Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Turtle mazunte: [Medianthro] New book: "Transborder Media Spaces," Congratulations, Ingrid, Visit the Harbin gate here ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ~ A realistic virtual earth in these regards?, Mediaanthro E-Seminar 53 resources, Congratulations too to the Berghahn Press, had explored publishing my actual-virtual Harbin Ethnography "Naked Harbin Ethnography" with Berghahn here ... decided since World University and School was creating a new Academic Press at WUaS for publishing in all 7,099 living languages, and with machine translation with time, to publish with @WUaSPress


Congratulations, Ingrid, on your new book!

Am curious what you think about the emergence of a realistic virtual earth in these regards, and how you possibly addressed this in your book, if at all ... for example, visit the Harbin Hot Springs' gate here ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg (where I've added a photo, for example) ~ which is my actual / virtual ethnographic field site - accessible from here - http://bit.ly/HarbinBook - and here too - https://twitter.com/HarbinBook).

I'm curious if we could all add our photos and videos of your Transborder Media Spaces' field site in Mexico to Google Streetview / Maps / Earth and further develop your field site virtually by making it (something I'm calling ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy).

Warm congratulations,


... in response today to ... 

[Medianthro] New book: Transborder Media Spaces

Dear all,

My new book has just been published: TRANSBORDER MEDIA SPACES. Ayuujk Videomaking between Mexico and the US. Oxford/New York: Berghahn.

The book profited from your comments at the EASA e-seminar 53, once again thank you!

Transborder Media Spaces offers a new perspective on how media forms like photography, video, radio, television, and the Internet have been appropriated by Mexican indigenous people in the light of transnational migration and ethnopolitical movements. In producing and consuming self-determined media genres, actors in Tamazulapam Mixe and its diaspora community in Los Angeles open up media spaces and seek to forge more equal relations both within Mexico and beyond its borders. It is within these spaces that Ayuujk people carve out their own, at times conflicting,
visions of development, modernity, gender, and what it means to be indigenous in the twenty-first century.

“This important book is a welcome contribution to anthropological studies of media and should be carefully examined by scholars and students interested in indigenous media, film production as a technology of knowledge, and audiovisual decolonization.” · Ulla D. Berg, Rutgers University

“Written in an engaging and accessible style, this thoughtful, nuanced book offers a crucial intervention that reshapes the way we think about indigenous media in the Mexican context. This is a compelling work about indigenous transnational migration and low-budget media in the techno-globalized world.” · Freya Schiwy, University of California, Riverside

Ingrid Kummels is Professor of Cultural and Social Anthropology at the Freie Universität Berlin. She has conducted long-term ethnographic research in Mexico, Cuba, Peru and the United States, produced several documentaries and co-edited the volume Photography in Latin America. Images and Identities Across Time and Space (Bielefeld: transcript, 2016).

See http://www.berghahnbooks.com/title/KummelsTransborder, where the Introduction can be downloaded. I apologize for the price of the hardcover book. Most parts can, however, be viewed at https://books.google.de/books and I hope that a softcover will be published soon.

Chapters include:
Chapter 1. Tamazulapam – Los Angeles: Media Fields of a Transnational Ayuujk Village
Chapter 2. Ayuujk Audiovisuality Today: Generating Media Spaces through Practices
Chapter 3. Mediatization and “Our Own” Spaces for Development
Chapter 4. Communal and Commercial Audiovisuality and Their Transnational Expansion
Chapter 5. Tama’s Media Fields and the Pan-American Indigenous Movement
Conclusion: Media Spaces of an ‘Indigenous’ Community—Comunalidad on the Move




EASA Media Anthropology Network

For further information please contact:
Dr. John Postill
RMIT University, Melbourne

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Dear Scott,

Thank you. As to your concrete inquiry of adding field sites of Transborder Media Spaces to the website which you mention, the answer on my part is no, I do not approve of it. The reason for this has to do with the particular issues involved in the representation of field sites of undocumented transborder mobilities. We discussed this briefly in the E-Seminar 53, so it might be interesting for you to look it up there.


Prof. Dr. Ingrid Kummels
Cultural and Social Anthropology/Altamerikanistik
Freie Universität Berlin
Rüdesheimer Str. 54-56
D-14197 Berlin, Germany
Secretary: Marcela Osses
Fone: +49 (0)30 83859749

NEW BOOK in 2017: Transborder Media Spaces. Ayuujk Videomaking between
Mexico and the US. New York/Oxford: Berghahn.


This looks great- my only question is where are the Indigenous co- authors in this groundbreaking work.

Fran Edmonds
Uni Melbourne, Australia

Sent from my iPhone


Dear Fran,

Thank you for your interest. This book is not co-authored, so I alone assume responsibility for its interpretations. Yet at the same time it tries to highlight the existing representations which intellectuals, filmmakers and media practitioners from this transnational Ayuujk community created and generously shared with me. They have a rich production of their own books, unpublished manuscripts, photographs, videos and TV programs, which circulate among others at local expositions, international indigenous film festivals and popular transnational circuits, all acknowledged in my book. There is no single uniform media representation of the Ayuujk lifestyles, but instead multiple and diverging perspectives according to age, gender, social class, place of residence, migration experience and political orientation. I very much recommend the videos of the Tamix TV station of the 90s and the current documentaries of Carlos Pérez Rojas like “Mëjk/Strong” which you can look up on vimeo, https://vimeo.com/175686508. I am organizing a film section of these and other works in Berlin at the Cinema Babylon on October 27, 2017 and will keep the medianthro list informed on this event.




Dear Ingrid, Fran and Mediaanthro,

Great and thanks! Congratulations again, Ingrid.

I found these Mediaanthro E-Seminar 53 resources via Google here - http://www.media-anthropology.net/file/kummels_negotiating_land_tenure.pdf - with comments here - http://www.media-anthropology.net/file/canepa_comment.pdf - and I'll look through them further.

Congratulations too to the Berghahn Press on the publishing of your TRANSBORDER MEDIA SPACES' book ... (I had explored publishing my actual-virtual Harbin Ethnography "Naked Harbin Ethnography" with Berghahn Press - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2015/07/sky-pilot-polemonium-eximium-publisher.html - and - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2015/07/syzygium-harbin-hot-springs-book.html - but decided since World University and School was creating a new Academic Press at WUaS for publishing in all 7,099 living languages, and with machine translation with time, to publish with - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html and https://twitter.com/WUaSPress - for MediaAnthro folks out there potentially).

Ingrid and Fran - More about this new anthropological method I'm calling ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy (think ethnography, wiki and virtual world co-generation) - and for indigenous people, for example, to create their own representations of indigeneity (Mediaanthro friends will find two UC Berkeley slide presentations I've given focusing on ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy on my Harbin book page -

Will eventually wiki-add your book - http://www.berghahnbooks.com/title/KummelsTransborder - as reference to wiki MIT OCW-centric (in its 7 languages) World University and School's http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Media_Studies and http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Anthropology as well as the upcoming Ayuujk wiki subject pages, for open teaching and learning, in English.

Warm congratulations again, Ingrid (and Berghahn Press)!








Visit the virtual @HarbinBook Hot Springs' gate here ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ~ and with anthropological & World Univ & Sch resources here ...




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