Dear Dr Ceynowa,
Thank you for your fabulous, wonderful and truly exemplar talk yesterday at Stanford - https://library.stanford. edu/events/content-context- bavarian-state-library- digital-world-conversation- klaus-ceynowa .
I asked about your and the Bavarian state library's guidelines for working with other Bundeslaendern, other countries and, for example, Europeana, because I greatly appreciated the organizational focus you are bringing to Bayern's libraries as a system. You are making real what other library systems might seek to do, but haven't successfully done yet as I see it. (However, you have a much broader overview in these regards than I do). I also appreciated your response concerning openness as a guideline for you.
I also asked because CC World University and School, which is like CC Wikipedia (in 358 languages) with CC MIT OpenCourseWare (in its 7 languages) and CC Yale OYC would like to create both libraries (and museums) in all 7,943 entries in languages (per Glottolog) / and inall 7,097 living languages (per Ethnologue) - each a wiki subject page to begin. This would emerge from this beginning "Library Resources"' wiki subject page - http://worlduniversity.wikia. com/wiki/Library_Resources - into all 7097 languages, after WUaS moves to a new wiki, emerging from Wikidata, Wikpedia's database in 358 languages. Perhaps a good way for you to visualize this is here - http://scott-macleod. trees-all-libraries-all.html - where one could, in a realistic virtual earth, such as conceptually in Google Streetview with TIME SLIDER, go virtually into this pretty Swiss library and pick a digital book from its shelf, from any time in history (with time slider). From a structured data perspective - such as the one Wikidata (which is mostly based in Berlin and somewhat in San Francisco with the Wikimedia Foundation) is developing - each book in any library in any of the ~200 countries in the world at present could have something like a Q-item number (Wikidata's basic unit) or similar.
(World University and School would like our matriculating students in our developing online major CC MIT OCW-centric universities, in all ~200 countries' official languages - and studying for online free CC OpenCourseWare Bachelor, Ph.D., law and medicine degrees, as well as I.B. (International Baccalaureate) high school diplomas - to have access to greatest online university academic libraries, perhaps different from the public libraries, for example, in the U.S.)
WUaS would also like to develop an WUaS Universal Translator, perhaps building on Google Neural Machine Translation/Google Translate, such that an anthropologist or linguist or librarian could go into any physical library in the world and hold their smartphone up to a document in any language and read it translated into their own language - and also photograph the document (observing copyright law, etc.). (You'll find the beginning WUaS Universal Translator link in my blog entry above).
How might we further communicate and collaborate about much of this? Would the Bavarian State Library be available to orchestrate creating online libraries in all ~200 countries' official languages with their national libraries, which would develop out of the BSL's great organizational approach? Of course, this might include planning to develop online libraries in all 7097 living languages - where linguists and academics would, in a parallel way, develop the WUaS wiki schools for this, again in all 7,097 known living languages. (See, too, the ~12 main areas of focus for WUaS here - http:// - which will all become integrated in Wikidata/Wikibase and probably also with Google Education, which WUaS has).
Thank you for your inspiring and great talk, Klaus. It makes me want to return to Munich and visit your library, as well as my friends, Eckhard and Liesl Krueger (who no longer live in Garching, however) and their two sons, as well as other possible friends from the 13 months I spent in Munich in 1981-82 in the Reed College program, as well as at LMU.
Best regards,
- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President
- World University and School
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
Hi, Mohammad,
Do you live in Somalia?
It's exciting to learn that you might seek to matriculate/become a degree-student this autumn at World University and School for free CC OpenCourseWare degrees - as if going to MIT online (but see the disclaimers here) - Please look at the course catalog here - spreadsheets/d/1VRHhXYsk- V9lvSh5onaU2hnEhwoapSN7HyBK1P0 9LIk/edit?usp=sharing
- and at A) the Computer Science/Electrical Engineering undergraduate major, as well as B) the Engineering major and begin to think about what courses you might take this autumn.
Are you interested in applying to World University and School to matriculate online this autumn, or simply to wiki-study MIT OpenCourseWare courses online at WUaS? WUaS is offering free CC OCW degrees, so no scholarship is needed. And WUaS is not offering any scholarships at this time either; if WUaS can get countries' governments to donate financially on behalf of students to WUaS, this may change.
What is your first language? Where are you based/living? What country do you live in? What time zone? Do you have reliable broadband / internet wifi computer access for Google group video Hangouts where you live?
If you are interested in matriculating at World Univ & Sch this autumn, would you PLEASE EMAIL your high school and college TRANSCRIPTS (in Arabic is ok) up to the present, including your time studying at Duke University in the U.S.? Thank you.
(Here is an English language learning/speaking community - communities/ 116269728875136256237 - accessible here - PeterBothe). I have included Peter Bothe in this email re English speaking language opportunities. There are other Arabic speakers in this group too.
All the best,
Mohammad writes:
I study Electrical Engineering, Bachelor Degree, Academy of Engineering Sciences
Can I get a university scholarship?
A translation of my WUaS email into Arabic from Google Translate:
مرحبا، محمد،
من المثير أن تعلم أنك قد تسعى للحصول على شهادة الثانوية العامة / تصبح طالبا في هذا الخريف في الجامعة العالمية والمدرسة للحصول على درجة سيسي أوسو مجانا - كما لو ذهب إلى ميت على الانترنت (ولكن انظر إخلاء المسؤولية هنا) - يرجى النظر في فهرس الدورة هنا، وفي أ) علوم الكمبيوتر / الهندسة الكهربائية التخصص الرئيسي، وكذلك ب) التخصص الهندسة والبدء في التفكير في ما الدورات التي قد تأخذ هذا الخريف.
هل أنت مهتم في تطبيق على الجامعة العالمية والمدرسة لتدريس على الانترنت هذا الخريف، أو لمجرد دراسة ويكي ميت أوبنكورسوار الدورات على الانترنت في واس؟ تقدم واس درجة سيسي أوسو مجانا، لذلك لا حاجة إلى منحة دراسية. و واس لا تقدم أي منح دراسية في هذا الوقت إما؛ إذا كان بإمكان الوآالة أن تحصل حكومات الدول على تبرعات مالية نيابة عن الطلاب إلى جمعية مستخدمي الخدمات، قد يتغير ذلك.
ما هي لغتك الاولى؟ أين أنت / تعيش؟ في اي بلد تعيش؟ ما هي المنطقة الزمنية؟ هل لديك إمكانية الوصول إلى الإنترنت ذات النطاق العريض والواي فاي الموثوق به لجلسات هنغوت الفيديو الجماعية من غوغل حيث تعيش؟
إذا كنت مهتما في شهادة الثانوية العامة في جامعة ونيفرزيتي & شش هذا الخريف، فهل تفضلوا بإرسال بريدكم الإلكتروني إلى المدرسة الثانوية في الوقت الحالي، بما في ذلك الوقت الذي تدرسونه في جامعة ديوك في الولايات المتحدة؟ شكرا.
(هنا هو تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية يتحدث المجتمع - communities/ 116269728875136256237 - يمكن الوصول إليها هنا - PeterBothe). لقد شملت بيتر بوث في هذا البريد الإلكتروني إعادة اللغة الإنجليزية فرص اللغة الناطقة. هناك متحدثون آخرون باللغة العربية في هذه المجموعة أيضا.
أتمنى لك كل خير،