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Patterns in Nature: What World University and School would like to add to Wikidata, And WUaS also has another planned wing, which should benefit Wikidata pragmatically, around WUaS's 14 planned revenue streams, How best to begin this process?

Dear L, 

Good news today in Wikidata office hours, with some good questions from multichill (Martin Dammers). 

The next step is to add what WUaS wants to add to Wikidata here - https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Project_chat . Glad we're continuing to engage Wikidata process :)

I'm posting the transcript below.

I just created what WUaS would like to add to here - Wikidata https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Project_chat#What_World_University_and_School_would_like_to_add_to_Wikidata - for the record and as part of the Wikidata process.



What World University and School would like to add to Wikidata[edit | Add topic]

Hi All, (Lydia and Lea),
To begin, CC World University and School would like to add CC MIT OpenCourseWare in its 7 languages and CC Yale OYC to Wikidata.
CC WUaS seeks to accredit on CC MIT OCW in its 7 languages  https://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm (https://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm) & https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/translated-courses/ (https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/translated-courses/) & http://oyc.yale.edu/courses (http://oyc.yale.edu/courses) to create major universities in all countries' main languages to offer free CC Bachelor, Ph.D., law, M.D. and I.B. high school degrees in all ~200 countries' main and official languages - the "Harvards/MITs/Stanfords of the web". WUaS also seeks to develop in all 7,097 living languages as wiki schools for open teaching and learning.
World University and School's main areas for growth for Wikidata, furthermore, lie in the ~ 10 main areas here - worlduniversityandschool.org.
And WUaS also has another planned wing, which should benefit Wikidata pragmatically, around WUaS's 14 planned revenue streams worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2016/01/14-planned-wuas-revenue-streams.html.
How best to begin this process?
Thank you!
All the best, Scott Scott WUaS (talk) 19:37, 5 January 2017 (UTC)

andre__: May World University and School please have for a project/tag for WUaS in Fabricator?


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[10:00] == Scott_WUaS [d04c1d1a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikimedia-office
[10:00] <Lydia_WMDE> Hey everyone :)
[10:00] <Scott_WUaS> Hi Lydia and All! :)
[10:00] <Lydia_WMDE> Who is here for the office hour?
[10:01] <multichill> +1
[10:01] <Amir1> +1
[10:01] <Lydia_WMDE> \o/
[10:01] <Jens_WMDE> +1
[10:01] <BrillLyle> +1
[10:01] <YairRand> +1
[10:01] <dennyvrandecic> +1
[10:01] <matej_suchanek> +1
[10:01] <Auregann_WMDE> Welcome  :)
[10:01] <Scott_WUaS> +1
[10:01] <hweyl> +1
[10:01] <Lydia_WMDE> very nice :)
[10:01] <Lydia_WMDE> alright then let's get started
[10:02] <Lydia_WMDE> I want to start with an overview of what's been happening around Wikidata over the past 3 months and what is coming in the next 3
[10:02] <Lydia_WMDE> and then we can do Q&A
[10:02] <Lydia_WMDE> and then Scott wanted to talk a bit more about WUS
[10:02] <Scott_WUaS> +1
[10:02] <multichill> Windows Update Service?
[10:02] <Lydia_WMDE> :D
[10:03] <Lydia_WMDE> let's start with the first point
[10:03] == BrillLyle_ [4a47159c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikimedia-office
[10:03] <Lydia_WMDE> around Wikidata itself we've been working quite a bit on usability issues
[10:03] <Lydia_WMDE> we've published a user script to integrate citoid in Wikidata
[10:03] <Lydia_WMDE> it'd be great if you could test it
[10:03] <Lydia_WMDE> and give feedback
[10:04] <Lydia_WMDE> we've also worked on ordering all statements in an item based on a global list of properties as we had tried out with the gadget. that should come in the next weeks. then it'll hopefully be easier to scan an item and see the most important info first
[10:04] == Stryn [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Stryn] has quit [Quit: See you again!]
[10:04] <Lydia_WMDE> we've removed some jumping anomations in the user interface
[10:05] <Lydia_WMDE> and it is now possible to paste full urls into the sitelink field and commons media properties
[10:05] <Lydia_WMDE> that should make it easier for powerusers to add this kind of data when quickly copying
[10:05] == yurik [~yurik@mediawiki/Yurik] has joined #wikimedia-office
[10:05] == Stryn [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Stryn] has joined #wikimedia-office
[10:05] <multichill> Usability? Could you do https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T76859 ? Marked as easy, would make references easier....
