Radical Generosity, and Stanford Medicine (and Law)? FREE CC OCW university degrees in these fields to students in poorest countries / all countries (with a focus on helping the neediest+).
In what ways could World University and School best collaborate with Stanford Medicine and Law to create free CC MIT OpenCourseWare-centric courseware in all ~200 countries' official languages, and offer free-to-students online Medical and Law degrees in all nation states - as an expression of radical generosity?
And also re ...
Hector's dolphin: Could a realistic virtual earth/Harbin become central banks in all ~200 nation states in Langs re MITcryptocurrency …? "Here's why Warren Buffett bought Apple stock, but not Google: ...", And Could WUaS collaborate w Google, MIT itself and DB for this, such that Warren Buffett would seek to buy both Google & the WUaS Corp, re Apple?, MIT Tech Review - "Central-bank-backed cryptocurrencies would be ironic, given that Bitcoin was created to circumvent banks", And in what ways could a WUaS realistic virtual earth currency collaborate with DeutscheBank (re job loss due to automation) re CryptoCurrency, UBI, and for all 7.5 billion people), Radical Generosity? ~ "Hippies: What We Can Learn From Them Now "