Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Natural bridges, Australia: Realizing an online virtual (UU?) choir?, Yay ... new WUaS wiki coming from World University and School!

Previous: Fuzzy pika: @HarbinBook ~ find then enter the SCD hall at Greyfriars Kirk VIRTUALLY, don a digital mask then DANCE in Google STREETVIEW, Use Street View in Google Maps, And how to enter the Harbin warm pool in Google Streetview in digital mask from home in bathtub, to soak, be there, hang out, and meditate?, "Louis Malle meets hippies in India in 1968"… is a bit vague abt whether Malle himself was a hippie @LatourBot j'pense, My one question for you today Mon Prof @LatourBot is: was Louis Malle, the French filmmaker, a hippy, & how to translate this into French?:), Louis Malle: French hippies, an Italian nudist in Goa, Gandhi ~ Curious how to go back to this in India in '68 with TIME SLIDER in Google Streetview INTERACTIVELY even - with Didier and Bernard as avatarbots - need to create the Youtube video to ewalistic Virtual Earth app and populate the whole thing otherwise with A.I. even.

Hi, all,

I have scanned the music for our first piece, “I Will Be Earth,” and recorded mp3’s for each part. These materials can be accessed and downloaded using the following link:


Please take a few minutes to listen to your part and follow along with the score. It will really help us hit the ground running next week at our first rehearsal.

See you next Thursday at 7:15pm!

Warm regards,

Bruce, Robert, Jack and UUCPA (and greetings, Tim!)

This sheet music and these SATB recorded parts are great for learning to sing UU choir music from home, for one! Thank you. I'm curious now - in a building kind of way - whether it might be additionally possible to sing this, for example, FROM home WITH the UUCPA choir in Thursday rehearsals and on occasional Sunday mornings via a 10-person Google group video Hangout, - now silently, but also after Hangouts get up to speed with real real time music-making.

And could this be a start-simple-and-build-it model for virtual UU choirs, for UU choirs and singers everywhere, and perhaps also the beginnings of an online UU choir school for UUs and Us and also other church choirs, around the world even (in many languages), - since the Google group video Hangouts could be saved to Youtube, and be used for practicing with by anyone with broadband at anytime?

"Bruce Olstad, musical director of the online UU choir school, for a) music directors and b) choir singers"

For further virtual choir idea-sharing, I'm including Tim House in this email, a friend from Massachusetts, who is also UU minister at First UU Church of Boston - http://www.firstchurchboston.org/people/269.

Here's the virtual choir wiki subject page at World University - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Virtual_Choir - in English (accessible from the Music School here - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Music_School).

I'm glad to say that the NEW (long, long awaited WUaS wiki) should be accessible here tomorrow - wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org - and from here too - worlduniversityandschool.org - (with worlduniversity.wikia.com soon to become obsolete).

Thank you for these great learning tools!

Friendly, musical regards, Scott


Yay ... new WUaS wiki coming from World University and School!

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Your wiki request (#3529) was successfully submitted. Your request will be reviewed by a volunteer as soon as possible.


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Wiki request #3529 by Scott WUaS at Sunday, 6 August 2017 22:14
World University and School WikiScott WUaS (talk | contribs)wiki.worlduniversityandschool.orgenNoApproved
Comment given by the wiki requester
... Wiki World University and School is like CC Wikipedia (in its 358 languages) with CC MIT OpenCourseWare (in its 7 languages) and CC Yale OYC (see: worlduniversityandschool.org) ... planned in all 7,099 living languages + as wiki schools for open teaching and learning
Comment given by AlvaroMolina at Sunday, 6 August 2017 22:58


A few days ago ... 

Hi Luca, 

I just submitted a request here - https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWiki - but got an error message re "Subdomain:" and "Custom domain:" - which said I couldn't do both, so I tried to correct this with just Custom domain - wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org - but the page said I had already submitted a request. Here's the information I submitted: 


Wiki name:
World University and School Wiki

Custom domain:

en - English

Comments (e.g. what is your wiki about?):
Wiki World University and School is like CC Wikipedia (in its 358 languages) with CC MIT OpenCourseWare (in its 7 languages) and CC Yale OYC (see: worlduniversityandschool.org)

​Thank you, Scott

Hi M,

Glad to have the beginnings of a new WUaS wiki begun yesterday, Sunday Aug 6 2017 - where you and anyone should be able to share ideas, and learn and teach and make music together, more easily than in the previous WUaS WIKIA wiki. It should become accessible (and editable) here soon - http://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/ !

And soon accessible from here too -

Momentous! (Seeking to let the frustrations of not having been able to do this for about a decade subside re possibly being somehow "blocked" ... as well as with the knowledge that all these information technologies have improved greatly, and, de facto, they may finally have come of Age... )

Just getting to the AFSC - SF Quaker Meeting for the WUaS hive meeting space ...

How's Cuttyhunk weather? How are you?



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