Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Canada lynx: WUaS wiki Subject pages can eventually use this MIT OCW-into-MITx 3 x 3 as a model here - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/mitx-related-courseware/ - for design purposes, and re courses on all WUaS Subject pages - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects ... and combined with Mosaic mode here - https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/?view=mosaic - where individuals would be able to add their own course URL, in addition to the MIT OCW and Yale OYC courses, for example, which would then turn into a box, and even be machine translatable eventually * * * Scottish kids?, Quaker kids? or? as first undergraduate online students at WUaS for free-to-students' best STEM OCW Bachelor degrees - ... when WUaS gets funding? * * *Reed College conference method+ informing undergraduate education at WUaS * * * Draft LETTER OF SUPPORT on behalf of World Univ and Sch - WUaS to innovate in the development of an interactive realistic virtual earth (think Google Street View with time slider / Maps / Earth / Brain / TensorFlow / Translate and Google Education +) for STEM * * * WUaS ACCREDITATION proceeding * * * HARBIN and the State of California


I wonder if World Univ and Sch's wiki Subject pages can eventually use this MIT OCW-into-MITx 3 x 3 as a model here - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/mitx-related-courseware/ - for design purposes, and re courses on all WUaS Subject pages - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects ... and combined with Mosaic mode here - https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/?view=mosaic - where individuals would be able to add their own course URL, in addition to the MIT OCW and Yale OYC, for example, which would then turn into a box, and even be machine translatable eventually ...


Scottish kids?, Quaker kids? or? as first undergraduate online students at WUaS for free-to-students' best STEM OCW Bachelor degrees -  ... when WUaS gets funding?


... Reed College conference method+ informing undergraduate education at WUaS


Hi G,

Is R in 11th grade this year, or 12th (or?). (Any chance he can get residency in Washington for a year before matriculation at UW? ... although that probably wouldn't matter tuition-wise as an Evans Scholar). I'm budgeting currently for this WUAS NSF application based on Stanford TAs' pay to pay WUaS GSIs to teach sections to MIT OCW faculty in video, in something like Google group video Hangouts, conceptually. This isn't a Reed College professor teaching-a-course approach at WUaS, albeit the MIT faculty in video and their MIT OCW will be teaching in a sense. And I'd like to model WUaS's undergraduate education in other ways on Reed's approaches.

FYI, I continue to get edX emails listing their new course offerings (from a variety of colleges around the world, but edX was founded by MIT/MITx & Harvard/HarvardX), and its courses look timely and topical. May inquire again with edX if WUaS can eventually offer these courses for credit toward a free-to-students' Bachelor's degree, to complement the CC-4 MIT OCW in 5 languages we'll be offering for free-to-students' online university degrees. There are around 100 MIT OCW courses converted into MITx courses available at edX - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/mitx-related-courseware/ (accessible from https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2017/05/el-avila-national-park-potential-mit.html and https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2017/04/strelitzia-mit-ocw-in-mitx-and-wuas.html) - and for free, or, if one wants a single course's certificate, they could cost approx. $50-300 last time I checked.

The wiki side of WUaS would allow all of us to both teach and learn in the subjects we're interested in :) Glad WUaS got a new "front end" WUaS Miraheze Mediawiki last year - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects - which isn't yet connected to its Wikidata/Wikibase "backend" in Wikipedia's 301 languages.


Draft LETTER OF SUPPORT on behalf of World Univ and Sch:

World University and School has a long and continuing focus on excellence with its CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare-centricity (in 5 languages) for free-to-students’ online university and high school degrees and especially with regards to the NSF’s goal of “Accelerating Discovery: Educating the Future STEM Workforce.“  Not only does WUaS seek to develop excellence in teaching undergraduates online, emerging from both MIT OCW & Yale OYC faculties in these regards, WUaS in also planning to become ~200 major online research universities - the Harvards / Stanfords / MITs / Oxbridges of the internet - and not only at the undergraduate level, but also at the Ph.D, Bachelor, Law and I.B. high school levels.
Online WUaS thus seeks to create highest achieving undergraduate educational opportunities with a focus on STEM careers in something like Google group video Hangouts, with an emphasis on teaching and learning as conversation, and also to innovate in the development of an interactive realistic virtual earth (think Google Street View with time slider / Maps / Earth / Brain / TensorFlow / Translate and Google Education +) for STEM as well. Such a MIT OCW-centric universities’ faculty for teaching and STEM research will exemplify the multidisciplinary and especially multi-lingual nature of WUaS’s collaborations for teaching – with regards to accelerating STEM discoveries.
... I write in strong support of this startup STEM and career oriented teaching and research university at the undergraduate level, but also for its other planned online degrees, - and especially for WUaS’s plans eventually to be in all ~200 countries’ official and main languages as major online universities, as well as its plans to develop in all 7,097 living languages as wiki schools., and regarding STEM careers here too. 
In this startup time, WUaS seeks to develop its beginning distinguished faculty by hiring, for example, Stanford, MIT and University of California graduate students teaching to MIT and Yale faculty, and on the path to becoming faculty members at greatest universities, and eventually in many languages.  NSF’s funding for this will enable such WUaS STEM faculty excellence to grow. And our support for this alignment will make online WUaS very competitive, and a destination for highest achieving students from the US and all countries to excel STEM-wise with free-to-students’ CC-4 MIT OCW-centric WUaS university degrees.

... I strongly support the funding of Scott GK MacLeod’s WUaS grant proposal for NSF grant PD-18-1998, “Accelerating Discovery: Educating the Future STEM Workforce,“ to educate further an online STEM workforce through WUaS’s online MIT OCW-centric university and high school degrees. Thank you.



Hi M,

Plants are doing ok last time I checked this morning, I'm glad to say.

Called Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education, asked for the state of California's JW, and talked with her replacement, I think. He said BPPE still costs $5000 for 2 years:

"Hi M,

Thanks, and nice to talk just now. (Greetings to Joanne Wenzel, with whom I talked in February 2013 about this too, if you're still in touch). Please send me BPPE fees/info about accreditation in California. I'll plan to budget for $5000 for a current grant application due soon, unless I hear a different figure from you. As I understand the process, the $5000 would be for two years, and coincide with the initial stages of accreditation with WSCUC / WASC senior. Thank you.


Found J.W. online interestingly from 2011 in a Youtube video, where she's also talking about regulating massage in the state of California ... and that the state has new enforcement people for this, which is good to hear re Harbin (never quite sure how the State of CA and Harbin have done their dance around law, say since 1972 when Ishvara got the place, so this was good to hear ... that at least there's thinking on the part of the State of Calif about Harbin re legal questions ... but California, and Harbin too, will/could probably explore a kind of edge in these regards ... not to my taste perchance, but which can be interesting anthropologically, and alternatively ... ) ... Here's the video if you're interested ...

CAPPS 27th Annual Conference. October 14, 2011.  BPPE Update with Joanne Wenzel and Karen Newquist.
- https://youtu.be/nCgmYNoQc3M

Good perhaps to get this into this email to you re a kind of record too.

L, Scott



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