Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Alpine ibex: WUaS on Mobile in ALL languages for learning?, TENSORFLOW and Google Ecosystem,

Next: Adriatic Sea: AMAZING - "The Venice Time Machine project could digitally reconstruct the city's deep history http://bit.ly/2tnBwDP [Video]" and re WUaS's plans for a realistic virtual earth with TIME SLIDER, Excited for converting film/video into 3D interactive realistic virtual earth for avatar bot communication w history, "Michigan to offer free tuition to in-state families making under $65K", UMich: Interesting re free CC OCW WUaS planned online degrees https://twitter.com/i/moments/875466474613288961 … accrediting on CC MIT OCW in 7 languages & CC Yale OYC, I hope this University of Michigan approach will help California (and the U.S.) potentially fund World University and School for online FREE highest quality CC MIT OCW-centric degrees - along the lines of Yale's upcoming tuition (where California's K-12 Public Schools probably get somewhat similar funding per student), The MIT OpenCourseWare Daily at WUaS (see MIT OCW's delimitations) https://paper.li/WorldUnivAndSch/1474335157#/ … will begin to come through to @WorldUnivAndSch :), So Californians and citizens in every single nation state will get MIT for free with World University and School

Hi Jim, Douglas and Dan,

Thanks for these great resources, and my condolences on the passing of your mother, Jim. (Hi Dan, nice to e-meet you as well).

Your email came at the beginning of CC OCW wiki World University and School's open hour-long monthly business meeting on Saturday at 9am, Jim - http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2017/06/june-10-2017-world-univ-and-sch-monthly.html - when I was at a Reed College reunion in Oregon, and during a busy few days (having then visited a friend in central Washington state and then driven a long 15 hour+ trip home yesterday), ... hence my reply now.

To give you an idea of how wiki World University and School works, I've added "Learn on Mobile" to - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/English_as_a_Second_Language - and http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/English_as_a_Second_Language_for_Kids - where each of these wiki schools/page will be in each of all 7,099 living languages - as - "Learn on Mobile. 2017. [https://www.learnonmobile.com/ Learn on Mobile]. (Our worst problem is illiteracy.  LearnOnMobile offers a solution.  Our interactive lessons, for learning to read English, are now available in a mobile app). learnonmobile.com." - under "Select References".

And I added "AI gets so-so grade in Chinese university entrance exam"http://phys.org/news/2017-06-ai-so-so-grade-chinese-university.html to China World University and School - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/China (planned in Mandarin - see https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/translated-courses/ - and all other Chinese languages) - as - "AI gets so-so grade in Chinese university entrance exam. 2017. [http://phys.org/news/2017-06-ai-so-so-grade-chinese-university.html AI gets so-so grade in Chinese university entrance exam]. June 8. phys.org/news/2017-06-ai-so-so-grade-chinese-university.html".

And I added, Jim, your http://service-science.info/archives/4629 and http://phys.org/news/2017-06-ai-so-so-grade-chinese-university.html to http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Artificial_Intelligence but couldn't add this to http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Robotics for some reason today.

World University and School has long planned to approach illiteracy on our open wiki schools' side with voice recognition / AI and even anticipating developments with Google group video Hangouts, Google Neural Machine Translation and TensorFlow in Google's ecosystem. (WUaS is like Wikipedia in its 358 languages, planning as wiki schools in all 7,099 languages, with CC MIT OCW in its 7 languages, planning major online universities and high schools on CC MIT OCW in all ~200 countries' official languages).

Illiterate individuals could teach to their web camera (e.g. illiterate farmers could teach about farming practices in eastern Ghana to others in western Ghana in their language on their cell phones or agricultural market anomalies), - also mitigating the need for language learning. This is one plan for WUaS, I hope this will emerge as WUaS begins to develop in Wikidata / Mediawiki (which are Wikipedia's database/front end in 358 languages) - and to which WUaS donated WUaS in October 2015 and in which WUaS should begin to develop soon.  The depth of wiki-experience that Wikimedia communities and perhaps WUaS could bring could enhance this school and language learning conversation/resources

And WUaS has long been planning language learning for each of all 7,099 living languages (per Ethnologue) on smartphones and partly as wiki schools. (Wikipedia again is in 358 languages and Google Translate / GNMT is in at least than 100 languages). WUaS is also planning a universal translator building on GNMT conceptually - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/WUaS_Universal_Translator. Cognitive systems / assistants could/would become central here too. An universal translator in Google Voice/Android and Siri/iPhone combined could also help with language learning questions (all of which WUaS will also study academically and rrigorously as an online multi-lingual university).

I would love too to learn of an open source "Siri" and glad to have found this open source Android resources - https://source.android.com/. It seems to me that these are the two open source platforms to develop in for voice especially. Others?

I think where WUaS might be able to contribute here to "Learn on Mobile" is as a platform, but WUaS is planning free and open resources only,  and re potential collaborations so perhaps a collaboration would work better here.

In CC MIT OCW-centric CC WUaS's focus on university and high school education - and seeking highest achievers in all countries' official languages - it's great too to see this new MIT course emerging online for MIT students - http://news.mit.edu/2017/mit-pilots-full-credit-online-residential-course-0612 . It would be great to explore collaboration in these regards as well (where WUaS plans to hire graduate students from great universities in multiple languages who are becoming faculty to teach to the MIT OCW faculty in 7 languages in video, and who will potentially become coders as well). Some WUaS students will need to learn English, but WUAS will also seek to facilitate language learning on mobile in countries' official languages. Is a collaboration possible here too?

Thanks for your fascinating learnonmobile.com resource in these regards especially. I look forward to developing this conversation further. Can we meet for lunch in the SF Bay Area about this sometime in the near future, Douglas and Dan?

All best wishes,



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