Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Monarch butterflies: The year is 2055

Previous: Aurora: Life size interactive augmented reality avatars of you and me - in "AUGMENTED REALITY LIGHT SHOW" in 15 foot cubed space around us? How will ethnography / anthropology work?, Think something like what I'm calling "MIT Media Lab light bulbs" (which don't exist that I know of), and perhaps WUaS will have to invent these, Building out out of Google Streetview / Maps / Earth with TIME SLIDER with OpenSim/SL for avatars and group building, " [Air-L] Facebook Post Content Analysis," By way of comparison, you might find this helpful re content analysis: Ethnographic and Qualitative Research on Twitter by Alice E. Marwick, I'd also suggest a kind of Manuel Castellian contextualization to these questions re the course you were in with me, Alice Marwick's thinking in a NYTs' book review of her "STATUS UPDATE: Celebrity, Publicity, and Branding in the Social Media Age" (Yale University Press 2013). She's a Foucauldian, So how would "returning from the field" of a 15 foot cubed "AUGMENTED REALITY LIGHT SHOW" as anthropological field site, emerging from web pages (HTML 5 currently) approach such realistic and fantastical avatars (which would be you and I, as well as our own creations via 3D animations) ethnographic data-wise?, Excited too for how this will emerge into online libraries in all languages from all times with time slider too

Hi M,

The year is 2055 and you're about 120 (not 220 yet) and going strong in good health, and I'm about 93 years old, have 3 kids and 2 grandkids. We still meet on Cuttyhunk every year over the 10 weeks of summer when I'm mostly there. World University is a flourishing wiki knowledge conversation in all 7,097 living languages (but the number will have changed) and especially flourishing with artificial intelligemce and machine translation ~ http://worlduniversityandschool.org

World University and School has also become major universities in all countries' main and official languages - each with much autonomy, like Quaker Yearly Meetings (in many countries and languages), but also still very CC MIT OCW, CC Yale OYC and Stanford-centric. Hippies have come and gone, except in pockets around the world, such as still at Harbin Hot Springs {http://bit.ly/HarbinBook}, and Unitarian Universalist churches and unprogrammed Quaker Meetings still exist. 

I can't say whether the oceans have risen or not, due to global warming climate change (with massive loss of land and real estate), but poverty has mostly been eliminated and the urban-agrarian divide of today is a little more urban, yet agricultural land has been significantly preserved in all countries (thanks much to information technologies). A basic universal income has been working for about 35 years now. 

Some peoples are still living the beautiful ethnographic science fiction vision of Ursula Le Guin's wondrous book (informed by the '60s)  "Always Coming Home" (which takes place 400 years in the future).

And we're still writing and communicating electronically, anticipating another grandkid in 2056 (from my eldest) and a few further grandkids over the next 5 years.

I'm Bay Area Rapid Transit heading into the American Friends Service Committee / SF Quaker Meeting to hold a WUaS hive meeting space. Making honey ...

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