Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Loefgrenianthus: Minutes for the A) Minutes for January 13, 2018 World University & School Monthly Business Meeting and B) January 13, 2018 WUaS Corporation Board Meeting

Next: Anthurium: "[Wikidata] About the support of Arabic dialects by Wikidata," Links to the main lists of languages I know of, As a consequence of World Univ. and Sch. sharing itself with Wikidata in 2015 / donating ourselves to Wikidata for co-development, WUaS got a new Miraheze Mediawiki last year, 2017, (which isn't yet interoperating with Wikidata), and here's the main languages' page https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages planned for all 8,461 language entries in Glottolog, Having donated World Univ & Sch to Wikidata, WUaS seeks to explore full further collaboration possibilities with Wikimedia/Wikipedia/Wikidata with regards especially to all languages and language communities, (Big shout out, and hearty thanks, to Reception123 and the Voidwalker for helping developing WUaS in Miraheze Mediawiki thus far)
Previous: Gentiana acaulis: In what ways will we be able to step into a realistic virtual world, like walking or entering into this Columbia University Youtube at the top of its new web site?, Columbia launched its new home page on 1/10 - great!, World Univ and Sch's home page http://worlduniversityandschool.org is due for a remake and in planning for free CC OCW DEGREES, and WIKI schools in all 8,461 languages on both the NP @WorldUnivAndSch and F-P @WUaSPress wings, In what ways will we be able to step into a realistic virtual world, like walking or entering into this Columbia University Youtube at the top of its new web site? ... or even into this aspect of the Universe in this new 3D Harvard Youtube? … or, more particularly, into a realistic virtual Harbin, Visit the Harbin Gate here ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ... with TIME SLIDER (which is usually there) ..

Posted these on Sunday, January 14, 2018

Minutes for the
A) Minutes for January 13, 2018 World University and School Monthly Business Meeting and
B) January 13, 2018 WUaS Corporation Board Meeting


Minutes for January 13, 2018 World University & School Monthly Business Meeting


-       Larry Viehland (Board Chair and CFO/Treasurer of World University and School)
-       Scott MacLeod (President, Presiding Clerk and Recording Clerk of World University and School)

Minute 1

World University and School seeks to grow its team, conceptually, emerging from collaborations with MIT, Stanford, Google and Wikimedia/Wikipedia, and eventually to engage the academic and organizational hiring practices of these organizations, - and in all ~200 nation states’ official languages as well as wiki schools in all 7,099 living languages.

Minute 2

Re World University and School "independent study" courses for credit, WUaS seeks too to explore a possible collaboration with MIT OCW into MITx “self paced” courses, among other ways of academic advising.

Minute 3

World Univ & Sch's first matriculated class is continuing into 2018!

Minute 4
Re free CC MIT OCW-centric degree focus, where WUaS in its MIT OCW-centricity seeks in the beginning to be a kind of a self-accrediting organization. As WUaS grows WUaS interested in exploring whether WUaS could collaborate with edX for their MIT OCW into MITx courses (i.e. https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/mitx-related-courseware/) and with regard to accreditation too; at World University and School, MIT OCW-centricity is WUaS’s standard for self-accreditation, allowing for the development of creative computing learning environment, in all ~200 countries official languages, and wiki-wise in all 8,461 languages.

Minute 5
The IRS accepted World Univ and Sch's 990 tax form this morning, January 14, 2018 so World University and School continues as a 510 c 3 non-profit organization.

In a related vein, World University and School should be getting Google "Knowledge Panel" soon, per this communication from Google around December 11 , 2017:
“Where can users donate to my nonprofit on Google?
Currently, users in eligible countries searching for your nonprofit directly on Google.com will see a donation button in your nonprofit's Knowledge Panel, after you have signed up to receive donations. “ … https://support.google.com/donations/answer/7570174?hl=en&ref_topic=7569204

Minute 6
World Univ and Sch's home page - http://worlduniversityandschool.org - is due for a remake and in planning for free CC OCW DEGREES, and WIKI schools in all 8,461 entries in languages WUaS would like to develop in these directions: https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/01/gentiana-acaulis-in-what-ways-will-we.html  ...

Minute 7
Financial report - no change, but there was a donation in late December that will be reported in the next financial report

Minute 8
World University and School monthly business meeting minutes is newly beginning to email these minutes separately (from the WUaS Corporation’s minutes) and to different groups of people.


- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President  
- World University and School

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 


Minutes for January 13, 2018 WUaS Corporation Board Meeting


-       Larry Viehland (acting CFO/Treasurer of WUaS Corporation)
-       Scott MacLeod (acting President/Secretary and Founder/Facilitator of the emergent WUaS Corporation as it forks from World Univ & Sch)

Minute 1

- The WUaS seeks to get a Google "Knowledge Panel" as well (like World University and School’s) - and potentially for everything (stock, cryptocurrency, blockchain ledger, Universal Basic Income?), in conjunction with Wikimedia for planned 7,000 languages by 2030 - e.g. with conceptually a WUaS/Google/Starbucks' gift card – and to plan for listing the WUaS Corporation stock even stock on all ~200 countries' stock exchanges, and as model (with our World University and School’s law schools helping to write this code)

Minute 2

- Shares and accountability of officers and board –
A) Please respond to the WUaS Corp by email (to me) before we email the December shares, and to say that you'll plan to attend monthly board meetings;
B) from now on the WUaS Corp would like to require you to attend monthly business meeting (2nd Saturdays) to participate in guiding this organization for which you are being paid in stock (which will have value when we go public), and hereafter we will distribute shares after each monthly board meeting.

Minute 3
-       Shares and acting president, CFO et al.
-       Same amount of shares to go to acting CFO as WUaS Corp CEO thus far
-       10x as many shares to acting president/founder
-       entered into ledger for this

Minute 4
Curious to explore developing a completely new book format in something like a virtual world with Google Street View with time slider with text on the side -& re my Harbin actual/virtual project http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Virtual_Worlds … & NEW Haiku-ish poetry http://www.scottmacleod.com/HaikuishPoetryBook.html  in the Poetry Press at WUaS ~
See, too -

Scott MacLeod
(Acting president and secretary of the WUaS Corp)




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