Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Pygmy rabbit: public television's King Charles III?, Interesting what media shows in any given place (Pgh, SF Bay), and what we watch and enjoy ... unique media landscapes ... and this is America and the Internet Age !!! Ah, identity, place and culture, I'd think and hypothesize ... I'm an appreciator of US constitutional democracy:), Happy Mother's Day, Water, WUAS Corporation, Stanford University Medicine and talks, Yoga, Developing the Ph.D. program at WUaS first in German and English, Just sent a copy of "Naked Harbin Ethnography" off to the editor of Visual Anthropology who said he'd write a review of my book, Online course about the information age at WUaS

Next: Frigatebird: "Saw my first robotic surgery today 🙌🏽", "Robotic Surgery Demonstration Using Da Vinci Surgical System," Such surgical machines will be usable REMOTELY in all nation states, and on ships around the world ... and will develop with artificial intelligence for precision and details *** Knowledge generation in realistic VIRTUAL earth at atomic, cellular, tissue levels thru coding then physical world experimental program #ActualVirtual >>> EXPERIMENTATION in realistic VIRTUAL earth at atomIC, celllular, tissue levels? Based on knowledge generation in physical world thru experiments, Evolutionary history in realistic VIRTUAL earth at atom, cell, tissue levels? Coding for this math / physics > new questions #ActualVirtual ... Plant Evolution too especially ... Harvard talk at Stanford - Brilliant knowledge Prof. L. Mahadevan https://events.stanford.edu/events/691/69109/ … Into realistic virtual earth with experimentation, NEW SCIENCE re realistic virtual earth/universe

Sunday, May 13, 2017
Hi S,

Glad you remembered it was Mother’s Day today.  Since you and Sandy were nowhere close by,  Chris Michaels and I went to the  Pittsburgh Botanic Garden for a walkabout and gourmet picnic.   The weather cooperated - it alternated between windy and cloudy and bright sun.  We were gone about six hours!

There is a production of King Charles !!! on public tv in a couple of minutes.  I saw the stage version in London a couple of years ago - I imagine tonight’s version is a film of the stage version.  We’ll see. In any case, I wanted to get this off to you before it started.

Glad Oregon plans are firming up.  I intend to buy my ticket tomorrow.

L, M

Hi M,

Your long day trip to the Botanical Gardens sounds fun ... and on Mother's Day !!! :)

King Charles III looks interesting too, M ... 

And written in iambic pentameter ... 

Interesting what media shows in any given place (Pgh, SF Bay), and what we watch and enjoy ... unique media landscapes ... and re individuals predilections and worldviews ... (and given the internet  now, as well, he writes, finger-typing away:) ... and this is America and the Internet Age !!! Ah, identity, place and culture, I'd think, and hypothesize ... I'm an appreciator of US constitutional democracy.:) 

Enjoy the play on Mother's Day!


Happy Mother's Day!

How was public television's King Charles III? How did it compare with the show you saw in London a few years ago? The British Isles do drama so well - culturally, I'd say - and thanks much in part to their main dramatic writer of 1564-1616 - Monsieur Shakespeare. What did you think of the iambic pentameter (something I learned about st Shady Side Academy in high school!)?

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Hi S,

Sunday evening - very cold - maybe even a frost tonight, but then it should be warming up.  

Attended an interesting new opera, Summer King, about a black baseball player, Josh Gibson, who played in the “Negro” leagues and lived in Homestead.  While Jackie Robinson was the player that finally integrated the major leagues, this man, Josh Gibson, just missed being that person.  The singing, staging, lighting were wonderful.   The opera could probably do with a little editing.  It was exciting to hear so many beautiful black voices of operatic caliber and to have the story performed by the Pittsburgh Opera about a hometown boy.  The composer/librettist was a man named Sonenberg from Portland, Maine.

It’s late - thanks for your ‘phone message.

Hope you have a good week.

