Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Saussurea obvallata: A new definition of Yoga? Angela Farmer's "The Feminine Unfolding," A "Sit in" in a Stanford course?, Be ins and teach ins too? (Please come do teach ins at WUaS), Assistive Technologies at Stanford and WUaS, UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME as basic financial information technologies? To WUaS "Hydrology,""Religious Studies,""Political Science,""Hindi language," but not "Watsu" https://twitter.com/KailashOnline/status/905264294920577024 ? Image translation?, "Falco columbarius: Where have all the radicals gone?, Some visions of radical care and helping went to the World Wide Web ... "


A new definition of Yoga~"Angela Farmer - The Feminine Unfolding"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soA-PHxcgbI… Angela has taught a Harbin women's retreat forever


How soon until we could wiki-watch Angela Farmer's The Feminine Unfolding in all 200 countries' Langs https://twitter.com/HarbinBook/status/905473755887034368& 3D interact?


To the open "Yoga" and "Women's and Gender" wiki subjects at WUAS http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga & http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Women%27s_and_Gender_Studies



- for all 7.5 billion people - 
as basic financial information technologies?
Perspectives: The Newsletter of Stanford's Assistive Technology Course - Student Project Suggestions & Upcoming Local Events

Hi Scott
"sitting in in a variety of possible ways" including both feet on the ground, legs crossed, etc  :-)
classes will meet Tue & Thu from 4:30 - 5:50pm starting in January - that's my schedule

Great, thanks, Dave!

This would be a real opportunity if all of wiki CC MIT OCW WUAS in pilot languages for degrees could be considered assistive technologies :) - and both wings of it, but I think I may learn your Stanford course's understanding of assistive technologies in January. 

Needing to get the new WUAS wing off the ground financially especially, so while this may dovetail with your course, and what we've communicated about thus far (and also re Stanford coding), I may also need to focus on this further then.

More soon, and thank you.

Best regards,

Hi Scott
please explain the following phrases
"pilot languages"
"for degrees"
"Stanford coding"
"dovetail with your course"
I am still not sure exactly what you are proposing in general and in relationship to my course.
Please summarize your goal in the simplest terms.


Hi Dave,

Thanks ... 

UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME as basic financial assistive information technologies, in addition to financial assistive technologies, and with block chain (for medicine and health care too) and bitcoin - in all 200 countries' official languages?

while we have talked about creating financial assistive technology course ware in your course - and conceptually connecting with QuickBooks/Multi-store/TurboTax / Quicken (at the high school and earlier levels) it would fit into World University and School:

"wiki CC MIT OCW WUAS"http://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org
- CC = Creative Commons
http://ocw.mit.edu (& translated courses in 7 languages)
http://worlduniversityandschool.org &

"pilot languages"
English, Chinese, Spanish (and eventually other CC MIT OCW languages)

"for degrees"
the degrees WUAS seeks to offer (not really relevant to your course though) are online Bachelor, Ph.D., Law, MD and IB in countries' official languages (although your students could further develop the assistive technologies they create for employment at WUAS  with time.

"Stanford coding"
If, in your course, WUaS helped focus developing financial assistive technology course ware, I was wondering if there would be at keast a bit of Stanford coding help with this?
"dovetail with your course"
We potentially create the software in your course, then add it to the WUAS pages in these 3 languages

... and Intuit could benefit too, hence being in communication about some of this with Ted Drake (and Stanford MD Prof Diana Do et al.).

I hope I answered your questions in the simplest terms possible - did I? Thank you.


Hi Scott
You are welcome to sit in on class sessions as I mentioned,
but I am not interested in creating financial assistive technology courseware

To WUaS "Hydrology,""Religious Studies,""Political Science,""Hindi language," but not "Watsu" https://twitter.com/KailashOnline/status/905264294920577024 ? Image translation?



Hydrology -

Religious Studies -

Political Science -

Hindi language -
(... India WUaS ~
http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/India ~ World University and School ... )

Watus - water shiatsu -

Women's and Gender Studies:


Assistive Technologies:


Falco columbarius: Where have all the radicals gone?, Some visions of radical care and helping went to the World Wide Web, Went to the Scottish Games earlier - The Caledonian Club of San Francisco 152nd Scottish Games - in Pleasanton, California, Ended up bringing my Scottish small pipes, carrying them on my shoulder in their (GHB) pipe box (not light), and playing for about an hour and a half, much while women tossed the caber in front of the main viewing area for massed bands, And while I didn't see much about the Scottish Independence movement at these California Scottish Games, it too continues to emerge out of a power-to-the-Scottish-people ideal, so fulsomely expressed in the 1960s and '70s ... https://twitter.com/NicolaSturgeon ... https://twitter.com/theSNP ... https://twitter.com/bellacaledonia ... http://bellacaledonia.org.uk ...



searched on:
"alternative yoga flower species wikipedia"



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