Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Asiatic lion: Piobaireachd ~ "I Got A Kiss of the King's Hand," MIT's President Rafael Reif, with his Stanford Ph.D., Writing John Hennessy (recent Stanford President) recently was potentially a good idea, Stanford's "What Matters to Me and Why - Steven A. Denning" (recent Chair of Stanford's Board), Wal-mart & Amazon model online for @WUaSPress @WorldUnivAndSch with CryptoCurrency w BlockChain w #UBI for 7.5 billion people, & employ 2.2 million people?, "Radical Innovations in Global Health", "Masai lion: How might a disabled WUaS student & in their room/home in a VIDEO classroom in Google Street View in ... add to learning exp?", Online World University and School Medical Schools in all ~200 countries' official/main languages with online teaching hospitals for clinical care with blockchain ledger, for example, and in Rwanda, Africa

Next: Columbidae: Hippies and Flower Children in Berlin in the 1960s?, How best to add video of this to an interactive realistic virtual earth, ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy-wise, Did a couple of searches for "hippies in german film in the 1960s and 1970s," Radical hippies are interesting, and German hippies in '60s and '70s especially so to me, In an interactive realistic virtual earth, where one can convert film of hippies into 3D interactivity, for example - then patch it all together (leaving space to add more film-to-3D) - and re-live this realistically and with language (and in any language) and conversation, talking with these avatar bots ... will transform the discipline of history, Scottish poet Hamish Henderson was a Quaker? ("most important Scots' poet after Robert Burns?"), Scottish Country Dance called "Hamish Henderson's Refusal," Although fun and a great way to learn languages, by singing them, I doth protest at all the students in army uniforms

Piobaireachd ~ "I Got A Kiss of the King's Hand"



Friday, February 9, 2018

Hi M,

Have you had a good week?

MIT's President Rafael Reif, with his Stanford Ph.D., could possibly have gotten a letter or recommendation or similar from John Hennessy (and Steve Denning), as Stanford's recent heads. Both Hennessy and Denning have been around Stanford since around 1977 for example, so would have overlapped with Reif.

Writing John Hennessy here yesterday was potentially a good idea, I think - and great to have met him in person in the Old Student Union at Stanford the other day - and shaken his hand. (I'm reminded here of the Piobaireachd piece called "I Got A Kiss Of The King's Hand" even though John is no longer President of Stanford ... but is now chairman of Alphabet, which is Google's parent company). WUaS's growth has been so slow for 10 years now ... hope to help raise the standard of living in all ~200 countries and for people in all 7,099 languages, with equality and social justice in the back of my mind ... even with this anthropological big-man WWW interpretation here, of social processes, and the growth of online universities and schools.

Maybe Google's, Alphabet's and Stanford's (and MIT's and Yale's and University of California's) infrastructure will open for WUaS - and in all ~200 countries' official languages for degrees and economic development.

Haven't heard back from MIT yet. Don't know if Nelson Graburn knows John Hennessy but it wouldn't surprise me if they've met - and share in the same discourse, between two of the highest achieving universities in California, such distributed enterprises that they are - as professors and heads too ...

You can see our old house in Hamden, Connecticut, next to New Haven, when Dad was teaching in the Medical School at Yale here in my blog post from today -
- part way down :) ... nice 360 degree photo.

Have to get out the agenda for World Univ & Sch's monthly business meeting ... tomorrow morning.

How are you?

L, Scott

February 8, 2018

Dear Steve and John,

Thank you for inviting me to send you some materials about World University and School (and by extension the newly emergent, parallel, forked WUaS Corporation). Thanks also for your far-reaching sharing yesterday at - http://events.stanford.edu/events/736/73663/. And it was great to meet you in person, John, as well. (I'm in awe of your vision for Stanford, John, and what you accomplished in your 16 years as President at Stanford - and both of you it would seem, with you Steve as chair of the Stanford Board from 2004-2017). I'm writing to follow up about my inquiry to you, Steve, - whether you both might have interest in becoming co-chairs of the WUaS Corporation, a startup general stock company planned in ~200 countries' official / main languages (and indeed in all 7,099 living languages as academic markets). I think you'd make extraordinary co-chairs of the WUaS Corporation Board - https://news.stanford.edu/news/2012/february/denning-chair-trustees-021412.html and https://web.stanford.edu/~hennessy/

World University and School is like CC Wikipedia (in its 299 languages) with CC-4 MIT OCW (in its 5 languages) and Yale OYC.

