Hi M,
How are you?
Just getting together a bio for Wikipedia if the way ever opens there to post it -
Scott G.K. MacLeod is an American academic and Professor of Sociocultural Anthropology at World University and School. He is currently also the publisher at the Academic Press at World University and School. MacLeod was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and grew up on the eastern seaboard of the U.S., attending Reed College in Portland, Oregon. He received a Master's Degree in anthropology from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a Diploma of Research from the University of Edinburgh. He is World University and School's founder, president, CEO and presiding clerk (in the manner of Friends). Wiki World University and School is CC MIT OCW-centric (in 7 languages) and CC Yale OYC-centric and seeks to develop major universities in all ~200 countries' main and official languages, as well as wiki schools in all 7,097 living languages; WUaS plans to offer online CC OCW Bachelor, Ph.D., law, M.D. as well as I.B. high school degrees, partly in group video. He is the author of Naked Harbin Ethnography: Hippies, Warm Pools, Counterculture, Clothing-Optionality and Virtual Harbin (San Francisco and Berkeley: Academic Press at World University and School 2016).
... and re World University and School.
(Naked Harbin Ethnography is referenced here - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harbin_Hot_Springs - too).
Just heard too by text from EL this morning after being out of touch for quite awhile, suggesting we meet for a cup of coffee or tea, and texted him back:
Good morning, EL, very nice to get your message. Woke up at about 5 yesterday morning to head to Stanford Grand Rounds, but sitting here daily around 7:30 - salutarily. May attend QMeeting online today, and singing now in the UU choir on Thursdays and Sundays - nice to sing with people and the messages/information technologies in the bodymind are good. Angela Farmer will be in Berkeley 10 / 7th and 8th giving a yoga course. Any interest? She's great and a trip. Monday for a cuppa sounds good.
L, Scott