Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Thekla lark: Beginning to develop CC World Univ & Sch in MediaWiki / Wikibase-Wikidata

Next: Bird vocalization: MIT Tech Review - "We Need to Talk About the Power of AI to Manipulate Humans,""Social networking sites @Facebook & @Twitter are being used to manipulate public opinion," Perhaps WUaS's can synthesize with our developing A.I. the Caring and Loving (partly Quaker-informed) wiki subjects & Political Science wiki subject & Artificial Intelligence wiki subject - planned in all ~200 countries' official and main languages ... to inform some of these questions and in conjunction, if at all possible, with Google (Don't be evil), Stanford, Wikimedia, Apple, MIT OCW and other significant A.I. generators, In what profound ways can WIKI WUaS CC share & adapt MIT OCW in 7 langs as CHAT BOTS for learners in ALL langs for Bach, PhD, Law, MD & IB?, And as CHAT BOTS for TRANSLATION in 7099 langs?
Previous: Haida Gwaii: Stanford Computer Science Dept's former chairman Nils Nilsson response to my question in Q&A about WUaS and comparing great CS departments, "Creating World Class Computer Science at Stanford," Interesting approach to regenerating a language through film, and with modeling approaches to making learning a specific language fun - the Haida language in Canada, NYTimes - "Reviving a Lost Language of Canada Through Film" By CATHERINE PORTER JUNE 11, 2017, Good overview from Jeremy Howard of what machine learning can do and re translation especially (from 2014), WUaS seeks to develop further with Google AI, and Wikidata / Wikipedia (in 358 languages) and Stanford medicine, "Bezoar ibex (Capra aegagrus): Stanford "Medicine Grand Rounds: Democratizing Knowledge to Reduce Disparities in Healthcare – Project ECHO", WUaS Corporation Board development, .... "

Hi Tim, Daniel, Dario, Allen, Luis, Tighe, (Markus and Lydia),

Thanks for your recent excellent WMF talks, Allen and Markus - "Problematizing and Addressing the Article-as-Concept Assumption in Wikipedia," and "Understanding Wikidata Queries"

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2jpKRwPT-Q and https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Research/Showcase#June_2017) - which I found very informative and helpful, and timely for what follows especially.

As you may know, I'm developing CC MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School, which is like CC Wikipedia (in 358 languages) with CC MIT OCW (in 7 languages) and CC Yale OYC, and CC WUaS donated WUaS to Wikidata in October 2015. WUaS seeks to develop major universities in all countries' official / main languages, and wiki schools for open teaching and learning in Wikipedia's 358 languages and eventually in all 7,099 living languages - beginning with this SUBJECT TEMPLATE : http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/SUBJECT_TEMPLATE

Thanks to Wikimedians Lydia, Ryan Kaldari and Jan Zerebecki, World University and School began developing in Mediawiki (but not in Wikibase/Wikidata), in English and German, from January (during the WikiDev conference in SF) to March 2016 but this the stopped working then. Here's a version of this in the web-archive - https://web-beta.archive.org/web/20150324001526/http://worlduniversityandschool.org/mediawiki-1.24.1/index.php?title=Main_Page - which I'd like to begin with again, but now in Wikibase/Wikidata too. Now that both Mediawiki and Wikibase/Wikidata have had one and a half years to develop further, I'd like to begin to re-install and develop WUaS in English and German (which I know at an intermediate level), as well as in Chinese and Spanish, which are WUaS pilot languages, and which were your test languages in your recent talks, Allen and Markus, I heard. Importantly, they are also 2 of CC4 MIT OCW's 7 languages - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/translated-courses/ .  MIT OCW's CC4 licensing allows for "sharing" and "adapting" but is "non-commercial," (while Wikisource's CC0 licensing, by contrast for example, is "commercial"). 

At a Wikimedia friend's recent suggestion, I'm going to begin to seek to install Mediawiki and Wikibase for wiki CC World University and School using - 

But I'm a social scientist (having just written a large actual-virtual ethnographic book) and not too much of a coder, and found Jan and Kaldari's help invaluable in the installation of Mediawiki in January 2016. There are also a lot of potential planning considerations in developing World Univ & Sch in Mediawiki/Wikibase - including anticipating multiple languages and using Wikibase/Wikidata ... and potentially, as I talked about with Lydia this January 2017 at Wikidev, developing a WUaS bookstore using CC0 (commercial) Wikisource in a newly emergent wing at WUaS. (I've been talking with Silke, a German friend who works a quarter time in the Stanford bookstore, who's interested in organizing the online CC WUaS bookstore, first in English, but WUaS doesn't have a "front end" for this yet).

So Daniel (as Wikidata Principal Platform Engineer) and Tim (as Lead Platform Architect on the MediaWiki Platform team), as I proceed with attempting to install Mediawiki and Wikibase, could I please ask you some questions? And as language questions arise, beyond in English and German, could I ask you Allen and Luis about developing WUaS in Chinese and Spanish, please? And, Dario, as WUaS begins to develop our CC0 WUaS Bookstore emerging potentially out of Wikisource/Wikidata, could I please ask you about how this would work (potentially on your Talk pages - mine is Scott_WUaS - or here ... )? Thank you!

CC OCW WUaS is seeking to matriculate students this autumn for free since CC MIT OCW-centric online accrediting Bachelor's degrees, first in English, but soon in Chinese and Spanish, with the course catalog here - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/. 

Thank you so much. 


- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President  

- World University and School

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 



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