[10:06] == salgo60 [4f883335@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikimedia-office
[10:06] <Auregann_WMDE> multichill: we're currently looking at it
[10:06] <Lydia_WMDE> and we've fixed a longstanding issue with the precision of quantities. people have been complaining a lot about +-0 being added all the time to quantity values
[10:06] <Lydia_WMDE> multichill: ah that one. yes. noted
[10:06] <Lydia_WMDE> what we'll work on next for usability is this:
[10:07] == srrodlund [~srrodlund@] has quit [Quit: "Begin at the beginning," the King said gravely, "and go on till you come to the end: then stop."]
[10:07] == Ainali [d5eeed0c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikimedia-office
[10:07] <Lydia_WMDE> improved keyboard navigation. (please give feedback to Auregann_WMDE about this if you use wikidata with your keyboard a lot
[10:07] == srrodlund [~srrodlund@] has joined #wikimedia-office
[10:08] <Lydia_WMDE> we're also researching moving some of our widgets to OOUI in order to be more in line with the rest of wikimedia. while doing that we're looking at redesigning the input widgets to be less confusing.
[10:08] <Lydia_WMDE> and we're creating a new datatype to link to the new data namespace on commons for maps and data pages
[10:08] <Lydia_WMDE> next one - the query service
[10:09] <BrillLyle_> is that in coordination with @yurik's work?
[10:09] <Lydia_WMDE> BrillLyle_: yes
[10:09] <BrillLyle_> Fabulous. Thx!
[10:09] <Lydia_WMDE> there is now a shiny new query service portal that links together all the help pages, examples and more
[10:09] <multichill> New datadatatype. Awesome! Are you also putting effort into the thing that suggests properties/items to add?
[10:10] <YairRand> Q re the new data namespace datatype: Will the contents of those pages be accessible from the query service?
[10:10] == HenriqueCrang [c89c1b98@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikimedia-office
[10:10] <yurik> community question about integrating back to wikidata from datasets
[10:11] <Lydia_WMDE> multichill: yes - Marius has been working ona new algorithm for property suggestions that hopefully can be tried in the next weeks. the suggestions for items will need to wait for our move to elastic search for this. Stas said he'd want to help with that
[10:11] <Lydia_WMDE> i'll talk to him more at the developer summit next week about it
[10:11] <Lydia_WMDE> yurik: thx
[10:11] <Lydia_WMDE> YairRand: unlike - definitely not soon
[10:12] <Lydia_WMDE> ok back to units: more domensions for unit conversion will be added soon
[10:12] == marxarelli [~marxarell@wikimedia/dduvall-wmf] has joined #wikimedia-office
[10:12] <BrillLyle_> Wait where is the shiny new query service portal that links the help pages?
[10:12] <Lydia_WMDE> Auregann_WMDE will also help with organizing an event/activity around improving our enduser documentation in the next weeks
[10:13] <Lydia_WMDE> BrillLyle_: Auregann_WMDE is getting a link
[10:13] <BrillLyle_> Thnx
[10:13] <multichill> yurik: Why did you use names in the new Data namespace and not identifiers like Wikidata? The "File:123" names are a huge PITA
[10:13] == DanielK_WMDE [daniel@wikipedia/duesentrieb] has joined #wikimedia-office
[10:14] <BrillLyle_> Excellent. WM NYC has a large event where we will be demoing SPARQL. This is great.
[10:14] <Lydia_WMDE> \o/
[10:14] <Jens_WMDE> \o/
[10:14] <Lydia_WMDE> BrillLyle_: give the data to Auregann_WMDE so she can add it to the weekly summary and so on
[10:14] <Auregann_WMDE> \o/
[10:14] <yurik> multichill, because then I would have to come up with a data creation interface - and for that I would need to alter the way commons functions more substantially
[10:14] <Lydia_WMDE> ok next big topic is support for structured data on commons
[10:15] <Lydia_WMDE> we've done a lot of groundwork in two ares
[10:15] <Scott_WUaS> great
[10:15] <Lydia_WMDE> the first one is multi-content-revisions. this is necessary to teach mediawiki to handle different types on content in the same page. We'll need this to add structured data to file pages
[10:16] <Lydia_WMDE> the other one is federation. we'll need this to be able to use wikidata's items and properties on commons
[10:16] <Lydia_WMDE> i hope we have a prototype for that in 2 weeks
[10:16] <YairRand> sorry, does "structured data" refer to the data namespace, or file metadata stuff?
