Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Dendrobium lindley: Realistic virtual Myanmar temples' example - Great structure to riff with for a realistic virtual Harbin Hot Springs to begin, (Think IN Google Street View with TIME SLIDER / Maps / Earth), if people started, for example, to convert film/video from the 1960s/'70s into an interactive 3D virtual earth and then patched this together - as a NEW FORM OF HISTORY EVEN (as methodology etc, Such a video-to-realistic-3D-virtual-earth-with-avatar-bots computer application / program isn't written YET), Historical TRUTH machine too?, Quakers, nontheist Friends and Sexuality?, The Harvard chaplains are so diverse!, Harvard Quaker Chaplain, John Bach, and the 1960s


Dear Cedric, Nelson, Amir, Dean and All, 

I just came across this realistic virtual Myanmar temples' example - artsexperiments.withgoogle.com/bagan/ - and it seems germane to what we've talked about, Cedric, Amir and All ... 

Truth machine too?

"walking" and "ambling" are traveling / mobility words - part of many people's definition of tourism ... but not used in the context of a realistic virtual earth / Harbin often yet ... or language-wise in virtual worlds ... and re visiting, for example, the Harbin Hot Springs' gate here ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ~ https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook  ~ 

And re visiting heritage (UNESCO WHS and other) in each of all ~200 countries' official/main languages virtually - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States - in these major online MIT OCW-centric universities? How best to scale & grow this?


Great structure to riff with for a realistic virtual Harbin Hot Springs to begin https://artsexperiments.withgoogle.com/bagan/ & https://twitter.com/googlevr/status/985967564994985984… & https://support.google.com/edu/expeditions/answer/7034713?hl=en… @googlevand & for ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy… & for cells/atoms too https://twitter.com/HarbinBook/status/984880966870089728 … ~


In Aug 2016, earthquakes damaged the famous temples of Bagan in Myanmar. Thankfully, the @CyArk team created a 3D digital archive before disaster struck. With them, @googlearts was able to reconstruct key monuments which you can now explore in #VR here: https://artsexperiments.withgoogle.com/bagan/


Great 3D Google VR project focusing on Conservation, Recovery & Discovery with Architectural Design as a part https://artsandculture.google.com/project/cyark  Curious how it will dovetail with Street View w TIME SLIDER Maps / Earth in a realistic virtual universe for http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy?m=0 … @HarbinBook ~


Quakers, nontheist Friends and Sexuality?

Greetings, Friends, 

I’m surprised no one has mentioned the work of David Boulton which is where I would start. I attach
key ideas I’ve identified in “Real Like the Daisies or Real Like I Love You: Essays in Radical Quakerism.” Key for me. Peggy

Greetings, Peggy, David and f/Friends, 

Thank you, Peggy. Here are two reviews of David Boulton's “Real Like the Daisies or Real Like I Love You: Essays in Radical Quakerism”: 

I couldn't find an easily accessible and free copy of this writing online otherwise, however.

(Interesting to see too, online, your interests, Peggy:

Greetings to Pendle Hill and K-C Friends. 

Friendly regards, Scott


Thank you, Peggy.  How could we forget  David Boulton?  He was instrumental in starting this email list.

Anita Bower  :-)

WOW and THANKS  Scott!
Friends, note how most of the sexuality resources listed are OLD. I stopped facilitating workshops at FGC when  there were too few registered for one on the parent’s role in education children re sexuality.
I DO like my article on Friend’s leadership re sexuality in “ Friends Face the World.”  Eric Johnson’s 1980 FGC Keynote declared “we must unlearn that sex is a natural act- in fact we learn we are going to express our sexuality.”
Similar  thinking to Boulton’s on how we learn our idea of God. The enthusiasm for Eric’s talk was so great that following it Eric and I facilitated 3 huge afternoon workshops!! What are Friend’s saying NOW about sexuality?   Peggy Brick            


Hi Peggy,

Nontheist Friends/atheist Quakers on this email list haven't written very much about sexuality over the years that I can recall. I did a quick search in my gmail on "NtFs and sexuality" and noticed on July 5, 2012 in a thread (which thread extends from July 2012 into May of 2013) on "[NTF-talk] Bonobo Culture," this email touching on sexuality, for example: 

Hi Sergey,

Greetings from FGC. I'd recommend de Waal's book as well.

Here's a recent email of mine to this nontheist Friends' email list,
which I added to my blog -

And I've added other emails to this NtF list with thoughts about what
NtFs might learn from Bonobo here (haven't explored vice versa yet)
here -


and here -

http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/nontheist%20Friend .

And here's World University and School's Bonobo chimpanzee page for
further (somewhat academic) idea sharing, including videos, about
Bonobos -

http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Bonobo_chimpanzee .

It's the peace aspect of Bonobos - no known fatalities among them -
emerging via evolution by natural selection which I find so relevant
for Friends, and which I hope Quakers and NtFs might even learn from.
Is their 'peaceable kingdom' (the Congo isn't these days - it's a
republic with a fair amount of violence) because of their sexuality?

With f/Friendly greetings,

I recently learned, however, that Bonobo chimpanzees are not "peaceful" / pacific / non-harming - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/04/wetland-learned-something-new-that.html - as I had long thought the evidence suggested.

