Hi M,
Banana pancakes yesterday for breakfast, and my hair is growing longer.
Would like to have my own children around, M ... curious how to realize this in a democratic society on the west coast or on Cuttyhunk (or possibly even in P when they're bigger - like high school age).
Things seem to have quieted down in Canyon over the 11 or so years I've been here ... but I'm also pretty much a "solo orangutan" here.
Heading to the Scottish Country Dance party in Mountain View / Los Altos this evening - the last class of the spring was last week. It's in the Garden House of Shoup Park which I've never been to before, and which you can see here - https://www.google.com/maps/place/Shoup+Park/@37.375408,-122.118175,3a,86.1y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1shttps:%2F%2Fjulianalee.com%2Flos-altos%2Fparks%2Fshoup-park-4.jpg!2e7!3e27!6s%2F%2Flh4.googleusercontent.com%2Fproxy%2FC2Va-E_sORHcQ0NJQltN3GfqIjiS-kve3B0M-UrIHP4oHniJ3i49dqhlWe_ib-A2eNPmX-hILgyAxZOzaG0AeDBplCUOcEWaJiHkIU1i3bCbazZ1MHZnahgbdk6FnavVf-NN9AeTLzSklEcqTnAnr5E98eFII4I%3Dw129-h86-k-no!7i1132!8i755!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xd85fe99a66dae03f!8m2!3d37.375662!4d-122.119321.
Could have been a pretty hippy area in the 1960s and '70s, and it's also kind of right in Silicon Valley ... interesting to visit in 2018, and kind of as a scholar of the information technology revolution ... and of Silicon Valley in a sense too (re the course I teach - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv.html ).
For example:
"In 1976, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, along with others including Ronald Wayne, built the first 50 Apple I's in Jobs's garage in Los Altos. Jobs, Wozniak, and Wayne founded Apple Computer, Inc on 1 April 1976.[15]" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Los_Altos,_California). And Paul Shoup, after whom the park where we're dancing is named, was a founding member of the Stanford Graduate School of Business ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Shoup ).
Would like to begin writing the further books (see below) I have in mind - e.g. https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/02/carpobrotus-poetry-as-mind-expanding.html - & esp. https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/01/hemerocallis-lilioasphodelus-flower.html - after finishing up this NSF grant and getting a fundraising department happening at World University and School.
What are you up to today? How are you?
L, Scott
- http://www.scottmacleod.com/HaikuishPoetryBook.html
- http://www.scottmacleod.com/ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html
Hi M,
How are you? And how is the weather in Pgh? What are you up to as summer arrives?
Hot here today on the hill where I live, so it was time to head to a cooler place. Got some of the NSF grant begun - 3 out of ~7 forms yesterday afternoon - and then some forms seemed to disappear, so I inquired on phone & in emails today about the possibility of getting on a NSF FastLane process (for a number of reasons), and heard back from the head NSF person on this grant, E.C., with a FastLane telephone number, which I called, and then that the grant application period closes on July 2nd - and that process is important here (see emails below). I'm hoping this grant will get the non-profit wing of WUaS going financially, and help WUaS get ~100 students matriculating online in our accrediting online MIT OCW-centric university this autumn.
On with the NSF grant further ... Received the physical books today of my "Haiku~ish" that I'll bring to Portland for Sat, Jun 9 at the Reed College Marketplace, before heading to eastern Oregon.
Talk with you soon.
L, Scott
Dear L,
In calling NSF's E.c. soon, I'm curious about attending this conference in London on Fr June 15th on Open Identity Exchange - http://www.openidentityexchange.org/bitgov/events/london/ - and re our WUaS coding moment of building out with Wikidata for WUaS endusers/matriculated students, and planning for learners in all 7,097 living languages, and even for all 7.5 billion people with an Universal Basic Income to distribute a cryptocurrency with blockchain ledger (backed by ~200 countries' central banks). OpenIdentityExchange will be a KEY element of this re phone numbers / emails to distribute an UBI CONCEPTUALLY and PLANNING wise, and I met Tony Lai and Don Thibeau (and Helen Disney and possibly others on this list) at a recent Stanford Law OIX event - https://law.stanford.edu/event/oid/ - on May 9th.
Would be good to get into world travel mode re WUaS after some 11 years or more - E.C. may be able to help with this urgent request for funds!
This conference is only 17 days away, so WUaS's NSF request for funding would indeed be urgent - and they may have a path for urgent requests.
Sincerely, Scott
Dear E.C., and S,
Thank you for suggesting calling FastLane, E! And nice to talk with you S!
E, I talked with S.M. at FastLane, and she was very helpful, shared her email address, and also suggested calling Grants.gov to gain access to my web documents through them, which I did, - partly because this World Univ & Sch grant isn't in a NSF FastLane or Research.gov track yet. There is however some urgency in my "World Univ & Sch Accelerating Discovery: Educating the Future STEM Workforce" application - in seeking to matriculate our first undergraduate online class in English this autumn for free-to-students' CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare-centric online accrediting Bachelor degrees. (I'm re-attaching the "World Univ and Sch Federal Grants Proposal Project Outline Nancy Pelosi April 24 2018" which emerged from a 2nd Federal Grants' workshop in Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi's Office this spring for your information).
In calling Grants.gov and in learning this application interface, and after clicking on "Manage Workspaces," I searched on the "Application Filing Name:""World Univ & Sch Accelerating Discovery: Educating the Future STEM Workforce," which name I had entered yesterday, - and to learn that my "Workspace ID:" .... I hope to finish submitting these documents very soon.
Not only is there urgency in developing WUaS's first undergraduate class of approximately 100 online undergraduate students this autumn, I'm also curious about attending this conference in London on Fr June 15th on Open Identity Exchange - http://www.openidentityexchange.org/bitgov/events/london/ - and re our WUaS coding moment of building out newly in Wikidata/Wikibase for WUaS endusers/matriculated students, and planning for learners in all 7,097 living languages, and even for all 7.5 billion people - exploring this with a potential Universal Basic Income in order to distribute a single cryptocurrency with blockchain ledger (backed by ~200 countries' central banks). OpenIdentityExchange will be a KEY element of this re phone numbers / emails to distribute an UBI, CONCEPTUALLY and PLANNING-wise, (and I met Stanford Law CodeX's Tony Lai and Don Thibeau (and Helen Disney and possibly others on this list) at a recent Stanford Law OIX event - https://law.stanford.edu/event/oid/ - on May 9th.
This OIX conference is only 17 days away, so WUaS's NSF request for funding would indeed be urgent in this regard too. E and S, what would be the best approach with the NSF for urgent requests such as this? Would it be possible please to move this grant application into FastLane, for example?
World University and School is seeking to become the online Harvard / MIT / Stanford / Oxbridge of the internet and to offer free-to-students' CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare-centric degrees (where MIT OCW is now in 5 languages) and eventually in 200 countries' and their official / main languages, where Wikipedia / Wikidata is in 301 languages, and WUaS is in Wikidata.
Thank you so much for your help thus far.
Sincerely, Scott