[10:16] <Lydia_WMDE> YairRand: the latter
[10:16] <YairRand> thanks
[10:16] <BrillLyle_> I hesitate to bring this up but does Commons data have categories? Is there a way to auto-collocate these special data sets?
[10:16] <multichill> In the future identifiers and titles should be decoupled as much as possible IMHO. Is that also the plan for the file metadata stuff?
[10:17] <Lydia_WMDE> BrillLyle_: that is a question for yurik i think
[10:18] <yurik> BrillLyle_, not yet, working on it, or we could wait for the STructured Data ;)
[10:18] <yurik> Lydia_WMDE, what's the ETA on that you think?
[10:18] <BrillLyle_> ok. understand... Thnx
[10:18] <Lydia_WMDE> yurik: no eta because it will be a staged rollout
[10:19] <yurik> Lydia_WMDE, how do you mean?
[10:19] <Lydia_WMDE> so there will be some parts earlier and some parts later but i can't make firm committments with so much in the air around multicontent revisions
[10:19] <Lydia_WMDE> it is a huge change that needs a lot of work from different parties
[10:19] <Lydia_WMDE> so no eta from me on that
[10:20] <Lydia_WMDE> ok next big work area: wikipedia + co support
[10:21] <Lydia_WMDE> we've done an iteration on the concepts for editing Wikidata directly from Wikipedia
[10:21] <Lydia_WMDE> it'll be published for the next round of feedback before the end of the month
[10:21] <BrillLyle_#yay!
[10:21] <Lydia_WMDE> we've also worked on making articleplaceholder pages show up in search engines. that still needs some work with the operations team before it can go live though
[10:21] == salgo60 [4f883335@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[10:22] == salgo60 [4f883335@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikimedia-office
[10:22] <Lydia_WMDE> you can now also translate articles from the articleplaceholder with contenttranslation
[10:23] <Lydia_WMDE> we've also put live a new parser function and Lua functions that give you back better formatted values
[10:23] <Ainali> Lydia_WMDE: What does that mean? Editing labels in wikidata?
[10:23] <Lydia_WMDE> that should make it easier to build nice infoboxes
[10:23] <multichill> Lydia_WMDE: Another usuability issue. You mentioned search. Are you also going to index the string data types? Right now it's not in the search engine making it impossible to find them (for example https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?title=Q28128120&action=cirrusdump )
[10:23] <Lydia_WMDE> Ainali: any data ideally
[10:23] == salgo60 [4f883335@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
[10:23] <Lydia_WMDE> multichill: jep - also going to be handled with the move to elastic search
[10:24] <Lydia_WMDE> right now elastic search really doesn't understand our data
[10:24] <Lydia_WMDE> we need to fix that and then things will be magic :D
[10:24] <Ainali> Lydia_WMDE: I mean content translation. If it is article palce holder, is there something else to translate than labels from Wikidata?
[10:24] <multichill> Great, having to use Google to find something on Wikidata is a bit frustrating ;-)
[10:24] <Lydia_WMDE> Ainali: ahh no. you create the article by translating from another language where one exists
[10:24] <Lydia_WMDE> sorry
[10:25] <Ainali> Ah, so not translating _from_ article place holder, but _to_?
[10:25] <Lydia_WMDE> yes
[10:25] <Ainali> I see, then great!
[10:25] == BrillLyle_ [4a47159c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[10:26] <Auregann_WMDE> Ainali: for example: https://cy.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arbennig:AboutTopic/Q815102
[10:26] <Auregann_WMDE> it's generated from Wikidata, and on the bottom right, there is a button to create the article by translating from another language
[10:26] <Lydia_WMDE> another thing we added on wikipedia is in the page information (action=info) and the editor (action=edit). there you can now find a list of items that contribute data to a given article
[10:26] == MichaelSchoenitz [nudin@gaf/nudin] has joined #wikimedia-office
[10:26] == hashar [~hashar@mediawiki/hashar] has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com]
[10:27] <Scott_WUaS> Great
[10:27] <Lydia_WMDE> and on wikidata itself the page information shows you which projects use data from the given item
[10:27] <Lydia_WMDE> Auregann_WMDE is getting a link
[10:27] == rfarrand [~rfarrand@] has joined #wikimedia-office
[10:29] <Lydia_WMDE> the last thing we've done in the Wikipedia + co area is research. we talked to people how they're currently working with list articles
[10:29] <Lydia_WMDE> this is in preparation for the work on automated list generation
[10:29] <Lydia_WMDE> in the coming quarter we'll publish the click-dummy for editing wikidata directly from wikipedia
[10:29] <Lydia_WMDE> we'll do a trial of search engine indexing of the articleplaceholder
[10:30] == bmansurov has changed nick to bmansurov_away
[10:30] <Lydia_WMDE> we'll be adding an empty system message to the end of content pages. some wikipedias have requested this so they can overwrite it with a template call to the authority control template and then have it show up in all articles
[10:30] <Lydia_WMDE> and if time permits we'll do some more experimenting with making query writing and editing easier
[10:31] <Lydia_WMDE> and now Auregann_WMDE takes over :D
[10:31] <Scott_WUaS> :)
[10:31] <abian> Will the click-dummy have some kind of warnings when introducing constraint violations?
