Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Indian tulip tree: Scottish gatherings as network, At Scottish Games yesterday in MacLeod tribe tent - where history is shared - was talking about how to 'googlify' history INTERVIEWs for MASSIVE amounts of DATA: Google Street View / Waymo cars into rolling robots with Sophia-Hanson Robotics' faces, AI & voices?, ... & re MUSEUM Robotics, African Robotics, & re actual/virtual Harbin robotics - - to converse, interact, collect & synthesize histories & genealogies, etc., "Plantae: Harbiniana the Harbin robot became a Professor :) "I am Harbiniana, a new physical/virtual Robot ... ,"""River surfing: I am Dr. Surge Robot Doc, MD, DDS, & you are all on the Board of the company I'm part of > How would you deploy me ... ," Is tossing the caber an Olympic sport?, Curling? , Surfing?, What does freedom or independence look like for Scots in Scotland in the 2020s, Best India / Saudi / Pakistani bagpipe bands that have competed in Scotland?, An oral history Robot in EVERY museum in ~200 nation states -eg in all 57 countries in Africa in its ART, re #AfricanRobotics, African & British sculpture for centuries -both heads/busts & full body

Next: Apple blossoms: Online Lego Robotics' Hangouts - for PLAYING SOCIALLY and which are successful?, Am interested TOO in facilitating both Lego Robotics and especially Scratch 'Get Togethers' / Meetups - for LEARNING ROBOTICS and PROGRAMMING, " Mountain apollo butterfly: Robotics and Scratch programming language, Most promising robots for home creative robotics, "MIT system lets humans control robots with brainwaves and hand gestures ....,"" Red chocolate chip sea starfish ... 1 Scratch programming, 2 Robotics, 3 Brainwave headsets," Harvard's Woodberry Poetry Room Readings @WPRHarvard … Inspiring introduction here, & re writing my next (2nd) book of poetry (due this autumn @WUaSPress ~ > https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Poetry, Recent update on World Univ & Sch's accreditation developments, … An oral history ROBOT in EVERY museum in EACH of ~200 nation states as Unis https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States … to CONVERSE, INTERACT, SYNTHESIZE ... as mini Google CAR w Sophia-HansonRobotics to begin?

Hi M (nee Mrs. Kirkbride:),

Have a great trip!

Got your email at the Scottish gathering!

Nice to have that little church as a center on Cuttyhunk. Hope you were able to say farewell to many friends there. That Cuttyhunk church as network is great - with parallels in some ways to Scottish gatherings as network.

May have gotten a new bagpiping pupil, beginning on the practice chanter, named Maggie - after a conversation in the Clan MacLeod tent, which would be great and fun.  To be seen ...

Afternoon at the games was fun too. Nice to talk with Pipe Sergeant of the Piedmont Highlanders' Matt A and long-time Bay Area native who went to the Quaker Haverford College Bruce M (and who hitchhiked around the periphery of Scotland for 3 months in 1973), two pipers, esp. and also to hear Alasdair Fraser's Scottish fiddlers play, among other enjoyable moments:) (There are still a fair number of Scottish Californian hippies around, I'd say:)

Centering to be among Scots somehow.

Safe travels.



Two further musical Tweets with video re these Scottish Games from Sunday ...



* *

At Scottish Games yesterday in MacLeod tribe tent - where history is shared - was talking about how to 'googlify' history INTERVIEWs for massive data amounts: Google Street View/Waymo cars into rolling robots with Sophia - Hanson Robotics' faces, AI & voices? https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Historical_Societies_Open_Teaching_and_Learning_Resources ~





As ethnographer, am curious how to 'googlify' anthropology / history INTERVIEWs for massive data amounts: Google Street View/Waymo cars into rolling robots with Sophia - Hanson Robotics' faces, AI & voices? & re actual/virtual Harbin robotics @HarbinBook http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/02/river-surfing-i-am-dr-surge-robot-doc.html…~





As ethnographer, am curious how to 'googlify' anthropology / history INTERVIEWs for massive data amounts: Google Street View/Waymo cars into rolling robots with Sophia - Hanson Robotics' faces, AI & voices? & re actual/virtual Harbin robotics @HarbinBook http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/05/plantae-where-is-tega-learning-robot.html… ~





is tossing the caber a scottish sport?
is tossing the caber an Olympic sport?
See too: is curling a scottish sport?
> https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Athletics,_Physical_Education_and_Recreation… @WUaSPress ~



