Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Dicotyls: World Univ & Sch's open monthly business meeting on Sep 9 17


See: http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2017/09/world-univ-schs-open-monthly-business.html ...

Dear Universitians and friends, 

Thank you for your support of WUaS. 

Please join us at our open (hour-long) World University and School monthly business meeting this SaturdaySeptember 9, 2017, at 9 am Pacific Time, electronically in a Google group video Hangout, if interested people email WUaS about this. Please email WUaS at this email address if you are interested in participating. 

World University's open monthly business meeting on September 9, 2017:  


World University and School would like to grow participation in the open WUaS monthly business meeting and in editing our BRAND NEW wiki - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org - which will soon probably be in Wikipedia's 295 languages. 

Attached are two monthly financial reports now that WUaS has successfully forked into a) non-profit World University and School and b) the for-profit general stock company WUaS Corporation. 

The new WUaS Corporation is conducting a CFO and a General Secretary search - http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2017/07/wuas-corporation-president-ceo-search.html.

World University and School has begun matriculating students for this autumn and WUaS for-credit classes begin end of August and at the end of September ... http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ ... please invite interested students you may know to email worlduniversityandschool@gmail.com.

World University and School, which is CC MIT OCW- in its 7 languages and CC Yale OYC-centric, is offering MIT OCW-centric free accrediting university (and high school) degrees beginning with this WUaS Course Catalog - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VRHhXYsk-V9lvSh5onaU2hnEhwoapSN7HyBK1P09LIk/edit?usp=sharing - first in English, but eventually in all countries' languages - beginning this autumn. Sign up here - worlduniversityandschool.org - or invite students you know who might be interested to sign up. WUaS will offer 6 undergraduate majors - Computer Science, General Science, Engineering, History, English and Business - beginning this autumn. 


- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President  
- World University and School

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

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