[10:31] <BrillLyle> do you have a link to an example of the empty system message?
[10:32] <Lydia_WMDE> abian: the dummy not - too early for it because we're still making sure the general concept is actually viable
[10:32] <BrillLyle> ah okay. thx
[10:32] <abian> Okay :)
[10:32] <multichill> A Wikidata item and the contents in a Wikipedia infobox have a major difference: Wikidata wants all the data that was correct at some point in time, Wikipedia infobox only wants the data that is current. What do you do to make direct editing work in this situation?
[10:32] <BrillLyle> it is a way to force a refresh of the authority control?
[10:32] <Lydia_WMDE> BrillLyle: no since it doesn't exist yet but i can look up the ticket for you.
[10:32] <Auregann_WMDE> Let's talk about Wikidata for Wiktionary now :)
[10:32] <Scott_WUaS> :)
[10:32] <multichill> ( having wasted quite a bit of time on a Wikipedia editor who removed a lot of statements )
[10:32] <BrillLyle> ok
[10:33] <Auregann_WMDE> we've been doing a lot of groundwork for new entity type for lexemes
[10:33] <Lydia_WMDE> BrillLyle: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T138652
[10:33] <Auregann_WMDE> we will soon be able to publish a prototype, so people can understand better how it will be structured
[10:33] <Lydia_WMDE> multichill: that is exactly one of the tricky parts we need to solve with the clickdummy
[10:33] <BrillLyle> thx
[10:33] <Lydia_WMDE> multichill: Charlie published her thesis where she lined out the ideas
[10:34] <Lydia_WMDE> it is on commons
[10:34] <Lydia_WMDE> i can look it up if you want
[10:34] <Auregann_WMDE> we developed a new extension to automate sitelinks (Cognate), that should be deployed in the next weeks
[10:34] <multichill> I'm sure someone is going to paste the link soon (hope so)
[10:34] == DangSunM|cloud [uid13042@wikimedia/DangSunM] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
[10:34] <Auregann_WMDE> we will announce it properly and provide a support to improve this tool if necessary
[10:35] <multichill> :-)
[10:36] <Auregann_WMDE> As you may know, in October we celebrate the 4th birthday of Wikidata :) https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Fourth_Birthday A lot of cool stuff have been created and shared during this time
[10:36] <Auregann_WMDE> presents, new tools, both from Wikidata team and volunteers
[10:37] <Auregann_WMDE> Nice stories written by editors https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Fourth_Birthday/Stories
[10:37] <Auregann_WMDE> also a note from Lydia https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Fourth_Birthday/Lydia
[10:38] <Auregann_WMDE> You can have a look at all the cool presents here https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Fourth_Birthday/Presents
[10:38] <Auregann_WMDE> And 12 parties have been organized around the world to celebrate the birthday \o/ Thanks to all the people involved in this!
[10:38] <Lydia_WMDE> \o/
[10:39] <Scott_WUaS> :)
[10:39] <Auregann_WMDE> So, how can we do even better next year for the 5th birthday?
[10:39] <Auregann_WMDE> We will organize the first WikidataCon ever :D https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikidataCon_2017
[10:39] <lucaswerkmeister> \o/
[10:39] <Lydia_WMDE> \o/
[10:39] <BrillLyle> Will this event be held with nodes from around the world?
