Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Chocolate tang - Acanthurus pyroferus: Wiktionary in 358 languages' expansion with Artificial Intelligence - Conceptually, Using AI, Google group video Hangouts' conversations with speakers of each language recorded to Youtube transposed into text, with words that are lacking moved into Wikitionary in all languages; Ask anthropology and linguistic students to travel to people in all 358 languages to develop their academic research too, Wikisource - an AI generated book page for every book (in each language), Developing Wikispecies with A.I., Creating A.I. generated Wiki News' articles (like Paper.li), eeking too to develop a WUaS COURSE TEMPLATE (based on http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/SUBJECT_TEMPLATE) in Wikiversity as "front end" - with a) WUaS Idea- and Academic Resources and b) WUaS Navigation below each MIT OCW course (e.g. https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/economics/14-462-advanced-macroeconomics-ii-spring-2004) - - and with each MIT OCW course (in all 7 languages) in Wikidata, each with a Wikidata Q-item number as a kind of "back end".


Wiktionary in 358 languages' expansion with Artificial Intelligence -

Conceptually, Using AI,

Google group video Hangouts' conversations with speakers of each language

recorded to Youtube transposed into text,

with words especially that are lacking moved with A.I. into Wikitionary in all languages;

Invite anthropology and linguistic students to travel to people in all 358 languages to develop their academic research too

At the Wikidevelopers conference today in the Golden Gate Club in San Francisco's Presidio, in a workshop about adding Artificial Intelligence to MediaWiki / Wikidata and Wikipedia, I added the above idea, as well as

  • AI Name: 
    ... Wiktionary in 358 languages' expansion
  • What it does:
  • Wiktionary in 358 languages' expansion - Conceptually, Using AI, Google group video Hangouts' conversations with speakers of each language recorded to Youtube transposed into text, with words that are lacking moved into Wikitionary in all languages; Ask anthropology and linguistic students to travel to people in all 358 languages to develop their academic research too
  • Wiki thing it helps with:
  • Expand Wiktionary dramatically with AI in all 358 languages - from video conversations
  • Things that might helps us get this AI  built (optional): 
  • ... Define CC licensing re some of the already existing AI resources 
  • People who are cool with getting pulled into conversations about this:
  • Scott MacLeod - sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

  • AI Name: ... Wikisource - an AI generated book page for every book (in each language)
  • What it does:
  • ... Wikisource - an AI generated book page for every book (think a Google book's page) for each book in each of all 358 languages, which are each CC licensed, that then become building blocks for all Wikisource libraries (if this doesn't already exist)
  • Wiki thing it helps with:
  • ... Build out with AI  Wikisources; create academic libraries re WUaS's contribution to Wikidata, for matriculating students, aggregate, too, all open online libraries re WUaS's wiki Library Reousrces' page newly in Wikisource/Wikiversity
  • Things that might helps us get this AI built (optional): 
  • ... (possibly interface with Google books, but on a CC basis
  • People who are cool with getting pulled into conversations about this:
  • Scott MacLeod - sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org - Scott_WUaS

  • AI Name: ... Developing Wikispecies with A.I.
  • What it does:
  • ...Wikispecies: with AI a) combine keying of all 3 million to 100,000 million species' with image recogniction, b) improve species' range mapping to OpenMaps, c) begin to create CC genome at cellular and atomic levels with AI for all species
  • Wiki thing it helps with:
  • ...expands wiki species to potenitally become comprehensive in a CC way - 
  • Things that might helps us get this AI built (optional): 
  • ... engage open source - e.g. NIH - National Institute for Health and similar? - data for this
  • People who are cool with getting pulled into conversations about this:
  • Scott MacLeod - sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

  • AI Name: ... Creating A.I. generated Wiki News' articles (like Paper.li) 
  • What it does:
  • ... Create AI generated Wiki News' articles (like Paper.li) 
  • Wiki thing it helps with:
  • ...  Organizes Wikinews for this
  • Things that might helps us get this AI built (optional): 
  • ... 
  • People who are cool with getting pulled into conversations about this:
  • sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

here. ...


Seeking too to develop a WUaS COURSE TEMPLATE (based on http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/SUBJECT_TEMPLATE) in Wikiversity as "front end" - with a) WUaS Idea- and Academic Resources and b) WUaS Navigation below each MIT OCW course (e.g. https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/economics/14-462-advanced-macroeconomics-ii-spring-2004) -
 - and with each MIT OCW course (in all 7 languages) in Wikidata, each with a Wikidata Q-item number as a kind of "back end".



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