To teach or work at World University and School, what courses - CC MIT OpenCourseWare (and Yale OYC) courses - would a matriculating WUaS student best take?
At the undergraduate and PH.D. levels? And in which languages and nation states?
e.g. MIT OCW in Spanish -
e.g. MIT OCW in Chinese -
In Korean, Turkish, Persian or Portuguese -
Yale OYC -
MIT and Stanford, and many of the greatest universities of the world, for example, seem often to hire their own graduates.
Some introductory courses at MIT OCW which WUaS ( will seek to offer for credit toward free CC OCW undergraduate Bachelor degrees (to come) ... and which would help students potentially with their careers ... (at WUaS Corp for example, ...
Google is Hiring! (jobs, privacy and information technology ... )
How could WUaS also plan for Google to hire WUaS's graduates and students ... ?
Dear Larry,
I'm holding off emailing T about her beginning in late August until you and I communicate further about this prerequisite sloan-school-of-management/15- 031j-energy-decisions-markets- and-policies-spring-2012/this- course-at-mit/ . We could perhaps ask T to make her way through "Energy Decisions, Markets, and Policies" on her own ignoring the prerequisite. I didn't find anything from Yale OYC that could be an alternative.
I'm hoping you'll be her advisor for this course. What would you suggest here?
And all re ... ![]()
For this WUaS Business 200 in MIT OCW course "Energy Decisions, Markets, and Policies" - sloan-school-of-management/15- 031j-energy-decisions-markets- and-policies-spring-2012/assig nments/ - which is one possible first course T may begin in late August, it looks like the pre-requisite is Principles of Microeconomics - economics/14-01sc-principles-o f-microeconomics-fall-2011/ind ex.htm .

For this WUaS Business 200 in MIT OCW course "Energy Decisions, Markets, and Policies" -
Dear Larry,
Perhaps we could invite T to seek out a MIT OCW course to begin in the end of August on her own, with you as an adviser, that would help her, as she sees this, toward her WUaS business degree.
I have a poor internet connection here, but I searched on "MIT OCW Introductory business classes Sloan" and "MIT OCW New Enterprises pre-requisite" - all of which I can add to the course catalog - and found some graduate courses, and an undergraduate course, as beginning examples - if she begins to searches for a course.
1 sloan-school-of-management/15- 390-new-enterprises-spring- 2013/index.htm - which has video ...
And it looks like a related course has no pre-requisites - edu/class/15.3901 - but it also looks like it's a graduate course, which could possibly benefit T
also has video, and also looks like it's a graduate course, which could possibly benefit Tanya
which says "This course is a prerequisite for all of the advanced marketing courses" - sloan-school-of-management/15- 810-marketing-management-fall- 2004/index.htm
and there are multiple versions of this
OCW has published multiple versions of this subject. ![Question_OVT logo]()

- 15.810 Marketing Management: Analytics, Frameworks, and Applications (Fall 2015)
- 15.810 Marketing Management (Fall 2010)
Archived versions: ![Question_avt logo]()

And here's an undergraduate business class that looks like it doesn't have prerequisites, but also no video ..
What do you think?
Sincerely, Scott
Project-Based Learning approach to each course in MIT OCW?