[10:40] <Lydia_WMDE> here is the facebook event for those who want it: https://www.facebook.com/events/1358386070859989/
[10:40] <Auregann_WMDE> This event will be run for the editors, by the editors :) feel free to add all of your ideas on the talk page, and I'll come back to you soon so you can be involved in this
[10:40] <multichill> BrillLyle: The conference is in Berlin, but I'm sure many other events will happen around that time too
[10:40] <BrillLyle> I understand. thnx
[10:41] <Auregann_WMDE> Exactly, the main event will be in Berlin, but people can also organize other things around
[10:41] == Scott_WorldUnivA [d04c1d1a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikimedia-office
[10:41] <BrillLyle> I was thinking the Wikipedia 15 model
[10:41] <BrillLyle> But I understand...
[10:42] <Auregann_WMDE> Now, other interesting informations
[10:42] <Lydia_WMDE> BrillLyle: suggest it on the talk page :)
[10:42] <Auregann_WMDE> WMF is now directly funding basic development expenses for Wikidata https://blog.wikimedia.org/2016/10/04/supporting-the-future-of-wikidata/
[10:42] == bmansurov_away has changed nick to bmansurov
[10:42] <BrillLyle> Thx Lydia. I will :-)
[10:43] <Auregann_WMDE> Various grants have been approved that support Wikidata activities (Librarybase, Lua modules, WikiFactMine, GLAMpipe)
[10:43] <Auregann_WMDE> Loads of new catalogs have been added to Mix’n’match
[10:43] <multichill> Time to create https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Fifth_Birthday ?
[10:43] <multichill> Auregann_WMDE: And the database imploded, see https://tools.wmflabs.org/mix-n-match/ :-(
[10:43] <Auregann_WMDE> Have a look at the documentation for data import  https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Data_Import_Hub
[10:44] <Auregann_WMDE> multichill: you're right :)
[10:44] <Lydia_WMDE> multichill: with a link to the wikidatacon page? sounds cool
[10:44] <Auregann_WMDE> we started aconsultation on gadget API improvements https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Avoiding_breaking_gadgets_when_developing_UI
[10:44] <multichill> IMHO Wikdiatacon is just one of several events
[10:44] <Lydia_WMDE> right
[10:44] == yannf [~yannf@wikipedia/yannf] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[10:44] <Lydia_WMDE> should still be there though as one fo them
[10:45] == paucabot [3e2b9418@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikimedia-office
[10:45] == yannf [~yannf@lns-bzn-44-82-249-250-55.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #wikimedia-office
[10:45] <Auregann_WMDE> as you may now, WDQ will be shut down soon
[10:45] <BrillLyle> It is the main event but there could be nodes / satellites and/or complementary celebrations
[10:46] <Lydia_WMDE> add stuff to this ticket if you have something that depends on wdqs
[10:46] <Lydia_WMDE> BrillLyle: yeah
[10:46] <BrillLyle> :-)
[10:46] <multichill> We're trying to do a graceful sunset of WDQ.
[10:46] == Micru [510bc839@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikimedia-office
[10:46] <lucaswerkmeister> depends on WDQ, not WDQS, right?
[10:46] <Lydia_WMDE> bah yeah :D
[10:46] <Auregann_WMDE> this quarter, Wikidata was represented in a lot of events! For example Pidapalooza, 33C3...
[10:46] <Lydia_WMDE> too many appreviations
[10:46] <Lydia_WMDE> ;-)
[10:46] <Micru> hi there
[10:46] <multichillhttp://wdq.wmflabs.org/ will go away
[10:46] <lucaswerkmeister> haha, I hope WDQS stays for a while :)
[10:46] <Lydia_WMDE> it will! :D
[10:47] <multichillhttps://query.wikidata.org/ to rule them all?
[10:47] <Lydia_WMDE> hey Micru
[10:47] <Auregann_WMDE> special thanks to the Wikidata group of Wikimedia France who organize a Wikidata workshop every month in Paris o/
[10:47] <Micru> Do I still have the chance to ask a question? :)
[10:47] <BrillLyle> Wow. #jealous!
[10:47] <Auregann_WMDE> aaand of course, a lot of new cool and crazy queries :)
[10:47] <Lydia_WMDE> multichill: yes - in some minutes when Auregann_WMDE is done :)
[10:48] <Lydia_WMDE> eh
[10:48] <Lydia_WMDE> Micru:
[10:48] <multichill> If you have anything that depends on the old WDQ and problem switching to SPARQL, please go to https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T153439
[10:48] == LiberalSquash [~LiberalSq@kol-kvintus.cust.fsknet.dk] has joined #wikimedia-office
[10:48] == LiberalSquash [~LiberalSq@kol-kvintus.cust.fsknet.dk] has left #wikimedia-office []
[10:49] == Scott_WorldUnivA [d04c1d1a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[10:49] == awight has changed nick to awight|afk
[10:49] <Auregann_WMDE> as usual, a lot of interesting this have been published regarding Wikidata, here are a few of them (for the rest, read the Weekly Summary :D)
[10:50] <Lydia_WMDE> alright
[10:50] <Lydia_WMDE> then more questions :)
[10:50] <Lydia_WMDE> Micru: you had one?