Is curling a Scottish sport? "The origin of curling traces back to 16th century Scotland, where the sport was played on frozen ponds and lochs. ... Curling first appeared as a medal sport at the 1924 Olympics in Chamonix, France. http://time.com/5092825/curling-sport-terms-rules-history/… > https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Athletics,_Physical_Education_and_Recreation…~



Is curling an Olympic sport? "Curling has been a medal sport in the Winter Olympic Games since the 1998 Winter Olympics. It currently includes men's, women's and mixed doubles tournaments (the mixed tournament first time in 2018)"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curling (https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1036629349187739654…)


* *

Best India / Saudi / Pakistani bagpipe bands that have competed in Scotland?
"Thirsty for fame: Pakistan's camel-mounted military bagpipe band"
https://www.dawn.com/news/1221934 -
A reminder for the Scots: India has a thriving bagpipe tradition too
https://scroll.in/article/665319/a-reminder-for-the-scots-india-has-a-thriving-bagpipe-tradition-too… -
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_pipe_bands… ~




re African & British sculpture for centuries - both heads/busts & full body, & as ethnographer https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1036648207973941248 am curious how to 'googlify' anthropology / history INTERVIEWs for massive data amounts: Google Street View cars into rolling robots with Sophia-Hanson Robotics



An oral history Robot in EVERY museum in ~200 nation states -eg in all 57 countries in Africa in its ART- think a mini Google/Waymo CAR w Sophia-HansonRobotics - to converse, interact, collect & synthesize histories & genealogies https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Museums - all 7,097 living languages' too ~








Is surfing Olympic sport?
"Surfing at the Summer Olympics will make its debut in 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan. After several attempts at inclusion in Olympics-International Surfing Association successful-in 2020 Games."
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surfing_at_the_2020_Summer_Olympics… - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Athletics,_Physical_Education_and_Recreation… ~





"This collection of essays focuses on an aspect of being an anthropologist that are rarely discussed: the need to be entrepreneurial  in a university milieu where values drawn from the business world seem to be displacing those of the academy."




* * *

Focus this project by posting to Twitter Katrina @klgargett ? A 280 character limit does wonders for succinctness in writing :) > https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Social_Media… >  #RealisticVirtualEarth & #RealisticVirtualEarthForArchaeology > https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Archaeology… in many Langs  @WorldUnivAndSch ~



* * *

Methinks re

What does freedom or self-rule or sovereignty look like for Scots in Scotland in the 2020s - as an independent country? Besides possibly having first to get out of the United Kingdom, and then seek admittance into the European Union, and in further defining taxation and defense questions, as well as defining economic and financial questions, - what else? Scots have had their own legal system, as well as educational system for centuries. The SNP will play a role in navigating all these questions, I'd guess, as will Scottish democratic processes. And with information technology - and with regard to society and information technology questions? Scots did build their own parliamentary building in Edinburgh around the year 2000, so much deliberation about all of this will probably emerge in the Scottish Parliament as well. 


So, further, ... What does freedom or self-rule or sovereignty or independence look like for Scots in Scotland in the 2020s?

that the country or the nation state, so citizenship, with the 'structures' of a sovereign state will be significant and the "basic unit" too ... and that the 'people' will decide ... and that law and international law will be very significant too ...


Searched on "Scotland and Republic of Ireland as nation states" -

"Could the Republic of Ireland be a model for Scotland as nation state?"
Scottish independence: Ireland since 1919 is a lesson for Scotland in what a Yes vote means
https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/scottish-independence-ireland-since-1919-is-a-lesson-for-scotland-in-what-a-yes-vote-means-9727596.html… -

- https://twitter.com/sgkmacleod/status/1036696396139622400

Found also ...
- https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/scottish-independence-ireland-since-1919-is-a-lesson-for-scotland-in-what-a-yes-vote-means-9727596.html
- https://www.theguardian.com/notesandqueries/query/0,,-84806,00.html&ved=2ahUKEwiF28Px4sTcAhVoJMAKHedOATwQFjABegQIDRAE&usg=AOvVaw3hBmlKormnUnI9b0OYcpuF

- https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2014/09/scotland-other-nation-states-wo-201491953340408707.html

... and re the border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland - which is under EU rules - a friend just sent me ...


... and I realize that a kind of -re-unification of north and south could be a very significant issue for Ireland as a nation state ...


