Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Blue-throated macaw: WUaS Corporation emerging ... Advisory Board invitation ... Harvard Business Review-"What Makes Great Boards Great," Forbes-"What Makes a Great Board Member" and "Here's the Right Way to Put Together an Incredibly Smart Advisory Board"

Previous: Thinkers about species: Multiple Sclerosis - a realistic virtual Harbin / earth and seeking STEM therapeutic research developments, both for cold water benefits of movement / exercise, as well as at the atomic and cellular levels for modeling and research ... re MIT + articles and successes/breakthroughs ... Could people with Multiple Sclerosis with access to swimming pools (cool pools of water), for example, don a DIGITAL MASK, as they walk around in the cool swimming pool realistic VIRTUAL Harbin Hot Springs, OR ONE OF THE COLD PLUNGES? Have people with MS already found benefits at Harbin Hot Springs, with its various pool temperatures? Could, for example, Pamela Sutherland - https://twitter.com/Ltd_To_Two - and see TOO her blog - https://livinginalimitedworld.com - living with MS in Glasgow, Scotland, do so, and flourish in new ways, finding freedom?, Potential here for scientific developments and breakthroughs, Some Dr. Andy Weil MD articles on MS, A realistic virtual Harbin would also facilitate brain wave head set research in combination with digital masks potentially from a swimming pool ... including especially sociality around nudity ... See, Pamela Sutherland's Twitter profile in these regards

Hi S,

Thanks for your email to my other address yesterday re your -

"Yes, excellent approach to bootstrapping a start-up with no outside investors yet.
What are your thoughts on fundraising moving forward?

Thanks, too, for your response re an invitation to become the WUaS Corporation's startup CEO (more below about this).

I'm writing now to invite you to become a WUaS Corporation Advisory Board member, with a focus on Media Platforms' integration portfolio (and related).

You'll find an emerging WUaS Corporation business plan here - WUaS Corporation Business Plan in GDoc ... https://docs.google.com/a/worlduniversityandschool.org/document/d/12GqcLW_PrcCCQpwNKDF8AqNwtWxYMNUG1h-TfnpbPXw/edit?usp=sharing (see, too - http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2016/01/14-planned-wuas-revenue-streams.html) - which doesn't yet focus on Media Platforms' planned revenue streams in all ~200 countries' official languages. This plan will give you a good idea, however, of where WUaS Corporation is going and re revenue streams.

(World University and School as you may know is like Wikipedia in its 358 languages, on the one hand, with CC MIT OpenCourseWare in its 7 languages and CC Yale OYC, on the other. On the planned CC MIT OCW-centric degree side (in all countries' official languages), we seek to offer Bachelor, Ph.D., law and M.D. degrees, as well as eventually I.B. or similar high school degrees).

Thanks to the filing of the WUaS Corporation's Articles of Incorporation this past April 21, 2017 and the subsequent filing of the California Statement of Information 550 on July 18, the WUaS Corp is now taking shape. And I'd as this all takes shape, I'd like to invite you again to a nascent Advisory Board role, if you would like this Board experience.

A friend in Romania, Julian, emailed me recently about being interested in receiving shares of the newly emerging WUaS Corporation in exchange for leading the WUaS Corp - a great development, since it now looks like the WUaS Corporation will have a startup CEO, and because he's someone who can help start our online Educational Services' planned revenue streams, - and potentially with a group of coders he knows (in Podio - which is for managing workflow).

Re the developing the WUaS Corporation Board itself, I have these following HBR and Forbes' articles in mind, for your information:

Harvard Business Review

What Makes Great Boards Great


What Makes A Great Board Member? (You Really Need To Get This Right)


Here's The Right Way To Put Together An Incredibly Smart Advisory Board


To give you an idea about how the two World University and School wings (non-profit wing based around the CC MIT OCW in its 7 languages, and for-profit wing), here's a recent blog entry - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2017/07/trillium-grandiflorum-three-biggest.html - which characterizes fairly well their emerging relationship.

