Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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In an EV3?https://t.co/iycbqhZOzXIn what ways could our kids - & NASA too! - best head to Mars in the 2030s - ESPECIALLY in a #RealisticVirtualUniverse -https://t.co/1JGKW2D1x2& re Lego Drones - #LegoDrones @WUaSPress #Mars2030s > #ActualVirtual - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Space - A call for a #RealisticVirtualUniverse at the Street View, cellular & atomic levels, & for developing #ActualVirtual  correspondence - for physics & chemistry & space exploration. Help our students travel to #Mars2030s realistically & in Lego robot space craft they design/build, Nontheist Friends and virtual Harbin / Earth


In an EV3?
In what ways could our kids - & NASA too! - best head to Mars in the 2030s - ESPECIALLY in a #RealisticVirtualUniverse -
& re Lego Drones - #LegoDrones @WUaSPress #Mars2030s > 
- #ActualVirtual -


- https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1022451646180286464 -


In an EV3? In what ways could our kids - and NASA too - best head to Mars in the 2030s ESPECIALLY in a #RealisticVirtualUniverse -
& re Lego Drones https://t.co/qwJC8SyF4c - #LegoRobotics @WUaSPress #Mars2030s > 
- #ActualVirtual -


A call for a #RealisticVirtualUniverse at the Street View, cellular & atomic levels, & for developing #ActualVirtual  correspondence - for physics & chemistry & space exploration. Help our students travel to #Mars2030s realistically & in Lego robot space craft they design/build

- https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1022456018666774528 -


From Jim C to the non-theism Friends' email list. ...

Message from a Friend
“When I study the matter universe, I am continually struck by a feeling of wonder.  I don't imagine that the structures, functions, etc. that I see have been miraculously created by processes outside the possibility of rational analysis and so on, but that still leaves me feeling "awed" by the Wonder of it all.

On Friday, June 8, 2018 at 10:53:56 AM UTC-4, W wrote:
Hello All, 

I am not new to the idea of Nontheism, and not new to the practices of an organized religion, but very new to Quakerism. I have been a self-proclaimed secular humanist for quite some time now, but before that, I was completely devoted to the Christian church. I was so devoted to the faith that I wished to spend my life studying Christian theology. It was in the beginnings of that research that I lost the "faith." Since I have lost my faith, I have had no group to call home. I am an early 20s midwestern small-town guy, and I am very alone in my beliefs here. Though I still pray to what I call the Personifications of Ideologies, meaning that I will pray to Odin not believing in Odin, but believing in what he represents. In a way, it's focusing my mind on the category of wisdom and foresight with the name of that category being Odin. Aphrodite and love is another example. This practice allows me to keep my habit of prayer even though it's a sort of pseudo prayer, and allows me to think and live a little bit like my ancient ancestors. This personal version of prayer also satisfies my need for an inner dialog that is directed towards ideas and things that are bigger than I am. I have the habit of prayer that still I need but I have no group. I came across the Nontheist Friends searching for a group to call home, but I can't seem to find a list of tenets or practices. What is the inner light and does it have something to do with enlightenment? Is a Nontheist Quaker a pacifist? Are there rules? Whether there is a formal list of Nontheist Quaker tenets or not, I would love to see a summary of rules and ideologies.      

Thank you for letting me join your email group and for taking the time to read what I have to say. I look forward to learning more about Nontheist Quakerism and speaking with you all.

Have a pleasant day! 


Hi Jim, and Wyatt, and non-theist Quakers (there are some among us:),

It might be interesting to add ideas about NtFs and the 'inner light' here -
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nontheist_Quakers - which may have some further related information you could be interested in re NtFs, Wyatt and Jim. It's wiki, so it's editable (and there's also a Spanish version, interestingly).

And here are some recent related Tweets
about creating a realistic virtual universe -
https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1022456018666774528 ...

And about Odin and Aphrodite, and learning at virtual Harbin Harbin Hot Springs and re World Univ & Sch -
https://twitter.com/HarbinBook/status/1022473340156616712 (there's an aspect about learning in virtual worlds with avatars, foe example, where this involves creating, as in creative computing) ...

And a call for a realistic virtual Harbin in a #RealisticVirtualEarth at Street View, cellular & atomic levels, & for developing #ActualVirtual correspondence, which we could all build & for ethnographic/myth/religion study - Help #NtFs visit virtual @HarbinBook & learn abt eg Odin/Aphrodite too
- https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1022475218030415873 ...

There's much wonder in NtF creation especially.

Friendly regards,


Thank you for the replies, quote, and links. I'll certainly be looking into this further. 


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