L, M  

Hi M,

Thanks very much for your email. "Summer King" sounds edifying - thanks for the heads' up about it. Not sure that it will make it to the Bay Area, but if it's available on YouTube or similar for free I might check it out, having gone to high school in Pittsburgh . Just talked with E who has a big job, and a big family, partly about questions of his being graciously  accommodating, as are you, - as well as about B.

Will probably start replacing my Brita water filter monthly - in its green range - rather than every two months + in its red range - which I've doing for years - re the white crusty stuff in the water here. Do you use a Brita wAter filter? I'll probably also not use filtered water to boil my eggs (to get more filtered water inside me), and also not use Great Value water filters as replacements.  I'd heartily encourage using a water filter for you too given the very old Pittsburgh water system (and given your health episode 3 years ago).

Received the WUAS Corporation address verification, and another related letter yesterday when I checked my P.O. Box. Another momentous baby step to say the least for this big process I'm developing, - and making a living.

The new French President Emmanuel Macron married his high school drama teacher who's 24 years older than he is. They connected in school when he was 15 apparently. Interesting to think/see how this plays out inter-culturally, French-American wise, and in the media too. French sexual practices, shall I call them, probably have and will inform American ones, yet the legal systems remain very different. And Macron is Roman Catholic religio-culturally, and America has puritan roots with plural/diverse religio-culture, (and with growing focus on the 3rd monotheistic religion, Islam) even as secularism grows too.

Will probably play in the Open Band for Scottish Country Dancing at St Clement's again this evening after~2 months. P and B are back from traveling in Scotland, Corsica and Europe. 

Music making is fun.

On the BART train heading to AFSC.


... if interested, next read this in this letter narrative ...  http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2017/05/summer-summer-king.html ...

then ...

May 9
Hi M,

Scottish Country Dance music making was fun after about a 2 month hiatus - I can play, mostly tonics last night on both instruments (since the tunes aren't for the most part pipe music setting) - and the music is sweet and harmonizing, and there's space for my / our musical flow experiences to grow skill wise. Nice that P and B are back and they shared some fun Scottish and Corsica stories, and Viennese chocolate.

... Reed College Reunion from June 7-11 as well as to Cuttyhunk this summer ...

My cough is lessening yet lingering ever so slightly ... and I think I may give up coffee in cafes (I gave up coffee in my teens and some of my 20s) ... since my respiratory / throat system is sensitive and coffee seems possibly to be exasperating my slight cough ... each time in a cafe ... and I'm not sure about the water in coffee too ... Will have to get something edible in cafes perhaps instead... my egg pan on the stove has been "de-calcifying" ever so slowly with my using filtered water, yet I'm going to stop this process and drink the filtered water instead only! Well water is otherwise good to have in earthquake country and living in this beautiful place above a forest in Canyon. Hypothesizing here about possible sources / irritants of this minor diminishing yet present cough I have.

How are you and what are you up to this week?


May 9
Hi M,

While the cat has gotten out of the bag in interesting ways over the past decades in California, and cat herding as it is isn't easy ... (and while I may have written about cat-herding re California culture
to you before possibly too - and in a Twitter post I think which I can't find) ... here are some further thoughts ...

... experienced with Yoga ...

I'm ... Yoga positive ... in many ways ... because one comes to know oneself through the practice of Yoga, often in centering and health-affirming ways as I see it ... And it also can be a kind of maturity as well as generate a balanced neurophysiology ... ah, ... interweaving platforms ... and lack of reliability of some! :) ...

Steve Cole is speaking at Stanford Medicine, who has done some scientific research about Yoga, and is a UCLA Professor -

Just got an email today too that the WUaS Corporation has incorporated with the state of California as a common stock company.

Heading to the Stanford ceili now, and may wake up early tomorrow for this talk by Steve Cole ...


