Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Polesia, Eastern Europe: Wikipedia's Birthday Party in SF yesterday, Met and talked with an interesting Belarusan yesterday at the Wikimedia Foundation SF where I also gave a Lightning Talk (the third I've given) about World University, Check out the Harbin gate in the link below and "walk" down the road in both 2012 and 2007 concurrently in this emergent 3D world :), Trying to create an augmented reality light show version around me of Tart to Tart in Berkeley's Cafe Roma - to join you, but there aren't the special MIT Media Lab 4 lights in the corners of this room to illuminate this reality virtually ... so that we could even actually read magazines from the basket in that cafe while visiting together virtually

Next: Aurora: Life size interactive augmented reality avatars of you and me - in "AUGMENTED REALITY LIGHT SHOW" in 15 foot cubed space around us? How will ethnography / anthropology work?, Think something like what I'm calling "MIT Media Lab light bulbs" (which don't exist that I know of), and perhaps WUaS will have to invent these, Building out out of Google Streetview / Maps / Earth with TIME SLIDER with OpenSim/SL for avatars and group building, " [Air-L] Facebook Post Content Analysis," By way of comparison, you might find this helpful re content analysis: Ethnographic and Qualitative Research on Twitter by Alice E. Marwick, I'd also suggest a kind of Manuel Castellian contextualization to these questions re the course you were in with me, Alice Marwick's thinking in a NYTs' book review of her "STATUS UPDATE: Celebrity, Publicity, and Branding in the Social Media Age" (Yale University Press 2013). She's a Foucauldian, So how would "returning from the field" of a 15 foot cubed "AUGMENTED REALITY LIGHT SHOW" as anthropological field site, emerging from web pages (HTML 5 currently) approach such realistic and fantastical avatars (which would be you and I, as well as our own creations via 3D animations) ethnographic data-wise?, Excited too for how this will emerge into online libraries in all languages from all times with time slider too
Previous: Florisuga mellivora: Translation Strategies for Legal Texts in all 200 countries' main languages at WUaS - and with a peace and social justice focus too?, Simply having law schools in all countries under the WUaS Creative Commons' licensed umbrella with translation would be a step in the right direction toward peace and social justice-focused law schools, given WUaS's Stanford and Quaker foci, The Stanford Law China Guiding Cases Project could be a model for both translation as well as for questions about justice - see, for example - http://worldjusticeproject.org/opportunity-fund/china-guiding-cases-project-5, But Friends/Quakers (peace, liberty and justice thinking-groups) and other legal thinking might add many further focuses on peace and social justice issues especially in the information age, But what could inform the actual artificial intelligence of a hypothetical Google Translate / Google Neural Machine Translation (GNMT) / Zero Shot - and re WUaS's all-languages (7,097 living languages) focus in terms of strategies for legal text translation? Perhaps making certain texts available soon in other languages for matriculated law students?

Hi M, 
Met and talked with an interesting Belarusan yesterday at the Wikimedia Foundation SF for Wikipedia's Birthday - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Meetup/SF/Wikipedia_Day_2017 - where I also gave a Lightning Talk (the third I've given)
about World University.
- worlduniversityandschool.org


Hi Brit, 

I enjoyed your Lightning Talk yesterday at Wikipedia's birthday, and sorry I couldn't attend your edit-a-thon, but I enjoyed a long conversation with Eugene from Belarus about Wikidata and World University and School anyway. Maybe he'll also help develop WUaS newly in Wikidata / MediaWiki - and partly in the Belarusan language. (I also went to UC Santa Barbara - and liked living in Isla Vista with its amazing beach).

Your talk on photographing while on walking tours to add pictures to Wikicommons is such a great idea - and with Google Maps. How can I be in this loop again please?

I'm interested in a creating a realistic virtual earth for what I'm calling a new STEM method "ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy" (gave a talk with slides about this at UC Berkeley in November) and partly to create a realistic virtual Harbin Hot Springs field site for actual-virtual comparison - in something like Google Streetview/Maps/Earth with TIME SLIDER with OpenSim/SL and in all 8k languages, so STEM researchers can add their data. I just opened the Harbin Gate in Streetview - https://www.google.com/maps/@38.785948,-122.6518103,3a,75y,3.07h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1skXZe6uuplnYW7LbqZZcawQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1 - and saw for the first time, re your photographic tours for Wikicommons, that one can see both the 2012 photos of walking down the Harbin Road toward Middletown 4 miles away at the same time that one can view the 2007 photos of this same "journey" in this beginning realistic virtual world. Per the question I asked you after your presentation, I'm curious how further Google Street View could use Wikicommons photos, and if/how Google Cars could contribute to Commons too. Shall we explore bringing Wikimedia and Google together further - with Google, since you're already using both in a sense? 

This Harbin gate URL is also on my recent book's web site - http://bit.ly/HarbinBook (see, too https://twitter.com/HarbinBook) as are the slides to the Berkeley talk. 

Cheers, Scott


Scot, Ants and Koh,

Let's meet with our digital masks on Sunday and visit the Harbin warm pool virtually while listening to a MLK speech or going to a new Year's Eve Grateful Dead show while in the Boulangerie (bath tub from home would be better) eventually with our avatars mingling in with MLK or the Grateful Dead musicians themselves via something like
OpenSim/Second Life in Google Earth ... :)

Check out the Harbin gate in the link below and "walk" down the road in both 2012 and 2007 concurrently in this emergent 3D world :)

Happy MLK day!


To a friend earlier today:

I'm interested in a creating a realistic virtual earth for what I'm calling a new STEM method "ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy" (gave a talk with slides about this at UC Berkeley in November) and partly to create a realistic virtual Harbin Hot Springs field site for actual-virtual comparison - in something like Google Streetview/Maps/Earth with TIME SLIDER with OpenSim/SL and in all 8k languages, so STEM researchers can add their data. I just opened the Harbin Gate in Streetview -
- and saw for the first time, re your (Brit's) photographic tours for Wikicommons, that one can see both the 2012 photos of walking down the Harbin Road toward Middletown 4 miles away at the same time that one can view the 2007 photos of this same "journey" in this beginning realistic virtual world. Per the question I asked you after your presentation, I'm curious how further Google Street View could use Wikicommons photos, and if/how Google Cars could contribute to Commons too. Shall we explore bringing Wikimedia and Google together further - with Google, since you're already using both in a sense?

This Harbin gate URL is also on my recent book's web site - http://bit.ly/HarbinBook (see, too https://twitter.com/HarbinBook) as are the slides to the Berkeley talk.

Landed at Tart-to-Tart near UCSF ...



Trying to create an augmented reality light show version around me of Tart to Tart in Berkeley's Cafe Roma - to join you, but there aren't the special MIT Media Lab 4 lights in the corners of this room to illuminate this reality virtually ... so that we could even actually
read magazines from the basket in that cafe together virtually ...

... Alas I won't be able
to join you (and won't also seek to Skype of Google video conference
with you:)



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