Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Foxfire (Panellus Stipticus): Looking for a "magic microphone" with a mobile speaker to amplify my Scottish small pipes' chanter and drones well, A "magic mic" that can also connect with any sound system under heaven, by wifi, bluetooth or wire, and even to a pretty cool mobile speaker on a necklace around my neck in front of my jabot (e.g. for outdoors at a winery in multiple somewhat windy locations with guests, playing while ambling, kind of Piobaireachd-like - the ambling bit - but with SSP amplification:), Possible mobile speaker examples, Curious how to create a flourishing online culture of music, where I too with a lot of other people all want to play and make music together (even as practice), Gig this Friday in Berkeley, How to mic a clarinet, Cardioid condenser microphone ideas

Next: Beach: Cyber-Social Health learning system internationally and in countries' main languages, Online teaching hospital and Medical School in all countries' main languages, As one example, CC wiki World University and School, accrediting on CC MIT OpenCourseWare in its 7 languages, seeks to offer online M.D. degrees (and first Bachelor, Ph.D., law and I.B. high schools in countries' main languages) with online teaching hospitals both in CC Wikidata (Wikipedia's database with 358 languages) and possibly IBM's / Google's ecosystems with group video (and Google's Tensor/Flow Brain projects - and at the cellular and atomic levels), Conversation about how the cyber-social learning in the related AI developments will occur, How best to actually build out from Google Streetview / Maps / Earth with TIME SLIDER to create the basis for an all air-spaces' traffic control system is a fascinating, huge question, Seeking too to build a realistic virtual earth as STEM field site and "classroom" re World University and School, also for all 7,097 known living languages, including sign languages +.
Previous: Noctiluca scintillans: Realistic, virtual earth, STEM field site anticipating scientists and researchers in all 8k languages adding their STEM modeling, film and photographs and computational linguistic research, etc., for example, as well as a realistic virtual earth "classroom" - think again Google Streetview / Maps / Earth with TIME SLIDER (for modeling various hurricanes over the past centuries, for example, for emergency planning) - as well as one which is WIKI designable and build-able, with avatars (think OpenSimulator/Second Life) but not cartoon-esque, rather realistic, Realistically model every commercial organization - and for commerce - and even historically. For example, in this virtual earth, anyone as realistic/virtual avatar could go into a virtual realistic bookstore in all ~200 countries (in their languages) and buy a virtual book (and bring it home - where you are - and read it), or film makers could create their historical film sets in this realistic virtual earth too - or, vis-a-vis your IBM CSIG presentation air flight and ship schedulers could also plan their commercial routes, world with flying vehicles operating all the time in all flight spaces is a fascinating potential (think the Jetsons), For-profit and Non-profit wings

I think I'm looking for a clip-on "magic microphone" to amplify my Scottish small pipes' chanter and drones well - all ~11 holes, that especially connects with a mobile speaker hanging from a necklace around my neck either wirelessly or with a wire, - and with other amplified musicians and any other sound system / speaker et al ... tall order for a single clip-on microphone ... (omnidirectional, unilateral, lavalier, Cardioid Condenser, or ...?) 


Thanks, All,

All good microphone ideas to try before settling on a "magic mic" that can connect with any sound system under heaven, by wifi, bluetooth or wire, and even to a pretty cool mobile speaker on a necklace around my neck in front of my jabot ((e.g. for outdoors at a winery in multiple somewhat windy locations with guests, playing while ambling, kind of Piobaireachd-like - the ambling bit - but with SSP amplification:).

Musical cheers,

Possible mobile speaker examples -

JS Portable Mini Wireless Bluetooth Nut Speaker with Sling for iPhone iPad Android and More

Mini Bluetooth Speaker Portable by Ancord Small Body Loud Voice Shutter Button Selfie Features Blue


Hi Barbara, Jeff, David, Bruce, Betsy, Patti, Heather and Martha, 

I'm seeking to amplify my Scottish small pipes for mobility at a gig (e.g. outdoors at a winery in multiple somewhat windy locations with guests - so I'm not interested in a large stationary speaker), and here are some prototype ideas, but not sure if the mic is right - no bluetooth or batteries, and not sure about clipping it on and as an omnidirectional mic to my chanter ... 

Mic - 
Sony ECMCS3 Clip style Omnidirectional Stereo Microphone

and not sure about loudness with these (but they are light weight and could be suspended on a necklace, for example) ... 

Speaker - 
JS Portable Mini Wireless Bluetooth Nut Speaker with Sling for iPhone iPad Android and More

Mini Bluetooth Speaker Portable by Ancord Small Body Loud Voice Shutter Button Selfie Features Blue

Could I ask please your thoughts and ideas about this? 

The principle might be similar for amplifying a flute or even a violin at a similar gig (but the violin is probably loud enough as it is for outdoor gigs I'm thinking about).

Thank you!

Musical cheers, Scott

Found, too:

How to mic a clarinet


Pro JK® MIC-J 022 Cardioid Condenser Instrument Microphone Saxophone Microphone – For Shure Wireless System / Soundboard

Audio-Technica PRO 35 Cardioid Condenser Clip-on Instrument Microphone Bundle - INCLUDES Protective Pouch, Blucoil 10ft XLR Cable PLUS 5 Pack Blucoil Cable Ties

YPA M613-XLR Instrument Clip On Condenser Mic SAXOPHONE

Shure BETA 98H/C Clip-On Cardioid Condenser Microphone for Sax/Brass with Integrated Shock Mount and Attached Preamplifier

"THE FEATHER" CLARINET MIC with FLEXIBLE MICRO-GOOSE NECK by Myers Pickups ~ See it in ACTION! Copy and paste: myerspickups.com

Thanks. I'm curious how to create a flourishing online culture of
music, where I too with a lot of other people all want to play and
make music together (even as practice) - think/imagine Monday evening
music-making playing for Scottish Country Dancing which is fun and
both a kind of practicing as well as generative - folks keep coming
back to make music (including me:).

This doesn't address making money making music, but teachers and
organizers of this flourishing social online music making space could
well make money with time, as well as explore creativity wiki-wise and
in other ways.

Excellent, man.  You playing any gigs around town these days?

Gig this Friday in Berkeley (which has been somewhat regular over the past year actually) - it's that Scottish meme (replicating cultural unit) again - playing for Scottish Country Dancing (SCD) - for the Introductory class. It even pays - between $3 and 5 per session :).

I'd like to invite you all too to the dancing - it's about a 10 block walk away from downtown Berkeley BART - along Oxford Street (which is a nice route ... and goes along right in front of UC Berkeley for part of the walk) ... begins at 7:30 I think. The music is good (and you, who might be interested, could begin playing with https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand on Monday evenings -  if interested) :)

Re music-making pour moi, this makes for actually nearly 4 times per week music-making (which is social, and with related learning - a musical director at UU church of Palo Alto - UUCPA) ... 2 SCD and 2 singing ... with a 1st Sunday of the month singing opportunity at 2 pm at the UUCPA just emerging as well (if you're interested, I can send you the flyer which I just received :)

Come out to this Friday night gig ... and enjoy the dancing especially :)



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