WUaS Corporation plans to generate 11.5% annual returns (and also plans to parallel the long term average of the S&P 500) in perpetuity (100 years+ if possible), around these 10 planned for profit revenue streams - http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2017/06/wuas-corporations-10-planned-for-profit.html (out of 14 total for World University and School) - in each of all ~200 countries and in all 7,099 living languages, each an academic market. While the WUaS Corporation is a separate legal entity with a separate Board and Officers, these are all educational services in support of wiki CC MIT OCW-centric and CC Yale OYC-centric World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org - which has a several trillion dollars’ endowment goal. (WUaS Corporation Business Plan in GDoc is here - https://docs.google.com/document/d/12GqcLW_PrcCCQpwNKDF8AqNwtWxYMNUG1h-TfnpbPXw/edit?usp=sharing). As a newly incorporated for-profit, the startup WUaS Corporation will be able to offer only shares to Board members. 

I hope much of World University and School, as a STEM field site in all 7,099 languages, for example, will emerge in a realistic virtual earth/universe at the street view, cellular and atomic levels (emerging from my virtual Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic project - https://twitter.com/HarbinBook - where you can "walk" down the road from the Harbin gate 4 miles to Middletown, for example) - and for materials' science design, and a multitude of other STEM projects as well.  (Think Google Street View w time slider/Maps/Earth/Brain & at the cellular & atomic levels with Minecraft/SL/OpenSimulator too e.g. https://twitter.com/sgkmacleod /status/955218421267841024). 

As a business thinker, Steve, and recent Chairman of the Stanford University Board, how would you further focus the above business plan, and to bring WUaS public? This is a real opportunity for Stanford itself, since A) World University and School is a 501(c)3 and the B) WUaS is a general stock company, both planned in all ~200 nation states' official languages - and with online law and medical schools with online teaching hospitals planned (for robotic tele surgery, for example), and in all living languages. 

Stanford Professor of Medicine Diana Do MD is the lead WUaS Corp board member, and our one other Board member, Kyle Wagner, is in Hong Kong setting up a school there. 

World University and School's Chair and CFO is Larry Viehland, who went to MIT in chemistry as an undergraduate (as did his wife, Kim), and Larry has a Ph.D. in chemistry from Wisconsin. 

I've applied for a MIT Media Lab faculty position, so as partly to be able to grow World University and School out of MIT itself, as well as Stanford, and the University of California - at least by hiring graduate students from these schools who are learning to become online faculty members. 

I hope World University and School will become the MIT / Harvard / Stanford / Oxbridge of the Internet - in each of all ~200 countries' official / main languages - and develop with the information technology revolution 1,000 years+ into the future + (like Cambridge and Oxford are old, and also highest achieving). 

John: while Steve invited me to share some materials with him, and suggested I ask Jane Shaw for his email address, Jane Shaw said she doesn't share such email addresses, so I wonder if you would be willing please to share this email with him? Thank you. 

All the best, 

- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President  

- World University and School

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

Thanks Tim Wu @superwuster @StanfordEthics @linamkhan @jcohen570 @reidhoffman https://ethicsinsociety.stanford.edu/events/tim-wu-curse-bigness-revisited-discussion-seminar … for your great panel. Wal-mart & Amazon model online for @WUaSPress @WorldUnivAndSch with CryptoCurrency w BlockChain w #UBI for 7.5 billion people, & employ 2.2 million people?



Radical Innovations in Global Health




Online World University and School Medical Schools in all ~200 countries' official/main languages with online teaching hospitals for clinical care with blockchain ledger, for example, and in Rwanda, Africa - it's worth exploring collaborating with Kamanzi and Ophelia Dahl in the Wellesley College video above.




Masai lion: How might a disabled WUaS student & in their room/home in a VIDEO classroom in Google Street View in Addison Museum add to learning exp?, Assistive_Technologies (planned in all 7,943 languages) and Museums (all in all languages) and Virtual Worlds at WUaS, Appreciating this Stanford University Online High School approach to group video classroom, and especially re WUaS's pedagogical plans for engaging the Conference Method re Reed College but online in developing new ways, Appreciating too outgoing Stanford University President Hennessy's talk and emphasis on entrepreneurship, leadership as well as the physical beauty of Stanford's campus, John Hennessy, Stanford University



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