Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Gynoecium (pistils): “Developing Cognitive Systems to Support Team Cognition,” How best to lay out a road map for CAUSING voice to emerge with cognitive computing re your presentation?, How might your fascinating Team Cognition model might further develop from the Socratic method (or Conference Method at Reed College), especially the Socratic Dialogues, How this moves from interactive group video to Youtube and then - not yet developed - into interactive realistic and fantastic avatars in a realistic 3D world like OpenSim/Second Life, but not cartoon-esque, so conceptually probably like Google Streetview / Maps / Earth with Time Slider with avatars and voice - in all 7,097 living languages per Ethnolog and then into avatar bots, with agency!, China WUaS -As an innovative sociocultural anthropological and TSWG kind of research question, how do you think your Village G will emerge in a wiki realistic virtual earth, Luo?


Thanks, and fascinating, Steve.
09 FebSteve Fiore“Developing Cognitive Systems to Support Team Cognition”University of Central FloridaSlidesRecording
How to quickly through cognitive computing to transform the technologies (e.g. argumentation) to voice teammates (and in all countries' main and official languages), Steve? (And re CC MIT OpenCourseWare in 7 languages WIKI World University and School - worlduniversityandschool.org - planned in all countries' main and official languages for free CC OCW university degrees). How best to lay out a road map for CAUSING voice to emerge with cognitive computing re your presentation? What might be the next team steps? 

Knowing you have studied philosophy at Pitt, Steve, I wonder how your fascinating Team Cognition model might further develop from the Socratic method (or Conference Method at Reed College), especially the Socratic Dialogues, where the artifacts in the ancient Greek world would have been texts and other students in these "academies" as well. Would cognitive computing texts in the form of computers/e.g. Watson AI be ways to create unfolding teammates as technologies - unfolding Watsons, metaphorically? 



Thanks for your email and for yours and the US Army 2014 publications. I'll look to add some of the references you shared to wiki CC World University and School (WUaS) - e.g. here http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Educational_Software here http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Dialogue or possibly, for example here http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Virtual_Worlds - after we move to a new wiki emerging from Wikidata (Wikipedia's structured data database for Wikipedia's 358 languages). WUaS seeks to develop and extend the Conference Method (http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Conference_Method_of_Teaching_and_Learning) - so seminar or people talking around the table about serious ideas (often with a faculty member guiding this) - re Reed's College's approach (with a WUaS required HUM 101 course) in group video Hangouts as pedagogical method. How this moves from interactive group video to Youtube and then - not yet developed - into interactive realistic and fantastic avatars in a realistic 3D world like OpenSim/Second Life, but not cartoon-esque, so conceptually probably like Google Streetview / Maps / Earth with Time Slider with avatars and voice - in all 7,097 living languages per Ethnolog (I gave an IBM CSIG talk on an universal translator) - and then into avatar bots, with agency!, is an interesting question. This realistic virtual earth will be for wiki STEM research as well as a "classroom" - again planned in each of all 7,943 entries under languages (at Glottolog).

I've blogged a little about this here, as well - 

It would be interesting to analyze some of such emerging cognitive systems' developments per your "Productive Multivocality in the Analysis of Group Interactions" eventually. 

Hoping to make a realistic virtual Harbin/world for Harbin Hot Springs as a wiki STEM field site and for actual - virtual comparison ; Harbin is my actual field site, and my first ethnographic book examines the actual - with the virtual - with regards to Harbin (http://bit.ly/HarbinBook  and https://twitter.com/HarbinBook). 


Hi Luo, Yanshuo, (Hongmei) and Ryan, and All, again,

Re my previous email to you toward the end of this - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2017/02/sherwood-forest-benefitting-incentive.html

As an innovative sociocultural anthropological and TSWG kind of research question and project for the future to stay in communication about, how do you think your Village G will emerge in a wiki realistic virtual earth, Luo? (... for example, in Googel Streetview / Maps / Earth with Time Slider and group build-able like OpenSim/SecondLife, so with realistic and fantastical avatars with voice, but not cartoon-esque - and wiki for STEM researchers to add their data to, as well as as a "classroom" planned in all 7,097 living languages?) We'll likely be able to add our video of our field sites and have this become a realistic 3D interactive world with independent avatars/bots even. 

Here's more about how Yale, Columbia and Cornell - http://cls.yale.edu/shared-course-initiative - are collaborating together to teach via "augmented reality" - e.g. 1 teacher of a "less commonly taught language" language with a few students on each campus on a screen, in one approach - smaller languages, which I mentioned in the car to dinner to you - thank you, Yanshuo! ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2014/03/bee-eaters-in-flock-great-specific.html and http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2014/03/brown-fish-owls-center-for-language.html (in my daily blog from 2014). I blog much about World University and School, a realistic virtual earth, and there's a Mandarin language "label" here, for example, as well.

China has many such "less commonly taught languages," I think. And World University and School is seeking to do something similar to "The Center for Language Study," but much more in fact, and in all 7,097 living languages (see, the Ethnologue, for example - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnologue) - and possibly too in a realistic, virtual earth.

Thanks again for your interesting talk, Luo!

Best regards, 



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