook http://amazon.com/author/scottmacleodworlduniversity … Read on ANY device, And especially for ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy and in all 8k languages - for STEM research and as a classroom

Hi M,

Thank you again. ...

WUaS needs students for the autumn - and for this we need a better web site. 

Seek a group of WUaS 17 year old students through the 
  • Quaker I.B. Ramallah School and Joyce Ajlouny there (whom I've met in Palo Alto Friends Meeting in person), among others including too through head of school, re a Quaker I.B. school partly in Arabic (importantly, since MIT OCW is only in Persian and Turkish of the large languages in the Middle East). 
  • John Palfrey at Phillips Academy Andover
  • India (since many speak English in India)
... as if applying to, getting into and matriculating at MIT itself ...

This is a list of further foci re this for the new year.

Develop WUaS newly in Wikidata / MediaWiki

File for-profit papers and develop this side too of WUaS - and perhaps re Wikidata affiliates

Communicate further with MIT Dean C d'O, who was helpful this spring

Develop accreditation plan - perhaps first with FAHE / Quakers and then WASC senior

Sign up for Grants.gov

Write grants to Foundations: 
  • Apply to / inquire with Sunlight Foundation is one first step, for example. 

Explore co-teaching Cognitive Computing with J.S.



WUaS beginning Timelines here (before WUaS moves into a new wiki): 





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