Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Mute swan: MCLUHAN, MARSHALL, Canadian Media Theorist, 1967 "Understanding McLuhan (In Part)", McLuhan's relevance for World Univ & Sch? ... through Manuel Castells, his "Internet Galaxy", and my teaching of " ~ Society, Information Technology, and the Global University ~ ", "Meta email from user "Scott_WUaS" - Develop SUBJECT TEMPLATE re WUaS Miraheze Mediawiki ?" with WIKIDATANs

Next: Giant Pumpkins: The @WUaSPress is glad to have gotten "Naked @HarbinBook Ethnography" onto the VIRTUAL SHELVES of Wal-Mart *** https://www.walmart.com/ip/Naked-Harbin-Ethnography-Hippies-Warm-Pools-Counterculture-Clothing-Optionality-and-Virtual-Harbin/67287438 *** Worldwide, Wow @HarbinBook is NEWLY available from Walmart ... and from Amazon & discounted here: http://bit.ly/HarbinBook and ... here ... http://www.scottmacleod.com/ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html … Main “Naked Harbin Ethnography” @Harbinbook Twitters http://bit.ly/HarbinBook by @scottmacleod @WUaSPress @WorldUnivAndSch Realistic Virtual Harbin / Earth / Universe / Cosmos ... and with ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy, Will such a Wal-mart page be the entry into a realistic virtual Harbin of Harbin Hot Springs, for soaking, for STEM ethnographic research, and for realistic virtual earth of Wal-mart stores in most countries?, NEW @WUaSPress (WUaS Corp) planned in all 7,099+ languages, with machine translation http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html See too: the Bookstore /ComputerStore at WUaS: (https://worlduniversityandschool.org/BookstoreComputerStore.html) ***

McLuhan's relevance for World Univ & Sch? ... through Manuel Castells, his "Internet Galaxy", and my teaching of
Society, Information Technology, 
and the Global University ~
Course & Syllabus 
 http://worlduniversityandschool.org/InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv.html ... initially ... time to learn further about McLuhan's thinking ...

Canadian Media Theorist

January 29, 1967

Understanding McLuhan (In Part)


Famous McLuhan Sayings


Who Was Marshall McLuhan?

Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980) was the first major communications theorist of how the new media have the power to transform human nature. No matter how powerful or persuasive the message, he said, it’s the media that have changed our patterns of thought and behaviour. Now, in a world dominated by the Internet and social media, McLuhan’s revolutionary ideas are as hotly debated as they were in the 1960s, when he became an academic star known worldwide for his catchy slogans “the medium is the message,” “the global village,” and “hot and cool media.” Today, McLuhan is back in the spotlight again, this time as the first seer of cyberspace.



Rare television appearances and films featuring Marshall McLuhan.


McLuhan and the ROM



Marshall McLuhan 1966 Full lecture at Museum of Modern Art


October 29, 2017

Hi Void, (Luca), Tim, Lydia, Dario, Markus, Katherine and All, 

Thanks so much again for your email, Void, and re developing the World Univ & Sch SUBJECT TEMPLATE - https://phabricator.miraheze.org/T2276 - and potentially with all ~720 WUaS Wikia wiki pages as a blueprint as well in English, and also the other 295-358 languages at Wikimedia, anticipating all 7,099 living languages (thanks to the panel Katherine and Magnus were on this August at Wikimania).

I'd like to introduce you to Tim Starling (head of Architecture Committee at Wikidata, I think), Lydia PIntscher (Product Manager for Wikidata), Daria Taraborelli (- who also knows the bibliographic lay of the land at Wikimedia in all 358 languages - and also about CC-0 licensing of Wikisource in Wikimedia - with commercial implications) and Markus Kroetszch (a key founder and core developer of Wikidata) and Katherine Maher (Executive Director of the Wikimedia Foundation). Other friends here are also core developers and key people at World University and School / WUaS Co. Peter Bothe designed the logo for A) World University and School, and B) the emergent WUaS Co. Void (Arduin Voidwalker is the Miraheze Mediawiki developer) who will help develop the WUaS SUBJECT TEMPLATE in Mediawiki. Thank you, Luca, for your wonderful reception re WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki's developments so far.

While I think an answer to any WUaS's SUBJECT TEMPLATE+ in Wikidata development questions you might have can be answered by the people here in this email, I wanted to share with you two further resources for learning about Wikidata/Wikimedia resources and developing it them further: 

A)  Michael F. Schönitzer's [Wikitech-l] Weekly Technical Advice IRC Meeting https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Technical_Advice_IRC_Meeting

B) And the Wikidata email list with, for example, the recent Wikidata email thread by Lydia -  "[Wikidata] Wikidata is becoming a proper citizen of the linked open data web" - which may have relevance for this World Univ & Sch project, Void. 

