Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument: Interest in the Anthropology of Information Technology, Recent book focuses on this - bit.ly/HarbinBook - and - https://twitter.com/HarbinBook, New Academic Press at World University and School, planned for all 7,097 living languages with machine translation eventually, Realistic virtual Harbin as field site for actual virtual comparison, "14 Planned WUaS Revenue Streams" re A) the CC 501 c 3 non-profit side and vis-a-vis B) the upcoming for-profit side, as a schema, WUaS is planning a CC Universal Translator on (A) the CC non-profit side (fundraising and making financial arrangements for this with great universities in all languages for all 8k languages) while on the (B) for-profit side WUaS planning to commercialize machine translation for an Academic Press, which machine translation should/could become "professional" in the next few years with AI (and graduate / undergrad students in many languages will hopefully teach the Universal Translator AI too), To to GAMIFY CC MIT OCW re Quaker-informed World University and School ... stay tuned "), 'Twould be great however if WUaS could advertise learning MIT OCW being more fun than video games, and have kids vote for this with their mouse clicks


Tayl, re our correspondence yesterday (from which I only include what I wrote) - 


I've long had an interest in the Anthropology of Information Technology, and my recent book focuses on this - bit.ly/HarbinBook - and - https://twitter.com/HarbinBook - and comes into conversation, in a sense, with Tom Boellstorff's "Coming of Age in SL." I really enjoy visiting Harbin Hot Springs as field site - with its own interesting psychology. Although my actual-virtual Harbin ethnography is a big book (354 pages on 8.5 x 11 paper), I'm ambivalent about writing ethnography as well as selling an ethnographic book. 

I'm glad however that it emerged in a new Academic Press at World University and School, planned for all 7,097 living languages with machine translation eventually. It also focuses on creating a realistic virtual Harbin as field site for actual virtual comparison, which I hope to do in another Harbin ethnographic book some years hence. This realistic virtual earth/(Harbin) would also have a universal translator as part of it - think Google Streetview/Maps/Earth with TIME SLIDER with OpenSim/SL, and scalable to the cellular and atomic levels for STEM (and brain) research and as a classroom. 

If you look at the "14 Planned WUaS Revenue Streams" - http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2016/01/14-planned-wuas-revenue-streams.html - re A) the CC 501 c 3 non-profit side and vis-a-vis B) the upcoming for-profit side, as a schema, WUaS is planning a CC Universal Translator on (A) the CC non-profit side (fundraising and making financial arrangements for this with great universities in all languages for all 8k languages) while on the (B) for-profit side WUaS planning to commercialize machine translation for an Academic Press, which machine translation should/could become "professional" in the next few years with AI (and graduate / undergrad students in many languages will hopefully teach the Universal Translator AI too). How WUaS will develop this re Google Translate, Wikidata and similar is a question that's still open ... and for software as well. 

Conceptually, how could a Google Translate help your Curious software ? 


Thanks, Alan, for the update about your two eldest teenage sons, Lachlyn and Scott's career planning (http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Career_counseling) at this stage of life and re (free MIT) Uni  ... just exploring / looking to bring on a very experienced Video Gaming CEO (see this great recent Stanford talk from Tom Kalinske -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kr7_lJ7J6T8 -) to GAMIFY CC MIT OCW re Quaker-informed World University and School ... stay tuned ") 

(... and to my blog post tomorrow - scott-macleod.blogspot.com ... re free CC MIT I.B. high school potentially emerging from the SF Friends K-8 school ...) 

I'm meeting with Tom in person on Tuesday nearby in Redwood City. 

I'm sure we/WUaS/ Tom-if-he-helps with our startup won't be able to make MIT OCW more fun than video games. And we for sure won't be able to make instruction about candy making more fun either ... (but we might be able to help with a course of study developing great candy as an international product ...) 

'Twould be great however if WUaS could advertise learning MIT OCW being more fun than video games, and have kids vote for this with their mouse clicks (soon to be brainwave headsets in part, in all likelihood :)

Looking forward to "Music Playing Spaces" together after some weeks ...

Off to play a small pipes' gig shortly ... and re a Scot (whose parents were of the "wee folk" - a sociological "grouping/people" I'd posit, from before mid 20th century ... probably had something in common with gypsies too) who has lived in Marin for decades ...

I'll keep on the outlook for teenagers who might want to really enjoy free CC MIT college online from the comfort of their own homes - whether that be in NZ or the Shetlands (first in English!:)



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