The WUaS Corporation is hoping to have our first Board meeting from Stanford, and in a Google group video Hangout, in the 3rd week of August. Might you be interested in this Advisory Board role, Scot, for which we haven't determined shares yet, but this is in the works? And if so, would you be able please to participate in this? Looking forward to communicating further about this with you soon. Thank you.

Best, Scott

- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President

- World University and School
- http://worlduniversityandschool.org


Hi K, 

Thanks. I'm glad you're possibly interested in joining the WUaS Corporation Advisory Board. You'll find an emerging WUaS Corporation business plan here - WUaS Corporation Business Plan in GDoc ... https://docs.google.com/a/worlduniversityandschool.org/document/d/12GqcLW_PrcCCQpwNKDF8AqNwtWxYMNUG1h-TfnpbPXw/edit?usp=sharing (see, too - http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2016/01/14-planned-wuas-revenue-streams.html) - which doesn't yet focus on the online lessons' planned revenue streams in all ~200 countries' official languages (another possible great-fit portfolio for you). This plan will give you a good idea, however, of where WUaS Corporation is going. Looking forward to communicating further about this with you soon.

And yes, WUaS is seeking to create a cohesive online course and platform for e-learning. It's like Wikipedia in its 358 languages, on the one hand, with CC MIT OpenCourseWare in its 7 languages and CC Yale OYC, on the other. On the planned CC MIT OCW-centric degree side (in all countries' official languages), WUaS seeks to offer Bachelor, Ph.D., law and M.D. degrees, as well as eventually I.B. or similar high school degrees, accrediting potentially in each country (for law degrees) ... and to be like a Stanford or MIT re accreditation and foreign students as well. 

Responses to your questions (all on the World University and School non-profit CC4 centric side, in contrast to the for-profit general stock company startup WUaS Corporation side): 

Is the major difference between WUaS and others that it will be offered for free?
- Creative Commons' licensed (CC4) MIT OpenCourseWare on the degree side. 

Where will it start in the early phases? 
- Online CC MIT OCW-centric Bachelor degrees 

Are professors already starting to contribute content?
- For planning purposes and initial classes it will the MIT OCW faculty in video who will be our first professors. 

Have you received endorsement and/ or financial backing from any major universities? 
- We've communicated for two successive years with MIT Dean Cecilia d'Oliveira, and must write on all our web pages 

What will the accreditation process look like? 
- Hopefully WASC senior ... contingent upon students and money 

Is it meant to supplement coursework in a university or replace it? 
- WUaS seeks to become independent universities in each of all ~200 countries

(Having done your PBL survey once, I'm going to pass on becoming a PBL best-tester, due to being way over-committed. But thank you).

Thanks to the filing of the WUaS Corporation's Articles of Incorporation this past April 21, 2017 and the subsequent filing of the California Statement of Information 550 on July 18, the WUaS Corp is now taking shape. And I'd as this all takes shape, I'd like to invite you again to a nascent Advisory Board role, if you would like this Board experience. 

A friend in Romania, Julian, emailed me recently about being interested in receiving shares of the newly emerging WUaS Corporation in exchange for leading the WUaS Corp - a great development, since it now looks like the WUaS Corporation will have a startup CEO, and because he's someone who can help start our online Educational Services' planned revenue streams, - and potentially with a group of coders he knows (in Podio - which is for managing workflow).

To give you an idea about how the two World University and School wings (non-profit wing based around the CC MIT OCW in its 7 languages, and for-profit wing), here's a recent blog entry - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2017/07/trillium-grandiflorum-three-biggest.html - which characterizes fairly well their emerging relationship, and mentions your PBL project too.

The WUaS Corporation is hoping to have our first Board meeting from Stanford, and in a Google group video Hangout, in the 3rd week of August. Might you be interested in this Advisory Board role, Kyle, for which we haven't determined shares yet, but this is in the works? And if so, would you be able please to participate in this?  Thank you.

Best, Scott



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