A key first question may also be something like how we might use a Bot to separate free open wiki edits to CC-4 MIT OCW-centric (in 7 languages) World University and School, from possible CC-O wiki edits relating to Wikisource to an emerging WUaS Co site. For example, on this wiki subject page - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Management_Information_Systems - Gerard, under SELECT BOOKS, just added a book of his (... ISBN-13: 978-1977698902 'Information architecture: A Survival Guide' ...), plus his store (https://store.theartofservice.com/information-architecture-a-survival-guide), the latter of which should probably be on a different WUaS platform. 

How might I / we answer any further questions you might have, Void, about developing this http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/SUBJECT_TEMPLATE into a TEMPLATE (including NATION STATES' TEMPLATE, each to become a major university in main / official languages and a LANGUAGE TEMPLATE, each to become a wiki school in all 7,099 living languages) - for all 720 WUaS Wikia wiki pages and related? 

I blog much about World University and School here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/ - under the "global university" label, and see, too, the 'Wiki' and "Wikipedia" labels in these regards. 

Thank you, Void and All.

Big cheers, 

October 15, 2017

Hi Void,

Thanks so much for your email. How could we best talk through this further potentially beyond - https://phabricator.miraheze.org/T2276 ? I'll bring us in touch with some core Wikidata developers, such as Markus Kroetzsch, if that would help too. ...


WUaS template out of Miraheze Mediawiki 

- WUaS SUBJECT TEMPLATE - based on - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/SUBJECT_TEMPLATE - and extrapolating to - 

COURSE TEMPLATE - around CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare in 7 language (beyond the SUBJECT TEMPLATE)

- planning for 7,099 living languages (in Ethnologue) / 8,444 language entries (in Glottolog)


Museums' TEMPLATE (see SUBJECT TEMPLATE) - planned in all 7,099 living languages+

Library Resources' TEMPLATE (see SUBJECT TEMPLATE) -  planned in all 8,444 languages+

How to plan, for example, for UNIVERSITIAN volunteer edit additions through these WUaS templates - e.g. such as adding phrases to a UNIVERSAL TRANSLATOR in their first language?

Much of this anticipates CC-4 (non-commercial licensing of CC MIT OCW and CC Yale OYC)

Take one subsection at a time - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/SUBJECT_TEMPLATE - and decide how to develop this? 

(Does integrating the WUAS SUBJECT TEMPLATE with Miraheze Mediawiki and Wikimedia Foundation WMF Templates, make sense - especially re wikidata ? Possibly ...

(Planning for WUaS Bookstore / Computer Store in all 7,099 languages, and via WikiSource CC-0 licensing
No bookstore at this point )

but plan for CC-0 commercial Wikisource (per Lydia Pintscher), and also separately for Wikicite - with WMF Dario Taraborelli

Planning for a Wikidata contacts for Void

- working with other Wikidatan core developers - in all 295 languages, especially


Oct. 12, 2017

Sorry for the late response. To be quite honest, I'm not too sure where to begin with something like this. I would suggest with starting on the basic structure of the template. Basically, what groups of information do you want to display, and how do you want to break them up. The next step would therefore be actually putting the information into the structure. When working with different languages, is an acceptable solution, but I am unsure of how interfacing with Wikidata works. I'd imagine that it would involve some method of fetching remote data, but I don't know how exactly that would work. In this case, it would probably be helpful to know what information needs to be fetched from where.

Cheers. --Void

On Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 11:42 PM, Meta <noreply@miraheze.org> wrote:
Dear Voidwalker,

At Reception123's suggestion, I'm contacting you here.

I'd like to begin to plan for and develop - https://phabricator.miraheze.org/T2276 - a new WUaS SUBJECT TEMPLATE based on - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/SUBJECT_TEMPLATE (and a NATION STATE TEMPLATE as University template, and a LANGUAGES' TEMPLATE for wiki schools, eventually in all 7,099 living languages) - for wiki World University and School's new WUaS Miraheze Mediawiki https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org. This would anticipate an interface with Wikidata (to which WUaS donated itself in October 2015) in all 295 current Wikimedia/Wikipedia languages as well.  And while there's been some recent discussion on the Wikidata list about templates here - "[wikicite-discuss] Deletion nomination of Template:Cite Q on English Wikipedia" - I wonder how best to proceed in these regards. What would you suggest in this regard, please, Void (and possibly Reception123), as well? (https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2017/09/dianthus-new-miraheze-wiki-world.html). Thank you, Scott

Thank you.

Regards, Scott



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