Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Subduction (Gros Morne, Canada): Blockchain(&Bitcoin) for Health Care for All?, Jonathen Chen, Stanford Professor of Medicine (Programmer too), How to code for "BlockChain (for health care+) w BitCoin w database for all 7.5 billion people for Univ Basic Income? Law & CS-coding", In coding too for Universal Basic Income (conceptually like Quickbooks/Multi-Store/TurboTax - and planning for the Blockchain re World University and School's many academic and educational services' endeavors ... there are Quaker service (AFSC) and moral economy (e.g. THE MORAL ECONOMY OF TOURISM - questions at play here ... where World University and School seeks to be in all ~200 countries' official languages as major universities and in all 7,099 living languages as wiki schools for open teaching and learning


Hi Jonathan,

Thanks so much for your email, and sorry you can't join the WUAS Corporation Board at this time. 

Since World University and School has two wings (non-profit World Univ & Sch and for-profit WUaS Corp), it would be great to stay in communication about our non-profit CC MIT OCW-centric wing planned as major online universities in all ~200 countries' official languages, and especially re, for example - "BlockChain (for health care+) w BitCoin w database for all 7.5 billion people for Univ Basic Income? Law & CS-coding" 
 https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/901594930707013632. Stanford Medicine could stand to benefit enormously with this via WUaSHealth Care data Blockchain planned for all people, - and especially as WUaS begins to develop something like Medicine OpenCourseWare for online Medical degrees and online teaching hospitals. (See, too, especially, this video -

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeoYOyqOZ00 ... accessible here - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2017/08/continental-shelf-blockchain-for-health.html.

As a programmer, how would you begin to plan for all 7.5 billion people re heath care data in Blockchain (if WUaS, for example can make this happen partly through focusing on developing Universal Basic Income coding-wise emphasizing the "UNIVERSAL") - and in all countries' official languages? 

Congratulations on becoming a Stanford Professor of Medicine. 

Best regards, 


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Dear Jonathan,

Thanks for your excellent Stanford Grand Rounds talk today - http://medicinecalendars.stanford.edu/event/medicine-grand-rounds-understanding-healthcare-reform-pre-aca-to-aca-to/?instance_id=20184. It would be great to talk further about some of these questions and coding for health care and individuals in all ~200 countries re the blockchain - per your observation today about Britain and Denmark having databases of individual health care recipients / insurees in their countries, and World University and Schools' plans to create online medical schools with online teaching hospitals and with blockchain - and potentially planning for all 7 billion people in the world (in all 7,099 living languages).

So I'm writing to ask if you would be available to join the WUaS Corporation as a Board member?

The WUaS Corporation is a new development and legal entity, and wing of World University and School. World University and School is like CC Wikipedia (in its 358 languages) with CC MIT OCW (in its 7 languages) and Yale OYC, and seeks to create major online universities in each of all ~200 countries' official and main languages - Harvards/MITs/Stanfords of the Web (as well as wiki schools for open teaching and learning in all living languages - 7,099 in Ethnologue).

As the WUaS Corporation emerges, and as we file the legal paperwork for this (we've already filed the initial Articles of Incorporation), I'm writing to inquire whether you would be available please to be a first Board member (with the medical informatics portfolio in multiple languages) for this for-profit company, forking from World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2017/06/wuas-corporations-10-planned-for-profit.html - for just a few hours per week/month? In the process of incorporating newly as a for-profit, the startup WUaS Corporation will be able to offer only shares to Board members. Please let me know if you'd like to see the current business plan in its early phases. The potential growth of WUaS is significant.

The WUaS Corporation seeks to be in each of all ~200 countries and their official languages, and in all 8,444 languages (in Glottlog), as academic markets.

If I can answer any questions, or provide you with further information on the phone or in other ways, please let me know.

Thank you, Jonathan!

Best regards, Scott



Continental shelf: BlockChain (for health care+) w BitCoin w database for all 7.5 billion people for Univ Basic Income?, Facilitate Law- and Computer Science-coding in all ~200 countries' languages, And could WUaS do this in conjunction with Stanford Medicine and Stanford Law (and with MIT communities too)?, "Why Blockchain is a Game Changer for the Health Industry" article, How BLOCKCHAIN works video re healthcare, * World Univ and Sch's Law Schools (planned in all countries' official languages) * "Computer Science" wiki subject page, eventually for CC MIT OCW-centric degrees ... * WUaS Medical Schools * WUaS online Teaching Hospitals * Clinical Trials planned in all languages


In conceiving of Blockchain for Healthcare for all 7.5 billion people- and coding too for Universal Basic Income (conceptually like Quickbooks/Multi-Store/TurboTax - and planning for the Blockchain re World University and School's many academic and educational services' endeavors (such as an Academic Press at WUaS - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html - planned in all 7,099 living languages with machine translation, and an online bookstore in all languages - with on-the-ground bookstores in all countries' near their greatest universities) and WUaS's wiki subject pages too ...

... there are Quaker service (AFSC) and moral economy (e.g. THE MORAL ECONOMY OF TOURISM -
http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?m=1103050552852&ca=3be91a1e-e78f-48d7-8fec-11d3eb70e5b5) questions at play here

... where World University and School seeks to be in all ~200 countries' official languages as major universities - http://worlduniversityandschool.org - and in all 7,099 living languages as wiki schools - http://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org - for open teaching and learning.



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