And while my blog does have a sexuality "label" - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/sexuality - and which may have cross-labels with the NtF label, for example, and my actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic book also focuses on questions of sexuality (and Quakers too) a bit because of all of the related Harbin Hot Springs workshops over the decades, such as the HAI / the Human Awareness Institute's "Love, Intimacy and Sexuality" workshops, for example - (visit the Harbin Hot Springs' gate here in Street View ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ~ and "walk" down the road 4 miles into Middletown, CA ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook ~) - sexuality and nontheist Friends/atheist Quakers might be an interest focus here in this NtF email list. 

As you ask, Peggy:

"What are Friends saying NOW about sexuality?" 

What are your thoughts about sexuality and f/Friends/Quakers these days, Peggy? 

(I'm particularly interested in questions of cultivating what I'm calling loving bliss neurophysiology and Quakers/NtFs in these regards). 

Peggy, did we overlap at Pendle Hill sometime between 1987 and about 1990? :)

Friendly cheers, Scott


Harvard Quaker Chaplains, John Bach, and the 1960s


Dear nontheist f/Friends, 

I just came across the Quaker chaplain at Harvard:

John Bach, Quaker Chaplain at Harvard

John Bach, Quaker Chaplain at Harvard

John Bach ’69

I arrived at Wesleyan in 1965, in the midst of the dirtiest little war imaginable, as part of the first class under the admission policy of John Hoy—a man who really rocked the boat, bringing in a lot of minorities and taking chances on a lot of interesting people whose SAT scores might not have immediately qualified them for a Little Three education.

He's also the Friend-in-Residence at Cambridge Friends' Meeting.

I wonder how he would share about / teach about nontheist Friends, if Harvard students might have questions about NtFs, their thinking about atheism and Quakers, or if members of the Harvard community might want to talk about nontheism among Friends, for example.

Chaplaincy at Harvard also seems to have a pastoral care / mental health / psychotherapy focus. (I just blogged yesterday about this - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/04/aeschynanthus-harvard-college-students.html - with an hour-long video from Harvard experts focusing on counseling for college students - and re World University and School and the opportunity to offer psychotherapy and study this too rigorously and academically, in all ~200 countries' official  / main languages). 

What would be flourishing NtF mental health, I wonder - and re John Bach's first video, for example, in his role as Quaker Harvard chaplain? 

He also seems to be a bit of a hippy, having gone to Wesleyan in 1965 (and graduated in 1973).

Quite a diverse group of chaplains there - https://chaplains.harvard.edu/people - and there have been chaplains at Harvard since the 1630s, I think. As I listen to some of these Harvard chaplains of diverse faiths on internet video, the language of these faith traditions is fascinating, smart, diverse, and can be theistic. (Just re-tweeted this Harvard Mormon chaplain's video - https://twitter.com/sgkmacleod/status/987066376677281792 ). 

If a John Bach wanted to find out more about nontheistic Friends in his role as Harvard Quaker chaplain, because a student had asked him about NtFs re the student's personal search, what would NtFs John read? The Nontheist Quakers' Wikipedia page -  - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nontheist_Quakers - in English and Spanish (which are very different articles)?

Friendly greetings, 

- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President  

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 


What would be flourishing NtF mental health, I wonder - and re John Bach's first video, for example, in his role as Quaker Harvard chaplain? 

He also seems to be a bit of a hippy, having gone to Wesleyan in 1965 (and graduated in 1973).

I wouldn't say that dropping out of Wesleyan after your sophomore year, awaiting a draft notice in France, returning and refusing induction (and getting a three-year expense-paid vacation at a Federal prison) and then returning to graduate was exactly what hippies were doing in those days!

A remarkable story.



The history of hippies in the '60s/'70s, Quakers and conscientious objectors is interesting, possibly sometimes harrowing, and something I learn from. 

Friendly cheers, Scott

I was comparing John Bach did with what my brother, who is almost the same age, was doing. My brother dropped out of college, went to New York, joined up with a bunch of hippies in the East Village, dropped a bunch of acid, smoked a bunch of pot (fortunately didn't go any further drugwise) and eventually moved with his girlfriend and their child to the country. So that's what I imagine when I think "hippies". 

This was about the same time that my wife and I started attending meeting (although I'd had considerable experience with Quakers when I was young and attended, of all things, the Quaker worship group at Wesleyan, from which I graduated in 1962 and where I served as an instructor in 1964-65, just before John Bach came on campus...I had just finished my degree and moved to Texas so John and I did not overlap.) The Quakers and the Unitarians in Austin Texas were the only groups seriously working against the Vietnam war in 1967 when we started attending, and my earlier experience with Quakers made Friends Meeting the obvious choice for us.

I'd be interested to hear more about hippie/Quaker connections; I wasn't really aware of them at the time.


I'm not aware of any books or writings about this, but I'd posit that numerous connections grew and flourished re Friends and hippies in the '60s and 70s. I'm curious too to learn further about this. I could see a wide range of trajectories (book-wise, thesis-wise) that this could take.


I could also see a wide range of trajectories that connections grew and flourished re Friends and hippies in the '60s and '70s could take in an unfolding realistic virtual earth (think Google Street View with TIME SLIDER / Maps / Earth), if people started, for example, to convert film/video from the 1960s/'70s into an interactive 3D virtual earth and then patched this together - as a new form of history even (as methodology etc). (Such a video-to-realistic-3D-virtual-earth-with-avatar bots computer application / program isn't written yet). Doing this might even allow us to re-live / re-experience hippies and Quakers in the '60s/'70s. I kind of "go there" actually in watching/listening to the Harvard Quaker chaplain John Bach. :)

See, too: 




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