Thanx, E, 

Internet stopped working right as I was about yo text you the following ... so emailing you this now that it came back on ... Posted some further thoughts re all of this in the middle here -  http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/09/indian-tulip-tree-scottish-gatherings.html?m=0 - including some thoughts about African Robotics ... wonder where WUaS's planned online law schools - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Law_School - in each of all ~200 countries will play out here, as well as how 'Celtic Knot' Quakers on both sides of the Giants' Causeway - https://www.google.com/maps/place/Giant's+Causeway/@55.2408073,-6.5115554,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xf3228ca019de1fd2!8m2!3d55.2408073!4d-6.5115554 - see these questions of independent 4 possible nation states in the British Isles :)


... from the email ...

Thanx, E, for


Internet stopped working right as I was about to text you the following ... so emailing you this now that it came back on ... Posted some further thoughts re all of this in the middle here -  http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/09/indian-tulip-tree-scottish-gatherings.html?m=0 - including some thoughts about African Robotics ... wonder where WUaS's planned online law schools in all ~200 countries will play out here, as well as how 'Celtic Knot' Quakers on both sides of the "Giants' Causeway" see these questions of possibly 4 independent possible nation states in the British Isles :)

What role might the internet play in enhancing their economic future together, as well?


* * *

As ethnographer, am curious how to 'googlify' anthropology / history INTERVIEWs for massive data amounts: Google Street View/Waymo cars into rolling robots with Sophia - Hanson Robotics' faces, AI & voices? & re actual/virtual Harbin robotics @HarbinBook http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/02/river-surfing-i-am-dr-surge-robot-doc.html~


As ethnographer, am curious how to 'googlify' anthropology / history INTERVIEWs for massive data amounts: Google Street View/Waymo cars into rolling robots with Sophia - Hanson Robotics' faces, AI & voices? & re actual/virtual Harbin robotics @HarbinBook http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/05/plantae-where-is-tega-learning-robot.html ~



* * *

Plantae: Harbiniana the Harbin robot became a Professor :) "I am Harbiniana, a new physical/virtual Robot. I can give & receive Watsu well ... I'm also interested in human cultures/counterculture?" ... Where is Tega the learning robot today, & esp in terms of A.I. ENGAGEMENT with kids?, "Into A Realistic Virtual Earth @HarbinBook (think Google Street View & AVATAR BOTS MIT @medialab Dance You Miner ...," Curious what the most interesting ETHNOGRAPHIC writing today is about the developments in online translation programs, and fruitful directions ahead for coding, & especially re the WUaS Universal Translator and indigenous languages

http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/05/plantae-where-is-tega-learning-robot.html ...

* *

River surfing: I am Dr. Surge Robot Doc, MD, DDS, & you are all on the Board of the company I'm part of > How would you deploy me in this early phase of A.I./robotics, differentially to India, Africa, China, British Commonwealth countries, the Middle East, Europe @WUaSPress in all countries?, I am Ms Angelina, a Robot Lawyer Judge. I work closely with my human counterpart & you are all on the Board of the Co/Govt I'm part of. I'm multi-lingual & quite friendly, helpful & just. My Ai legal knowledge improves daily. ... I am Harbiniana, a new physical/virtual Robot. I can give & receive Watsu well ... I am Rory Doc MacRobot, MD, DDS, & you are all on the Board of the company I'm part of > I can Scottish Country Dance & play music quite well technically ... I am Sophia and a Saudi Arabian citizen, legally (what does it mean to be a citizen in KSA?), To wiki Law at WUaS, From the Harbin Hot Springs' gate, "walk" down the road 4 miles to Middletown, California, and "amble" around the streets there from the "Visit the Harbin Gate ..." link here - https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ... virtual Avatar bots corresponding to actual Robots will emerge in Google Street View in all likelihood ...

http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/02/river-surfing-i-am-dr-surge-robot-doc.html  ...

* * *

An oral history ROBOT in EVERY museum in EACH of ~200 nation states eg in all 57 countries in Africa in its ART Think a mini Google/Waymo CAR w Sophia-HansonRobotics - to converse, interact, SynTHESIZE https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Museums ~
https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/09/indian-tulip-tree-scottish-gatherings.html -





re #AfricanRobotics, African & British sculpture for centuries -both heads/busts & full body, & as ethnographer https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/09/indian-tulip-tree-scottish-gatherings.html am curious how to 'GOOGLIFY' Anthropology/History interviews for massive data amounts: Google cars into rolling robots w Sophia-Hanson Robotics









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