May 10

Hi M,

Woke up at 4:50am without an alarm clock, so decided to go to Stanford Medicine's Grand Rounds' talk by UCLA's Professor Steve Cole (and Stanford Ph.D.) tying together the biology of the genome and happiness/connectedness re a distinction between hedonics and eudaimonics - http://medicinecalendars.stanford.edu/event/medicine-grand-rounds-connection-and-the-human-genome/. It's interesting work on the hypothesizing at the genomic level of gene-biological connectedness re happiness with much specific research on specific genetic "actions" in the genome, but challenging and exploratory research too at the sociocultural/language/experiential levels, since he brought in so many variables ... Would need a vast body of related literature and genomic studies to focus this further ... and perhaps WUaS can help with sample clinical populations re inducing happiness on the biological side of things such as through music and eliciting loving bliss, for example, although I asked a question about X.


Some German colleagues at IBM asked yesterday how they could help develop the Ph.D. program at WUaS, potentially in German as well as in English - amazing! They've recently completed Master's degrees as interns employed by IBM there ... a great potential model.

My hair is getting longer, although I'm not growing a beard. I may possibly let my hair grow longer than it's ever been.

Have you had a good couple of days this week so far?


May 11
Hi M,

How are you and how's the weather?

Heading to choir this evening probably until the first week of June (end of the season), since the Reed reunion is from June 7-11. Are plans developing for early July in Oregon and a memorial service for

I met B in a Stanford talk by Carla Pugh MD, and Carla's giving the keynote this Saturday -
https://stanfordmedicine.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0GLxOFjuhlKF2Ch - for the SIMEC II conference. A medical education psychometrician Yoon Soo Park PhD from the University of Illinois Chicago Department of Medical Education ...

Interesting how the Univ Illinois Chicago dean ... was a "tenured Professor of Ophthalmology at Harvard Medical School,Director of the Cornea Service at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear
Infirmary" - http://chicago.medicine.uic.edu/about/deans_leadership - and in the photo here looks a lot like Dr. Richard Robb, a family friend since I was a baby, in this photo.



May  11, 2017

Hi M,

Just sent a copy of "Naked Harbin Ethnography" off to the editor of Visual Anthropology, Paul Hockings, whom I met with Nelson Graburn in the UC Berkeley Anthropology building, just prior to giving my talk there last Friday.

He said he'd write a review of my book for Visual Anthropology, and I think it's worth it to send him a book gratis (which costs me about ...).

My email to him - and his quick interesting reply - is below, for your reading enjoyment. Paul Hockings is a professor emeritus of Anthropology at University of Illinois - Chicago -
https://anth.uic.edu/uic-anthropology/people/emeritus-faculty ...

It will be good to get a book review in a known journal for my Harbin book - for academic mainstreaming it, as well as the beginning Academic Press at WUaS.

Heading to UU choir soon - it's nice having a lot of basses and tenors in the choir, and particular a small group of Quakers even ... kinds of men's teams, in a curious way which I haven't engaged all that much in my various careers.


Dear Paul,

Very nice to meet you with Nelson Graburn in the UC Berkeley Anthropology building, just prior to giving my TSWG talk about it there last Friday (which slides are here -
and previous talks' related slides, video and media here -

I've just put my actual-virtual sociocultural anthropological book "Naked Harbin Ethnography" in the mail to you - from Stanford (where I'm visiting), and I look forward to reading a review of it in "Visual Anthropology" when published. Nelson wrote the Foreword, as you'll see.

"Naked Harbin Ethnography: Hippies, Warm Pools, Counterculture, Clothing-Optionality & Virtual Harbin" is the first book published in the new Academic Press at World University and School -
http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html - planned in all 7,099 living languages with machine translation.

Your "Principles of Visual Anthropology" (3rd ed) looks very germane to my overarching Harbin project, and possibly the creation of a 3D realistic virtual Harbin for actual-virtual comparison, - and I'll have a look at this as I begin my next Harbin book in this project.

Thank you.

Best regards,



Here's the Amazon author's page for Scott MacLeod World University with both versions of "Naked Harbin Ethnography" ~

Wow, Scott:
    My idea of technology is still about chipping stone tools! But this will certainly be interesting to look into....


Wow, Paul,

Thanks for your quick email. I teach an online course about the information age at WUaS -
http://worlduniversityandschool.org/InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv.html - with a slightly different take on technology than stone tools. :)




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