[10:50] <Micru> Yes, I am curious about the lexical entity, has it been decided how the language selection will work? Will it be a list or an item selection?
[10:51] <Lydia_WMDE> Micru: not finally decided yet
[10:51] <Lydia_WMDE> if you have input please let us know
[10:51] <Micru> ok, thanks :)
[10:52] <Lydia_WMDE> more questions?
[10:52] <Scott_WUaS> Building on beginning WUaS in MediaWiki on January 6, 2016, in both English and German (but not in Wikidata at the time), how best to begin this again now in both Wikidata, MediaWiki and with adding CC MIT OCW in its 7 languages to Wikidata?
[10:52] <YairRand> so... what does WUS/WUaS actually stand for?
[10:53] <Scott_WUaS> World University and School
[10:53] <dennyvrandecic> what's the timeline for the lexical and commons data?
[10:53] == J-Mo1 [~jtmorgan@wikipedia/Jtmorgan] has joined #wikimedia-office
[10:53] <Scott_WUaShttp://worlduniversityandschool.org - which we donated to Wikidata in October 2015
[10:54] <YairRand> I see
[10:54] <multichill> Scott_WUaS: Please don't use abbreviations ever at all in an international context or use the full name () the first time you use it
[10:54] <Lydia_WMDE> dennyvrandecic: commons: too unsure to tell because multi content revisions is a huge core change which needs work and committment from several teams at the wmf. so moving but no eta.
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[10:54] <Lydia_WMDE> dennyvrandecic: lexical data: automated sitelinks should be ready for deplyoment in the next two weeks and then needs announcement and rollout - so maybe 1 month
[10:55] <Scott_WUaS> CC WUaS seeks to accredit on MIT OCW in its 7 languages https://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm & https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/translated-courses/ to create major universities in all countries' main languages
[10:55] <Lydia_WMDE> for the lexeme entity type i want a demo out in the middle of february
[10:55] <Scott_WUaS> Thanks, Multichill - will do
[10:55] <dennyvrandecic> just lexeme, or including forms and senses?
[10:55] <lucaswerkmeister> Lydia_WMDE: demo will be on test.wikidata.org?
[10:55] <lucaswerkmeister> or on wikidata proper?
[10:55] <Lydia_WMDE> dennyvrandecic: the former ;-)
[10:55] <Lydia_WMDE> lucaswerkmeister: beta-wikidata
[10:56] <Lydia_WMDE> or another test system at first
[10:56] <dennyvrandecic> i wonder how helpful that is as a demo
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[10:56] <lucaswerkmeister> ah, didn’t even know there were several :)
[10:56] <dennyvrandecic> and for the latter?
[10:56] <Scott_WUaS> World University also seeks to create wiki schools for open teaching and learning in all 7,097 known living languages building on Wikipedia's 358 languages - and with translation between - in the form of a universal translator.
[10:57] <YairRand> Q: how well-developed are the ideas for how wikidata data will be used on wiktionary? is it mostly "we'll figure it out later"?
[10:57] <Lydia_WMDE> dennyvrandecic: i can't give more, sorry
[10:58] <lucaswerkmeister> what’s the timeline for normalized unit support in more dimensions? is there a phabricator ticket I can follow?
[10:58] <multichill> Scott_WUaS: What do you actually want to add to Wikidata ?
[10:58] <dennyvrandecic> no timeline beyond mid-february? :)
[10:58] <Scott_WUaS> WUaS would like to add CC MIT OCW in its 7 languages to Wikidata and CC Yale OYC to wikify them for one.
[10:58] <Lydia_WMDE> YairRand: do you have specifics you're interested in? the focus right now is getting  the very basics to work
[10:59] == paucabot [3e2b9418@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[10:59] <Auregann_WMDE> YairRand: we are discussing a lot with Wiktionary editors to understand their processes, their needs
[10:59] <Lydia_WMDE> lucaswerkmeister: Auregann_WMDE will announce the next dimensions in the next days
[10:59] <lucaswerkmeister> alright, thanks
[10:59] <Lydia_WMDE> lucaswerkmeister: and then we'll see which ones are missing and most wanted next
[10:59] <Lydia_WMDE> lucaswerkmeister: there is a ticket i can look up later for you
[11:00] <abian> Concerning lexical data, it would be useful for Wikidata to contact some institutions responsible for overseeing the languages?
