Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Mediterranean moray: WUaS January 14, 2017 monthly business meeting - Agenda

Next: Camellia japonica: How best to add the remaining 6,994 known living languages, Jeff - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2017/01/zebu-cows-breakthrough-googles-zero.html - and as what I'm calling as a new method "ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy" ?, "Jeff Dean via Google+1 month ago - Shared publicly Zero-shot translations: translate Korean->Japanese without ever seeing Korean->Japanese training data," re the World University and School Universal Translator with Google Translate / Zero Shot, Stanford Law Codex presentation and Language / Translation strategies?, Harvard Law JuryX course with Professor Charles Nesson, Stanford Law China Guiding Cases Project, In what ways could World University bring together legal translation with Stanford Law Codex re a high bar for generating excellent text versions in other languages, and from HarvardX video too?

Dear Universitians and friends,

Please join us at our open (hour-long) World University and School monthly business meeting this Saturday, January 14, at 9am Pacific Time, electronically by letting info@worlduniversityandschool.org know you'd like to participate. 

News and Agenda

WUaS seeks students for this autumn 2017, first in English for free CC best STEM OCW bachelor degrees (accrediting on CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC)

 - and for this we need a better web site. 

Seek a group of matriculating WUaS 17 year old students through the 
  • Quaker I.B. Ramallah School and Joyce Ajlouny there (whom I've met in Palo Alto Friends Meeting in person), among others including too other Quaker schools, re a Quaker I.B. school partly in Arabic (importantly, since MIT OCW is only in Persian and Turkish of the large languages in the Middle East)?
  • John Palfrey at Phillips Academy Andover?
  • India high schools (since many speak English in India)?
... as if applying to, getting into and matriculating at MIT itself.

Develop accreditation plan - perhaps first with FAHE / Quakers and then WASC senior

World University and School again is proceeding to file for-profit legal papers (WUaS.com?) with the state of California and the US government, FORKING in the process to complement our current 501 c 3 Non-Profit status (WUaS.org > WUaS.edu) into a parallel organization with a separate board. WUaS's forking will take shape around these 14 Planned Revenue Streams - http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2016/01/14-planned-wuas-revenue-streams.html. WUaS is planning to become CC Universities on its non-profit wing ((WUaS.org/worlduniversityandschool.org > WUaS.edu)) in all ~200 countries' main and official languages - the "Harvards of the Web."

How best to incorporate the for-profit WUaS wing legally, such that, hypothetically and exploration-wise, WUaS.com could work with / merge with an organization like Global Education Holdings and could work with its Chair Tom Kalinske: Building Gaming and Entertainment Companies in this Stanford business talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kr7_lJ7J6T8

 .. while WUaS.org > WUaS.edu develops in a parallel way as a Creative Commons' 501 c 3 non-profit, also in all ~200 countries / territories online?

File for-profit papers and develop this side too of WUaS - and perhaps re Wikidata affiliates

Develop WUaS newly in Wikidata / Wikibase / MediaWiki

There were no changes in WUaS finances since last month's statement of 12/28/16

Communicate further with MIT Dean C d'O in their Office of Digital Learning, who was helpful this past spring

Sign up for Grants.gov

Write grants to Foundations: 
  • Apply to / inquire with Sunlight Foundation is one first step, for example. 
Discussion of a personnel issue



Thank you for joining the World University and School team. WUaS invites you to participate in our open, hour-long, monthly, business meeting on Saturday, January 14th, beginning at 9 a.m., Pacific Time / 12 noon ET. 
I'd like to invite you to WUaS's monthly business meeting this Saturday, January 14th at 9am PT (2nd Saturdays of the month, hour-long and electronically mediated) if you'd like to learn further how WUaS makes decisions, plans and works, and participate in this process. 

This month please join us at our open (hour-long) World University and School monthly business meeting electronically by letting info@worlduniversityandschool.org know you'd like to participate. - at 9am Pacific Time.

The agenda for the upcoming Saturday, January 14th, 2017 WUaS, monthly, business meeting is here - http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2017/01/wuas-january-14-2017-monthly-business.html.

World University and School is looking for a new, Board member, for example, to focus on fundraising, and to actually bring in significant monies for WUaS.org, the Non-Profit wing. 

The next, open, hour-long, WUaS, monthly business meeting is on Saturday, February 11th, 2017. And this month I'll continue to send out a second email after business meeting with WUaS Minutes. 

You'll also find some previous monthly business meetings (conducted electronically in the manner of F/friends) as examples in Google Hangouts here - http://scottmacleod.com/papers.htm. WUaS's active blog with past monthly business information is here - http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com

For people on the sporadic, somewhat frequent, WUaS, email list, or who wish to be, WUaS is posting actively to both the WUaS Google Group (world-university-and-school@googlegroups.com), and the WUaS Yahoo Group (worlduniversityandschool@yahoogroups.com), both of which allow for daily and weekly digests. Please join these groups for daily and weekly digests.  

Concerning this WUaS team email list, we'll generally send out business meeting emails twice a month. If you'd like to receive more frequent, sporadic, WUaS emails, please reply to this email telling me so. If you could, please REPLY with UNSUBSCRIBE, or an alternative email address, if you wish NOT to receive WUaS's emails, or receive them in a different email account, - and WUaS would be very grateful. 

World University and School is planning to become the MIT / Harvard / Yale / Stanford / Oxbridge of the Internet, and in all 7,097+ known living languages and 206+ countries (in recent Olympics), with online, Creative Commons' licensed MIT OCW-centric university degrees in large languages.

Free, Creative Commons' licensed, online, wiki WUaS, like Wikipedia with MIT OCW, is planned for all 3,000-8,000 languages and for around 204 countries, with free degrees accrediting on C.C. MIT OpenCourseWare in 7 languages and C.C. Yale OYC+, - and will help many, many people.   

Thank you again for your generous donations in helping grow World University and School.  




- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President  
- Please donate to tax-exempt 501 (c) (3)
- World University and School
- via PayPal, or credit card, here -
- or send checks to
- PO Box 442, (86 Ridgecrest Road), Canyon, CA 94516
- World University and School - like Wikipedia with best STEM-centric OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

World University and School is sending you this because of your interest in free, online, higher education. If you don't want to receive these, please reply with 'unsubscribe' in the body of the email, leaving the subject line intact. Thank you. 



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