Just updated the http://bit.ly/HarbinBook page putting the Harbin Gate in Street View right at the TOP, where you can enter into Harbin world
Hi M,
And now for something completely different, some further Harbin musings ...:)
Appreciating Harbin's independence as alternative culture, kind of as counterculture, and when/where there could have been many socio-cultural pressures or processes for Harbin to sort of conform to
societal norms since the late 1970s ... yet because it is kind of its own culture, and because as a hot springs' retreat center, it has been resistant toward, partly due to a significant degree of financial
independence - and even with regard to CA state processes, and because of the 1960s, and because it's in California (... I also get into this in my book http://bit.ly/HarbinBook) . So it has developed in its own ways ... and maintained, for example, its HAI (Human Awareness Institute: Love, Intimacy and Sexuality workshops ... teaching about love, amazingly, but which I've never taken) and Tantra workshops over many decades ... this is all fascinating (to me), and enough to have written a large book about it, and to be planning others, if these work out ...
But Harbin isn't straightforward ... and in its convolutedness, confusion, and what I'll call dysfunctionalism, arise ... and this has gotten embedded in its fabric of life or milieu (discourse or culture) since, I'd guess, Ishvara bought the place in 1972 ... and yet it's puttered along, and provided work and an alternative lifestyle, and an alternative vision of life (hippy for sure, in so many ways re
rebelliousness on ... ) relative to modernity in California, and all of htis has generated a critical mass of Harbin residents and visitors / guests ... people ... power to the Harbin people! :) ... although
it's more like a native American tribe among its residents, than it is a democracy ...
Perhaps this convolutedness, as I see it, has occurred in many many small group communities, say, since written language about 5500 years ago ... but Harbin's small group-ness occurs in the context of 200-300 years of developments into industrialization, and after the rise of mega-mega-cities, and the major decline of farming by families ... in California and around the world ... and with native American envisionings in mind as well, thanks in part to people in the 1960s and '70s ... and youths' re-visiting, for example, native American practices and thinking ... and living into these ...
Harbin musings, further ...
Just updated the https://t.co/n8B2vpYOY5 page putting the Harbin Gate in Street View right at the top, where you can enter into Harbin world— HarbinBook (@HarbinBook) July 18, 2017
Just updated the https://t.co/GhBhkpC6EW page putting the Harbin Gate in Street View right at the top, where you can enter into Harbin world— WUaSPress (@WUaSPress) July 18, 2017