[11:00] <multichill> Scott_WUaS: And how does this benifit Wikidata?
[11:00] <abian> For example, WMES knows the Real Academia Española for the Spanish language
[11:01] <YairRand> abian: I fail to see how that would be useful?
[11:01] <abian> Or will be Wiktionary completely enough?
[11:01] <Lydia_WMDE> abian: for feedback on the specific data modeling i think it is too early. i'd rather not have people discuss it very abstractly and try to come up with the perfect data model in advance
[11:01] <Scott_WUaS> multichill: WUaS seeks to become a growth story for Wikidata
[11:01] <Lydia_WMDE> it's beter when we're at the stage where people can actually try it
[11:01] == ggellerman_ [uid113454@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-fkbojdfoyanbnrdi] has joined #wikimedia-office
[11:01] <abian> Great
[11:01] <YairRand> abian: Wiktionary tends to be rather vehemently descriptivist...
[11:01] == mindspillage [~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
[11:02] <Scott_WUaS> in all 7,097 living languages, and by creating major universities in all ~200 countries' main and official languages out of Wikidata - the "Harvards/MITs/Stanfords of the web"
[11:03] <BrillLyle> Is there a list of "growth story" entities using Wikidata somewhere?
[11:03] <Scott_WUaS> World University and School's main areas for growth for Wikidata are the 10 main areas here - worlduniversityandschool.org
[11:03] <YairRand> is progress being made on data quality, constraints violations showing up on items, etc?
[11:03] <Lydia_WMDE> BrillLyle: growth stories?
[11:04] <multichill> Scott_WUaS: So you want to use Wikidata as your platform. I see the benifit for you, but how does Wikidata benifit from this?
[11:04] <BrillLyle> That's how Scott_WUaS described his organization
[11:04] <abian> +1 YairRand's question :)
[11:04] <BrillLyle> and its use of Wikidata
[11:04] <Lydia_WMDE> YairRand: we have a student working on it yes. not going super fast but when she's finished violations should show up next to the statement that causes the violation directly
[11:04] <Scott_WUaS> Languages / Nation States / All Libraries in all 8k languages / All Museums in all 8k languages ...
[11:05] <YairRand> Lydia_WMDE: excellent news, thank you.
[11:05] <Lydia_WMDE> :)
[11:05] <abian> Please take into account that Constraint:Contemporary wasn't included, neither as "pending"
[11:05] <Lydia_WMDE> abian: can you give more context?
[11:05] <Scott_WUaS> multichill: Wikidata, which seeks to be a platform of all knowledge, will further this with World University - WUaS dovetails with Wikidata's mission, for one ...
[11:06] <abian> Lydia_WMDE: ... in Spacial:ConstraintReport
[11:06] <Scott_WUaS> WUaS also has another wing planned wing, which should benefit Wikidata pragmatically, around WUaS's 14 planned revenue streams
[11:06] <abian> *Special
[11:07] <Lydia_WMDE> abian: ah yes - i think because it is one of the more computationally expensive ones. so they have to be done with sparql. when the special page was created it wasn't available yet. the student is working on making it use sparql. then i guess the contemporary one can be added too
[11:07] <multichill> Scott_WUaS: Wikidata is not the platform for *all* knowledge
[11:07] <Lydia_WMDE> the special page right now only contains the ones that are not computationally expensive
[11:07] <abian> Please tell me if I can help somehow :)
[11:08] <Lydia_WMDE> will do :)
[11:08] <abian> I proposed the Contemporary, and yes, was included when the rest were also considered for the special page
[11:08] <Lydia_WMDE> testing most likely
[11:08] <abian> *were already
[11:08] <Scott_WUaS> multichill: World University donated itself to Wikidata in autumn 2015 per Lydia
[11:08] <Lydia_WMDE> not sure when she'll get it to the stage where it can be tested
[11:08] <Lydia_WMDE> but i'll tell her that people are waiting :)
[11:08] <abian> Great, thanks :D
[11:08] == subbu has changed nick to subbu|lunch
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[11:09] <abian> Concerning T138652, any idea of when this feature could be available, approximately? https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T138652
[11:09] <stashbot> T138652: [Story] Add a new MediaWiki system message at the footer of content pages - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T138652
[11:09] <abian> argh, *when this feature could...
[11:10] <abian> *when could this feature... ¬¬
[11:10] <abian> Sorry, I'm on the phonhe
[11:10] <Lydia_WMDE> abian: we'll get it done this quarter but i don't yet know when exactly
[11:10] <Lydia_WMDE> no problem
[11:10] <abian> Nice
[11:11] <Scott_WUaS> Lydia_WMDE: Would it be possible please to begin creating Phabricator tickets for World University?
[11:11] <Lydia_WMDE> Scott_WUaS: you best ask andre__ for a project/tag for it
[11:12] <multichill> I'm still not getting what you're trying to do. Lydia is in charge of the software, not of the content, that's a community thing. Sounds to me you want to add content, so you're talking with the wrong person?
[11:13] == bmansurov [~bmansurov@wikimedia/bmansurov-wmf] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[11:14] <Lydia_WMDE> Scott_WUaS: maybe a good next step is to make a list of the content you want to add
[11:14] <Scott_WUaS> multichill: In World University's knowledge generating mission, and having donated it to Wikidata, and in our CC MIT OCW in 7 languages centricity, WUaS seeks to create knowledge generating universities and schools in all 8k languages
[11:14] <Lydia_WMDE> and then the editors can see what to do with it
[11:14] == bmansurov [~bmansurov@wikimedia/bmansurov-wmf] has joined #wikimedia-office
[11:14] <Scott_WUaS> Sounds good, Lydia
[11:14] <Micru> Lydia_WMDE: where can I find the phab ticket for the new datatype for Commons datasets?
[11:14] <Lydia_WMDE> Micru: sec - looking for link
[11:15] == bmansurov_ [~bmansurov@wikimedia/bmansurov-wmf] has joined #wikimedia-office
[11:15] <Scott_WUaS> Lydai_WUaS: how best to do this?
[11:16] <Lydia_WMDE> Micru: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T57549 has the patches - i should clean that up...
[11:16] <Lydia_WMDE> Scott_WUaS: the best place to reach the edtiors is the Project chat on Wikidata
[11:16] <Micru> Lydia_WMDE: I thought that one was only for geoshapes?
[11:16] <Lydia_WMDE> yes - the patches also include the one for the data pages
[11:17] <Lydia_WMDE> messy...
[11:17] <Lydia_WMDE> :/
[11:17] <Lydia_WMDE> that's what happens if development is faster than me creating tickets ;-)
[11:17] <Scott_WUaS> Thanks, Lydia
[11:17] <Micru> ah, yes, now I see... It is confusing because it talks about KML files...
[11:17] <Micru> Thanks anyway
[11:18] <Lydia_WMDE> alright :) I think we're done then?
[11:18] <Scott_WUaS> :)
[11:18] == bmansurov [~bmansurov@wikimedia/bmansurov-wmf] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[11:18] <Lydia_WMDE> thanks everyone for joining!
[11:19] <hweyl> thank you Lydia and Lea!
[11:19] <BrillLyle> thanks so much!
[11:19] <lucaswerkmeister> thanks a lot!
[11:19] == BrillLyle [4a47159c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[11:19] <abian> Thank you, Auregann_WMDE and Lydia_WMDE :)
[11:19] <Jens_WMDE> thank you!
[11:19] <Micru> thanks, have a good evening!
[11:19] <YairRand> :)
[11:19] == hweyl [~hweyl@nat-130-132-173-73.central.yale.edu] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[11:20] <Scott_WUaS> Thank you, Auregann_WMDE and Lydia_WMDE as well :)
[11:20] <Auregann_WMDE> Thank you very much for attending the meeting and for your questions :)
[11:20] <Auregann_WMDE> Don't hesitate to reach me if you have others!
[11:20] <multichill> Keep up the good work!
[11:20] <Auregann_WMDE> Have a nice evening/night/day, see you soon
[11:20] <Lydia_WMDE> you all keep up the good work!
[11:20] <Lydia_WMDE> :)
[11:21] <Auregann_WMDE#endmeeting
[11:21] <wm-labs-meetbot> Meeting ended Thu Jan  5 19:21:02 2017 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)
[11:21] <Scott_WUaS> Auregann_WMDE: and Lydia_WMDE: Shall I create a new discussion here - https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Project_chat - or build on an existing one?
[11:21] <Lydia_WMDE> Scott_WUaS: yes that is the right place - a new one if it is a new topic
[11:21] <Scott_WUaS> Thanks :)
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